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itemprop="name"DRAMA CLUB: My Lovable Girl Episode 12 Recap

Lovelies, start preparing your hearts for a whole lot of pain and suffering. Things are going to get much worse before we can start seeing the end of this relationship typhoon. Join Deeno, June and myself as we suffer and muscle our way through towards the end.

Firnlambe: Ooooh boy . . . we’ve reached the proverbial peak of this emotional roller coaster, and it's aaalllll downhill from here. Good grief I’m so nervous. Things are really going to end badly, Hyun Wook is going to be a stubborn richard simmons I can just tell.

Deeno: It’s about time and I’m ready for all the secrets to come out since the last couple episodes were just dancing around it without any forward momentum.

June: I need for Hyun Wook to come clean before things get even worse. I think it's time for it to happen. I'm just worried about Se Na and how she'll take it.


Suuuuure you do . . .

Firnlambe: Uh-huh . . I’m /sure/ that’s your reason. More like, you just wanna be extremely cryptic so you peek her interest in the matter. If you had just let her be I’m sure she would have just let things drop, but since you only gave her enough information to whet her tongue It’s obvious she’ll come back to you for more. And we aaalllll know that was your real intention.

Deeno: He’s doing an awesome job luring her in, which actually makes me like him this week. Sure he’s a jerk, but at least he’s having fun. Something Se Na and Hyun Wook stopped doing a while ago.

June: Of course this fool is taking enjoyment with all of this ugh. This is why we need Hyun Wook to come clean first because if this jerk does it's really not going to be pretty.


And the side plot thickens!!

Firnlambe: First of all, the whole spy bit was soooo awkward!! I had a hard time watching it, to be honest. And then just when you think he’s going to make a complete fool of himself, he recognizes the “other woman” . . . . . wait, what?!?! Who is/was this woman? Why is Hyun Wook’s dad taking so many precautions trying to protect her?!? //GAH// Too many holes in this plot!! I need dad to come clean so I can finally know what’s going on lol

Deeno: Gah! Just another scene to frustrate me. Why does this drama have the slowest plot ever. Seriously give these people amnesia or cancer or something to get anything new into this drama’s plot.

June: I'm seriously so over this side plot thing. Can they already get that part over with please!


Cryptic truths are cryptic

Firnlambe: Ok, so Jae Young did indeed have something to do with Hyun Wook and So Eun’s relationship troubles. I wish they would come right out and tell us what went down, instead of stringing us along with all these cryptic glimpses into the past. I'm just really glad Sung Jin earns back some brownie point with this scene. He handled this situation really well, he could have easily just started rambling on and on about Se Na (like Miss Loose Lips did) but he kept his cool and stayed a true friend. Thankfully he even had the foresight to called Hyun Wook and warn him of the impending danger so he would be able to head Se Na off in time.

Deeno: They can’t just tell us they have to milk all the nonexistent plot out of this drama that they can.

June: That is very true! lol It's like we are going to make everyone watching the drama wait even longer.


When you’re right . . . you’re right

Firnlambe: As much as it PAINS me to admit . . . Jae Young is correct. Hyun Wook is the one who will end up hurting Se Na in the end. If only he would just man up and tell her the truth already. The longer this drags out t

he worse her reaction will get when she does indeed learn the truth.

Deeno: I know that Jae Young is just playing with them for his own satisfaction, but at least he’s making leaps and bounds towards getting this secret out in the open and it really needs to be out in the open.

June: I really hate that I have to agree with that stupid jerk but alas he's right. It'll ultimately be Hyun Wook hurting Se Na from hiding the truth from her instead of the truth.


Well now . . . someone’s throwing an unnecessary temper tantrum.

Firnlambe: Whoa there Shi Woo, the world will not come screeching to a halt if Se Na doesn’t work with you on your latest album. Oh, and that hug--while adorable--won't bring you outta the friend zone either. Particularly since she has been very clear about where she stands with you. And if you had any doubts before, the subtle //there there// back pat should have tipped you off.

Deeno: But he’s just so cute. He says he likes her completely outright without any hidden motives or secrets holding him back. I know this relationship will never happen, but it’s more fun watching them be friends than watching Hyun Wook and Se Na date. There isn’t the long drawn out roller coaster of emotion, just a steady growth of fondness.

June: I agree with Deeno. I feel like I like watching Shi Woo and Se Na's friendship more than Hyun Wook and Se Na's dating life. There's too much drama and secrets in their dating life that it just makes it frustrating to watch.


