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Guest Rxgoodleaf

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Ah In Interview Part 2... again interesting parts only...

Q: When the drama is over, do you plan to rest or jump right into another project?

A: I am contemplating right now. Although it's time for me to work a lot, but if I don't have my own time,

I think I may go crazy. It feels like I am disappearing. That's why I come back home when there is even a small break

during the shooting. I miss being in my own space. So, I am debating whether or not to start another project or come

back to spend some me time.

Q: Why did you become an actor?

A: To become an entertainer. Maybe?

Q: I don't think you thought that lightly.

A: I attended an Art high school and during second year, I thought about going to an audition.

I thought it would be a good idea to become an entertainer. That was all. Ha Ha Ha

Q: Why did you want to be an entertainer?

A: Probably had a lot to say even back then. Ha Ha Ha

I think I crave to express myself. Being provocative. Our generation is like that and I fit right in.

Q: You once said, "There is not one character I portrayed that I did not like. If I didn't like it, I changed it."

Have you changed Jae Shin?

A: Quite a bit. Jae Shin was very stereo-typical. Manly as a "wild beast". A lot of the lines were typical of romantic comedy which personally made me shudder. As I said even before the filming started and keep saying now, I wanted to extract a lot of the grease (I think he is trying to say less obvious or be more subtle). I can't say I am 100% satisfied but I think I am showing little bit different type of "wild beast".

Q: Different type of "wild beast"?

A: The typical "wild beast" is bound by muscles. The "wild beast" I am talking about is free not bound by anything.

Not surrounded by a cage but a mountain beast that will take off at any moment.

Among fans, Yoo Ah In is considered a poet and an author. Because he uploads his writings via mini hompy and Twitter constantly. I asked him how Ah In the author would write the end of SKKS.

"Oh my Gosh. Ha Ha Ha As far as romance is concerned, it will be Sun Joon and Yoon Hee. SKKS shows our growth.

I would like it to end in frustration (discouragement). I want the people in their teens and twenties to feel the

frustration. Don't show the bright future but that 'We don't have any power', the helplessness. That way they

get angry and don't know what to do about it (get people riled up)."

When asked what Ah In would be like in his 40's...

"If I am still acting into my 40's, I think I should be the best actor I can be. My definition of best is to achieve 'not like someone' but 'like me' (my own best)."

Yoo Ah In in his 20's said that he became very close to what teenaged Ah In had hoped to become in his 20's.

"I wanted to become this kind of hyung rather than that kind of hyung. I want to become kind of adult who I

needed when I was in my 20's." That was his ambigous reply.

"You always have hopes and dreams but in reality they are no where to be found and you have become totally a

different person. I want to become someone who I needed and wished was next to me in my 20's. I would be

an adult then but hopefully a better kind of adult."

Please do not fault me for bad grammar (nor for amatuer translation for that matter)... although I have a professional degree, I was definitely NOT English major in college! OK... it's Advil time!!!

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Guest tinysunbl

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Ah In Interview Part 2... again interesting parts only...

Q: You once said, "There is not one character I portrayed that I did not like. If I didn't like it, I changed it."

Have you changed Jae Shin?

A: Quite a bit. Jae Shin was very stereo-typical. Manly as a "wild beast". A lot of the lines were typical of romantic comedy which personally made me shudder. As I said even before the filming started and keep saying now, I wanted to extract a lot of the grease (I think he is trying to say less obvious or be more subtle). I can't say I am 100% satisfied but I think I am showing little bit different type of "wild beast".

OMO! I love this part so much! This is exactly what I expect a good actor to say. On the one hand Ah In said he wanted this role from the beginning. He knew Jae-shin would be the type every girl fantasizes. On the other hand, he strives to make the character his own, not just another typical character. I definitely see his effort in the way Jae-shin is portrayed, but more importantly, he's aware of what makes a good actor! Yay for Yoo Ah In!

As much as I love to see him in the next project (lead role), I hope he gets a lot of rest and has time for himself.

