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Dating people who smoke/do drugs

Guest FusionGT2

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Guest hkukaudition

I'd prefer to date a clean guy. My ex smoked and did drugs behind my back, I found out when I was already too attached to him so what could I really do? He obviously knew I didn't like it but continued to do it, just was smarter about it so I wouldn't be able to find out easily. If you're a smoker/druggie, I'd reject you on the spot. However, if you were like my ex and sprung this on me so deep into the relationship that I really loved you, I would hate it but I'd accept it 'cause I'd be stuck.

I knew my BF smoked and did drugs but still i couldnt help but fall for hi.. so in a way its my own fault for all the hurt he caused me because i knew what i was going into from the beginning whereas you were hit with it when you were already in love. I used to think that i would automatically be turned off if they smoked/did drugs but still i fell for him.

Thankfully hes quit both but it did take a while for him to even try... and he did the same to me too, he did it for ages without me knowing and then when i found out he hadnt really quit, i had already fallen so hard for him i just had to accept it.

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Guest moo_lah

Smoking is a huge turn off for me but it's not a deal breaker.

I mean, I wouldn't break the relationship off or anything but I would at least tell them to cut down or something.

I'm not really one for controlling what my boyfriend does or doesn't do, smoking being one of them

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Guest MusicallyEnchanted

I don't think I could date a guy that smokes and I have zero tolerance for ones that do drugs (excluding drinking). Just my personal preference. Why would someone think that kissing an ashtray is hot? And the forever-present smell of smoke?

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Guest Banana Peel

I really really don't want a guy who smokes. Not only is it nasty to imagine kissing a smoker but also because my dad has smoked since forever ago and thanks to that I suffer from asthma. It just sucks because big percentage of asian men (particularly korean) smokes -_-.. not stereotyping, but just saying.

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The guy I'm interested in right now apparently smokes, but I only knew because there's exactly one photo of him on Facebook doing it. But surprisingly, I don't like him any less because of it. I never thought I would be accepting of it, but I guess I like him enough to overlook it. Or it could be because I don't smell any smoke on him when we hang out, so I'm inclined to think he doesn't smoke too often. He hasn't smoked around me or mentioned that he even smokes, though, hmm.

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Guest mrskwonahn

I will never date people that will do drugs. Even if it's weed. That's just not acceptable for me. Anything illegal, no matter how good looking the guy is, I won't even consider dating him and I find out when we are dating I will stop dating him even let's say I did my first deeds with him.

But smoking, I kind of think it makes guys hotter ^_^ I never smoked because I think of it as a cancer stick, but if he isn't a serial smoker, I won't have a problem. ^_^

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Guest nobody knows

I'm not a smoker and I personally dislike being around all smokers (which is a majourity of my school ..)

but I recently found out that the guy I like smokes

idk if he smokes often, but he definitely doesn't smell like a smoker

if he's just a social smoker, then yeah, whatever

but if he does drugs, then nooooo

omg what am I talking about =___=

I've only met the guy for like a little over a month

it's his choice, but if he's gonna plan on smoking around me, then I'll have to walk away from him

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  • 3 weeks later...

I thought I'd be fine with it but it turns out I do mind dating guys who smoke. I don't mind hanging out with people who smokes even when they do it in front of me. I just don't like it when my bf does. So I told him not to do in front of me but he can do it behind my back as long as he doesn't smell like it when he see me. I think the major issue is actually the smell more than anything. Like eww~ I hate it when the smell sticks to my (and his too) hair and clothes.

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Guest Mercedes_slk350

There is nothing attractive about being a smoker, so I don't understand the 'hot, sexy and cool' comments.

However I do prefer dating smokers because I am a smoker myself.

For drugs, as long as it's for experimental purposes and doesn't make a habit out of it.

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Ugh, I'm going thru this now :wacko:

There's this guy I've kinda like who has also showed a bit of interest in me. But just the other day in class, him and another classmate started talking about smoking some kind of drug and how they were gunna go get some after school. <_<

Honestly, it really bothered and upset me. Mostly 'cuz druggies r a total turn-off and I didn't want him to be one of those guys.

I mean, I knew he wasn't a great amazing student and all, but this just really disappointed me and I decided that nothing could ever happen between us because I don't want to get involved with people like him.

Haha, this sounds like i'm being a total baby and a hard-richard simmons right? And I know in this day and age almost everyone does drugs, smokes, etc. at parties or whatever but it's still just disappointing to me nonetheless.

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Guest ilmilione

Never been attracted to a druggie, probably never will be. Smoking can be a horrible habit a good person can pick up, so I wouldn't straight-off-the-bat say no, but it is a huge turn-off for me.

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Not really into people who are constant cig smokers. Occasional weed is ok for me though. We can get high together laugh.gif but that's it. No other drugs.

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I don't care if the guy I date smokes cigarettes so long as he's not smoking more than half a pack a day because that'd be annoying if he had to take smoke breaks often while we were together. Cannabis is fine as long as he doesn't act like a typical "pothead." Hard drugs are a no-no-NEVER; I would actually go as far as avoiding any guy that regularly does hard drugs.

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Guest zoomlo85

who cares what girls say they want lmfao~~

i smoke/drink alcohol also take drugs like weed/ecstacy/coke on a casual basis and girls eventually catch up with this but they never turned their backs.  what they say they want and what they fall for are different. FACT.

Girls can list all the things they want and they will never meet a guy who will satisfy all their 'criteria'.

Like how us guys will never meet a girl who satisfy all our so called 'criteria'

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  • 4 months later...
Guest wakii

i like how i posted here in october insinuating that i probably wouldn't date a guy who smokes or does drugs (well i said "idk") 'cause guess what! my boyfriend does it all...lol. not that often anymore since we got together though.

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Having dated a pothead, drug addict ('recovering' supposedly) I just think that's now a bigggg deal breaker.

I don't want sb with addictive, escapist issues. And no, I wasn't looking for sb like that. It just happened cos I fell in love with him and you know what happens -_-. You start overlooking alot of things.

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