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☆ 2 P M ★ Official Thread ☆

Guest touchtheskies.

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Guest lorac29

Hey Everyone! I just finished all 421 pages of the thread. WOOT! I absolutely refused to post before reading EVERYTHING about the boys. I'm a fairly new fan, I just discovered their greatness last month, right smack at the beginning of exams :wacko: My favorite member is Taecyeon :blush: although Jaebum came dangerously close to overtaking Taec. Haha, but I'm over my jae phase now.

There is something I would like to clarify about the pronunciation of Taec's name. From the 2048729873918273982 videos i've watched of them, it sounds like Taec is pronounced like 'tech' in 'technology'. Can someone tell me if this is right?

To end things off, here is my favorite picture of my favorite boy ;)


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Guest Childlike Faith

[loarc29, I like to think of it as "teh-k". Haha, a little more airy than "tech"?

It's just how it's spelled romanized. LOL, that was probably no help...

Anywho, I didn't notice the Jaebum and Tablo resemblance!! But it is true!

I always thought Tablo has a really unique voice though.

But I think in general, Jaebum really, really reminds me of Brian Joo!!

Thanks, g-yo! Yea, I meant voice-wise! ^_^

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are you talking about their website on JYP?

speaking of that, i can't view it!

everytime i enter 2PM's website, a blank screen comes up.

is it just me? :(

That happened to me too. Do u use Firefox?

I tried it on IE and it worked fine.

So try browsing with IE. :]

anyway, congrats on their mutizen. ^^.

Ahh. It's Inkyu. lol.

I knew it was an AST'1 member, but I didn't know which specific one.

How sweet of him. :]

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Guest AoixAi

There is something I would like to clarify about the pronunciation of Taec's name. From the 2048729873918273982 videos i've watched of them, it sounds like Taec is pronounced like 'tech' in 'technology'. Can someone tell me if this is right?

Yup. Like tehk. I think people just like to make a pun out of his name when pronounced "tayk" (even if it's incorrect). Yuh know, Tayk on me sounds more -lol- than the fobbish -tehk- on me.

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HEY there!!! haha!! This is my second time posting on this thread..

I just want to tell you about [click:]2oneday's Meet & Greet: Worldwide Edition!

Please click the link if you're interested.. haha..

2ONEDAY Meet & Greet:

Worldwide Edition

Hello fellow 2od'ers! Yes, the title of this topic is ready to go into action! But before all the fun and magic happens, we need your help to achieve this with success. First off, we'll give you a bit of details so you know what this thing is (although it is a bit self-explanatory by the title, haha).


All 2oneday members (members, moderators, uploaders, staff, admins, etc)!


An official 2oneday Meet & Greet Week worldwide, wherever our fellow I AM HOTTESTs are!


This will take place within a week (whenever date within that week your region agrees upon) that all the members, staff, and admins come to agree upon. Most likely this will take place during the summer in July.


Worldwide baby! From Toronto to the Philippines. And over at California to London. Yes, that is what I mean by worldwide and global.


Through you all lovely members is that we can actually make this Meet & Greet happen. We need all of your wonderful ideas and your contribution.


Because we're family -- to bring our members closer, to get to know one another (and not stalking their profiles), and to show how international/diverse we are >D

Basically, we need our awesome 2od'ers to help us make this happen like I said before. Please fill out the following below with your name, your location (this is important!), the preferred time you'd want the 2OD Meet & Greet Week to be placed in (month/week of month), and lastly, ideas (games, challenges, anything!)!

-got this from 2oneday.com

Please fill out the form there if you want to participate.... :)

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Hey Everyone! I just finished all 421 pages of the thread. WOOT! I absolutely refused to post before reading EVERYTHING about the boys. I'm a fairly new fan, I just discovered their greatness last month, right smack at the beginning of exams :wacko: My favorite member is Taecyeon :blush: although Jaebum came dangerously close to overtaking Taec. Haha, but I'm over my jae phase now.

There is something I would like to clarify about the pronunciation of Taec's name. From the 2048729873918273982 videos i've watched of them, it sounds like Taec is pronounced like 'tech' in 'technology'. Can someone tell me if this is right?

To end things off, here is my favorite picture of my favorite boy ;)


Look how hot Taec looks in his younger day! :D

And about next week, don't worry everyone. I am sure the Korean Hottests will do their best to vote for 2PM and help them win. And if they don't win, well it is fine, plus there is only one reason why SJ would win: ELF is a huge fanclub, so more people for voting.

It doesn't mean their song is better or they sing better, they just have more people to support them!

