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☆ 2 P M ★ Official Thread ☆

Guest touchtheskies.

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Guest kimekwazy

I refuse to believe Jay is officially not apart of 2pm until there's a direct statement from JYP.

Hopefully him leaving korea is just temporary. I mean they did say he was going to go reflect on his thoughts and all that for a while in America and Jay did say he was going to go back to korea. So I'm hoping he's leaving 2pm/korea temporarily so things can die down. It's just too extreme for his to leave over a comment that was in the past.

As for the girl who wants forgiveness.... it's one thing to seek forgiveness from the fans/hottest, but I think it's more important that she seeks forgiveness from Jay since it was his life/future/dream/career that has been a huge mess.

It just won't be the same without all 7 of the boys together. I wonder how the other boys are taking everything.

Song that's stuck in my head right now is 2pm's - You Might come back.

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Guest fifi yang
Just read a fan account whom was at the Sea-Tac Airport.

Jaebum arrived in Seattle already.

From what I read I assume his mother & brother & probably couple of his friends picked him up.

He should be either at home now or on his way home.

Can I ask you to post the link so that I, as well as other fans can read it too? I hope it won't

be too much to ask for =)

But yes, everyone keep your spirits high and think happy thoughts. Jay will always be Leadja

no matter what.

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Missed like 2 days of posts in this thread...and to come back to this news..

just..reallly shocked that it escalated to this...

I agree with what someone previously said.

I too believe that right now he just needs a break from it all, a time to clear his head...home is the best place for that. Where you have family and friends that love and support you no matter what.

I do believe he'll be back though..

..for his group.

For Hottest.

I've grown quite fond of this quote these past few months..it seems it's our motto these days. And I'm sure it will work the same for us Hottest:

Always Keep The Faith.

manda <3

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i missed him... i was suppose to fly over from LA this morning to greet him and give him some support... but my friend was busy T.T couldnt fly me over!!!

i hope he does well in seattle. Maybe i will go visit him during winterbreak..

JAY park fighting!!!

2pm will never be the same again

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Guest chopper!

how come it feels as though jay never left? i feel like this news went by so fast that i feel as though it isn't even real. it's like he's still there with them...

read somewhere that jay arrived in seattle and there were some fans at the airport, giving him letters. he was worn out and his mom was happy to see him.

be strong leadja. i want to see that smile again!

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Guest Angelic_illusions
First off, we need to control and fold our emotions.

We need to move in an organized and cold manner to complete what we must do

So that Jaebum can return

So that that path can open in a breeze.

We need to respond in the long run.

Throw everything else in the trashcan

1) We can’t have JYP formally withdraw Jaebum

-While Jaebum revealed that he is withdrawing and said he agreed, we need to block an official statement

2) The members’ opinions are important

-We need word saying that they will wait until Jaebum returns

-Though it’s hard, I believe that this is the only way

-2PM is 7 and they are family and friends

-Their intimate friendship made fans incredibly excited, and I am confident that we will be able to continue to see this

-If anybody is suffering, no one is suffering more than the members, but we need them to come together tightly and fight through this

-They need to know and trust that we, the fans, are behind them

3) We need to confront the reporters that wrote false reports

-We need to find the reporters that reported falsely and monitor them

-It’s not bashing/cursing at them, but we need to reveal exactly what they did wrong

-Also, we need to formally make a statement and continue to pread it

-If fans write it with their heart it will grow bigger

-For example > Jaebum did do wrong, but this has been distorted. Please give him a chance to return

4) The uniting of fans is important

-We can’t just post weird comments here and there, throwing arrows this way and that

-It’s not important who made this issue

-The most important thing is for Jaebum to return

-Personally, I would like it if according to their opinions of their conflict, that they could move together

5) Get acquainted with fanclubs

-I believe that we can get together with the Thailand fanclub

-Thailand fans feel regret as well and feel scared if their oppa can return

-I see it as best if some big fanclub representatives got together and spoke about this issue

Written by 발광우영 @ ONEDAY-ROOM.COM


I know it's hard but hell if i have to pretend that Jay is only on vacation. Actually i KNOW he's in vacation he WILL be back (it's all in the mind people), we just have to wait for him Hottests. In the mean time we have to support the rest of the boys so that Jay will STILL have a group to return to. If we leave the boys alone we're not gonna get anywhere. Besides Jay isn't the only one who needs cheering up, they ALL do. So as a hottest the only thing we can do is to give ENDLESS SUPPORT.

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Guest fangirlism
Hmm, I know I'm not a Hottest, but I had thought about this before with DBSK...

