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Dating people who smoke/do drugs

Guest FusionGT2

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Guest reminiscence<3

no, its a major turn of for me.

eventhough he may not smoke infront of me, the smell of it still linger in his breath.

so like whats the use. plus making out with a smoker is just like licking an ashtray. in my opinion.

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Guest bm_5

it's a HUGE turn off from a guy who smokes and all that stuff! not bi or anything but girls who do it too! [please don't hate me]

it's just gross. and the smell too! >.< i like someone who is PURE and CLEAN! =D

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Guest ayis

well we know theres nothing good IN SMOKING


SO YEAH... i dont wanna go near them...or be friend with them

not until they quit

well we know theres nothing good IN SMOKING


SO YEAH... i dont wanna go near them...or be friend with them

not until they quit

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ya know, a guy asked me one day about if i'll try to break his smoking habits.

i really gotta say that i don't really mind.

he can't be smoking every damn minute but a few sticks a day aint that bad if he has a reason.

my dad smokes now and since i know why my daddy smokes i can understand that maybe other people have problems they try to eleviate by smoking too.

soo.. it's not a huge turn off.

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Guest katakiuchi

All this anti-smoking campaigning is all good and all, after all, smoking is very unhealthy. But coming from a forum who's base idolizes all these Asian drama actors and singers...and a forum that is more or less mostly Asian, it's a bit surprising many would completely shun the idea of dating or even being within close proximity of smokers...

Especially, when considering probably 4 out of 5 of these "drama/pop stars" smoke, and probably at least 1 out of 4 of your Asian guy friend smokes, whether they admit it or not.

Of course the majority of the replies could just be from a very young demographic though, my .02's.

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Guest sus

i hate smokers....

i dontl ike them smoking around me

i dont like the smell of it... it screws up mah lungs... makes it hard for me to breathe....

mmm too bad for me most the guys i hang out with smoke TT ...including bf... sighz

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my boyfriend smokes...i don't like it but i can't stop him from doing it so we compromised in that he's cutting down and when he does smoke, he won't do it around me and he'll chew gum/cover up the smell if he's going to see me afterwards XD

i guess it's a little bit hypocritical because technically i quit but i'm an occasional social smoker (i'm talking like one or two stoges a month)...but i generally am not a fan of the smell//don't like kissing him after he's smoked. the thing i hate most is when we're with a group of friends and he ditches for a bit to go have a cigarette. i feel like that's kind of disrespectful =\ .

if that makes sense O_o

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Guest sportychic

I think its def unattractive. Why would I want to kiss the lips of a smoker and either taste/smell it. I also dont want either of us to die prematurely of something as controllable as a bad habit -_-

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Guest w4termelon

1-2 a year is fine (ya right) and does not smoke where i can see it. or else, i think is a total turn off. n dont ever kiss me wit cigg breathe. ew!

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Guest AngelsWhisper

I don't like to see anyone to smoke. It's gross...and I definitely don't want my boyfriend to smoke either, he would never do that cuz he's too smart for it >3 muahaha

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