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Jung Ji Hoon * 정지훈 * 鄭智薰 * (aka Rain/Bi / 비 / ピ) I [Upcoming Drama 2024] Red Swan


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가수 겸 배우 비, 컴백에 해외팬 500명 방

'잇츠 레이니 위크(It's rainy week)'

credit empas.com

Thanks mariposa.

The article is short. ;) So I did it quickly. The translation (=txl) follows at the end of this post. :)

Thank willienette for the Bazaar Interview and kairu for the schedule.

ur welcome blu...

무릎팍도사 촬영하는 비~ 샤방한 미소 날려주심ㅋ


Thank deka for the cute photos of Rain in the "Golden Fishery - 무릎팍도사.'

He looks different, in terms of glasses and the attire, from the preview clips of the YSMM.' Looks cuter on this one. How a haircut makes a better man, huh? (compared to the haircut for the Japan fan meeting). ;):D Love the haircut, attires, songs and esp. performance... his everything! :wub::wub::w00t:

:wub:Long Live the King, Rain !!! :wub:

Thanks mzpakipot for the MU link.

(Also thank priss ;) and a few others who posted the DLs before ).

I think, someone else also asked for an ENG SUBed Rain's Special ASAP on this thread (preferably on a HQ vid). This past weekend, I got started on one of the plain mp4 vid clips from a friend as a favor. But I'm not even sure if I can finish. This vid has a lot of songs so it's not too bad for someone like me to do it alone if I have time. Although a team can do it very quickly. Unfortunately for me, it just takes too long for me to do it, not b/c of the txl but...anyhow. But, now, more than ever, there's a lot of people, fans who (& teams and organizations that) do great SUB jobs so quickly and so systematically. I'm sure someone will release a better version of ENG SUB'd HQ video (of Rain's special) very soon. Anyway, I'm always looking for HQ vids myself and I appreciate it. :)

(* Ps: I have finished 1st and 2nd part of the video. I started working on 3rd part and I shut the shop down. :crazy:

- The first part, there is some clips of Rain & KSA. And I added ENG translation of 'Love Story' (with choice of words that fit into the song a bit better), but not for Rainism.

- The second part is the funnest bit w KSA among the practice scene, in my opinion. That's done. It would make sense fine w/o the rest of the part, I think. The only thing is that the SUBing makes the quality of video down quie a bit and I'm not sure how it will look on YouTube etc sites. :sweatingbullets:

But if you like, and if you don't find a better one next a couple of days, let me know. I'll upload them to a friend's or my sister's web sites. I probably won't be able to work on the rest for a while.)

[bTW, speaking of SUBing (on a Mac), I have a few questions for anyone with info and help on this.

I've just changed to a Mac and I am not familiar w the Mac or its available software yet...not that I was ever a tech savvy or worked on SUBing vids. :sweatingbullets::sweatingbullets: I just tried out an ancient SUBing tool that barely works on a Mac. :sweatingbullets: But I am looking for...

1) a SUBing tool that has a few options(change of fonts, size, location...) and can read different types of vid formats like 'flv' 'wav' other than typical 'mov or mp4' files on a Mac. Has to have a compatablity w an imbedding tool.

2) an imbedding tool that is compatable with the SUBing tool that has a few better options than basic "srt or sub'...on a Mac. Please, no Avidemuk. It is not a very flexible tool and I've tried some. It is not compatable w diffrernt types of SUBing tools and/or Vid formats simutaneously on a Mac...so far.

I know I should seek help on internet and I will. But you guys are smart, tech-savvy and probably know more about foreign SUB than most. I appreciate any help and advice beforehand.

* Needless to say, my txl'ed srt files work like a charm on VLC. I am actually looking for an imbedding tool not a player.

Thanks. :) ]

* The txl for mariposa's article follows.


Singer and actor Rain (Bi), 500 foreign fans visit Korea for his comeback.

'It's rainy week'

Simultaneously, with the comeback of singer and actor Rain, approximately 500 foreign fans visited Korea. Rain's fans boarded the planes for Korea just for the news of his comeback, without even a concert or a fan meeting. The foreign fans' fervent interest reaffirmed his status as a 'World Star.' In one of the greenrooms, while appearing in a music program, Rain said, "I was very surprised to see the foreign fans in front of my house in the morning. I think they came a long way to see me because it's been a while since I was on stage as a singer. I am just thankful that they came in person to cheer me on."

