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2 Young 早熟 Chinese Movie

Guest t3n5h1_chu_k015h173

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Guest t3n5h1_chu_k015h173
Fiona Sit 薛凱琪フィオ
2YoungJayceeFongFionaSit.jpg「旺角黒夜」で第24回香港電影金像獎最優秀監督賞に輝いた爾冬隆デレク・イー監督の最新作。主演は、成龍ジャッキー・チェンの息子 房祖明ジェイシー・チャンと、映画初主演となる人気アイドル歌手の薛凱[王其]フィオナ・シッ。妊娠してしまった女子高生とその恋人、そして彼らの両親の間で繰り広げられるドラマを描いたラブストーリーだ。黄秋生アンソニー・ウォン、曾志偉エリック・ツァン、毛舜[竹/均]テレサ・モウらベテラン俳優が脇を固めているほか、ショウ・ブラザーズの看板俳優として一時代を築いた姜大衛デビッド・チャンもカメオ出演している。  裕福ではないが暖かい家庭で育ったカーフージェイシー・チャンと、弁護士である厳しい父の下で優等生として育ったヨックナムフィオナ・シッ。学校のパーティーで知り合った彼らはすぐに恋に落ちる。ところが付き合って間もなく、ヨックナムが妊娠。高校生の彼らにはどうすることもできず、カーフーの両親エリック・ツァン、テレサ・モウに相談する。動揺しながらも、カーフーの両親はヨックナムの父アンソニー・ウォンに縁談を持ちかけるが、話を聞いた彼は大激怒。両親の許しを得られなかったカーフーとヨックナムは駆け落ちし、とある村落の廃屋で生活をはじめるが…。 由爾冬陞執導、房祖名與薛凱琪主演的新片《早熟》拍出一部純為青少年而拍的電影講愛、家庭與責任的問題也從多角度談「性教育」。 有別於一貫起用著名演員的製作爾冬陞今次大膽以影壇新人Jaycee及Fiona擔任男女主角並以香港近年少有的未婚懷孕的社會問題來作電影題材講述一段未成年男女簡單的戀愛因為面對父母的反對壓力最後因擺脫父母的枷鎖令自己陷入被法庭審訊的官司在殘酷複雜的現實世界裡被迫令他們「早熟」起來。 由於片中因出身草根的家富(Jaycee飾)與富家小姐若男(Fiona飾)交往而令若男珠胎暗結掀起兩個家庭的大風波因此爾冬陞特別在家長選角時費煞思量安排不少「老戲骨」坐鎮如曾志偉跟毛舜筠飾演祖名的父母黃秋生與余安安就扮演Fiona的父母足見這兩對父母才是《早熟》的重心所在。 何謂真愛只是深愛著對方便可在現實世界裡家富和若男都只是羽翼未長的年青人他們能否經得起考驗彼此承擔責任在這個處境性的敏感題材下 Jaycee及Fiona突破新人的框框第一次在銀幕上拍攝親暱鏡頭表現令人驚喜而當他倆與父母的決裂關係後離家出走自力更生地努力生活讓觀眾看得動容《早熟》是一齣令人深思的電影。 Derek Yee won the Best Director Award at the 2005 Hong Kong Film Awards with One Nite in Mongkok. But instead of making another crime movie, Yee moved on to something stylistically very different, but ultimately just as remarkable. His latest work, 2 Young, attempts to explore the inner struggle of today's youth in facing issues of love, family, and responsibility. Action star progeny Jaycee Fong and Hong Kong rising singer Fiona Sit portray a young couple whose relationship is opposed by their parents. But when their intimacy goes too far, their relationship becomes more than just a matter between two youngsters... Jaycee Fong is Ka Fu, a high-school dropout who falls in love with rich girl Yuek Nam (Fiona Sit). The two begin a tender teen romance, but when Yeuk Nam gets pregnant, her father (Anthony Wong) becomes furious and grounds her indefinitely. She decides to run away with Ka Fu to raise the child on their own, but the desire to be responsible adults may be more than these two youngsters are capable of. The kids' courage may be touching, but the parents' superb acting and Derek Yee's direction may get more attention. Yee's talent lies in making a melodrama absorbing and enjoyable, but not overly sentimental, and in his hands, 2 Young is a surprisingly accomplished and unexpected Hong Kong film. Chinese Title Name : 早熟 2young.jpg2youngjfzmfs.jpg2youngfsjfzm.jpg:D I haven't seen any good chinese movies lately but this one is not bad quite ok :phew: SOURCE : 早熟 早熟 早熟 早熟
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Guest strawberrynkiwi

Good message to the story, but I dislike Fiona. She just gets on my nerves. Jaycee, mehhh... don't really like him either.

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Guest heartdrops

I've watched it. It was okay, not SUPERB.

I guess it was good but not very very touching.

I like the themesong though :]

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Guest bao bao

good movie, quite touching.

i love Fiona in this.. she really makes me feel for her despite her acting is still raw.

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Guest Alice

Didn't like it, perhaps biased as I never liked Jackie Chan's son and had heard that he was untalented from many people prior to watching this movie.

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Guest BLurBLur

i m not a big fan of jaycee.. but i love fiona in this... although her acting in here was not the best.. but i think it was good for a newcomer...

i really enjoyed myself watching this movie... one of the good ones that came out in 2005.... definitely worth checking out... the best scene for me was when jaycee was chased out of his house and on to the streets by his father when he found out what he had done.. i really felt what the characters were feeling at that time.. :tears:

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Guest ichigo_no_powder

I think for a newbie actress Fii did a pretty good job. The movie itself was mehhh but the storyline is good.

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Guest Justalilodreamer

honestly, i fell asleep before i even got through half of the movie

Boring, especially Jaycee's unemotional expressions.

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