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☆ 2 P M ★ Official Thread ☆

Guest touchtheskies.

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Guest lalaleidy

I'm probably still not in my right state aotm. tbh, some of us know that it will come to this but we try not to believe it. i remember reading an article from an insider stating about Jay's permanent departure and Sunmi's as well which was posted before the actual event. Jay isn't my favorite in the group but I do like him a lot and seeing the other 2pm boys without him is just heartbreaking. It's just not the same anymore. If you've seen HOT BLOOD, then you'll know how they were trained TO BE ONE.

About the fans leaving the official cafe. it's not because they're not real fans but it's because they're tired of all the dramas and lies. They're love for the leadja lead them to be caught in the web of lies. And when they realized it, they want out of it. Just imagine how they get their hopes high when the statements such as "Jay will come back as 2pm blah blah blah". All of their efforts are gone to waste. We should not pity Jay alone, or the other 6 members. the fans have been hurting all this time as well.

I still can support 1:59's music.... I will still support Jay. But I can never trust JYPE anymore.

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Guest fattie8701


So BOSSA747 known for being a very reliable source, especially as a sone cuz he is a sone... just tweeted some things.. and i want to share it with you guys. Guys Himnae... am not sure what to say now...i rather just lurk from now on.. i personally cant deal with a company that solves its problems by blaming and tarnishing a young mans reputation. I didnt sign up for that. I apologise to the other boys.. its not them, i just cant deal with JYPE...i cant... good luck to everyone else though :)...6pm fighting!!!

I feel like they are trying to tarnish his image, so it makes it impossible for him to work under other Companies in Korea. Because Jaebeom is like a gold mine! The potential income he could make for Companies upon returning to Korea is ridiculous!

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Guest stardope

did he kill someone???corruption???steal money?????abuse some1????

depression???hv baby????r*p*???s** scandal??????drunk and drive???

drugs????did he said something bad again about korea????mental illness??physical illness????

honestly...!!!! what crime??? or what kind of mistake??what is worse???

I shoud have been sleeping but I can't!!!

I know I said I'm ready to hear any news before this all hapened.... but can u make a better statement than this jyp??? why did u write to make him sounded soo guilty even the boys turned their back...????? that is sooo LOW!!!!

6th Jan????22th dec??? why would he even danced to their songs recently???? why the oneday members said something about him????junho said it...khun even Seulong!!!! i hope I can hear it from the boys about this stuff....!!! not under JYPE...but really from their heart... I really really hope hearing from Jaybeom too...

and u're hoping the fans will go easy on u JYP??? believing u???? who could possibly believe a hypocrite like that???!!! did he even think about the image of all the boys now??? who could even believe them now??? and to continue support the other six or any artist under that company??? I feel disgusted already... Really.. I love them boys very very much...Jay is not even my bias... if I hv to rank them,, he's in the bottom two w Taec... and I know I said I leave if he decided to leave... pls don't be angry at me anyone...but this is why I decided to leave... I tried to be patient and hv positive thingking on the company...and JYP himself... but yeahh... the statement they put out... is really the WORST!!!! and what do they possibly want with the press conference if they realesed the statement now??!!!! really!!! they're soooo goood at toying other's feelings....!!!!!

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I'm shocked but not shocked. Although I would've loved for Jay to return to 2PM, I was OK with the idea that he would not return, because I cannot alter the situation..however, it is difficult to hear for real this time, that he's gone for good.

Maybe I'm being ignorant or way too peppy, but I'll continue being a fan of 2PM and JYPE as well. I feel so bad for Jay, but at the same time I'm not going to make him out to be the saintly victim and JYPE to be Lucifer. There are plenty of unanswered questions, inconsistencies, and lies I'm sure. But to me, I don't think there was any way that JYPE decided to let go of one of their most popular, talented, and entertaining artists without a very serious reason. That MySpace controversy was probably just one reason out of several, maybe it had to do with how they felt toward Jay, and maybe it was something Jay really did and felt guilty about and didn't think he could handle the repercussions later on. I'm sorry if it looks like I'm putting a bad light on Jay..I'm not..while he is a victim, but at the same time he's a grown man. He's made mistakes just like rest of us, and for all we know, it's something we don't know about and won't find out about until years from now. At this point, I'd still be ecstatic if he were allowed to come back to 2PM but I won't object to 2PM continuing as 6 members as they were already doing anyway. Afterall, this is their livelihood, they are continuing with their lives and careers, the chances of them succeeding are in our hands. One man's music career in kpop has already evaporated, I don't want to harm the other 6, as well as other JYPE artists that may be effected by this.

