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Singapore Kpop Concert

Guest iheartdbsk&suju

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Guest hanna1430265987

Actually i doubt there's a need to worry because the next day's paper is Chinese unless you flunked it, like I did LOLOL, then START WORRYING NOW. LOL. But mini cooper, it's just chinese who the hell cares. Ignores.

I so bloody wanna go.

lols. thank you for reminding me it's mt paper the next day and i seriously dk how to study for it

and i really wanna go.

just need to spend $60 at square 2?

like so much worthwhile then geetting a lap or a phone.

but there's like thousand and one seats in indoor stadium.

so what about the rest of the tickets?

are there still any other method getting the tickets?

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Guest Saebin :D

lol buying the lg phone for the ticket is kind of ridiculous. they shld just sell the tickets.

i want to kill myself. i forgot to tune in to coolktime today cos i was busy watching DBSG videos, lol ㅠㅠ

did coolktime have any updates yet?

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lol buying the lg phone for the ticket is kind of ridiculous. they shld just sell the tickets.

i want to kill myself. i forgot to tune in to coolktime today cos i was busy watching DBSG videos, lol ㅠㅠ

did coolktime have any updates yet?

Don't think so . . They were having the Big Bang "Haru Haru" singing competition.

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Guest Saebin :D

^ 에..? 진짜? I thought it was over already. Or is the competition going on for 2 weeks per song?

*coughs* reminds me of one contestant last week *cough* xD

My friends & I intend to go wait for the tickets if there really is no choice.

But the tix may alr been snagged up by then :/

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Guest donghaestalker

omg, you must kidding me.

it's only a 2 hours flight from me, but i can't go. i have this really huge exam coming, come to think of it, i should be studying.


this hurts, wonder girls and 2pm will be there. *cries*

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^ 에..? 진짜? I thought it was over already. Or is the competition going on for 2 weeks per song?

*coughs* reminds me of one contestant last week *cough* xD

Just found this info . .


Designated Song Change - CoolKTime 노래자랑 (Song Competition)

Revised Schedule for Cool K Time Song Competition

Oct 7, 10, 14 and 17 : Big Bang의 “하루하루” (”Day by Day” by Big Bang)

Oct 21, 24, 28 and 31 : Super Junior의 “행복” (”Happiness” by Super Junior)

-Adapted from www.coolktime.com-

Please call in if you are interested on the respective dates. The prizes are rather attractive.

1.1등 (the 1st prize) : S$ 100 상당의 Spa Scene 헤어 살롱 voucher (S$100 voucher for Spa Scene Hair Saloon at Raffles City Shopping Center)

2. 2등 (the 2nd prize) : S$ 50 상당의 SMART voucher (S$50 voucher for SMART, Korean Supermarket in Singapore) - 화요일 (Tuesday)// S$ 30 상당의 SeoulKool 한국식당 Voucher (S$ 30 voucher for SeoulKool Korean Restaurant) - 금요일 (Friday)

3. 3등 (the 3rd prize) : 한국 국악 FM제공 국악 CD. Korean Traditional Music CD which is provided by Gukak FM (Korea)

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like finally! but why of all days at 4th? it's like in the mids of 'o's and you can't get tickets through sistic!! :wacko:

I KNOW! im not singaporean though. but dayyyum singapore's close! if i didnt have o's and bigbang's in the list of performers. I WOULD SO GO. i just found this one day trip promotion leaftlet lying around the house, and the fight ticket's crazy cheap! i would so looove to watch WG and 2PM in action!

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Guest cool_snow1989

Sorry to cut your post. May I know where did your school get this info from? I would love to take part in the talent contest! XD

they did not say where they get it from but there is a picture that i save that write down the information of the contest.


but when i search the internet...i found another version of the pic with diff dates of audition


and the main website is http://echomusic-sg.blogspot.com/2008/10/k...tival-2008.html

so i dun know which is the correct one...but the final competition and prizes is the same...

oh man... have to spend $60 and still queue up for tickets and that u might not even be one of the 1st 300 shoppers...i din even went there b4 :crazy: haix....have to find other ways to get the tickets...

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Guest Untitled

I'm afraid that it might be gone on the first day. Apparently, there is A LOT of kpop fans here in Singapore. Not to mention the Korean community as well. So, we have to be kiasu a little. Hahahahaaa. Cause I think that this is really once in a life time thing. I don't wanna regret like I did during the June Big Bang concert in Thailand. I think it's safer if you go tomorrow, in case it's really gone on the first day. But hopefully after this concert, JYP, SM, and YG will see how Singaporeans appreciate their music too and they'll further promote them here. Hopefully.

Untitled, are you Van Eng?


Yeah, I agree with you. My dad also said that maybe they're trying to test the market here first.

Whether is it possible to fill most of the spaces in Indoor Stadium. If results are good, they will come back next year (hopefully)?

they did not say where they get it from but there is a picture that i save that write down the information of the contest.

oh man... have to spend $60 and still queue up for tickets and that u might not even be one of the 1st 300 shoppers...i din even went there b4 :crazy: haix....have to find other ways to get the tickets...

Sorry to cut your post. Thanks for the info! May go try out, but why must the entry form be all the way at Bugis?! D:

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I received an info from my friend, she is currently lining up at square 2 at novena

it was a long queue since 9 am already

I still have no idea whether she got the tickets or not, she just informed me things that she bought for herself and me

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Guest Untitled

My dad called Square 2 earlier too, the receptionist told him that there's a long queue.

Im going to call now to ask again and find out if anyone can get the tics for me. T_T

Grr, my dad's colleagues husband queuing for tics also! ARGHH.

Edit;; I just called, they said the queue is almost full(?) and approximately half the tickets left. So, if anyone still wants to go down now. I think it'll be too late.

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Guest kassuma

i went down during lunchtime and there was indeed a lonnnngggg queue but since my friends already came earlier to queue it wasnt that bad for me & we got the tix!

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