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Chae Rim 채림


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a few ppl out there would like to think that TB is a perfect character and refuse to entertain the idea that he can do wrong in any way, shape or form...I, on the other hand, thinks that he is flawed just like all of us. he is human afterall. :)

i was thinking back at how ppl deemed him the man who knew what women want at the beginning of the drama. i'm sure they'd changed their minds now. maybe he knows what other women want, but certainly not what his own woman wants. :mellow:

i think she was more tire than confuse. tire of fighting through all the obstacles in the relationship. tire of trying to figure out where her relationship was going. tire of all the jibbering and jabbering from the ppl around her...just plain tire. when a person get to that point, she starts to wonder if it is all worth it. is it better to just let go or is it worth fighting for? does she still have the energy/stamina to go forth w/it? in real life, sometime a person just have to know when to let go...it may hurt in the beginning, but this person will survive.

there's a nice saying that goes something like this, "walk a day in my shoes, then u can judge me". we have a show in the states where two ppl switch roles in their lives to see what their counterpart's life is like. they would actually "live" as the other person for an entire week. at the end, the critisms change to mutual respect/understand for one another. it's so easy to judge when we're sitting on the sideline watching. that's why i always try to step back and put myself in other ppl's shoes before i judge. the operative word here is "try" cuz sometime, i'm guilty of being too judgmental too.

well said fashionista.. i was able to watch ep.20 without english sub :unsure: BUT then i was able to understand DJ.. i mean with all the things that happened in that episode.. the pressures that she had to undergo.. gosh, the episode is heartbreaking.. and i remember a scene in AAE.. remember the night where HC was to propose to SM BUT then she told him about going to england?? But then AAE ended well, and they remain to be together haha.. as to the ending of DJS, who knows well to end it but the writers.. :D

btw, i made a MV of DJ and TB.. i got the pictures here :) >>>

<< you could tsek it out if you have time.. and please tell me what you think haha.. im still new at making MV's.. thankss
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aww why donbt you want DJ to be with TB? IMHO, I feel that DJ would end up with the one she loves and the one who loves her. UKJ can't be that guy, sure he knows now that love doesnt come in any age but then I feel that DJ wont be happy and content with UKJ. At least eing with TB she will be happy becoz it's him whom she really loves.

Anyway, this is just something DJ has to go through, in a way its ok for me if she leaves for the states, takes time to think things over and stuff but i hope she wont forget about TB so soon!! and forget all about him. It's her first love so she has to learn from it, but still i hope she wont forget all about everything. She was a hopeless romantic fer sure, but now i think she's being realistic, she really thought that she wasnt needed by TB's family and TB didnt even reassured her~ remember what DJ said to Sae Do when Seon Ju broke up with him and he was giving up already coz he thought he did everything he can and DJ corrected her that he didnt do everything so wont SJ be like what she was then, if only SD reassured her and made her feel secure, if only SD did much better. Well, right now its DJ's turn to be in a turbulent phase in thier relationship, if only TB made her feel more secured then she wont even ask to break up with TB, if only TB made much more effort in showing his true feelings for DJ then she wont even break down to the point she was really tired and thus wanted to get over with it. So, yes maybe it was more of TB`s fault now, as opposed to what I was saying before, that both parties are at fault. I'm starting to think that TB would have done much more. Looking back at it, DJ is a woman too -- devoid of pain and hurt and she had reached the breaking point really. I jus hope that when she's already at US, then she will have time to think things through. It's just that I hope the twist and ending in this story will be much different, not the same as other dramas... heehee.

Awww...please don't get me wrong, I didn't say she should be with UKJ though I won't mind him to be good friends with her juz like SD :) & I'm not saying DJ shouldn't have happy ending with TB too, juz that I'd prefer to see TB put in more efforts to reassure her of his sincerity & be more responsible for his actions before he win DJ back cos' I don't think love alone can sustain a happy marriage...it's the responsibilty, understanding & the feeling of security that can help a couple tide over all adversities :D but this is juz a drama anyways, so I think it'll have a happy ending :lol: DJ fighting!!!

