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{official} 2 P M's [{ O K ★ T A E C Y E O N }] [옥택연]


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Guest a Fallen Tears of an Angel

hey, question here~

does anyone know is taec attended the Last Summer or whatever the name is festival??

coz i've been "haunting" 2pm's thread and so far i've seen only the rest of the member except him TT^TT

if he is there, can anyone post his pictures??

Taec you~ (thank you^^)

oh and can someone re-post the Taec goin on a date by himself photos?? coz all i see was the bandwith banner TT^TT

Taec again^^ (thanks again~)

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Guest vic_taebin

Is it me or has taec gotten buffer in the past couple of days???

Reason why I asked? Hmmm...watched some recent fancams of the group performing at the Love Bike Concert. Either his tank was so tight that it made him look big or it was just new muscles he's been developing during the break.

youtube link:

[FANCAM] 090829 2PM LOVE BIKE CONCERT - 10 out of 10


And then I see that picture minty. posted (thnx btw! ^^) where he's all drenched and his shirt is torned open and he got almost "jay abs". I don't recall he had such define abs (remember the recent COSMO pictures?).

ANYWAYS............ I'm not hella complaining. Me loves it!

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^ I've noticed that too! Actually, I think all of the 2PM members have buffed up quite recently. Their water performance on 20's Choice just had me gaping at them, literally. Taec needs to reveal himself more often! LOL (the ddae fan in me has taken over D8)

@ a Fallen Tears: I'm pretty sure he was absent that day. I've read from a fan account that he wasn't there. But I'm not sure why... Maybe to perform for My Ear's Candy at Music Core? He did perform that day.

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Guest a Fallen Tears of an Angel

@ minty. : aahh~ thank you^^ i never follow their schedules. he's been busy with BJY why can't i think of that thanks for answering^^

here's a little article about Bada and our beloved Taec^^

taken from 2PM's thread credit as mention

Singer Bada (Real name: Choi Sung Hee) worked together with Taecyeon from 2PM, who is considered today the ultimate trendy popular idol group.

Bada has made a comeback in 2 years with her 4th album title "Yes I'm in Love" which Taecyeon features in. Taecyeon also features in Baek Jiyoung's "My Ear's Candy", and they both show off their sexy moves onstage. Even Baek Jiyoung the diva becomes "shy" in front of the beast idol group 2PM's Taecyeon's charms. Then how did Bada and Taecyeon work together?

"Jiyoung unnie is shy in front of Taecyeon? The Jiyoung unnie I know would never act in such a way... (laughs) When Taecyeon recorded with me, I thought he was the one who was acting shy. He was so shy and nervous, I even wondered what I should do to make him feel comfortable. I bought him donuts and texted a lot with him to become friendlier. Taecyeon even said that he's more comfortable around me than Jiyoung unnie"

Taecyeon and Bada both starred in the recent filming of "Shin Dong Yup and Shin Bong Sun's Champagne". Taecyeon said "I thought it'd be burdensome to stand on the same stage with sunbae." He also revealed that he was more comfortable with Bada then Baek Jiyoung. Bada also said, "Well I'm younger than Jiyoung unnie so don't you think that's the reason?"

"You ask me if I'm disappointed if I see Jiyoung unnie and Taecyeon on the same stage? It would be nice to perform on stage with him but my title song is "MAD". I am a little sad and disappointed but I picked Taecyeon to be mine first so it's okay. At first, I started liking him just from listening to his voice, but when I actually started recording with him, I was so surprised he did so well. I can understand why fans like him."

Bada turned on the TV, and by fate, 2PM was performing. She instantly fell for him and contacted JYP and pleaded to have him feature in her song. While recording with Taecyeon, he exceeded Bada's expectations and she began to understand why 2PM is the ultimate trendy popular idol group today.

"Taecyeon is a much younger hoobae but I totally understand why fans like him. How should I say it? He's human. He doesn't pretend like he's someone else. He's so gentle and honest, it might have to do with the fact he's from the US but I appreciated it a lot. A lot of people came to me and praised me that Taecyeon and I sound great, and I think that, too. I made a very important decision. Taecyeon is an idol star that you can't help but love.

