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Chae Rim 채림


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Guest amane~matsuo

Yes, she is very low-profile..! the 22 to 20 eps. makes me sad now~~ what more if DJS already ended ㅜ.ㅜ

I hope her fans will have a birthday bash or something, even if it's just a non-chalant/extravagant one


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Guest amane~matsuo

she is, she is ^ ^

eversince DJS, she's starting to be one of my fave actresses now, sure I`ve seen All About Eve, and I liked her then.. now I love her :D

I shouldve continued watching Over The Green Fields when it was shown here ]:

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Guest ovette

she was so cute in above the prairie too! i just didnt like the lead actor there lol she was tooooo pretty for him!

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Guest fashionista

CR is not only our favorite actress....she's also CSJ's favorite too. he said she's his fave leading lady :)

amane matsuo, u should've finish over the green fields. it's one of the few long dramas that i've been able to finish watching.

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it has nothing to do with that :) the contract was for CR to do 20 episodes of DJS. now that kbs added 2 more episodes, there's a problem. the problem is between her management company/the production company/kbs so the companies need to work out this issue. otherwise, how can CR be in the last 2 episodes? no CR means no DJ. if there's no DJ, how can the film be call DJS??? Olive 9 mentioned something about the addition of 2 episodes would certainly affect their client's (CR) schedule.

wat's DJS w/out DJ/CR?!

she's the main reason most of us are watching this show...

i'm already upset with the return of the ex gf, the not-so-perfect TB, TB/DJ disagreement..

*sorry for being emotional here*

and now i just got to know abt the contract issue...aigoo

suddenly, everything doesn't make sense to me anymore

wats the purpose of extending the show if the main character is not there anymore...ottoke?

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Guest ovette

it has a great ending too! very touching drama indeed

a lot of CR's co-workers establish good relationships with her and immediately she becomes their favorites :)

CSJ is a very good and famous actor. it's so nice to hear him having high regards to ChaeRim..

i can still remember one NG during their honeymoon scene and CSJ cant carry ChaeRim... oh he's too weak! lol

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Guest fashionista

wat's DJS w/out DJ/CR?!

she's the main reason most of us are watching this show...

i'm already upset with the return of the ex gf, the not-so-perfect TB, TB/DJ disagreement..

*sorry for being emotional here*

and now i just got to know abt the contract issue...aigoo

suddenly, everything doesn't make sense to me anymore

wats the purpose of extending the show if the main character is not there anymore...ottoke?

very true. true about everything...it's not that CR doesn't want to do the extended 2 episodes. she's a total professional. the issue here is the contract. the production company must work with her management company to iron out all the details. this is a business issue afterall. those close to CR did say that she wanted the two companies to resolve this issue. seriously, how many of us will actually watch the final 2 episodes if the star of the show isn't in it? again, there's no DJS without DJ and no DJ without CR.

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Guest cutiepie

i find it strange that kbs announced 2 episodes extension without confirming with the actors, well at least in CR's case :wacko:


source: DC

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Guest fashionista

i find it strange that kbs announced 2 episodes extension without confirming with the actors, well at least in CR's case :wacko:

yeah, they should've talked it over with both CR/her management company before announcing any extention. we'll probably know the outcome of the talks between the companies by tomorrow. at least her mgmt co. is still willing to 'talk' about it.

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i'm curious.

is there other project that awaits her after DJS?

*having my hopes up high that she'll continue shooting the last 2 epi*

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you're welcome serene, btw thanks for posting that article here (thanks cindy for translating)

with just a few more days until 19-20, i hope the matter will be resolved by wednesday, they can't exactly do 2 additional eps without CR :blink:

cutiepie, you're welcome :) It's my pleasure...I thought since no one translated shanmei's post on this news, I'll repost Cindy's translation here as I felt all CR fans would be anxious to know the latest news. When I read this news, I was like ....Urrrrgh, no CR/DJ in DJS's last 2 episodes? :o they must be kidding!!! :crazy: I watched DJS cos of CR! (maybe I'm the only one, I'm only interested in Kdramas with CR :lol: ) Hope all relevant parties resolve this problem FAST!! CR's an amiable lady who is also very professional, I'm sure she won't mind to sacrifice her time to oblige. The real problem lies with the production company. KBS & her management agency...but I have faith it will be resolved amicably (cross my fingers) as I remembered On the Prairie also extended by 4 episodes at the last minute & they don't encounter any objection though she had to delay her 'honeymoon' (of course not forgetting at that time her agency's considered as good as her own B) ) If CR's really not in the last 2 episodes, it's gonna sucks!! I definitely won't be watching it as I'll consider DJS to have only 20 episodes...praying it won't happen....praying hard...

Geez, I agree, KBS should have sorted out everything before announcing the extention....surely they shouldn't have taken CR for granted juz bcos' she'd been so obliging before? not forgetting now she belonged to a different & very reputable agency :angry:

Awwww...I'm going into depression now... :(

PS. cutiepie, I watched the 6 chinese subbed NGs in one go! Oh, they're so hilarious...will talk about it later, now I'm in no mood to talk with this 'after effect' :mellow:

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Guest badhairday

Oooohhh...juz read from lovechaelim.com that CR will be participating in DJS right to the end 22 episode!!! HURRAY :P:sweatingbullets:


Edit: I knew CR won't disappoint her fans & leave us high & dry! CR fighting!!! :P

Thank you so much for the news!! I'm so thrilled that she is taken up the extra two episodes.

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Guest cutiepie

Oooohhh...juz read from lovechaelim.com that CR will be participating in DJS right to the end 22 episode!!! HURRAY :P:sweatingbullets:


Edit: I knew CR won't disappoint her fans & leave us high & dry! CR fighting!!! :P

yay! thanks for the news serene, so happy now :D

glad you enjoyed the NGs :) i hope there will be more!!

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Oooohhh...juz read from lovechaelim.com that CR will be participating in DJS right to the end 22 episode!!! HURRAY :P:sweatingbullets:


Edit: I knew CR won't disappoint her fans & leave us high & dry! CR fighting!!! :P


thank you once again for the great news

yes, CR will never let us down, that makes us loves her more.

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Guest amane~matsuo

CR is not only our favorite actress....she's also CSJ's favorite too. he said she's his fave leading lady :)

amane matsuo, u should've finish over the green fields. it's one of the few long dramas that i've been able to finish watching.

Yes I should have ㅠ.ㅠ

I also whould have watched Love at the aegean sea and not stopped ~~! aiguh! i started watching the two dramas then stopped. Its becoz i`m not really fond of subbed dramas ]:

except for all about eve~ i watched it even if it subbed in my language.. tee-hee. would love to watch it again in korean [:

Maybe I will just have to get a dvd or DL away~ heehee.

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cutiepie, you're welcome :) (maybe I'm the only one, I'm only interested in Kdramas with CR :lol: )

you are not the only one. I watch all of her dramas and while waiting for her new one, I rewatch again and again. I am mad!. Hope this time we will not wait for long .

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Guest ovette

i knew she was gonna shoot the last two episodes.. she doesnt fail to disappoint her fans all the time.

it's good her agency agreed to it too :)

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