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Dating people who smoke/do drugs

Guest FusionGT2

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Guest _eunsole_

Don't hate the guy, just hate the fact.

Never would go out with a guy that smokes....

But I do hate guys that lie to me saying they don't smoke when they do.

I also hate guys that say they're going to quit and don't.

just my opinion

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Guest ipachiy

ahh i don't like the guy who smoke

it makes his teeth very yellow -*-

and he will has bad smell from his mouth

ahh stop thinking is better

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Guest last love.

Guys that smoke are an absolute turn-off! It does NOT make you look cool to me. It just seems so obnoxious and suicidal, if you see it from my point of view. Smoking kills you. I don't like to be around a guy who knows that smoking can kill you. Besides, secondhand smoke and his breath are definitely negatives.

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Guest cherrijeska

same for me. it's a huge turn-off.

but i will be happy to see a guy i like trying to quit smoke..that will show me good expression i guess....haha.

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I feel that smoking is a two way thing for girls. if she smokes, then she woudln't mind if her boyfriend smokes. However, it doesnt work that way with boys, boys can smoke, but most of the male smokers, they don't like it when girls smoke. ironic no?

I used to hate smoking, but eventually people hit that stage where they'd smoke at least once or more in their lifetime. I don't like smoking, but i smoke occasionally when I'm stress out. I wouldn't mind if my boyfriend smokes, but.. it would be better if he doesn't. Opposites attract. I dont like him repeating steps that i do. haha selfish huh?

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I dislike smoking, but if thats who you are... I'll throw you away.

Basically its fine if I'm not dating the person, or if its a friend I ask that he not smoke

around me for the entire time that he is around me : P

I am semi-allergic to cigs, it gets in my lungs and I get icky,

Most likely I'd harass the craps out of that person and chuck their ciggs away.

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Guest Melyxcious

I don't like smoking but it doesn't turn me away from liking the guy.

If they make an effort to quit, then okay :)

they have to try. try. try.

but it is a turn off :T

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Guest AMIbunny

=[ the guy i currently like Smokes..sometimes.. uggggggh ='[

but i already like him!!! =[ maybe if i ever go out w/ him i'll tell him to stop. XD

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I wouldn't want to kiss a guy who was just smoking....but most of my best guy friends smoke and I used to smoke so yeah....V_V;;

I guess as long as they don't smoke in my face or try to get at me while/after smoking it's okay....basically if they clean up after themselves and they're not addicted//fiending XD

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Guest Darknesss

I must agree with the majority here...it's gross dude. Funny thing is, I don't mind it when guys smoke champed black & milds...yea, that's a whole other issue so we'll just go with a resounding "No Smoking!"

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Guest sweet_krn_angel

I wouldnt kiss one if he smoked. Watching all the "kissing a smoker" commercials grossed me out. hehehe. If we're together and we're clickin` if he cares enough maybe he would quit for me but otherwise i probably wont kiss a smoker.

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Absolutely disgusting... Smoking is a huge turn off. It looks cool from a distance, but I would never want to date a smoker; he'd smell horrible! I wouldn't kiss him either ughh ><

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Guest iLOVEYB_x

a HUGE turn off for me. i mean if you kiss them then it feels like your licking the ashtray or something.

plus the guy can get all bloodshotty and i hate that. also, i hate the smell from the smoke that's on the guy. i feel that it's gonna be on me!

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