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Chae Rim 채림


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Guest fashionista

oh woops i thought ChaeRim is acting in it lol

i actually dont want to be angry at DalJa too! i want to defend DalJa simply because it's ChaeRim who's playing her role. but come to think of it, im a girl so i understand more what goes on in a girl's mind than a guy's... maybe i just thought why DalJa would make it hard for her by breaking up.

yah i kinda found it mean that someone actually called DalJa babo.. and even in bold letters! i think they should understand first what DalJa endured especially in ep20.. with all those problems thrown to her at all the same time. i think she was just confused about everything and thought that by breaking up, it might all stop even though it would only mean losing the only man she loves :(

a few ppl out there would like to think that TB is a perfect character and refuse to entertain the idea that he can do wrong in any way, shape or form...I, on the other hand, thinks that he is flawed just like all of us. he is human afterall. :)

i was thinking back at how ppl deemed him the man who knew what women want at the beginning of the drama. i'm sure they'd changed their minds now. maybe he knows what other women want, but certainly not what his own woman wants. :mellow:

i think she was more tire than confuse. tire of fighting through all the obstacles in the relationship. tire of trying to figure out where her relationship was going. tire of all the jibbering and jabbering from the ppl around her...just plain tire. when a person get to that point, she starts to wonder if it is all worth it. is it better to just let go or is it worth fighting for? does she still have the energy/stamina to go forth w/it? in real life, sometime a person just have to know when to let go...it may hurt in the beginning, but this person will survive.

there's a nice saying that goes something like this, "walk a day in my shoes, then u can judge me". we have a show in the states where two ppl switch roles in their lives to see what their counterpart's life is like. they would actually "live" as the other person for an entire week. at the end, the critisms change to mutual respect/understand for one another. it's so easy to judge when we're sitting on the sideline watching. that's why i always try to step back and put myself in other ppl's shoes before i judge. the operative word here is "try" cuz sometime, i'm guilty of being too judgmental too.

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Guest amane~matsuo

u should see the other boards.....almost all of the viewers were defending DJ...actually, i didn't see any that didn't. they can all relate. i really don't find it all that necessary to blame any one particular character in a drama for things that happen. that's why i got irked when one person actually call DJ's action "stupid", "selfish", etc. it's so easy to judge when we get to watch the drama cuz we see everything that the writer want us to see. we only need to step back and put ourselves in the character(s)' shoes to understand why they do what they do. how can anyone NOT understand what DJ went through in ep 20??? maybe it also has to do with our age, experience, and level of maturity. maybe all these factors help us see things differently from the others. no one person can be place the burden of blame for problems in a relationship. each needs to shoulder a part of it. sometimes, when we get tire, we can either continue to duke it out or call it quit. DJ decides to call it quit. i know I would if i were her. don't all women want to feel a sense of security??? it doesn't always have anything to do with our own security or being materialistic or helpless, etc. we want the guy to give us the feeling that he care enough to be there for us in times of need, to protect us, to support us (in more ways than one) if necessary. if a man can't make a woman feel secure, a woman should think twice about continuing the relationship. If actions aren't enough, maybe the guy needs to speak up...reassure her with words (and not necessarily the 3 letter words)...not holding back cuz that's just gonna have the opposite affect....but this is exactly what happened in DJS. so even if DJ ends up by herself, i'm sure she will survive. women are very resilient and good at bouncing back. we are stronger than we give ourselves credit for. :)

Very well said. ^ㅇ^ As for me, I have said it before; am actually not blaming anyone of them~ TB or DJ, its just that, for me they both had thier own faults as to why they ended up like that. DJ is just a woman, really thats the way it is she has her own insecurities and she really is vulnerable and sometimes when we, a woman feels its already too much then we think it's time to let go -- and that is because we feel we really should. If TB just reassured her then she wouldnt have been too insecure and too hurt. I really like DJ's character, I can so much relate to her thoughts and reactions to love [even tho im not even in my twenties yet] the only difference is, I havent found my spare tire yet~! heehee. Like her, I had my own insecurities too on a past relationship, and when it was all too much for me to bear, I decided to let go and end it. One factor too that made up my mind about ending everything is that I havent had any assurance from the guy, and i didnt feel secured enough. So yes, basically I get how she feels. It's a tough thing what DJ is going thru and I hope she can make it~ after all if you love someone - its either you let him/her go or you hold on and fight for it. I wish DJ would do the latter. Yes, even tho women has insecurities, doubts and harsh decisions they can make it. I know DJ can make it, I trust in her ^ㅇ^

yah i kinda found it mean that someone actually called DalJa babo.. and even in bold letters! i think they should understand first what DalJa endured especially in ep20.. with all those problems thrown to her at all the same time. i think she was just confused about everything and thought that by breaking up, it might all stop even though it would only mean losing the only man she loves

it was mean calling her foolish. But i think the right thing would be - she can be babo in love. some people can really be foolish in love~ but yes she was just following what her head says I think, to end it all before she ends up too hurt in the future.

btw,, am rewatching all about eve, its dubbed in our own language ~ but what the heck, I loved it before, but honestly my fave character was her mortal enemy -- heehee. but after DJS i`m loving Chae Rim and now she's on my fave list of korean actresses [: also watching we are dating now~~ I hope she can have more future projects soon.