Rain's fans came to Korea on the 18th as a starting point and they are moving along with the Rain's schedule. Starting with the event held in one of the tax-free stores on the 18th, the foreign fans also filled seats in the SBS Music Hall Program 'In-Ki-Ka-Yo'. The foreign fans, who couldn't get the admission tickers earlier, crowded the SBS Open Hall at Deung-Chun Dong, at the place of the program recording. These fans displayed the passion by moving to Yong-In Stadium where the open broadcasting of Rain's subsequently scheduled program, SBS Power FM (107.7 MHz), 'Dong-Go-Dong-Rak,' was be held.

"We figured that approximately 500 fans from Japan and the Chinese-speaking areas came to Korea to see Rain for the weekend. They not only visit Rain's residence and agency but also follow his schedule to places and cheer him on enthusiastically. I am aware that there are also a number of fans who will stay onto the following week for a longer stay." said an associated person from the Rain's management agency, J. TUNE Entertainment.

Rain started his broadcasting stage performance for the 5th album in the MBC music program 'Show! Music Core' on the 18th. The title song of the 5th album 'Rainism' showcases Rain's much stronger performance.

- credit empas.com-

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Guest Mariposa28

thanks blu for the translation, lucky fans who could go watch his performances and cheer him up, i wish i was there too :tears:

deka_if you'r welcome :) thanks for the pix of the Rain in "Golden Fishery - 무릎팍도사.'

Thanks for the MU link.mzpakipot

here another article about our king lol




Rain側はまず歌詞の中で問題になった部分の「震えるあなたの体の中を回っている僕のmagic stick/これ以上越えることはできない限界を感じたbody shake/ make it ranism the ranism僕の体を感じてしまった」に対して「意図的に性的な方向へ推し進めるならば、そのように聞こえるかもしれないが、この歌詞は踊りとパフォーマ ンスに関する歌詞だ」と一蹴した。「magic stick」は、杖の踊りを念頭に置いたポイントの歌詞で、「shake」や「体を感じる」という表現も、踊りの感じを生かすためのものという主張だ。 「『Rainism』自体が、Rainの衣装、ヘアー、パフォーマンス、ミュージックビデオなどに対する総体的な表現なのに、まさか性をRainの象徴的 なことに選ぶはずがない」というのが、Rain側の主張だ。

Rain側が扇情性と距離が遠いと主張する2番目の根拠は、パフォーマンスに対する部分だ。セクシーな感じを露骨に表現するよりは、今回の踊りは杖を利用 して、シックで紳士的な面を浮上させているというわけだ。実際にRainは最近のインタビューで「今までのパフォーマンスは、露出によるセクシーさやパワ フルな面を強調してきたが、今回は節制美を追求した。隠されたセクシーさを表わすことに、注力した」と語ったことがある。「魅力を演出するため、見せよう かどうしようかというパフォーマンスでしょう。節制の美学を引き出すために、たくさん研究した」

Rainの主張の通り、節制された動作とラインで新しく創造したパフォーマンスであるため、赤裸々な感じや扇情性とは距離が遠いと見ることができる。一方 Rain側は、放送局で『Rainism』の再審議に突入したという知らせに「あきれてしまう。もう少し調べてみる」と残念な心境を明らかにした。

credit inolife

KBOOM Vol.39





credit rain america

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*** Wow, he always impressed me in all his interviews. Re-beginning from scratch….. Anyway, I’m happy that RAIN is enjoying himself more now despite his busy schedule. He sounds always humble. Just continue to be strong & live comfortably & enjoy life, RAIN! :lol:


Oct 2008 - Rain, “The age 27 means a re-beginning from scratch to me”

Rain, “The age 27 means a re-beginning from scratch to me”

Q-You appeared on an entertainment program as soon as you made a comeback. How does it feel.

Rain-I think there’s been a change in my attitude. It was comfortable than before.

Q-You appeared on entertainment programs during your 4th album also.

Rain- I did. But people around me still ask why I appear on such programs.

Q-People must be feeling uneasy with you as you earned the title ‘World star’.

Rain-I try to do as much activities as I can, but maybe it doesn’t seem like it to others.

“I’m a weird guy in the Hollywood filmmaking scene”

Q-Your appearance in Hollywood was quite fast.

Rain-Back then I thought my future was more important than money.

I thought I wouldn’t have another chance.

Q-How did the audition go.

Rain-There’s 2 cameras. With my short English, I said “I can do it, trust me.

Please. (Laughter) But that must have looked cute.

Q-Naomie Harris said she’s “never seen anyone work so hard before” on <MBC Special>.

