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Dating people who smoke/do drugs

Guest FusionGT2

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Guest jaejae

yeah its definitely a turnoff for me. Once I went out on a group outing with a few friends, and noticed that this really cute guy came along. So pretty much the whole day I was sitting there perving on him. lol

And then he randomly takes out a cigarette and starts smoking away.


Cuteness factor just went from 10 to 0.

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Guest bubblishxtrem

If we weren't dating, then yes it would be such a turn off. If we were already dating, I would persuade him to stop. As much as I'd like to, I wouldn't get over the fact that he's a smoker.

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Guest tian`tian

Friends, it's their choice. BF, not so good. It's an automatic turn off and I'll definitely get upset. Growing up with a parent who smokes made me not want anything like that in my future.

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Guest allureex3

i really dislike smoke because every time i smell someone smoking it gives me a realllyy bad headache 0.o

if i found out my boyfriend smokes i'd definitely make him quit! no ifs ands or buts.

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Guest .HelLo.KiTty.

I... weirdly think that certain guys can pull off quiet a look when they are smoking. 8D

But I certainly prefer my bf to be a non-smoker.

If he is... I don't want him to be the one that is like... addicted to it.

If he smokes sometimes then it's okay.

I'd def try to make him quit though.

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Guest elaineheaven

Heh, yes the hot factor is definitely there when a good looking guy

takes a drag while waiting for the lights to change.

But i don't like inhaling smoke.

So I think as long as my guy knows that I don't like it,

and try to avoid smoking around me or at least put an effort in curbing it.

I'll be more than happy. (:

Smokers are humans too anyway. But then again, its unhealthy.


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Guest Cakee`

my current boyfriend smokes. i'm trying to get him to quit and i think that it's working.

he doesn't smoke around me..because he knows that i'll yell at him and start a WHOLE lecture.

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Guest Supremacy

^The one thing we cant stand, continous nagging from women. xD

I was with a friend(a girl, but not gf), and i took out a cig, and that started her off on this lecture, "my grandfather died from cigs..etc" and it got so annoying i just threw the cig away so she'll shut up

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Guest connieeek


I guess I'm a little weird but I actually kindov always wanted to date someone who smoked

I mean I don't think I'd really mind if he smoked

I'm just wierd

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Guest g0bananas

little smoking is sexy. i love the scent of a little cologne mixed with some smoke <3

but chain smoking is disgusting, and yellow teeth are gross.

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Guest HERinsinuation

I remember I used to find it a major turn-off but..eh. Since the majority of guys I know smoke there isn't exactly an exclusive opinion I can reserve for them in general....but it doesn't matter who it is, he better not be bringing that mini cooper near me because it stinks.

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NO EXCEPTIONS! i hate guys who smoke... <_<

it's disgusting. i dont see why some girls see smoking as a hot thing...

my boyfriend used to smoke and i made him quit by putting our relationship on the line.

i get a huge headache every time i get near somebody who smokes...

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Guest Marochi

I remember there was a hot guy that would come to my neighbor's place every morning [& they'd walk to school together].

And one morning, when I was going down stairs, I saw him smoking & I like, literally felt his hotness-meter drop. LOL

I didn't find him attractive at all anymore.

..Well fine, he still looked pretty good. |8 But you get my point.

So basically, I find smokers & cigarettes unattractive.

Especially if you're dating the person. Kissing an ash tray = no thanks.

& I hate second-hand smoke. I think it's one of the rudest things you can do [absently] since the other person can also get serious health problems. /:

If it's a friend, I'd obviously hint at trying to have them stop, but it's their choice.

I admit it may look a little "cool" or "sexy" at times,

but come on. they're breathing in toxic waste & smog into their body. |:

Plus it really stinks.

I wrote too much..XD sorry haha

I'm just very against smoking~

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Guest YeonCouture

i hate guys that smoke.

i'm only fourteen, and there are already guys that smoke on a regular basis.

it's like the most disgusting habit ever.

total turn-off

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Guest xdeathberry

I don't like guys smoking.

If I'm around, they better put that out.

Cause I care for healthy lungs, thank you very much. :P

I'd get 'em nicotine patches for an anniversary to get my point across if they don't quit. haha

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