Warning!! Hyun Wook . . Warning!! Your relationship in peril!!

Firnlambe: NOW’S YOUR CHANCE!! TELL HER THE TRUTH!! //ahem// sorry ‘bout that . . . . I couldn’t hold it back. Hyun Wook has the perfect opportunity to come clean to Se Na, he really does. But does he take it? Of course not //mumbles// idiot.

Deeno: I doubt he would ever come clean unless some outside force made him and he’s totally fine with that. He’s fine lying to the girl he likes for as long as he dates her. And he isn’t considering the end game. How could anything move forward with her when he’s lying to her? If he’s not able to really date her than he shouldn’t be playing around with her emotions. He’s a jerk.

June: UGH HE NEEDS TO TELL HER THE TRUTH BEFORE IT IS ALL OVER. I feel like I yell this every time I watch them together. I can already see the impending doom of this couple.


For once in your life Hae Yoon, you’ve done a most excellent thing.

Firnlambe: BOOM!!! //claps excitedly// I have never been so happy to see this woman on screen as I was here. As soon as she figured out that her loose lips were the reason Hyun Wook was running away to America with Se Na, I just knew she was going to rush over and put Jae Young in his place. Seriously Lovelies, you have NO idea how excited I got watching this particular kdrama slap.

Deeno: He deserved it for interfering with a relationship he really shouldn’t be butting into, but someone needed to let out the truth. I’d rather it was Se Na’s friend or Hyun Wook, but the truth had to come out. If only someone with a decent motive let it out.

June: Wow. I'm pretty proud of her for doing this. Maybe she's not as bad as before but I still am not fond of her. Lol


Th-th-th-that’s All Folks!!

Firnlambe: Whelp . . . we can count this relationship sunk. Hyun Wook is going to have to do some seeeeerious damage control over these last three episodes if he wants any sort of hope at fixing things. Honestly I’m not sure how he’s going to be able to do it. He’s backed himself into a pretty tight corner.

Deeno: I’m hoping he isn’t able to fix this relationship. He’s the one who leaped in without a thought towards Se Na besides keeping the truth from her. I’d rather this drama ended with them being friends.

June: The ship has sailed and sunk. I honestly don't know if he'll be able to fix this. I just feel so bad for Se Na since she was in the dark about this the whole time, while almost everyone knew the truth. Tsk, tsk Hyun Wook tsk, tsk.

The cat’s finally out of the bag. Se Na now knows the truth. How will she handle this new onslaught of information. Will she become a listless corpse? Or a vengeful tyrant? We’ve only got three episodes left so we’re just going to have to stick around and suffer before we find out.

source : dramafever

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141104 Rain @ '내겐 너무 사랑스러운 그녀My Lovely Girl' set

Credit: vcouple / scorpiola - http://rain-cloud.co.kr/

#서울역 #비 #정지훈 #드라마 #내그녀 사람들이 몰려있길래 뭔가하고 봤더니 드라마 촬영하는 비였다~ 촌스럽게 난또 사진을 찍고 ㅎㅎㅎ


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14-11-04 Rain @ My Lovely Girl Set

credit rrrhm / ratoka - http://rain-cloud.co.kr/


credit min_ssuning



Kim Tae Hee Coolly Handles Boyfriend Question on "Entertainment Relay"

Kim Tae Hee acted cool when the topic about her boyfriend Rain was brought to the surface in her interview with KBS 2TV's "Entertainment Relay" on November 1.

Kim Tae Hee

Kim Tae Hee acted cool when the topic about her boyfriend Rain was brought to the surface in her interview with KBS 2TV's "Entertainment Relay" on November 1.

In the interview, Kim Tae Hee was asked about her plan of activities this fall. The 34 year old actress shared, "Before the weather gets cold, I want to go see the fall colors and perhaps camp out." The reporter picked up on what Kim Tae Hee said and commented, "But you can't go camping alone." On this, Kim Tae Hee smartly replied, "You're right. My friends are all busy with work so not a lot of people can freely join me camp." The reporter then said, "What about that ['special'] person," hinting at Kim Tae Hee's real life boyfriend Rain. Kim Tae Hee gushed at the reporter's remark and laugh. Kim Tae Hee handled the situation lightly and casually when she responded, "He's busy," perhaps to say that it's one reason Rain could join her camping.