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Guest fashionista

fashionista, thanks for the calendar.Have been looking for it . HC and SM is forever my favorite characters and JDG and CR are so perfectly portrayed them.

you're welcome ompi! it's always nice to reminisce...ah, the good old days. i want a CR/JDG reunion sooooooooo bad...

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Guest ovette

yah me too! the calendar is awesome.. i just wish they could do something together this year!..

and ChaeRim's bday is soon! what are you all planning for her birthday??

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Guest fashionista

Very true! And sometimes even no matter how hard we try to imagine ourselves in the other person's position, we each still may differ in the way we would react. After all, we come from different upbringing and went thru different experiences. So it's great to be gracious to who people may react differently than us given a similar senario. ;)

The most unbearable part for me in Ep20 was the dinner. I don't think I could even have gone thru with it if I were DJ. I had a similar experience when I was set up (for ridicule) by my so called 'friends' once during a dinner. You feel belittled, small, yr self esteem totally eaten up and then leave you depressed for another few days. And I can't believe that TB didn't realised enough to say or do anything to make DJ feel better that point. :fury: I would have done the same thing as what DJ did :tears: I love TB's character but that man has got a lot more to learn about women!

yup. if only everyone could be gracious...

that dinner scene was hard to watch. i was wishing TB would've done something...anything. i've seen tons of dramas where the guy would actually take action to remedy the situation...that's why i was rather disappointed TB didn't.

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you're welcome ompi! it's always nice to reminisce...ah, the good old days. i want a CR/JDG reunion sooooooooo bad...

i am also hoping that "SOMEONE" would give them a project.. movie or a series.. it has been years since AAE, but still a LOT of their fans (including me) wants to see them once again.. though i prefer JDG's look in AAE than his look today.. AAE is a classic.. i just love it.. please check this out again >>>

<<< i don't have anything to do lately, so im practicing on some stuff.. hope you'll find it ok.. :rolleyes:
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Guest fashionista

Yeah, I remember. Don't be angry. Did U notice that? They're MinKi's fans. And as what fashionista said, U really should see the other boards. What I saw is almost all of the viewers were blaming TB. For me, I really don't want to blame anyone but SJ. All I want is just a happy ending.

oh, it was very obvious those 2 or 3 ppl were die-hard fans of his. most CR's fans could see that both TB/DJ were at fault to some extent/both had weaknesses and we're able to differentiate between the character and our fave actress. but to be fair, i think only 2 - 3 ppl were actually blatantly stating that it was all DJ's fault/calling her names, the rest of the comments of the drama were very fair and true, based on the storyline and not merely personal feelings.

i am also hoping that "SOMEONE" would give them a project.. movie or a series.. it has been years since AAE, but still a LOT of their fans (including me) wants to see them once again.. though i prefer JDG's look in AAE than his look today.. AAE is a classic.. i just love it.. please check this out again >>>
<<< i don't have anything to do lately, so im practicing on some stuff.. hope you'll find it ok.. :rolleyes:

thanks for all the MVs. :) we appreciate them!

the pairing of CR/JDG is still the most popular couple overall. i'm very surprise they haven't done anything together since their collaboration in AAE. i have a feeling that will change. korean movies aren't doing well and so many actors are returning to the small screen. if the right project come along at precisely the right time, i'm sure CR/JDG will reunite....god, i hope this will happen soooooooooooooooooooon. i also prefer the clean cut JDG.

