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When You're Doing Your Homework...

Guest May_I?

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I can never do my homework while eating or listening to music. I'm too distracted, haha.

As for watching TV while doing homework, I think I've done that a couple of times. But I don't put any effort into my homework if I do that. And I actually don't watch much TV to begin with so this doesn't happen often.

I think I usually do my homework in silence, lol. That explains why I work so much better at night. I can never study when the sun's out >.< I like it when it's quiet; that way, I know what I'm doing on my homework.

I always have my computer on while I'm doing my homework though (which also explains why I start slacking easily). Even if I'm not using the computer, I work better if the computer's turned on, xD Addiction much? ^^;; Yeah.

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Guest xclueless

omgosh i find anything in my power to keep me distracted from doing homework! i would listen to my ipod, go on soompi, text people, or play with my dog. i've been so lazy lately (senioritis kicking through) so i find any excuse i possibly could to get away from doing hw x.x

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Guest busagiboo

I've stopped watching TV a long time ago, so I don't have that as a distraction. But, whenever I'm doing homework, I have to listen to music, but I also have the internet browser, MSN, and DC++ open.

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i like to listening to my ipod, talk on aim(but if i do this one, i get nothing done, so this is for easy hw days...), eat(most definitely), tv, and listening to my parents praise me for multitasking so well...lmao

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Guest summerlove

I can't multitask so I try to focus on the homework by listening to my ipod.

^ erm...i thought that was multi-tasking. :D could be wrong.

anyways...me too. i listen to music when i'm studying.

and sometimes when i get too stressed out, i just sing along to the songs switched on. :P

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^ erm...i thought that was multi-tasking. :D could be wrong.

anyways...me too. i listen to music when i'm studying.

and sometimes when i get too stressed out, i just sing along to the songs switched on. :P

Hmm really?

Well, then I can multitask :lol:

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I'm a person who needs totally silence when reading homework.

Having mp3 or my (now dead) laptop beside, it's distracting me. Even eating something is distracting becasue i dont like reading homework so I prefere doing something else then that.

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Guest selvaspeedy

when I do my homeworks and listen to my mp3 at the same time, that means I'm pretending to study so my parents get off my back :P

but I can't be a multi-tasking

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Guest WildSevenGirl

Hmmm. xD Well, everytime is always different, but I always:

1. Have my computer on.

2. Listen to music.

3. AIM, MSN people.

4. Go on Soompi and Facebook for a bit. (This is my biggest distraction. xD)

5. Watch some vids if people send 'em to me.

Yeah. xD

Sometimes, I'd watch TV, eat something (though I try not to do this until I finished my assignments XD), or um... Talk to people on the phone. But that's rare, talking to people on the phone while I'm hw-ing. xD

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