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Do you ever get your ETHNICITY mistaken...?

Guest eminemjamesuk

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Guest naracute

I get mistaken for eurasian most of the time despite the fact that I'm malay, well not entirely malay; I'm mixed.

But that does not means I'm eurasian. I'm asian!

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Guest c i e l`

I'm mixed chinese, vietnamese, laotian, and cambodgian.

People sometimes guess I'm chinese (but not everyone)

and...I was mistaken as korean and once japanese.

I don't really look laotian and cambodgian after all ^^"

People that aren't used to asians ethnicities mistake a lot.

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I'm mixed, so its never right.

But I've been mistaken for being FULL:




CAUCASIAN (A Vietnamese guy thought I was white at first o.o)





Korean (an older lady was speaking to me in Korean. I kept trying to tell her that I wasn't and I didn't understand her, then she asked if I was Mexican. I said no again so she just asked me "where" I was from. Then she tried so hard to speak broken english and made all these hand gestures just to tell me that I was beautiful.)

I have a tan but during the winter it goes away. Skin color can really throw people off.

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Guest merrygolds

All the time! I'm Chinese, but almost everyone thinks I'm Viet or Filipino when they first meet me. It's my eyes that throw people off. Once, I was mistaken for Mexican and Indian. One person thought I was Korean because of my last name.

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Guest jaeka

i'm mixed, like really mixed, haha, but the thing is, i've been asked if i was korean before. O____O i don't even look korean. x] it was from there year 8 boys at school. they started shouting racist things towards me and at the end i heard, "are you korean!?!??!?" i just ignored them!

and when i'm tanned with the sun like now, i always get asked if i'm filipino! but i'm not that either ¬___¬ but when pale people always go..

"i couldn't help but notice you're slightly tanned all year, are you halfcast?" and i explain my grandparents roots and they go, "omg.. you're mixed... i wanna be mixed..." XDD

but that kinda clears the ethnicity mistakening.

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Guest charri

yes :o

my friend's little brother is absolutely convinced I'm Korean, for some strange reason.

and i've been mistaken as Japanese a lot lately while in China :T

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Guest ramology

my actual ethnicity is chilean

but i get im an arab basically i have been mistaken for all the middle eastern countries :lol: :lol: :lol:

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I'm Taiwanese. Everyone seems to think I'm mixed.

This is how my conversation with my friend's dad went. (He's Taiwanese too)

Him: So where are you from?

Me: Taiwan.

Him: Where are your parents from?

Me: ... Taiwan ...

Him: Where's your mom from?

Me: Taiwan

Him: Where's your dad from?

Me: Um ... Taiwan?

Him: Oh really? I thought you were half-Caucasian ...

Me: - _ - "

I don't know, I guess I have kind of Caucasian features, I'm pretty tall for an Asian (5'6") and I was pretty young when I moved to Canada so my English is better than my Mandarin.

And a bunch of people have told me I look Japanese.

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Guest chibibaka

XD I'm vietnamese and I'm always mistaked as Japanese, Korean, or Chinese. Even the viets don't think i'm viet at first XD.

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Guest Harbl

Not sure if it counts but someone thaught i was french once, i also get asked if i'm jewish quite allot, but that could just be because of my surname.

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Guest Mani4ever

Oh yeah big time! :D

I work at the airport, and I guess people have plenty of time to discuss and guess what ethnicity I have XD

Though I'm pakistani, people have guessed: Arabian, Libanese, Greek, Italian, South American.... are there more? (O.O)

i think, it's because I don't look like a pakistani :blush:

But it's fun, when they're guessing and i'm like shaking my head and say "no....no.."

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Guest Airporte


I'm the opposite.

Whenever someone asks me and I tell them, they always go something along the lines of: I thought you were Pakistani or somethinglol.

My one friend asked one of our half Pakistani friends if I looked Pakistani, and he said no.

It's probably because of my more Caucasion-looking features and dark skin. D8

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Guest mkayimcherry

I'm Vietnamese, however, I get mistaken as Chinese most of the time.

I've had people both Vietnamese AND Chinese mistake me as Chinese.

I was just sitting there and some Chinese person comes up to me and starts talking to me in Chinese


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