Meanwhile, Bada's title song "MAD" from her 4th album "See the Sea" has become very popular for it's "calf mooing" (LOL), and the she has also become very busy by taking part in the musical "Notre Dame de Paris" as taking on the lead role of Esmeralda.

SOURCE: Newsen

Translated by: pinkiyoojin at omona_prection

CREDITS: omonatheydidn't@LJ

good to hear that Taec is receiving a lot of support from his sonbaes~ and its all good praises^^

keep being you Taec~

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Um, can I just say...I saw him in person at the Mnet 20's Choice Awards over the weekend and he is really, really attractive...and also, when they were sitting on the stage, my friends and I were pretty close to him and 2PM. I think he noticed my white heart-shaped sunglasses I was wearing because he kept looking over and gesturing at the other guys to look. *sigh* So now, I can say that I saw 2PM and they thought I was weird for wearing heart-shaped sunglasses indoors during a concert..at night. Whatevs.


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Guest MR. LEE'S

haha ginger- that was funny. i don't think it's weird for you to wear sunglasses at night. taecyeon did it too when he's performing the i hate you song. oh and if he really did say that you're weird, then it means he's referring to him too. you're so lucky by having a chance to see them in real life. waaa, i wonder how they look like in real life. they must be prettier.

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@ginger: You're so lucky to have seen them in person! I've always heard that Taec looks better IRL, which makes me think, is that even possible?! haha. Even if they thought you were weird (which I'm sure they don't lol), at least they know of your existence now! LOL.

& It's good to hear Taec's getting all this attention from his sunbaes. But I feel like they're fighting over him or something lolol. Sigh, too bad there's only one Taec that can be shared among us... (lol I sound like a creeper)

Some gifs from WB ep 7


^ lol @ Taec shaking his hips! and Jay's expression. XD


^ Taec trying to b-boy but failing


^ this part just had my heart stopping...

cr. serengeti


aawfnwlifnaweif I didn't know Taec uses facebook. I added him but I doubt he'll accept since he probably has like a million other requests by fans, haha. Still, I can hope. :3

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Guest jaeners

@Ginger: You are so lucky you met Taec IRL. I wanna meet him IRL one day soon. *dies* ;~;

@minty., AHAHAHA those Taec gifs kills me. I love ittttttt. I can't wait to watch episode 7. I'm still downloading it right now. x___x & I didn't know Taec uses facebook either! 0: From what I heard from my friend, he used Jay's facebook sometimes, haha. But eh, anyway~ xP thanks for the gif! ^^

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Guest xscapereality

@ginger: LOL really?! that's so cute. haha at least they looked at you! lucky bum. if any of them actually even glanced a quick look at me, i think i'd faint.

@vic_taebin: YEAH! i thought i was the only one. bwaha. remember in ep 5, when they were in the change room?! I SEE YUMMY ABS COMING! no joke. he's getting buffer. and i agree with minty. they all look buffed up. and yeah, especially at the mnet 20's. jay, watch out! the members are catching up to you. ;D

& thanks for the gifs minty! LOL taec is such a dork. i can't wait for the subs. :D

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Guest she-smiles

*sigh* my heart hurts. school sucks, i shall be away from all this hotness for a while.

stay faithful to me, taec. lol.

thanks everyone, for continuing the love <33

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Guest MukkuTaecyeon

Bad bad, Taceyeon sshii!! He played Facebook but didn't tweet any single word.. Except "tired..."

Ps. I saw lots of girls in his waiting list.. BAD BAD!!! <3

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Anyone knows what's url for Taec's facebook? hahahah


well.. since i`m crazy for the boys..

i looked closely to his name on his laptop and it spelled out like this...

Taec Yeon Ok

i searched it up, and only 3 results... GAH I UNNO WHICH ONE THO XDDD

btw, i actually think i found Jay`s..

the profile pic, looks like the old 'gangsta' jay XD

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