Kim Tae Hee is regarded as one of the natural beauties the Korean entertainment industry has seen. She's always been listed as one of the most beautiful women in the business, and was even said to have the "luckiest" facial proportions and features. However, Kim Tae Hee remains grounded despite these. When asked to grade herself on how she looks without makeup, Kim Tae Hee gave herself a "B+". She explained that if she was asked the same question a while back, she would've answered A. "But now, I look better with makeup," Kim Tae Hee added.

As to her cooking skills, Kim Tae Hee admitted that she's only graded a "C-". When it came to acting, Kim Tae Hee also graded herself a "B+" saying that she strive even harder to attain an "A".

source : kpopstarz


Fiestar's Cao Lu reveals a photo that she took with RAIN


FIESTAR's Cao Lu revealed a photo that she took with RAIN.

On October 31st, FIESTAR's Cao Lu uploaded the photo on her Twitter, and wrote, "This is our handsome boss. Cheers for FIESTAR ♡ Have a goodnight, everyone."

The photo shows RAIN showing a charming look, wearing suit, and Cao Lu showing a shy smile, standing right next to him.

Cao Lu got to meet RAIN because FIESTAR made a cameo performance on SBS drama 'My Lovely Girl.'

FIESTA appeared as a girl group which debuts with a song called 'Tight' by RAIN's help, and their appearance will be aired on November 5th and 16th.

'Tight' is included in the OST album of 'My Lovely Girl,' which was released on October 30th, and it is a song co-written by Shinsadong Tiger and songwriter team Bum Yi Nang Yi.

Meanwhile, Cao Lu appeared on a popular Chinese TV program called 'Yue Tao Yue Kai Xin' with fashion designer Choi Bum Seok.

/Reporting by Kim Dong-Joo en@starnnews.com

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[04-Nov-14][wikikpop]‘Fiesta’ Cao Lu Smiles Shyly Next to Rain…What Happened?


A girl group ‘Fiesta’ encountered sunbae artist Rain.

On October 31, Cao Lu twitted “This is my wonderful boss. Fiesta, fighting” and shared a photo taken with Rain.

In the revealed photo, Cao Lu is posing v with a shy smile standing next to Rain who is flaunting his gentle looks in suits.

The two met up as Cao Lu made a surprise appearance on SBS Wednesday-Thursday drama <My Lovely Girl> starring Rain. Cao Lu will appear as a member of girl group who made a successful comeback with a song ‘It’s Tight’ with the help of Rain, who is the CEO of a large music label. This song is also listed in <My Lovely Girl> OST PART 7 which was released on October 30.

Meanwhile, Cao Lu gained much attention by appearing on a popular beauty program on TV in China with a fashion designer Choi Bum Seok.

SOURCE wikikpop / memo-rain

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itemprop="name"DRAMA CLUB: My Lovable Girl Episode 13 Recap


Welcome to episode 13 of My Lovable Girl. We’ve finally passed the eye of the storm and now we’re setting out to make our way through the rest of this relationship super storm. Join Deeno, June, and myself as we discuss some key scenes and what it may mean for our leading couple moving forward.

Firnlambe: Urrrrg!!! Mope Central . . . it just haaaad to be mope central. //sigh// Hopefully these self-imposed pity parties won’t last long. I don’t think I can handle more than one episode filled with them.

June: Sooooo this is the part where I get super, super annoyed by the main characters and their mopey selves. Ugh they need to get over it asap.

Deeno: Their moping makes me mopey. I have better things to watch than moping.


Just try explaining this any other way . . . . I dare you

Firnlambe: Ok well, not much else he can say here. He obviously has to tell her the truth at this point, the question now becomes how long will Se Na brood over this new information before her inevitable forgiveness.

June: Exactly! A huge part of me just wants Se Na to not forgive him and get over him. At this point, I hope they end up just as friends.

Deeno: I second them just ending up friends. I wish I could buy them as a couple, but the moping of this episode killed any affection I might have.


Thank you captain obvious.

Firnlambe: First of all . . . another round of kudos need to be awarded to Hae Yoon. Coming forward and confessing that she was the one who let the secret spill had to have been a difficult decision to make. Secondly . . . DUH!! Haven’t we been telling you this for the last, oooooh, 12 episodes?!?! All this heartache you’re feeling could have been avoided by coming clean about who you were muuuch sooner.

June: Really now, really. Ugh he's just so frustrating! He should have just told her the truth from the beginning and then he wouldn't be in the hole he's in right now.