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Guest ovette

awww... thanks for the caps...

can they just go back to that time when DalJa can only see TaeBong and TaeBong only sees DalJa..

nothing more. just the two of them *sigh*

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Guest fashionista

awww... thanks for the caps...

can they just go back to that time when DalJa can only see TaeBong and TaeBong only sees DalJa..

nothing more. just the two of them *sigh*

my thought exactly...

AAE 2007 calendar -- my all-time favorite pair :)














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Guest amane~matsuo





I love the DJ & SJ friendship~ at first i really, really loathed SJ but as EPs went by she was not bad at all. I was really touched when SJ faced the chairman of the boards when DJ was about to get fired, saying she wont renew her contract if DJ was gonna get fired. & Knowing her background that she didnt have a mom while growing up and thus was distant from others im glad she got a friend like DJ, and vice versa and tho they may got on the wrong foot at first, im really happy to watch them helping each other, encouraging each other and stuff ^ㅇ^



in real life lee hye young & has something in common.. thier ex-hubbies are singers and theyre both divorced~ but pls dont see it as offending as I am not saying it as a bad thing. its just that i`d be glad if i`ll know that theyre really close in real life.

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fashionista, thanks for the calendar.Have been looking for it . HC and SM is forever my favorite characters and JDG and CR are so perfectly portrayed them.

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Guest cutiepie

i have a feeling it's intentional. since CR hasn't been able to participate in any of the promo, posing behind her pic would remind viewers that she's in it so they'll actually watch the drama. i've seen various covers of the dvd set for the drama and they all listed CR's name right after the leading actor...kinda funny since her role is actually more of a "special guest star".

btw, have u check out "my lucky star"?

yeah i checked it out on youtube, lol..it's okay, will probably check out ep2 next week, never really watched any jimmy lin stuff, haha but wow he doesn't seem to age....i'm watching singapore series 'parental guidance' it's funny, has jessica hsuan in it, and it's in english, hehe

so i watched ep20 last nite, when dal ja had tears welling up in her eyes, i couldn't help but cry too, it was sooo sad, can't imagine how tough it was to make that decision :tears:

ep21 preview



what's happening to dal ja at work? hope we don't have to wait until 22 until DB and DJ get back together :(


source: DC

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Guest arielcc

there's a nice saying that goes something like this, "walk a day in my shoes, then u can judge me". we have a show in the states where two ppl switch roles in their lives to see what their counterpart's life is like. they would actually "live" as the other person for an entire week. at the end, the critisms change to mutual respect/understand for one another. it's so easy to judge when we're sitting on the sideline watching. that's why i always try to step back and put myself in other ppl's shoes before i judge. the operative word here is "try" cuz sometime, i'm guilty of being too judgmental too.

Very true! And sometimes even no matter how hard we try to imagine ourselves in the other person's position, we each still may differ in the way we would react. After all, we come from different upbringing and went thru different experiences. So it's great to be gracious to who people may react differently than us given a similar senario. ;)

The most unbearable part for me in Ep20 was the dinner. I don't think I could even have gone thru with it if I were DJ. I had a similar experience when I was set up (for ridicule) by my so called 'friends' once during a dinner. You feel belittled, small, yr self esteem totally eaten up and then leave you depressed for another few days. And I can't believe that TB didn't realised enough to say or do anything to make DJ feel better that point. :fury: I would have done the same thing as what DJ did :tears: I love TB's character but that man has got a lot more to learn about women!

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Guest IvyTsui

yah i kinda found it mean that someone actually called DalJa babo.. and even in bold letters! i think they should understand first what DalJa endured especially in ep20.. with all those problems thrown to her at all the same time. i think she was just confused about everything and thought that by breaking up, it might all stop even though it would only mean losing the only man she loves :(

Yeah, I remember. Don't be angry. Did U notice that? They're MinKi's fans. And as what fashionista said, U really should see the other boards. What I saw is almost all of the viewers were blaming TB. For me, I really don't want to blame anyone but SJ. All I want is just a happy ending.

