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.:: Airbrushed Cakes ::.


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Guest milkbottle.

i wouldn't even eat it O___O" - i'll simply stare. but it feels wrong to eat a burger that tastes like a cake ><" lmfaoo.

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Guest yumenoko

whoaa! these are amazingly well made o.o can you actually eat them? I wonder what they taste like hahah

but I would never eat the rat or insect ones >.< even if they are cakes..and the animal ones (dogs, etc) are just too weird to eat >.< can you imagine cutting into them? o.o;;

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Guest sujinny

Those look so pretty, but I wouldn't want to eat the one with the watermelon and the "ants" (frosting ants? cake ants? lol) on them. Just think about it.. you're eating cake, but it looks like an ant :crazy: wouldn't want to put that in my mouth. same with the dog and cat ones.. but they all look pretty

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Guest cherrie.7

wowww these are pretty insane O_O.

they look so fun to make and too pretty to eat LOL.

at the same time it feels tempting to just poke it LOL xD

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Guest iridescencex

I admire the artistic value of the cakes, but I wouldn't eat them. Not only would I feel horrible for... destroying the work of art, lol, but I'd also feel terrible if I were to eat those cute animal ones.

Few questions though. Am I the only one wondering why some of those cakes are made to resemble things that are just plain gross? Like the dead rats and garbage? :huh:

Also, don't you guys think it's rather disgusting that in order to do that, a person(s) had to have handled every nook and cranny of the cake, despite wearing gloves?

ANDDDDD, wouldn't all that fondant and cream just... taste bad? Maybe this one really is only me, cause I only like this specific type of cream... and hate all the rest. But I mean... one bite, and all you get is the fondant/cream. That'd be just... yuck for me.

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Okay I'll be downright honest.

I could never eat a cake that looks so much like a puppy. No matter how tasty it might be.

I did enjoy looking at the artistic quality of these cakes, but lots of them look really plastic!

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