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Dating people who smoke/do drugs

Guest FusionGT2

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Guest macchiato!

it smells horrible, i can't stand it

it'll make you look horrible in time too

i hate to admit it but... sometimes,

guys look really badass and hot with a cig

don't worry, i punch myself everytime i think so


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Guest jenny____x

i would prefer it if the guy i liked didnt smoke, but i cant really do anything about it.

if hes man enough to quit for me, then yay for him

but i know how hard it is to quit so i wont really be on him so much for smoking.

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Guest ANGiEE

i don't like it.

my dad was a heavy smoker for 25+ years (he quit years ago though)

and it really affected his gums and health overall

that's the main reason why I hated it

my bf smokes.. but he cut down a lot

he won't smoke around me at all

unless we're out drinking (something about how good a cigarette is while/after drinking)

and when hes stressed at work

my older brother started smoking a few years ago

huge disappointment cause i look up to him so much

plus... it stinks.

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Guest sidv

it's not one of the requirements that he doesn't smoke, but i would like him not to (since i quit a few years ago, and i sure as hell don't want him to tempt me and for me to start again). maybe when we get to the more comfortable stage of the relationship, i'll kindly suggest he cut down and stop for his own good :D

my boyfriend now smokes, and while it doesn't take anything away from his personality, i still pretty much hate it. but since all of his friends (and about half the korean male population) smoke, it's hard for him to stop :( at least he has the courtesy to go far far away when he lights up, haha.

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Guest ♡ 雪雪

I find it a huge turn-off because it smells, and I hate the smoke inhalation (second-hand). I also find it repulsive having to speak to someone who has the smoker's breath, and it's DISGUSTING to kiss someone who just smoked. -_- Plus, I have asthma from second-hand smoking so yeah...

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Guest ebae89

smoking is a no-no

i hate anyone who smokes..

it's just kills the emotion.

plus would you want to smell smoke just lingering around?

just quit smoking if you do, you'll live longer.

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Guest juicebox

no. smoking is bad~!

i hate it when guys smoke.

but what can i do about it? X)

i feel relli upset when i see my frends strt to smoke. =(

hey but even though im totally against smoking, there are certain guys tht look kinda sexy smoking ^^"

iunno how. but it jus looks right when they smoke =S

DONT SMOKE nothing makes smoking ok~! @_@

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to tell you the truth, I seriously detest guys who smoke. their breaths smell bad, and I hate being a second-hand smoker. (and I hate when guys blow their stinky breath at your face; it's just rude). I rather date a simple and clean guy and add the word: HOT

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major turn-off,

not only will he stink, his teeth would probably be discolored (not to mention his lungs!),

and i don't plan on getting sick from second-hand smoke.

so i steer clear from smokers -_-

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my dad's side of the family smokes except for one uncle and on my mom's side, my two uncles do. so, definitely a no.

i've dealt with it for my whole life and going out is a way to get away from the cigarettes smell.

plus, everynight my hair used to smell like cigarettes which really sucked -_-"

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Guest eunhae

i derno....

i like it when i see guys who do that sometimes

but personally, i wouldnt want a bf that smokes

i cant stand it, i start coughing like crazyyy and they smell bad

plus, its bad for your health -0-

hehe, so iguess that's a no

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Guest itsmayyxd

yesh smoking is a big turn off for me and for most girls x], even i tho i been out with guys that had smoked, but as long as you dont smoke in front of my face x]

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Guest KristyS

Not a fan of guys that smoke... I really hate it... Unless they're intelligent and look elegant... No offense.

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Guest Sebc

I don't really like it but,

I am not going to dump someone

I like or love just because they smoke.

But, I would prefer they didn't..I would

help them quit if they wanted to.

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