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dal ja's spring will end soon.. i wonder what Chae rim's next project will be.. haven't watch the whole dal ja yet.. have to download episode 1 until 22.. sad we don't have KBS-world but it's a good thing i got some information about her and the show through forums like this.. oh and they rerun All About Eve here in the philippines hehe.. i just hope that after dal ja, she will be having a series again soon :unsure: .. and i wish she will be paired with JDG again hahaha (though i prefer his looks in AAE) :blush: ... i did a simple MV of chaerim.. if you have time you could watch it hehe



Note: i got some (i think all LoL) of her pictures here.. :blush:

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Thanks Nat for our most beloved couple calendars :) & thanks cutiepie for the ep21 preview...had been waiting for days...seems like it's gonna be another sad episode :( read from a fan's post at dc, DJ's going to the US so I think that explains her packing up. Maybe the opportunity for SD to go to the US was given to her after SD turned it down :huh:...Well, all I can say is, GOOD for DJ! like Nat said, women are ultimately strong & resilient...able to take setbacks in their stride...what more so our dear DJ who'd shown herself to be a very optimistic & strong lady since day 1! She DON'T have to depend on men to bring her happiness. I hope this part of the story will materialise...I mean, I hope they don't end up with her giving it up for the sake of 'so-called' LOVE...yeah, yeah, I too want a romantic kind of ending with the '...& they lived happily ever after' notion, but since this being the 21st century, & this drama's title being Dal Ja' Spring, I really hope this will be one drama that can depict women standing on their own feet!....eh, well..the wedding can come later after DJ's return from her training & becoming a successful career woman....what u guys think, huh? :lol:

edit: I know this sounded cliche & I bet I'm the only one who's not keen to see them getting back so easily...but I juz don't want to see such a capable & gutsy lady becoming a 'little woman' hanging on to her man like he's the world & centering her life on him & besides...that'll make it seem like she can't survive without TB! Ahhhhh....even I don't quite understand what I'm driving at now.... heck! :crazy: I'm curious to know how the scriptwriter's gonna give us a fresher ending, something realistic but which we can laugh at juz as the drama had done all this while :rolleyes:

ok, back to our DJ & TB sweet moments ;)


from: dc

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from: dc




CR looked like a fairy princess in this bridal gown :wub:.....I always feel so choked with emotion :blush: whenever I see her in a bridal gown cos' she always looked soooo glowing with blissful happiness ^_^

When I saw Nat's posting of the wedding pics from the Making of the Wedding story, I thought it was for ep21...but :( soon realised it was juz one of DJ's imaginations in ep20 :rolleyes:...now, I have mixed feelings...1 part of me doesn't want TB to get back DJ so easily after all those turmoil she'd gone thru (as in my opinion, TB doesn't deserve DJ) & 1 part of me wants a happy & blissful ending for DJ :phew: I'm so confused now :lol:

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Guest ovette

as for me i really really want to have a happy ending.. not just for the sake of them ending up together..

i just feel that DalJa deserves to be with the one she loves.

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Guest amane~matsuo

When I saw Nat's posting of the wedding pics from the Making of the Wedding story, I thought it was for ep21...but :( soon realised it was juz one of DJ's imaginations in ep20 :rolleyes:...now, I have mixed feelings...1 part of me doesn't want TB to get back DJ so easily after all those turmoil she'd gone thru (as in my opinion, TB doesn't deserve DJ) & 1 part of me wants a happy & blissful ending for DJ :phew: I'm so confused now :lol:

aww why donbt you want DJ to be with TB? IMHO, I feel that DJ would end up with the one she loves and the one who loves her. UKJ can't be that guy, sure he knows now that love doesnt come in any age but then I feel that DJ wont be happy and content with UKJ. At least eing with TB she will be happy becoz it's him whom she really loves.

Anyway, this is just something DJ has to go through, in a way its ok for me if she leaves for the states, takes time to think things over and stuff but i hope she wont forget about TB so soon!! and forget all about him. It's her first love so she has to learn from it, but still i hope she wont forget all about everything. She was a hopeless romantic fer sure, but now i think she's being realistic, she really thought that she wasnt needed by TB's family and TB didnt even reassured her~ remember what DJ said to Sae Do when Seon Ju broke up with him and he was giving up already coz he thought he did everything he can and DJ corrected her that he didnt do everything so wont SJ be like what she was then, if only SD reassured her and made her feel secure, if only SD did much better. Well, right now its DJ's turn to be in a turbulent phase in thier relationship, if only TB made her feel more secured then she wont even ask to break up with TB, if only TB made much more effort in showing his true feelings for DJ then she wont even break down to the point she was really tired and thus wanted to get over with it. So, yes maybe it was more of TB`s fault now, as opposed to what I was saying before, that both parties are at fault. I'm starting to think that TB would have done much more. Looking back at it, DJ is a woman too -- devoid of pain and hurt and she had reached the breaking point really. I jus hope that when she's already at US, then she will have time to think things through. It's just that I hope the twist and ending in this story will be much different, not the same as other dramas... heehee.

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