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Guest Rxgoodleaf

From SKKS episode 16...



Jae Shin looking for Yoon Sik/Yoon Hee...


Jae Shin and Yong Ha... opposite yet best friends...

I have one of those friends... we are complete opposite yet we just click together! We've been friends for more than 20 years!

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Guest akira_power_enter

When asked what Ah In would be like in his 40's...

"If I am still acting into my 40's, I think I should be the best actor I can be. My definition of best is to achieve 'not like someone' but 'like me' (my own best)."

Yoo Ah In in his 20's said that he became very close to what teenaged Ah In had hoped to become in his 20's.

"I wanted to become this kind of hyung rather than that kind of hyung. I want to become kind of adult who I needed when I was in my 20's." That was his ambigous reply.

"You always have hopes and dreams but in reality they are no where to be found and you have become totally a different person. I want to become someone who I needed and wished was next

Thanks so much Rxgoodleaf and everyone for providing yummy translations, yummy videos and yummyyyy picturessss. Long time no see guys, i was sick the whole week. The weather at my country's getting kinda funny at this moment (dont u think so Tiny?).

After reading Ah In's interview he's became so close to who i imagined him to be. And that we have a lot in common. He appreciate the time he can spend alone so much. I can understand why. Its so relaxing to stay home, watch movies or listen to music, surf the internet or do watever u want. For him, who is buzy the whole month without enough sleep, i can see why he wants to go home so badly. Poor Ah In, i hope before his next project starts, he will get to go home for a couple of days.

Ah In always tries to express the characters in his own unique way. Become the best actor in his own unique way. He doesnt want to be a copy of somebody else. I love how he loves to be himself!!!!! For somebody who left home and live on his own so soon, AH In is more matured than his age. Maybe he used to be a "dreamy" person but now he thinks more "real". But still... people still needs hopes and dreams. And i think Ah IN... u do have a dream right?

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Guest tinysunbl

Thanks Rxgoodleaf for the gifs and the translations, in the first gif, doesn't it look like he's calling out for his soompi fans?^^ You're so lucky to have such a friend! I have a group of high school friends, very different personalities and backgrounds, but we are like brothers to one another. We're studying at different places but the bond is still the same. I'm envious of Jae-shin though, because he has Yeo-rim BESIDE him. I suspect Jae-shin is the only person Yong-ha truly cares for and is willing to do anything for (He watches Sun-joon and Yoon-hee in amusement and worries for them, but for Jae-shin Yong-ha really gets involved!). Best bromance ever!

Hi Akira, unfortunately I'm not staying in VN to enjoy the "funny weather." Is it raining a lot? I really miss the rain shower at home (will go and read the Shonagi now hehe). Hope you get well soon!

I also love the fact that Ah In has a very strong sense of individuality (according to his interviews and writings). He seems to be preoccupied a lot with finding his own identity, as opposed to others'. As much as I like the "boy-next-door" type of guys, I'm fascinated by the rebellious side of YAI. I love how he doesn't conform to any expectations or outside pressure and just focus on doing his things. In a group-oriented society like Korea, it must be hard for him to work around the industry, but I hope challenges only make him stronger.

GIFS:You can visit this site to see more SKKS gifs, courtesy of sis. movall@soompi

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Guest currysushi33

hi this is my first post in this thread

after finding put on SKKS page that YAI had a twitter...i was of to get a twitter just so i could follow him ....but then i realised it would be in korean :(....guess im going to be stalking this thread for new and pictures ..thanks for all the uploads :)

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Guest tinysunbl

Okay I'm in a fangirl mania mode, so I re-watched Antique and took some delicious screencaps:

The Puss in Boot look:




Binging on cake look:



This one is another DANGEROUS TO HEALTH cap:


How I wish he were the cake!

The Zen enlightened look


And this is also my face if I were Kim Jae Wook:


The sad look:


Awww, don't you want to get on the bed and make him feel better?


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Hmm..can't sleep yet..it's almost 3am at my place...

gone visiting interesting sites that you should also visit...