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Guest fashionista

Awww...please don't get me wrong, I didn't say she should be with UKJ though I won't mind him to be good friends with her juz like SD :) & I'm not saying DJ shouldn't have happy ending with TB too, juz that I'd prefer to see TB put in more efforts to reassure her of his sincerity & be more responsible for his actions before he win DJ back cos' I don't think love alone can sustain a happy marriage...it's the responsibilty, understanding & the feeling of security that can help a couple tide over all adversities :D but this is juz a drama anyways, so I think it'll have a happy ending :lol: DJ fighting!!!

love alone definitely can't hold two ppl together. DJ is not so naive as to believe this is possible. that's why she's giving up even though she loves TB. the feeling of security is probably just as important as love. if a woman doesn't feel secure about the relationship, she's bound to leave. i've seen this happen again and again in real life. it really boils down to her self worth. if she love herself enough, she'd do what's best for herself instead of wasting any more precious time on someone who's love she's unsure of. if she really mean that much to TB, he would've stopped her the moment she utter the words break up....but sadly he didn't. he went along with it. this just goes to show that maybe DJ made the right decision for herself...judging from the preview.

if they are to get back together, i'd like to see TB having to work for it. i don't want to see one of those airport scene where the guy tells the girl not to leave and she agrees. tooooooo easy...

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oh, it was very obvious those 2 or 3 ppl were die-hard fans of his. most CR's fans could see that both TB/DJ were at fault to some extent/both had weaknesses and we're able to differentiate between the character and our fave actress. but to be fair, i think only 2 - 3 ppl were actually blatantly stating that it was all DJ's fault/calling her names, the rest of the comments of the drama were very fair and true, based on the storyline and not merely personal feelings.

thanks for all the MVs. :) we appreciate them!

the pairing of CR/JDG is still the most popular couple overall. i'm very surprise they haven't done anything together since their collaboration in AAE. i have a feeling that will change. korean movies aren't doing well and so many actors are returning to the small screen. if the right project come along at precisely the right time, i'm sure CR/JDG will reunite....god, i hope this will happen soooooooooooooooooooon. i also prefer the clean cut JDG.

"they haven't done anything together since their collaboration in AAE" <<< i think because CR got married and then prefers to go out of Korea for a while to do some series.. and JDG concentrated more on Movies after the AAE.. JDG is now planning to have a series right? in fact, he will be filming one.. i read it somewhere LoL.. i think the right moment is coming haha, with JDG deciding to go back to TV series and CR returning home, who knows... O gosh it's so good to dream haha.. Oh CR's Birthday is coming near, still she looks so pretty... :blush:

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Guest fashionista

thanks for the pictures.. ^_^ i also find this couple cute haha.. DJ and TB.. hope to finish all my download of dal jah's spring so i could really, really watch it haha...

i just came back from reading responses from the preview clip at other boards. they all wanna beat TB up for letting DJ go. :lol:

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Guest mariella

i loved chae rim since back in the day she played the niece of kim hae soo. (she was a teenager then.. i think something like 13 or 14 yrs old) She was stunningly beautiful even back then and everyone was talking about her.

When I saw her recent drama I saw that she hasn't lost her touch.. she's always been a good actress. But is it me? or does she look very different? I really didn't recognize her until I heard her voice. maybe it's her hairstyle.. i'm not crazy about it. but then again some of her features have changed over the years too (i'm sure it's just natural since it's been a long long time since i've last seen her). I read somewhere she had a tough time through out the years... I'm so glad to see her back in the business again. But I kind of miss the old Chaerim.. she was so young, pure and cute.. I guess we all grow up into adults so it's inevitable. :T

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Guest fashionista

im still hoping for a good ending hehe.. They have a good writer, i just hope the series won't mess up at the end.. some series i've watched are good but in the end, they just mess up... oh dal jah...

yeah, they better not mess up the ending like they did for me with opsbsy. the last 4 or 5 eps of that drama was a big disappointment.

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Guest ovette

yes.. it's actually good ChaeRim is becoming more mature in her roles too.

even if she's gonna turn really old, she'll still be my most favorite actress lol

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Guest amane~matsuo

Awww...please don't get me wrong, I didn't say she should be with UKJ though I won't mind him to be good friends with her juz like SD :) & I'm not saying DJ shouldn't have happy ending with TB too, juz that I'd prefer to see TB put in more efforts to reassure her of his sincerity & be more responsible for his actions before he win DJ back cos' I don't think love alone can sustain a happy marriage...it's the responsibilty, understanding & the feeling of security that can help a couple tide over all adversities :D but this is juz a drama anyways, so I think it'll have a happy ending :lol: DJ fighting!!!