Goodluck 2PM! :)

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Guest iMAGiNATi0NS

their song again n again is rly addicting...i never get tired of hearing it! i love magnae <333 wen he raps, he looks so hot. 2pm has rly good songs that i just don't get tired of. :]

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Guest xSallyyx

Congrats to 2PM for winning! it's about time they won :P (no offense but imo i think it's a lot better than Saturday night -.-)

I still can't get that song out of my head.. Again and again and again and againn~

Junho is soooo cute~ his smile is adorable xD

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Guest htruc

HEY there!!! haha!! This is my second time posting on this thread..

I just want to tell you about 2oneday's Meet & Greet: Worldwide Edition!

Please click the link if you're interested.. haha..


Worldwide baby! From Toronto to the Philippines. And over at California to London. Yes, that is what I mean by worldwide and global.

-got this from the thread from 2oneday.com

Please fill out the form there if you want to participate.... :)

Toronto!?! Oh gosh. I need more information!!!! OMG!!! ZOMG!!

Edit: Does anyone know how long each member has been training in JYP?


Does anyone have the official wallpapers? I can't seem to view them on the website.

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Guest she-smiles

Hey Everyone! I just finished all 421 pages of the thread. WOOT! I absolutely refused to post before reading EVERYTHING about the boys. I'm a fairly new fan, I just discovered their greatness last month, right smack at the beginning of exams :wacko: My favorite member is Taecyeon :blush: although Jaebum came dangerously close to overtaking Taec. Haha, but I'm over my jae phase now.

wow, props to you for reading all 421 pages.

that could take me days! haha.

and of course, welcome to 2PM! :)

That happened to me too. Do u use Firefox?

I tried it on IE and it worked fine.

So try browsing with IE. :]

you're right! i tried opening it with IE, and it did work.

thanks for the tip! :D

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Guest suju-cutie


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Guest eija

got some pics to share..



khunnie is like a cute alien sent to the earth hahha..




*jayhavebreast*... :lol:




AM+PM love..

credit mnet + bestiz..

it does not matter to me if they win again or not

i will still love them for what they are..and they still is the best grup to me.. :D

one more..fanart..


credit as tagged + bestiz

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Heather : Does anyone know how long each member has been training in JYP?

Junsu since 2004 (JYP audition and he also won singing contest...and someone mentioned that he was chosen by both JYP and YG)

Jay since 2005 (JYP audition in USA)

Khun since 2006 (JYP audition in LA,USA -- actually he was found at korean festival with his korean friend there then JYPE called him for audition)

Junho , Teac , Chansung since 2006 (Superstar survival , it's reality show! Junho won over 6,000 copetitors including Teac and Chansung. However JYPE called both of them for training)

Wooyoung since 2007 (JYP audtion and he also won UCC contest)

I'm not sure about Junsu and Wooyoung~ correct me if i'm wrong ^^

I believe they have been trained since then and came up with the super gorgeous 2pM that we love <333

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Guest tikamicizia

GOSHH I really lovee you might come back too!!

that song is really addicting, and chansung improved a lottt in this songgg!

wooyoung soothing voice always LOVEE

I really hope our guys will do variety show like idol show againn.. I miss my dorky wooyoungggggg

btw about the first post profile. isn't wooyoung born in '89??? it's written '88 in the first post.

and junho '90???????? goshhhhh his acts and speaks are the most mature!! I really like him, seems very kind to the members and sincere.

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Guest lilyami

hey guys...head over to allkpop. i saw this in the Wondergirls article:

"- If the Wonder Girls hit 15,000 Facebook fans, JYPE will be giving out an autographed Wonder Girls CD.

- If the Wonder Girls hit 25,000 Facebook fans, JYPE will be giving out an autographed 2PM CD."

hehehe i already have the 2pm cd but i want an autograph one. :D

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Wow, it's been a while since my last post here XD

I was just watching "introducing a star's friend"

and since I'm not Korean.. I was just wondering if the friend Jae brought with his was his younger brother?

Because they look soooo alike XD (I've only watched the first part of the episode)

AND!!Don't forget to vote for 2PM here!! Currently in 5th place > < (we need to vote more, especially after winning 1st in the month of April!! =) )

You just press the purple button; and youmay vote every 10 seconds =)

Soo vote vote vote!! hehe

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Guest love_fate&destiny


LOL~ The pix of Khun like a cute alien on earth...LMAO. xD He really does look like it though. ^0^

LOL~ and the pix of jaehavebreast...LOL!!!! xD it really does look like that as well! xD LOL~ :D

Wow, they are very good at living singing already, considering that they are a pretty new group still. :D (saw their performance at the countdown)

I'm starting to love 2PM more and more. LOL. Esp. when I watched Idol Army....they are a hilarious bunch. :)

They are all very talented. :D I hope for them to go far~ :D

I have a question. ^_^;; It's a trivial question but...

do you spell Khun's name like this: Nickhun, (spelled with no h after the c) or like this: Nichkhun (with a h after the c)?