1st stop - http://yogurutu.blogspot.com/   why? the author recapped recent episodes of SKKS and there's a wonderful embedded video showing all the lovely (funny as well as dramatic- as in heart wrenching) moments between Jaeshin & Yoonhee. There's also lol screencaps between Jaeshin & Sunjoon.laugh.gif

2nd stop - http://www.hancinema.net/ why? SKKS is the most wanted drama today and there's an article of PMY & YAI. Truly loved this quote "Every episode of KBS 2TV's 'Sungkyunkwan Scandal' raised all female viewers' pulse rates mainly because of Jae-sin (Yoo Ah-in), the secret bodyguard of Yoon-hee (Park Min-yeong)"wub.gif

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Guest Rxgoodleaf

Good morning (at least where I am)!

Gifs from "Boys of Tomorrow"... from 2007...



Revenge! Sneaking up on his classmates who teased him... love his smile right before he squeezes the trigger!


Here he just looks cute!


One from "Antique" the movie... from 2008...


양기범 (Yang Kee Bum), Ah In's character... asking who are you???

Here Ah In gained some weight... due to eating all them cakes shooting the movie!


Movall asked to translate this part again...

-그렇다면 재신을 통해 보여주고 있는 아인 씨 모습은 무엇인가요?

"물론 남자답고 거친 모습도 있고요. 결핍이나 슬픔. 요즘 크게 와 닿는 것은 홍벽서로서의 모습인 것 같아요. 재신은 밤마다 검은 복면을 쓰고 세도가들 집 대문에 '홍벽서'를 화살에 꽂아 날려요. 이정무(김갑수 분)의 대사처럼 글로 세상을 바꿀 수 있다는 치기를 가진 청춘이죠. 그 대사를 보면서 재신은 정말 나와 닮은 아이구나. 내가 했어야 하는 역할이구나 느껴요. 나는 청춘 청춘 지껄이며 사는 사람인데, 청춘을 제대로 보여줄 수 있는 역할을 맡아 감사해요."

Q: How is Ah In reflected in Jae Shin?

A: Of course, there is musculine and wild side. Shortcomings and sadness. I am feeling them more these days because of Hok Beuk Suh. Jae Shin dons his black mask and shoots arrows attached with Hok Beuk Suh at houses of powerful family. As per Lee Jung Moo's (portrayed by Kim Gap Soo) lines, HBS is a foolish youth who thinks he can change the world with words. Reading the line, I thought to myself, Jae Shin and I are very alike. I was meant to play this role. I talk constantly about youth this youth that and I am thankful to have the kind of a role where true youth can be shown.

홍벽서는 시국을 비판하는 내용을 담은 붉은 문서. 일부에서는 홍벽서에 문제 제기만 있고 대응책은 없다는 지적도 나온다. 그러나 유아인의 생각은 달랐다.

HBS's content criticizes current situation. Some say HBS only points out the problem but not the solution. But Yoo Ah In thinks differently.

" 그게 청춘이잖아요. 대응책까지 제기할 수 있으면 재신이가 영의정 좌의정 하죠. 대부분 사람들은 문제의식도 없이 살아요. 문제의식을 제기할 수 있다는 것만으로도 충분히 가치있는 일인 것 같아요. 청춘의 딜레마이기도 하지만 저 또한 끊임없이 문제를 제기해야 하지 않느냐고 계속 생각해요. 그러다보면 해답에 접근하겠죠."

"That's youth. If you can provide the solution, Jae Shin would be the prime minister. Most people live without even realizing the problems. I think it's worth it just to point out the problems. Although it's youthful dilema, I feel that you should point out the problems constantly. Perhaps that way, we get closer to the solution."

14회에서 재신은 홍벽서를 뿌리는 이유를 "그렇게라도 하지 않으면 견딜 수 없으니까" "그래야 사니까"라고 말한다. 트위터에 "21세기 엄홍식은 18세기 홍벽서"라고 적은 그는 재신의 마음이 너무도 와닿는다고 했다.

