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When Girls Are On Their Period/pmsing

Guest BU_RP

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lol, i don't think i would ever tell my s/o whether my time has come

i'm pretty normal during that 'time'

no pms or cramps

but dangg my friend acts like a cranky pinkberry when she has it

she's always moody and she never does her work so i always

have to do it for her.

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Guest xbbyangelgrl

i think he likes you :]

in the way he is treating you haha

unless he is a super close guy friend.

during my pms i yell at my bf for the littlest things haha

but he takes it and i apologize afterwards :sweatingbullets:

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Guest xiuieee

well my ex-boyfriend chose to stay FAR FAR AWAY!!! cuz i turn into a monster when i cramp...so much pain..so much frustration...and THERE HE IS! THE MAN I LIKE....VICTIM!

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omg! is this guy ur bf? damn! that is just about the cutest story ever. i usually never get bad cramps, so nobody treats me like that. but i do tend to snap at my brothers all the time and they're like "wth!?". and thats when i realize i need to calm down

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lmao. i get them pretty bad. ive attempted breaking up with my ex over the smallest things. i totally loose control. i always pre warn him ahead of time. i remember this one time he picked me up and we were kidding. and i was like "o h im just being stupid" and he jokingly said " yes you are" and i slapped him -_- i felt so awful.

but meh, i dont regret anything now hahahahahahahha :lol:

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So under that logic, you can excuse guys for being sexually inappropriate due to the excess levels of testosterones we have compared to females.

No. You are responsible for your own actions. If you are on your period and you feel really ill, just stay home, notice how they allocate around 12 days paid sick leave? That's to cater for females specifically for their periods, as for most girls, one day per cycle is much worse than the others.

First of all, girls can be as sexually inappropriate as guys. We just have the self control enough to keep our mouths shut and keeps our hands to ourselves. But, guys don't have intense pains in that area when they're sexually inappropriate. They're not feeling like crap when they're like that. They're not bloated and breaking out like hell. However girls are when they're on their period, and they can't control what they're feeling, nor their body. You will never know how it feels to be a girl on her period, and don't compare chemical and physical reactions that put your body on haywire to a wrong calculation in judgment on a guy's part.

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when i have cramps, my bf doesn't know what to do haha. he told me he'd get his mum (when i was over) for help! i was like OMFG DONT lol!

when i talk about it, he finds it kinda sick though haha. it's kinda funny watching him cringe.

as for pms... i warned him about it cuz i get LOTS of mood swings. i dunno how he handles it. he gets upset but eh it's not my fault !

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Guest i ♡ jamkooruhgi`

well i get pretty snappy or emotioal -___-;

i haven't snapped at my bf yet cuz we haven't been with each other for long,

but i remember when i was sitting down i had a bad stomache ache.

i wasnt on my period.

i usually get a sharp pain my stomache at times, and when i was with him it happened so

i was kind of holding my stomache slouching -___-

and he rushed to me and put his hand where my hand was and asked if i was ohkay :P

he was caring.

i wonder how he`ll act if i snap at him lol

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I've never notice a sudden change in my behaviour when i get my period - I just get bad stomach cramps >_<.

Anyway...i would never use psm as a reason for my behaviour.

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Guest FrozenWaterMelon

Haha i usually tell my guy friends or my exes

that im about to start

and sometimes they keep track of it because I get really pissy.

and some of them know my date.

they try to "stay away" or be extra polite hahahaha so i won't get mad at them.

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Guest jessicanovia

when I'm on it i could be a monster at the other second while the second before it i'm sweet like a lollipop candy


PMS is a real -_-;;;;

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Guest hongkiandwonbin


did any of you girls leak in front of your boyfriends before?

i wonder what their reactions were.


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Guest misturrho

i've been with my boyfriend for a year now... although my period is never on time (4 to 6 weeks) he knows approx. when i will be on my period and won't mess with me, of course i tell him too. when it's time of the month, i joke around don't f.uck with me this week and he's like i know. but most of the time i'm just out of it and more tired so he lets me sleep more while he warms my tummy with his hands, he would bring me warm water and ask if i want the electric blanket, i wont use it unless i really need it.

ill admit i've leeked before, one time while i was heavy (like 2nd day) we were gettin ready before dinner and we always take shower together (saves time) and he saw a blob running down my leg hes like :crazy: im like sorry baby hes like it's like a leech! i'm not going to shower together when you're on your period ever again. LOL

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Guest EchoOff


did any of you girls leak in front of your boyfriends before?

i wonder what their reactions were.



i try not to.

i don't like him near me during it

cause it smells and stuff. bleh.

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