I'm sorry but it was getting on my nerves. :sweatingbullets: I wasn't sure which was the right way to spell his name. ^^;; I see it go both ways but which one is it really??? ^^;;

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Guest touchtheskies.

and since I'm not Korean.. I was just wondering if the friend Jae brought with his was his younger brother?

Because they look soooo alike XD (I've only watched the first part of the episode)

hahah no it's not Jehan.

I have a question. ^_^;; It's a trivial question but...

do you spell Khun's name like this: Nickhun, (spelled with no h after the c) or like this: Nichkhun (with a h after the c)?

Nichkhun (:

Some of you might know this already, but some of you don't so here I am with updates (:

2OD's Thank You Letter to kIAMs && kHOTTESTs.

After the impressive support that our boys received during their comeback stages from our korean counterparts, kIAMs and kHOTTESTs, we, as 2ONEDAY INTERNATIONAL FORUM, want to express how thankful we are for them.

kIAMs and kHOTTESTs are by far the best fans ever. Connected by the love 2AM & 2PM have for each other, kIAMs and kHOTTESTs use this love to support both 2AM & 2PM and each other.

Because of the great support they have done for our boys, we only think that it is proper to formally thank them for EVERYTHING.

2OD's admins and staffs worked hard to write and make this letter. Even though we knew that words are not enough to show our appreciation, we wrote several drafts in attempt to write the perfect THANK YOU LETTER for our kIAMs and kHOTTESTs. kIAMs and kHOTTESTs only deserve the best and the perfect.


OFFICIAL THANK YOU Letter for the kIAMs and kHOTTESTs::

Rough Translation in English::

Hello there I AMs and Hottests.

We are the international IAMs and HOTTESTs from 2oneday.com, a community for 2AM & 2PM.

We thank you for all of your support and love to our boys, especially for cheering them on during their comeback stages. You guys have done something special that we, as the international fans, can only dream and pray of doing -- to cheer them on while they perform.

During their comeback stages, we also watched them live from our computers at home at 3:00am and for some at 6:00am. We were tired and sleepless, but our fatigue was gone when we saw our boys. It was very special, but you guys made it more special. We were touched when we heard you cheer loudly for them.

The IAMs and HOTTESTs' chants are the sweetest melodies during the performances.

We sincerely thank you.

As Jay said, "Hottests are the best fans around." We know that this is the same for 2AM and IAMs.

Let's continue to whole heartedly support the boys together. We, as international fans, hope that you can continue being our eyes and voices.

Thank you. We love you.

2AM Fighting, 2PM Fighting

I AMs Fighting, Hottest Fighting

-- 2oneday.com

Please, help us show this appreciation for kIAMs and kHOTTESTs.

ALSO, please help us spread this letter so that they know how we feel. ^^

We wouldn't exist without them, and surely our boys wouldn't too without them. ^^

Let's thank them for everything. =)

Thank you.

(Special thanks to the admins and staff for making this possible, jiyo, jiwon, mon & alice)

kIAMs and kHOTTESTs' response to 2OD.


by g-yo

Almost two weeks ago (April 23, 2009), we, 2OD INTL FORUM, posted and distributed a letter of appreciation and gratitude to kIAMs and kHOTTESTs. Read it here.

The 2OD team was able to post the letter on 2AM and 2PM's offical Daum Fancafes, cafe.daum.net/2-oclock && cafe.daum.net/2PM. And some kIAMs and kHOTTESTs left comments in response to our letter. ^^ We translated some of them for you guys. ^^

Warning: it will give you hot love chills, coz its too awesome and wayy too sweet. ^^

kIAMs' replies at 2AM's Fancafe

kHOTTESTs' replies at 2PM's Fancafe

Awesome right?! 2OD plans to continue showing our apppreciation and love to kIAMs and to kHOTTESTs. Whether it will be through letters or by other means, we will do it. Our friends and sisters at Korea are far too special to be ignored.

Because we are one. It doesn't matter what you are, where you are from, the color of your skin, etc.

All that matters is we are connected by ONE LOVE, love that surrounds our boys.

Because I AM the HOTTEST.

If you can help post the letter at other korean sites, please let us know. ^^

Special thanks to: christie aka poco123 for posting at 2PM's fancafe, alice aka starrynights and jiwon aka 2SHOT. for posting at 2AM's fancafe, && jiyo aka g-yo and jiwon aka 2SHOT. for translations.

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