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When You're Doing Your Homework...

Guest May_I?

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Guest K_a_n

I get distracted easily so it's probably best if I don't ever use the laptop when I do my homework unless I have to.

I mainly just listen to my music, helps me work faster. Sometimes it distracts me though.

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I can usually take it if my dad and grandma listen to the chinese radio outside and I have the door closed, but I can't take it if I play music as well.

Usually I can only work in silence... not DEAD silence though. Can't work in dead silence.

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Guest Refinnejam

I literally have to shut myself away from all distractions or I'll start procrastinating like anything.


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Guest meimei__KOUSEKI

when it's not like, serious or anything... i listen to music

but yeah when it's serious, it's me + book and nothing else.

but since i don't go to school anymore... :P

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Guest chungmah.

I do a billion things at once x_x;

All the time. Eat, listen to music, look online for a few minutes, msn.

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Guest o0ochristieo0o

i can't concentrate in studying while Im doing something else

i usually do all my hw in the school library during my spare so that i don't have to do them at home XDD

if i can't finish, i just go early tmr morning to finish them up

i just can't do hw at home cause im so easily distracted >"<

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i usually have my music on , blasted

but then i start thinking of what i should eat.. i get hungry fast XD

then my mind wonders off and i never finish my homework.

the only way for me to finish it is, if i'm at the library :)

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Guest discofuse

I watch the television or text or listen to music while I'm doing my homework. Bwahaha. I multi task.

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Guest EverlastingStar

i listen to my mp3 player and occasionally go online when i do homework, otherwise i can't concentrate because i'm too bored. if that makes any sense. ^^;

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Guest Hongki.love

Ugh I always get distracted...like how I am right now. I usually listen to music (although I can't concentrate like that :|) and go to other daily websites. Youtube also takes a ton of my time. ><

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just doing my homework. recently, i found out that i finish way earlier & have better results that way. haha

can't concentrate with music-_-

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest she leanss

usually listen to music or chatting with other people, or maybe watching tv. ahah. like watching basketball game while doing hw or something

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Guest velvetsky

it depends what subjects, if its maths or science or w/e than i don't listen to music cause I concentrate way better without music

music causes too much distraction for me, guess i can't multi-task rofls

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i should be doing an oral thats due tomorrow that i have barely started.

theres too many distractions...soompi basically lol.

well i usually listen to music.

working with friends never works cause i always start talking to them instead.

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