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{official} 2 P M's [{ O K ★ T A E C Y E O N }] [옥택연]


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Guest ddalgi<3

yeah his bday is dec 27th 1988--only 3days after mine--i'm a christmas eve baby :X

i dont think that counts as robbing the cradle for me :) keke

not that it matters since the chances of me meeting him are slim.

i'm thinking of becoming famous just so i can increase the chances of meeting him haha

syke no, i'ma become famous somehow or another for other reasons but it would be tight if i met him :)

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Guest jaeners

^ OH EM GEE. Those pictures are SEX! HAHAHAHA. *falls* But goodness, why is he so sexy? That one picture of him showing his arm? Omg, such a tease. T_T I love his smile so much. And gah, his tongue, hahaha. I love when he sticks out his tongue. Then again, I love everything about him. HAHA. *saves pictures* Thank you for the pictures! :D <3

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yeah his bday is dec 27th 1988--only 3days after mine--i'm a christmas eve baby :X

i dont think that counts as robbing the cradle for me :) keke

not that it matters since the chances of me meeting him are slim.

i'm thinking of becoming famous just so i can increase the chances of meeting him haha

syke no, i'ma become famous somehow or another for other reasons but it would be tight if i met him :)

yay he's 9 months older than me lol

thank god -_- I'm a 89 baby.

he first caught my eye in that pops in seoul clip of them. When he went '___ had a haircut, now he looks so much sexier' and did that eyebrow lift I was like DAYUM who's that? (seemed spunky in personality) and yah ^_^

kyun is adorable, jay is <3 too but I like taec best cos he has that air about him that's hella hot lol, I really like his personality. Kyun is more mellow lol which gets alittle boring sometimes.

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that pic spam was so sexy. took me forever to scroll down cuz i was fully enjoying each one full sized lol

he first caught my eye in that pops in seoul clip of them. When he went '___ had a haircut, now he looks so much sexier' and did that eyebrow lift I was like DAYUM who's that? (seemed spunky in personality) and yah ^_^

LOL when he was talking about chansung XD haha yea i loved that interview overall but that was my favorite part. he's such a joker. you can't NOT love him <3

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You can vote more than once a day by making multiple accounts. Do not use hotmail e-mail addresses. Let's help them win for "I Hate You!"

If you have any questions please let me know! I'm currently voting everyday with 4 different accounts.

from AAA days but I haven't seen these so...:)














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Guest Miss.Understood

Hello everyone! Haven't been here in awhile.


But thanks to those who provided video links and tons of pics! I Taec-fied my laptop by saving and (watching)downloading everything. LOL. =]

Enjoy Taec & his overpowering sexiness! Do not hotlink.



Credit: 2PM's official soompi thread

-- Mina

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Guest missie_ko_ko

sexy hot fine richard simmons breathtaking mothafckin beast....


he's just sooooo...........no word can describe...lol....

i love the fact that when he's performing he's so into it but when he's not he's so goofy...

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Guest jaeners

AHHH! OH EM GEE. Thank you SO much for the pictures, Mina! I'm spazzing so much right now about the picture, lol. Well, spazzing to my friends. One of my friends says I'm going crazy over him, HAHAHAHA. I srsly am. Omg. -___-;; Look what you're doing to me, Ok Taecyeon! T-T But gah, I can't help but love this guy. :wub:

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Guest swt_decadent

Ohh I love this boy! Him, Jaebom, and Junho are my favorites in 2pm. I like how he's always smiling and happy. Also like how caring he is specially to Jay. He look like a model and those muscle. Yum!

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Guest she-smiles

*sigh* my life will be so empty while 2PM & my taecyeon are promoting in thailand.

so anyway, i'm here to spam. :P









credit. as tagged

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Guest jaeners

Wah, so many Taec pictures! Thank you guys so much for them! <3 I really love his smile and his jawline is so sexy. *drools* HAHAHA. Gah, he is so perfect. T-T <3

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Guest superjihyeee!

ohmygosh what a hottie. 8D

He has very intense eyes.

I think he'd be really scary to be around if he was angry, lol.

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Guest ddalgi<3

^i can't imagine him being angry...

would he shout??

i imagine that...he'd just have an irritated face and walk away?

okay, maybe he'd shout and argue...and fist fight? hahah random

but yeah, he a g <3 keke

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Guest morelosmiya


i was watching their energy

song, and i decided to make gifs.

taec's so smexy yet so cute!



oh. topped it! haha lol.

since i've topped it,

i'll share more



oh just that 2 i guess. lol

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Guest she-smiles

^ lol, i don't think so. although they are both so utterly hot. :)

baby in high cut. :)

cr. newsen


V fret no more. :)

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