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Dating people who smoke/do drugs

Guest FusionGT2

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Guest DutchJoint

What kind of drugs are we talking about here? Are we talking about hard drugs, or are we talking about pot?

Dating a stoner is probably difficult but I wouldn't mind a girl who's liberal enough to toke up once in a while.

Have you ever had sex high? Woo~wee!

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If its cigarettes/weed then once or twice a day is fine with me but everything else is just a no-no. As long as they smoke outside and not around me (I can't stand the smell at all), then its fine by me. Things like coke,heroin,acid, speed have worse effects and can completely screw up a person for life and I would hate to see my s/o suffer withdrawal when they're with me. I, on the other hand, really like being healthy, smelling nice, and pink gum, but to each his own.

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Guest DiscoSarah

I hate smoking and I'm allergic to it, but I'm willing to tolerate it as long as he's willing to quit eventually. I wont tolerate it long term though.

Drugs are a total deal breaker.

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Guest velvetdragonflies

Drugs - Hell NO, a BIG FAT NO. I don't even want to be friends with people who do drugs. (I'm judgmental on that!) ^_^

Smoking - I don't really care as long as they aren't chain smokers. :)

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Guest GDZY.cookielove

i hate guys who smoke, do drugs or drink really heavily o_o it makes me sad to see them destroy their own bodies.

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turn off. maybe because my dad smoked when i was little and both my brother and i have asthma...

but yeah it smells nasty and is a waste of money imo. i have quite a few friends who smoke though but they don't smoke in front of us non-smokers so it's cool. idk if i could have a boyfriend who smokes though.

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Guest nana544

I will not date a guy that smoke or do drugs or both. It is a competely turn off to me and no, I don't think is cool. People that smoke and do drugs are stupid---I don't care for people like that. They are wasting their life away by doing those two things. Ewww and it also disgusts me too!!!!

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Guest bubblyteax

My ex smokes pot, ALL THE TIME. In the beginning of our relationship, I DID NOT like it at all. I had sort of a fear around those people. I was only fifteen, come on. He stopped for a month or so, but I told him he can just do it, in the end. Only because he would use it against me.. For example, when I didn't want to sneak around my parents, he would use the "I stopped smoking weed for you and you can't do this for me" or "I'm depressed.. and weed always made it better.." He always tried to convince me to understand pot and how it's not harmful. I guess I wasn't enough to make him happy without it ;/

I give him credit for trying though. I used to DEGRADE pot. Now I just degrade the people who look like losers like at my High School that sell and bring pot to school.

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Guest yangri

If I like the guy already, I'd tell him that I'd better not smell any cigarette smoke on him, in him, whatever when I meet him. He can smoke whenever I'm not around. I won't immediately write a guy off just because he smokes but it'd be a major plus if he didn't.

Drugs.. man I'm so conflicted. I guess in the end, it's a deal breaker no matter how great they are.

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Guest janicebigbrother

I'd prefer to date a clean guy. My ex smoked and did drugs behind my back, I found out when I was already too attached to him so what could I really do? He obviously knew I didn't like it but continued to do it, just was smarter about it so I wouldn't be able to find out easily. If you're a smoker/druggie, I'd reject you on the spot. However, if you were like my ex and sprung this on me so deep into the relationship that I really loved you, I would hate it but I'd accept it 'cause I'd be stuck.

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