I think that you just have to keep supporting 2pm. ALL of 2pm. Even if someone else becomes the "leader" they aren't really the leader, right? No one else can fill that spot except for Jay...

So maybe it seems silly, but just keep pretending. Like, if the other six members were to give a great performance, you could say "Wow, what a fantastic group they are! Clearly Jay is an amazing leader if they are all so great..." and if people say "He's not the leader anymore", you can always still say "Jay will ALWAYS be 2pm's leader..." Because that's true, right?

Just pretend like he's on vacation or couldn't be there for once... "Oh, what a shame Jay had to miss this one... But still, he's in our hearts and we know he's a part of 2pm", something like that. And for fans who go to the concerts, they can still make posters for Jay, and everyone can still make videos, etc. Just act like he's still there. I guarantee he'll know of your love for him and so will the others. And they'll know you haven't forgotten and are patiently awaiting his return.

Haha, I guess it sounds really dumb... But just always take the time and effort to include Jay in everything they do. Instead of saying he was gone, act like he was there. Always list ALL of the members' names, mention all of them, etc... And if new fans come, let them know that Jay is the leader of the group, and that nothing can change that.

Instead of just acting "like Jay never existed", just act like "Jay never left".

Is this too silly? Sorry, just my thoughts~ :blush:


I don't think that's stupid at all because it's true. He's not replace-able, where can you find another Jay Park like him? Park Jaebeom? He'll always be the leader of 2pm.

When I first read the news, I immediately cried. I'm not a great fan that follows them, sure I love their songs and they're all on my ipod and I do love them but I'm not like you guys. Where you guys follow, laugh about their interviews or any jokes you guys know about them.. So I wanted to say sorry because I know you guys must feel like shxt.

I'm a hardcore Cassie, and I guess all I wanted to say is "Always Keep the Faith". We had our share of shocks and scares, too but we kept faith in them and signed more petitions and planned projects and it slowly got better.

That's what everybody needs to do.

because I have a feeling he'll come back.

How do you expect to go back to Seattle when you have a whole other family back there that supported you and loved you?

He'll be baaaaackkkkkkk, he'll always be the beastly leader.

You know other fanclubs (Cassies, VIPS, Sones, definitely Wonderfuls, Triple S, Shinee World etc !!) have your back, you just need to get your message across Daum or Naver(?) to spread a project and I'm sure lots will join you. I'm serious. Don't be shy.

What time is it? ;)


Stay strong, Hottest!


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Guest DongBangShiDae

mann all these people i just read like all the posts about Jaebum

but yea i think everyone should think that way

Jaebum is probably just going to Seattle to visit family

theres no way that hes not going to come back :)


yea there are forums/fanclubs that would help support :)

no doubt that they would help do a big project for Jaebum !!

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Guest energywen

I am a SONE and I don't consider myself a Hottest, even though I really like 2PM's songs and stuffs.

I had the chance to meet 2PM when they were here in Singapore last year. The 7 boys are one of the most polite boys I ever met. They bowed when they know you are a nuna, they smiled when you cheer for them, they talked to you when you asked them questions. They are almost perfect if you ask me. Jay Park left a deep impression on me when he went to the 2 different buses after the concert dinner/supper to check if the boys boarded the right bus, and clarified a million stuffs with the drivers and everything, and got the other boys to the right bus.

The whole Myspace incident had been, IMO, blown out of proportion. He apologized and is guilty about it, and people should stop harping on it. Him leaving 2PM is not jus a lost to JYP, 2PM, Hottest, but to the whole K-Pop scene. We have someone who is so talented; singing, rapping, dancing, entertaining, leading are all within Jay Park's ability; leaving the group because of a mistake he made 4 friggin years ago. That's way too out of hand imo.

I understand how the Koreans might have felt that a singer they supported actually said what he said, but they forgot how much hardship Jay had went through to get where he is now; they forgot the tears and sweat that went through for him to be who he is now; they forgot the loneliness that he faced when he came to Korea alone, not knowing Korean. But as Hottest, and as K-Pop fans in general, we will never forget these. We will always be here supporting Leadja Jay.

I'll be in Korea next week this time, and will be definitely making a trip over to JYP to show support for the leader of 2PM.

The one and ONLY leader of the 7 member 2PM.

And a phrase from the DBSK incident that I think we can totally use it for this incident as well.

"Always Keep The Faith".

Be strong Hottests, you guys need to be there for the other 6 boys in Korea, and also the leader who's in Seattle.

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Guest &pikachuu__;

I was never a big fan of 2PM.

I liked them, but wasn't gaga over the group.

But when this news came out...I felt devastated for some reason.