Rain-But I like that. It usually takes 2~3 days to do something in U.S, but it’s done in a day in Korea.

Q-Was that necessary.

Rain-It’s a battlefield. I was well known after that. For hardworking.

Just at that time the Wachowski brothers were making <Ninja Assassin> and they needed

the main character to overwork their body to bring out the physical abilities. So they chose me.

“If there’s going to be <I’m a Cyborg, But That’s OK 2>, I would like to participate.”

Q-The workout you’ve been doing for <Ninja Assassin> was something that can bring out the extremes

of physical abilities.

Rain-Right. They made me do physical workout and not only muscular workout.

Hollywood demanded that. That is what the movie needed.

Q-But the roles you play in <Speed Racer> or <Ninja Assassin> are typecast. It’s a strong character.

Rain-They’ll be all sorts of responses after its release, and I’ll be making another challenge based

on that critique. I wish to step towards those who have supported me before that time comes.

So maybe the movie <I’m a Cyborg, But That’s OK> means a lot to you.

The shooting was hard, but I was able to devote myself purely to acting.

If there’s going to be <I’m a Cyborg, But That’s OK 2>, I would like to participate.

“I think I know what dancing is now. I want to make a movie on dancing”

Q-Didn’t your list of choice become wider in Korea.

Rain-Right. I want to star in a dance movie before I grow old.

Q-Your dances at the showcase was as if acting different characters freely.

Rain-I know it’s always ‘Oh, I’m trying my best, and I’m going to conquer.’ (Laughter)

So I wanted to show a free side.

Q-Before you showed powerful dances but now you show restrained movement.

Rain-Before, there were lots of exposing and powerful performances, and this time,

I thrived for the beauty of restraint.

Q-‘Rainism’ isn’t a kind song itself also. Isn’t it made for performance.

Rain-First I thought of what makes Rain, Rain. Rainism is just that.

I just wanted to give an expression ‘wow, Rain is the greatest on stage’.

‘Love story’ is a easy listening song so I classified the visual from the listening.

“In a way, <Rainism> is my first album.”

Q-Did you want to show who Rain was, rather than a big hit on the album.

Rain-This album is a scarce opportunity that I had, which I could do anything I want.

The release of my movie and the English album has been postponed…

So since I had songs I had been preparing for a year, I thought why not release an album

I produced. It’s my first album in a way.

Q-JYP said that Rain has really never made a hit with his song.

Rain-I think what he really meant was distorted. I can’t just think of the Korean market.

So I made this choice considering which parts I can bring to the extreme. It’s now or never.

Q-So you are a sport even when you are free.

Rain-Right. I like talking so much that I would like to try for an MC later on.

Q-Don't you think people could hate you for trying to be good in everything?

Rain-I’m the type that says “hook me up with someone, I’m lonely”, but I can’t just say

“I’m lonely” to not hear “that guy is full of spirit even there.” That’s faking it.

Q-Don’t you have to catch your breath.

Rain-I rest when I have to. Every time during an interview people ask me

“how’s it feel to become global?”, “Shouldn’t you live your life more comfortably now?”.

But I’m already living comfortably.

Q-And you sleep 4 hours? (Laughter)

Rain-Not really. (Laughter) My worries in 'Knee Ascetic'was how I could “meaningfully spend my 20s”.I want to go on a date, hold hands with my girlfriend.

“Honor is important to me. That is my proof.”

Q-What’s your motivation to move on, giving up all that.

Rain-Starvation. In high school, no one lent me their hand when I was starving. Only JYP did.

That is why I started to sing, and why I stand alone.

Q-That starvation sounds more like recognition and love than tangible things.

Rain-Right. Honor is important. That is my proof.

Q-Now you are responsible for everything for that honor.

Rain-I have to. It is a burden. But that is ‘my way.’ I wanted to test myself. Could I do well?

Maybe not. There will be failures. But the challenge must go on.

Q-What does the age 27 mean to you, responsible for all that.

Rain-I’ve just become more abundant than before, but it’s a restart from scratch.

I’m making my go again.

Q-Again? You always seem to start from the beginning.

Rain-I’ve made it this far, always thinking of a year later.

I could have fell if I was satisfied with how far I came. That’s my life.

Q-When you reached your goal, and can no longer maintain your physical status

as a super entertainer, what do you wish to do?

Rain-Family. And with the money I saved, I want to build a school and support the kids

who don’t have enough money to learn singing and dancing, just like my youth.