In episode 14, Jae Shin said the reason he distributes HBS, "If I can not do even this, I don't think I can bear it. By doing this, I am able to live." In his tweet, he wrote "21st Century Uhm Hok Shik is 18th Century HBS" and said that he felt for Jae Shin (of same mind).

I want to take this opportunity to clarify something...

Quite a few of you have been sending me PMs asking for this and that... DO NOT be offended if I do not respond... if you are asking for older video files specially... as I said before, I do not have them to share... as to other requests? I will respond if I think it's appropriate... for betterment of understanding Yoo Ah In the actor...

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Guest deathangelxd

Oh my goodness. I just finished episode 16 of SKKS and Moony pretty much killed me. BUTTFIGHT. OH YEAH! I feel so bad for Jae Shin though...

Thank you, Rxgoodleaf (again) for the Gifs and interview translations. :)

It's hard to believe that Boys of Tomorrow came out in 2007, just three years ago. He's gone from such a cute kid to a super sexy man. I really should watch that drama/movie (which is it?) sometime.

Haha, whenever I come on this thread and read his tweets/interview responses, I'm always pushed to think more deeply about the issues of society.

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Guest Rxgoodleaf

Since I am "between" dramas... other than SKKS...

Remade some gifs from 최강칠우 (Choi Kang Chil Woo)...

First 흑산 (Heuk San) the "cold blooded killer"...


So sinister!



Sweaty Heuk San!

And, Heuk San's alter ego, 김혁 (Kim Hyuk)...


Clean shaven Moon Jae Shin??? ;)

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Guest Shiroiyuki

I don't know if somebody asked this before...but if someone just did...i'll just ask it again..

who's the girl beside Yoo Ah In in the background photo in his twittter?

Is it his gf? The girl reminds me of Ga-In..

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Guest tinysunbl

Arggg the gifs of Huek San! I just watched Chil-woo ep. 15 last night, and now I see his faces here. He wan't that attractive to me at first, but YAI really made it work. Heuk San=hottest assassin ever! Love his glares.

@Shiroiyuki: I remember seeing that picture before but I can't see it at YAI's twitter. Can you share with us the pic again? If it's his background photo out of all the pics he has, she must be somewhat special to him, right?

@locarno: I think everybody wears wigs in SKKS, cuz YAI's appearing on a magazine shoot with short hair recently and same for Micky in his concert.

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Guest Cnblue.fan

WHy he is so handsome and cute ~ totally in love with him my reason for watching SKKS

is there anyone translating his tweets ?

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Can someone please tell me when he was in He Who Can't Get Married? I loved that drama but I don't remember!

I think he was in every episode. His scenes were probably not that many in each episode, but he appears regularly. This user has a bunch of his cuts from HWCM: http://www.youtube.com/user/0225marisol

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Guest tinysunbl

Hi everyone, some of Yoo Ah In's new tweets:

1.우물에서 바라 본 하늘은 개인의 사실이지 세상의 진실이 될 수는 없습니다. 뒤늦게 mbc스페셜을 봤어요. 아주 두서없고 긴 글이 쓰고싶어집니다. 사건은 끝나도 상처는 아물지 않고 현상은 계속될 겁니다.

2. 나의 세대에요. 우리와 당신들의 세대입니다. 인터넷과 범람하는 정보의 시대. 이 모든것들을 임의로 이용하고 받아들이며 우리는 우리가 가진 필터가 온전한지 항상 경계하고 수시로 점검해야 할겁니다. 무지보다 무서운것이 편협한 지식이라눈 것을 절감합니다.

3. 개인의 상처에 나는 책임이 없다고 나와는 상관 없는 일이라고 외면할 자신이 있나요 여러분은? 그의 눈물은 모두가 반성하고 함께 치유해야할 시대의 상처일겁니다. 내게 오지랖이 남아있어 다행이군요.

4. 아 차다. 차갑다. 눈이 오거든 대가리에 꽃을 좀 달아야겠어. 도발적으로다가.(this is a new one he just posted)

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