Deeno: I was glad Hae Yoon had a chance to slightly redeemer herself. And it seems stupid that he seems so apathetic to the fact the the truth was revealed, when he’d been so stupidly insisting he could get away with not telling the truth.


Thank you captain obvious . . . . is there an echo in here?

Firnlambe: Yes, I joke about her being obvious, but this is something Hyun Wook NEEDED to hear. He was slipping back into his manic depression mode like he’d done in the past, when there was absolutely no need for it. Se Na only found out the truth, yes she’s mad, yes she’s feeling betrayed . . . but you know it's just a matter of time before things smooth over between the two of you.

June: Hyun Wook seriously just needs to get it back together.

Deeno: Hyun Wook seriously just needs to be run over by a bus.


Doctors Orders

Firnlambe: Well, this was a nice change of pace from dad. I get the feeling that his latest hospital visit was more of an eye opener than the others. He actually went out of his way to meet up with Hyun Wook, something he’s never really done before. And lets face it, any time you see your once cold family member bring up past memories . . . it's never a good sign. I just hope dad lasts through these last three episodes.

June: I sense the end for the dad. Just like Firnlambe said, once past memories are brought up, it's basically like a nail to the k-drama character coffin.

Deeno: I seriously hope he gets run over by bus. Sorry, I’m just ready for this drama to be over. Killing off everyone would make for a nice ending.


Who would've guessed that Shi Woo was a master of subtlety

Firnlambe: This was cute, and executed EXTREMELY well. Shi Woo’s becoming a pro at expressing his true feelings under the guise of music. I’m curious how hard he’ll fight for Se Na’s attention going forward.

June: Yessssss my faves! I'm seriously so surprised at how much I grew to like Shi Woo! I just want them to make music forever!

Deeno: They are so cute and he is so smitten by her. I wish they could have been together the whole episode. It’s more fun than all the mopiness


It's time to man up!

Firnlambe: I really like this side character. Sure, at times he was ridiculously annoying . . . but this scene really shows that, even though he give her a hard time, he really does cares about Se Na. Well that and he’s trying to get this foot in the industry anyway he knows how lol. I had to pause the video I was giggling so much when he handed Hyun Wook his portfolio.

June: This character was annoying but hilarious all at the same time. So seeing him show that he somewhat cares about Se Na was very refreshing to see.

Deeno: I loved this moment. He may not have completely pure motives, but he’s really standing up for Se Na.


All bets are off

Firnlambe: Well Shi Woo certainly is stepping up his game when it comes to Se Na. Like I stated before, I’m really curious as to how hard he’s going to fight for her going forward.

June: Go Shi Woo go! Haha I feel like this is the moment I have been waiting for! I seriously want to see how they will fight for Se Na.

Deeno: You show that jerk how to be a man! Go Shi Woo!!!

Well Lovelies . . . were you able to keep your wits about you until the end of the episode? Hopefully you've retained enough patience to last you through to the bitter end, heaven know's we're going to need every last drop of the stuff. The question that's now on everyone's minds is probably the one that will have most of us divided. Have most of you jumped on-board the S.S.SeWoo? or have you decided to stick it out with the S.S.SeWook? Both relationships have their own redeeming qualities, and both have their disadvantages . . . cast your votes on which "ship" Se Na will finally board to ride out the rest of this emotional storm in the comment section below, and we'll catch you in episode 14.

source : dramafever

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class="content-title"“My Lovely Girl” Episode 14 Preview

Episode 14 Text Preview:

Shi Woo (L) confesses on a radio program that there is someone he likes, and when photos of Yoon Se Na (Krystal) and Shi Woo are leaked, a scandal erupts. AnA prepares an official statement to confirm their relationship. Meanwhile, after seeing Lee Hyun Wook (Rain) give up on Se Na, Sung Jin (Alex) meets with Se Na and tries to clear up her misunderstandings about Hyun Wook and her sister Yoon So Eun…

Episode 14 Teaser: - Please refer to the above video - 

Lee Hyun Wook (Rain): How is Yoon Se Na doing?

Shi Woo (L): She’s good, thanks to you.

Shin Hae Yoon (Cha Ye Ryun): Are you okay now, seeing them like that?

Radio DJ (Younha): Isn’t she who you like right now?

Shi Woo: I like her, but I don’t think she feels the same.

Kang Tae Min (Jo Hee Bong): Shi Woo confessed! I think Yoon Se Na’s identity has been revealed already.