I don’t know how it’ll work out, but that is another goal after my 40s.

credit: T magazine

translation/edited: rain bird-rain-eu

reposted: RAIN Germany

Credit : Phoenix / Sexy Bi

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Could someone help me?

I was under the impression that Bi will be appearing 10/20/08 YSMM but he didn't...

Anyone know when he will be?

Some of the long time Bi fans may remember me... I've translated all of Bi's appearances in YSMM Season 1...

I would like to continue the tradition and sub his new one but I have no idea when it will be on?!

Please PM me... thanks in advance!

Wow! Its been a long time since i seen u around! So happy to see that u r plannin to do subs for YSMM! Dun kill me but is there a chance that u might consider subbin the showcase documentary with Kim Sun Ah. THey are just so adorable together n it will b fantastic if someone can do translation on wat they said..

Its really nice to see u back here again... hehehe

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Guest bianhyeudau

just love the song 'fresh woman' .. the drums, the guitar the intro .. the beat ..but unfortunately, i cannot understand what the lyrics mean..i just hope that Rain will have an english version of this song when he makes his US album .. but if anybody can romanized the song..please please please..i want to understand the meaning of the song .. thanks in advance..another unfortunate thing..i don't know if this album will be released here in the Philippines, ordering online is too expensive for me :( ..anyways, let us hope that 5th album will stay on top for weeks and months..a big big concert by next year.. and oh! so looking forward for all english songs..happy wednesday to all of you..

This is the translation:

Fresh Woman Fresh Woman

I can see you everywhere

your smiling face

It’s driving me crazy crazy

driving me crazy

I can see your face on the TV and even in MV

It’s driving me crazy crazy

It makes me crazy

you are always smiling

Why I heart ache so much

You are inside

Why I am thinking of you behind your back

Come back to me We love each other

If we can still be together

now come back

give me a call

My heart is wishing

Please accept me as I am

I should just pass by with a smile when I see you

You are now Top model in the magazine

I am looking at you now

Everyone is talking about you

Even you smallest habit

I hate this

My heart is still with you, I am looking at you

Come Back to Me, we love each other

If we can still be together

now come back

give me a call

My heart is wishing

Please accept me as I am

Let me hear say yes…please come back

Let me hear say yes…please reply quickly

Everybody look at me

Give me one more..the new me

Come back to me We love each other

If we can still be together

now come back

give me a call

My heart is wishing

Please accept me as I am

you you you you

Sr: cloudphilippines.com

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Guest fatgrrl_slim

Above English translation is by wloi of BiKyo Family HK/AgentP's HQ. Please indicate the full credits when re-posting. Thanks!

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Guest jastinel

I saw this video posted in Onlysuna and I`m wondering if anyone here knows where I can find a clear copy of this last part of the show of Me, Rain, Dance, which I think was edited during the broadcast last Oct 17. Please!

Rain show encore


What is the title of that song that he sang on the last part?

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Guest fatgrrl_slim

I saw this video posted in Onlysuna and I`m wondering if anyone here knows where I can find a clear copy of this last part of the show of Me, Rain, Dance, which I think was edited during the broadcast last Oct 17. Please!

Rain show encore


What is the title of that song that he sang on the last part?

Hi, jastinel! The title of the song is "Annyeong Ir Ah Mal Dae Shin" (Instead of Saying Goodbye), from his first album. :)

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Guest crappycaller05

bianhyeudau and kairu .. thanks for much for reply on my post about 'fresh woman' .. really appreciate it .. it is so nice to hear a new song after all the boy bands that is all over kpop .. not to offend the boyband fans .. it is just a breath of fresh air .. oh! i give credits to epik high .. they are my favorite group thou .. well, anyways they are not boyband ..going back to our dear Rain .. i read about the criticism on his Rainism lyrics .. forget them .. there are english rap/songs that has much explicit lyrics ir you read between the lines .. hope you know what i mean .. ha ha :D .. as his fans, let us continue to pray that he will be successful in all his projects ..

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Could someone help me?

I was under the impression that Bi will be appearing 10/20/08 YSMM but he didn't...

Anyone know when he will be?

Some of the long time Bi fans may remember me... I've translated all of Bi's appearances in YSMM Season 1...

I would like to continue the tradition and sub his new one but I have no idea when it will be on?!

Please PM me... thanks in advance!

Yes, yes. It has definitely been a tradition. :)

I was just about to ask who will do the subbing since I don't see the regular subbers here anymore.