Ooops yea maybe i did read too fast so i was mistaken.. sorry serene!!! my bad ^_^ yes, yes TB should have put much more effort coz DJ did feel insecure and with all the work from her job and pressure from her side of family and insecurity from TB`s family~ if i were her i wouldve gone mad...! now looking back at it, I think its for the better that she had to break it off with TB. It's too much for her to handle. Her heart was too hurt by then and TB hadnt even made a single thing to ease her frustrations and woes.. sure he's busy with all his work and stuff.. but then this was the time she needed him the most.. DJ wouldnt have thought of breaking up with TB if only...

1. TB told her earlier that he's working with Su Jin

2. TB had done something about with the *dinner scene*

3. TB should have brushed off Su Jin when she rested her shoulders on his~ and DJ saw that creating more misunderstanding

4. TB would have proposed much earlier~~!!!!

oh well. now analyzing it all, you cant really blame DJ for making this harsh decision of breaking up. She still loves him and it really hurt for her to do so. Now, im feeling for her, poor DJ... [and i also rememebred the times i went thru the things she's going thru that time] so that made my heart go out to her knowing when everything feels wrong there's nothing left to do but let it go :tears: :tears: :tears: am not mad at TB tho,, i just think that he should have done much, much more.

I just hope for a happy ending for this two...

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yah me too! the calendar is awesome.. i just wish they could do something together this year!..

and ChaeRim's bday is soon! what are you all planning for her birthday??

hi ovette, if u plan to do something for her, count me in ya?

btw, does CR has any cyworld? maybe we can drop her a few words there...

tks for the calender, fashionista.

those moments sure bring back fond memories of AAE.

so, TB/DJ really break up?!

is this how its going to be?! and TB will just let her go?!

i want to strangle TB and knock some sense into him!!! :angry:

well, its too late to send a petition to the PD to tell him we DEMAND A HAPPY ENDING!!!! lol

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hi ovette, if u plan to do something for her, count me in ya?

btw, does CR has any cyworld? maybe we can drop her a few words there...

tks for the calender, fashionista.

those moments sure bring back fond memories of AAE.

so, TB/DJ really break up?!

is this how its going to be?! and TB will just let her go?!

i want to strangle TB and knock some sense into him!!! :angry:

well, its too late to send a petition to the PD to tell him we DEMAND A HAPPY ENDING!!!! lol

yeah i wish TB will not just let her go too haha.. *wish* two more episodes and we'll wait for CR's next project (i just wish it won't be that long again)...

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Ooops yea maybe i did read too fast so i was mistaken.. sorry serene!!! my bad ^_^ yes, yes TB should have put much more effort coz DJ did feel insecure and with all the work from her job and pressure from her side of family and insecurity from TB`s family~ if i were her i wouldve gone mad...! now looking back at it, I think its for the better that she had to break it off with TB. It's too much for her to handle. Her heart was too hurt by then and TB hadnt even made a single thing to ease her frustrations and woes.. sure he's busy with all his work and stuff.. but then this was the time she needed him the most.. DJ wouldnt have thought of breaking up with TB if only...

1. TB told her earlier that he's working with Su Jin

2. TB had done something about with the *dinner scene*

3. TB should have brushed off Su Jin when she rested her shoulders on his~ and DJ saw that creating more misunderstanding

4. TB would have proposed much earlier~~!!!!

oh well. now analyzing it all, you cant really blame DJ for making this harsh decision of breaking up. She still loves him and it really hurt for her to do so. Now, im feeling for her, poor DJ... [and i also rememebred the times i went thru the things she's going thru that time] so that made my heart go out to her knowing when everything feels wrong there's nothing left to do but let it go :tears: :tears: :tears: am not mad at TB tho,, i just think that he should have done much, much more.

I just hope for a happy ending for this two...

No problem, I know we care for DJ :lol: It's nice to have you join our 'family', please continue to love CR even after DJS :) Cheers!

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