Lee Hyun Wook: Will you be able to handle Shi Woo?

Bae Sung Jin (Alex): It doesn’t matter to you if they’re together?

Lee Hyun Wook: I think they look good together.

Seo Jae Young (Kim Jin Woo): What happened to your sister was his fault; I don’t understand how he can keep you by his side.

Yoon Se Na: I can’t figure out what kind of person you are anymore.


Episode 14 of “My Lovely Girl” airs on November 5 at 10 p.m., and Episodes 14 and 15 will be aired back-to-back.

credit : soompi news

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"My Lovely Girl" Rain overcomes trauma thanks to Krystal


Lee Hyeon-wook (Rain) started making music again thanks to Yoon Sena (Krystal) on th fifteenth episode of the SBS drama "My Lovely Girl".

Sena's friend Joo Hong (Lee Cho-hee) moved Sena's musical equipment to Lee Hyeon-wook's home and said, "We have no space to put this, please let some room for her to use as her work room. She's too noisy every night making music".

Lee Hyeon-wook let out his living room and Sena took over it. She'd intentionally put the equipment at his house because he couldn't make music again ever since the death of her sister.

Sena told him, "I wish you didn't feel pressure about me and go back to who you were". When Sena was sleeping, Hyeon-wook started to take interest in the equipment.

Later, Lee Hyeon-wook had made a piece and Sena said, "Go on, keep doing it. I want to see you make music. That's the real you". Lee Hyeon-wook said, "I wanted to make a song for you. I never thought I'd make music again.

Lee Hyeon-wook had overcome the trauma thanks to Sena. He kissed her and when she said, "I love you" he said "I love you, too. Much more than you".

Source : www.newsen.com/news_v...

Translation : Hancinema

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*** Love to see RAIN, Krystal and L being comfortable around each other. Cute & NICE video. :)>-


'My Lovely Girl' cast are full of laughter and smiles in another BTS clip

With 'My Lovely Girl' coming to an end this week, the drama thanked fans with another adorable BTS clip!

Rain and f(x)'s Krystal couldn't stop smiling as Krystal rested her head on Rain's shoulder for their romantic poster shoot. The set was also full of laughter when Rain had trouble unwrapping a lollipop for INFINITE's L, and then ended up dropping it. Krystal also couldn't hold back the laughs when she was around her handsome co-stars, showing her cheerful and cute charms that contrast with her chic image.

Get ready for the finale this Thursday!

source : allkpop

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Korean drama exports to China face hurdle


By Park Si-soo

The success of Korean TV dramas in China could face a major hurdle as reports indicate the Chinese government plans to regulate drama imports and tighten pre-screening censorship.

According to the Beijing Youth Daily, Beijing will soon unveil new regulations on foreign dramas available on Chinese video-streaming websites.

The full details of the rules are still unknown, but the news outlet reported that a cap will likely be put on the number of foreign dramas imported into China each year, as well as making pre-release censorship more stringent.

Should these rules come into being, the number of foreign dramas imported into China is expected to fall by 70 percent.

The Chinese daily added that the "Sept. 3 notice on strengthening of supervision on foreign dramas available on the Internet" was a warning of the upcoming regulations.

In early September, The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) reported that China's top broadcasting regulator said it must approve all foreign television shows before they can be posted on Chinese video-streaming sites. In addition, sites must pull all unapproved content by early next year.

The U.S. daily added that the censorship standard for streaming foreign shows will be based on rules already applied to TV programming. Existing TV rules dictate that whole seasons of shows must be reviewed by censors before any episodes can air.

Chinese video sites have so far depended on self-censoring of content, according to the WSJ.

Prescreening would likely mean Chinese audiences will have to wait to see new episodes of shows like the Korean hit drama "My Love from the Star," which often appears online with Chinese subtitles one day after airing here ㅡ and sometimes even simultaneously without the subtitles.

Korea's drama exports into China reached $161.5 million in 2012, and experts believe this number grew again last year amid the increasing popularity of Korean pop culture across Asia. China is one of the biggest importers of Korean dramas, according to the Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning.

In September, a Chinese broadcaster purchased the transmission rights of SBS TV's 16-episode drama "My Lovely Girl" ㅡ starring K-pop musician Rain and Crystal ㅡ for 3.2 billion won ($2.96 million) or $200,000 per episode, the highest ever for a Korean drama sold to the neighboring country.


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