Anyway, glad that you will do it again. Are you also going to sub the other shows? (Please say yes. :D)

Thank you in advance.


Can someone tell me what you think of Rain's shirt in that Golden Fishery episode?

I hope I'm not looking much into it. I don't like another "controversy".

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Guest ilovethemediator

I thought it was funny. :lol:

I hope someone can sub YSMM. I really wanna know what the "Fight" was about. :lol:


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Can somebody please please translate this one? Thanks so much in advance!! :blush:

비, 송혜교 등 상대 女 배우와 열애설 부인 “사랑에 빠진 적 없다!”


[뉴스엔 김형우 기자]

비가 영화,드라마 속 상대 여자 배우와의 열애설에 대해 부인했다.

비는 22일 방송된 MBC '황금어장-무릎팍도사'에 출연해 '공효진 송혜교 신민아 임수정 등 함께 연기했던 여자 연기자들과 진짜 사랑에 빠진 적이 있느냐'는 질문에 대해 "없다"고 단호하게 대답했다.

비는 "작품을 하는 동안은 사랑을 해야 한다"며 "거짓 연기를 한다면 시청자들이 단번에 알아버린다"고 말했다. 이어 "그러나 진짜 사랑을 해본 적은 없다"고 전했다.

이에 MC 강호동이 "실제 사랑으로 연결된 적은 있느냐"고 집요하게 질문했고 비는 "없다"고 다시 한번 확언했다.

한편 비는 이날 자신의 사랑이야기도 함께 공개해 눈길을 끌었다.

비는 "나도 모르게 안아버리면서 연인이 됐다"며 "어떻게 하다보니 연인이 되버렸다. 그런 사랑이 다가오더라"고 말했다.

또 "내가 바쁘게 되고 대화도 잘 못하게 됐다. 그렇게 이별했다"며 "남자는 이별을 통보하면 안된다. 여자가 할때까지 기다려 기다려야 한다. 잡고 싶었지만 되풀이되는 나의 바쁨과 그녀의 바쁨과 만날 수 없는 시간들을 생각하면 헤어지는 편이 낫다고 생각했다"고 덧붙였다.

source: http://kr.news.yahoo.com/service/news/shel...mp;newssetid=83

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Hi deka - the captions you posted here came from Golden Fishery guesting. He looks adorable here when he smiles. Can't wait to see this show, too. :sweatingbullets:

yeah me too willenette... hope someone will post the link for D/L :unsure:

Thank deka for the cute photos of Rain in the "Golden Fishery - 무릎팍도사.'

He looks different, in terms of glasses and the attire, from the preview clips of the YSMM.' Looks cuter on this one. How a haircut makes a better man, huh? (compared to the haircut for the Japan fan meeting). ;):D Love the haircut, attires, songs and esp. performance... his everything! :wub:

:wub:Long Live the King, Rain !!! :wub:

ur the most welcome blue :D

but i haven't seen that show yet... :huh:

and thanks for the translation... really appreciated it :)

btw i found ths're article since yesterday

wondering..how about Rain's, BYJ's and other entertainers stock....? :phew:

인기는 상한가, 주가는 하한가...연예인 보유주 폭락





Oct 2008 - Rain, "The age 27 means a re-beginning from scratch to me"

"If there's going to be <I'm a Cyborg, But That's OK 2>, I would like to participate."

willenette thanks for sharing ths article... :)

hmm... please no more movie like cyborg ?

i like his acting there... but want to see him in romantic comedy more ;)

ur welcome mariposa

thanks for 'huge' Rain pics :D

hi kairu, thanks for the lyric :)

hi priss, thanks for sharing the gif :)

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Guest ctharyar

Hi ctharyar - thanks for posting the links here. The show looks so funny & I hope we could get a translation soon so we would know what they were talking about in the show. :sweatingbullets::lol:

yeah me too willenette... hope someone will post the link for D/L :unsure:

willenette thanks for sharing ths article... :)

hmm... please no more movie like cyborg ?

i like his acting there... but want to see him in romantic comedy more ;)

Hi deka - you said it right - me, I don't really dig that movie but since he's in it, I have no choice but to watch it & learned to love it at the same time...........you see how biased I am when it comes to him? I really agree with you that he was great here. Like you, I also want to see him next in a romantic drama soon. :lol::)

:blush: Hi to everyone.

here you have some animated gifts that i prepared.

