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Dating people who smoke/do drugs

Guest FusionGT2

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wellll, when i was little i used to say

"i'm never going to date/marry a guy who smokes!"

i'm still kinda like that. but i guess it's w/e now.

unless he like smokes infront of me,

or pressures me to do it too. that's a no no.

if i like a guy that smokes, i'll make him quit :)

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liek YUNa said..im fine with it as long as he dont smoke or attempt to kiss me afterwards.

and if he does, then he better rinse his mouth with listerine and take some drops to freshen his mouth. LOLs.

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Guest moblastin

i think ppl over react when they say cigarettes kill............. my dad has been smoking since he was in late high school, and hes 53 now. i never hear him with bad coughs from stoges......... and i never see him run out of breath easily or have a hard time breathing.......... only yellower teeth

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Guest papasmurf

i just smoke half of the cigarette....i can't never smoke the whole thing..i put out the half and then save it for later (1 pack lasts 1 week for me).

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Guest bitter SOOweet

i'm not as strongly against it as i used to be, but it's still a turn off for me

casual smoking every now and then is alright but chain smoking and like smoking like every living moment -- i hate that.

but i won't judge someone just 'cause they smoke or w/e tho

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Guest *sorrow

smokin is ok for the smoker but not for the passive breather who is usualler the one who ends up getting cancer. stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid creators of nicotine. damn u to hell.

btw smoking is cool. :D

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I think it's disgusting and I can't stand the smell of second hand smoke.

It's definietly a turn off and not very pleasant to be kissing a smoker =/.

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Guest xbelieverINfaith

i used to think it was the worst thing everr. but not anymore i dont mind it that much, maybe cause i started to smoke haha but yea. well i think smokin like everyday is gross but if its jus a little bit then its ok

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Guest xxkklxx

im not totally against it...cuz i kno smoking is hard to quit but if they TRY then im good...just that i hope they can smoke less =)

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Guest noodlenoodle

I don't mind guy friends thats smoke. But for a boyfriend, it wouldn't be too attractive with smoke breath :P

p.s. you didn't make it clear, theres loads of types of smoking. I think if you socially smoke it wouldn't be too bad because that would be a lot rarer?

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Guest smashbox

If a girl isn't interested in being with you because you smoke, then you shouldn't even waste your time on that chick. She's probably just using that as a excuse. If someone really likes someone I don't think it'd matter :)

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