I was deliberating on what tattoo to get, and now I know.

From this situation and TVXQ, I've learned that for even things that you can't control in life, the only thing you can do is..

always keep that faith.

Thanks Jaebum, for everything you've given us.

2PM stay strong. HOTTEST, keep the faith.

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Guest jessicakth

JYP consider 2pm members like his sons, Jaebeom is like his oldest, lovable son. Letting him leave like that, JYP hurt too. JYP still hasn't said anything because he doesn't wanna say: "Yeah, Jay didn't do a good job as a leader and we decided to disband him from group!!!'" Thats how a CEO would say in this situation. But JYP still keeps quiet. Since he's in US, Jaebeom and him has a special bond relationship for years. I know he will have another way for convincing Jay or for letting Jay take a break, let netizens cool down and make a come back for Jay... Plus.... If JYP wants, he can force Jay come back by the contract things... right?? But that's how CEO does, not how a teacher/a father does. If Jay REALLY wants to get out of the korean entertainment for good, i think JYP won't force him by the contract things...

... Jay wanna come back Seattle... I think right now, at this moment, he needs to be with his family, a shoulder to cry on and also to avoid anti- or mean netizens >< ( I'm so madd at those ppl who criticizes Jay, make him leave like that... I hattteee them!!!! >< How could they keep criticizes the words he said 4 years ago, things change always even after 1 day!!! Its 4 years ago... It's freaking so ridiculous!!! We people have mistake, but we learn from mistake in the past!!! It doesn't make sense to me how netizens gone that far to break out one of the BEST GROUP EVER in the music industry!!!)

... I still have the faith in JYP and 2pm boys that their love will make Jay come back...

But the most important now is... NETIZENS AND ANTI-FANS HAVE TO STOP ATTACK HIM...

Even Jay wanna come back, with anti-fans attacks like that, how could he come back!!!!!!


WooYoung is right: "2PM is NOT 7, we are ONE"

Yeah, see How NichKhun wants to come back Thailand. They are like brothers. They can't live on without 1. KOREAN NETIZENS (the ones attack n criticize Jay) AND ANTI-FANS THEMSELVES JUST KILLED ONE OF THE BEST GROUP EVER IN KOREAN MUSIC INDUSTRY

What time is it now?


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Guest icecube.

Here's something I found on the reactions of other members. (don't know if it's trustworthy but most likely cuz I found it on their official fancafe)


다른 학교에서도 물론이 겠지만 저희 학교에서도 하루종일 재범군 일로 떠들썩했습니다.

저희학교 아이의 친구 중 한명이 사생팬이라고 합니다. 저도 사생팬을 못마땅하게 생각하고 있습니다만 믿어도될 사실이라고 하네요......

재범군의 탈퇴 선언 후

닉쿤은 이런식으로 할꺼면 태국으로 돌아가겠다고 했다합니다. 많이 화가난 상태라고 하더라구요.

찬성군은 엄청 운다고해요...강해보이는 찬성오빠지만...막내잖아요...찬성군이 엄청 울어서

우영군이 달래준다하더라구요...우영오빠...걱정 많은거 아시죠? 찬성오빠를 달래주긴하지만

얼마나 힘들겠어요...울고싶어도 못 울것 같네요....

택연오빠는 난리쳤데요....난동까진아니어도.....준수오빠와 준호오빠 얘긴 못 들었지만...그

둘의 반응이 눈에 보이는듯하네요...

Taken with credits.

Though it may have been at other schools too, our schol was all about Jaebum's situation today.

One of our school's friend is a SaSaeng Fan(don't know what that is). I think of myself more likely as a SaSaeng Fan too and they said this is really realiable and trustworthy.

After JaeBum's departure of the group.

NichKhun said he wants to go back to Thailand if this is how Korean people are going to treat them. He seemed really mad.

ChanSung was crying a lot the whole time ... he seems strong but Chansung ... he's the maknae .. Chansung cried so much that Wooyoung comforted him ... Wooyoung oppa ... he was really worried too. He was comfoting Chansung but how hard would it be for him too? It seems like he couldn't cry even though he wanted too even though he comforted other members.

Taecyeon oppa was said to be in a crazy mode .... It wasn't to the point of chaos and ruckus though ... I couldn't hear about Junsu and Junho oppa ... But it seems pretty obvious that they would be feeling like this ..

credits to daum. + icecube.(Ariel)

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Guest hayakatsu

i don't know if these were posted before, cause i really don't want to backtrack 30 pages, but

if they are, sorry, and please tell me to take them off.

i wish i was korean. i wonder what they wrote?

i can read korean, but i dunno what they're saying so i'll translate the ones i understand. i'll try my best.