[] frame-4-rain.gif[]

[] rain-1-frame.gif[/i

Hi prissa - long time no see here...............thanks for sharing here your gifs........... cool............ like it. :sweatingbullets:

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*** I’m green with envy with you girl. :lol:



ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i got to meet him!! after KBS as he was leaving....he walked out from the garage and was willing to sign autographs and stuff but the fans kept pushing him....some of us were just telling to stop but they wouldn't so he finally decided to just head to the car...and for some reason i walked the other way around and no one was there so i got a position that was right by him....ahhhh....he's so hot...sorry no pictures cuz if was gonna take pictures i think he would just look the other way and feel annoyed...he was speaking to the fans something about are you guys my fan! fans be good! don't push people u love! i duno and other things i didn't understand but alot of things he said made the fans laugh...i just wish i understood...he signed a couple of autos for the older people then turned around my way and I handed him a CD (sorry, i couldn't be sincere and had an actual gift =( i had to give him a cd i made for my friend...anyways hope he enjoys it or even listen to it) anyways, then he was like what's this in korean and i said "oh it's just random songs" he turned around and was a lil shocked at me speaking english i guess and was like "oh you speak english" and said "thank you" and he went in the car and left...ahhhh first time i think i really felt like a fanatic...i've personally met DBSK and Wonder Girls and stuff but never felt like this before...I could actually hear my own heartbeat....ahhhhhh....how am i suppose to sleep when i'm still filled with excitement...and it's been 6 hrs LOL


Credit : MissMonika / Sexy Bi

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Can somebody please please translate this one? Thanks so much in advance!! :blush:

비, 송혜교 등 상대 女 배우와 열애설 부인 "사랑에 빠진 적 없다!"source: http://kr.news.yahoo.com/service/news/shel...mp;newssetid=83

Thanks, kairu. I just finished watching Rain on the 'Golden Fishery - Mureuppakdosa.'

I thought he was a beautiful man before but I don't think I ever saw him this good. You guys watch the clip. I watched him on TV on various programs as far back as 2002. He never looked better. His body, hair, style...and he is witty, quick, relaxed and more natural and comfortable in this show than anything I've seen. I loved the show. Just wait for the SUB. I loved him before but now I worship him. :blush: :w00t::w00t:

BTW, thanks 'ctharyar' for the links. Although I've been searching & watching other clips tonight. ...without knowing you posted this here. These clips looks good and clear. Thanks.

Thanks back to kairu for the article you posted.

Since it' s short and sweet, I got them translated quick. Here it is.

* If anyone finds it useful enough and interesting enough and you want to share with others, you are free to repost it somewhere else. (!! Not because... Just because, a few people asked me about it. :sweatingbullets::sweatingbullets: ). Just creadit kairu & me. Thanks. :)


* Note: ( ) portions of translation were added to clarify the meanings in the article (for those, the insinuated, but not written, meanings in the article.)

Rain, denies the stories of passionate love affairs with the actresses, Song Hae-Kyo etc, who have played the opposite to Rain.... "I've never fallen in love."

Original article in NewsEn [2008-10-23]

NewsEn Reporter: Kim Hyung-Woo


Rain denied the stories of passionate love affairs with the actresses who have played the opposite to Rain in the drama and the movie.

While appearing on the MBC 'Golden Fishery – Mu-reup-pak-do-sa', which was aired on the 22nd, when asked, "Have ever truly fallen in love with the actresses, Gong Hyo-Jin, Song Hae-Kyo, Sin Min-Ah, Im Soo-Jung etc.- who have acted together with you?" Rain responded firmly, "No."

"While doing the work(=acting), I have to fall in love." "If I act a lie, the audience will notice right away," said Rain. And subsequently added, "But I haven't truly fallen in love with them,"

In response, Kang Ho-Dong asked persistently, "Has that (=acting out falling in love) ever led you to a real love (by not coming out of feeling in love later)?" "No," Rain answered firmly once more.

Meanwhile, Rain attracted attention by revealing his past love story on this day.

" Without even realizing, I hugged her and we became lovers." "Just naturally, we became lovers without much trying. Such love came to me," said Rain.

Furthermore, he added, "I became too busy and it became too difficult for us to have conversations. So we broke up." "Man should not (be the first one to) inform the break-up to a woman. Man should wait until the woman tells him. I wanted to ask her to stay, but the repetitious cycles of my busyness, her busyness and the hours that we couldn't be together, all those things made me realize that it is better for us to break up. "

-- Translated by 'Blu'

-- The article provided by 'kairu' @Soompi

* Source of the article: NewsEn - Rain, denises love affairs...


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