^under the huge JYP it says ~jaebum himnae~ means something like hwaiting.


^the big words surrounded by the many post-its says ~leaderja kajima~ means leaderja don't go.



^the post it with the tiny star says ~jaebumie-reul, teollyeo juseyo!! 2PM-eun, leaderja-ga piryeohabnida!~ means jaebum, i'm nervous/anxious! 2PM needs a leader!! or something like that.


the others i can't really see. but that should give you an idea?

i wish i was together with kHOTTEST when they did this.


whoah! the minute i reply and it's already few pages away? thread moves way fast! but nevertheless, i hope i helped.

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Guest a r a c h e r r y .

He's going to go back.

He just needs some time to set his mind straight and think things through.

He'll come back. I have hope for him.

I'm past all the tears and anger of this whole issue. I absolutely adore Jay, and no one can replace him as leader, but I feel like after this whole incident, just hit him hard and it took a big toll on him. I think he needs a well deserved rest and even though I'm against the fact that he quit 2PM altogether, I really do hope that he changes his mind and returns to 2PM.

Jay, I think, needs time alone and to reflect back his past mistakes and become a better person, not that he isn't already. Also, it would do him good to get away from all the anti remarks, media, and even the fans. Its so insane right now. If I was in his shoes, I'd probably go crazy, nonetheless, suffer from an intense migraine. Being with his family would do him good.



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Waking up suddenly at midnight. Crying for the whole day yesterday.

No one can replace Jay. Six members = HOTTEST - E = ....

I still cannot accept the fact that Jay left. Maybe forever I can't. Imagining if Jay won't come back and people will start to forget Jay in the future makes me heartbroken alot. Just imagine.

I just told myself not to cry anymore coz I believe Jay will come back :). If I continue crying, it seems like someone was going far away and never comes back.

Only 7 forever. No more, no less, no one else.

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Can I ask you to post the link so that I, as well as other fans can read it too? I hope it won't

be too much to ask for =)

But yes, everyone keep your spirits high and think happy thoughts. Jay will always be Leadja

no matter what.

Here's the link:

fan account from Sea-Tac Airport

Here's something I found on the reactions of other members. (don't know if it's trustworthy but most likely cuz I found it on their official fancafe)

Taken with credits.

Though it may have been at other schools too, our schol was all about Jaebum's situation today.

One of our school's friend is a SaSaeng Fan(don't know what that is). I think of myself more likely as a SaSaeng Fan too and they said this is really realiable and trustworthy.

After JaeBum's departure of the group.

NichKhun said he wants to go back to Thailand if this is how Korean people are going to treat them. He seemed really mad.

ChanSung was crying a lot the whole time ... he seems strong but Chansung ... he's the maknae .. Chansung cried so much that Wooyoung comforted him ... Wooyoung oppa ... he was really worried too. He was comfoting Chansung but how hard would it be for him too? It seems like he couldn't cry even though he wanted too even though he comforted other members.

Taecyeon oppa was said to be in a crazy mode .... It wasn't to the point of chaos and ruckus though ... I couldn't hear about Junsu and Junho oppa ... But it seems pretty obvious that they would be feeling like this ..

credits to daum. + icecube.(Ariel)

OMG I'm crying again...(doesn't help that I have You Might Come Back on repeat)

The boys are lashing out...

I kinda expected it too.

I expected that Nickhun & Taecyeon will lash out the most considering that they two are the other two remaining International member in the group. & both of them were the ones helping Jaebum out the

most well Taecyeon was I believe Nickhun & Jaebum was on the same level at times.

I wanna see what the netizens have to say about this now..

with Nickhun saying he wants to go back to Thailand.

KPOP will lose their Thailand Prince.

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Guest DaViciousBunny


I know that most of you must've signed the petition for Jay already. But if you haven't done so, please go sign the electric petition. The goal is met already, but the point is to show how many people want him back.


And this is a link to Korean OnedayRoom website. Hottest everywhere are planning to send actual letters of petition to JYP Entertainment office in Korea to show how serious we all are about this matter. Please download the file and send it to the Korean address.


This is a crucial time, my fellow Hottest. We are the only ones who can protect Jay. It's not too late. Let's do everything we can. As you've seen and heard from the past few days, Korea can be a very scary and mean place. But it's still where Jay needs to be. He needs to go back and make those suckers want to thank him for being a Korean. So, please. Let's do everything we can.

P.S - I'm sure posts such as this are all over soompi right now. But I think it's important that people sees this everywhere. Hottest is serious. We can't let Jay go like this.

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