As for Jay, at least he is back in his hometown with close family and friends..he has the opportunity to attend college, and who knows what else..he's capable of great things and he's still so young, he has tons of potential so I'm going to step back and support both 2PM, and Jay, separately. My only wish is that Jay won't have a dark cloud hanging over his head with all the burdens this controversy has caused and is continuing to cause. I've said this repeatedly but I think an actual statement from Jay would really help, but of course..it probably will not and cannot happen for now.

First, Jay cannot attend college right now because he didn't finish high school in the US.

Second, it's not the first time JYPE has this shady business. JYPE has always let go of their artists for reasons unknown or controversial till today. Example: GOD's members Yoon Kye Sang, Park Ji Yoon, Rain, Hyunah, Sunmi, Min (the trainee), Lim Jung Hee and now Park Jaebeom. I don't know the truth of all these stories, but the fact that so many stars left JYPE and never revealed the reason definitely made me trust JYPE less. This statement, again, shows how unprofessional JYPE's PR staff can be. I mean you don't need to read all the conspiracies, just reading the online letter, you can tell it's a PR disaster.

I think it's understandable that some fans are leaving the fanclub. JYPE cannot expect the fans to still support JYPE's business when they pissed off their customers (fans) in the most recognizable way. What's with the 1:59PM promotion and "Tired of Waiting" theme and sharing the income with Jay? They already decided to end the contract, how the heck could the boys still share the income with Jay? At least come out and talk directly about it: make a conference, let Jay be there, express everything clearly that Jay does not want to come back. Do they (JYPE) think dealing with the public is such an easy matter that they can just post up an online letter and then hold a conference where only 10 fans can attend? How much more incompetent can JYPE become?

I still follow 2PM with 6 members but I lost A LOT of trust and respect in JYPE through this whole thing.


and I'm really really angry at how JYPE themselves this time turned Jay into a public enemy again with their words. Korean netizens are now going crazy with their theories that Jay probably had sex with underage, prostitutes, did drugs, .... I don't have any more words to express my extreme disappointment and anger at how JYPE handled everything (either intentionally or not)

I also think that this whole thing affected 2PM in a very BAD way. 2PM was a group known for their healthy and cheerful image. Now that the whole scandal has cast dark cloud over 2PM's image, how are they gonna appeal to the public again? What about the family image of Oneday? Friendship and brotherhood? You know there is a limit to how much fans can tolerate in order to support their idols and I think JYPE just pushed everything past that limit.

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Guest susie2006

i think its a ridiculous strategy from jype to ruin jay's image...why would jay came out with a secret, of "something really wrong" he did if no one knew he did it? and saying that the others 6 agree with it while they were not in seoul, each of them were in their hometown? does jype think that we are stupid or something like that? if they would lie to ruin jay's image they should even say something that make sense...we should not give up!

what i feel most worried now is what jay is feeling seeing all of it...u-u''

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Guest theblazenazn

i think its a ridiculous strategy from jype to ruin jay's image...why would jay came out with a secret, of "something really wrong" he did if no one knew he did it? and saying that the others 6 agree with it while they were not in seoul, each of them were in their hometown? does jype think that we are stupid or something like that? if they would lie to ruin jay's image they should even say something that make sense...we should not give up!

what i feel most worried now is what jay is feeling seeing all of it...u-u''

I think we all agree the "mistake" statement is just a cover up lie.

I bet their Strategy is to Ruin his Image so he Can't Step foot in Korea and become a Solo Artist under another Company. He will be no doubt be Successful and that will be JYPE's nightmare.

If he's not under contract, I would stop bombarding JYPE but instead go persuade other companies to try to offer him a Contract & make him a Solo Artist cuz right now He doesn't even have a GED to Attend College.

He would be perfect under YG or other companies that will appreciate him...............

This is a horrible way to end everything...


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i dont post here often but i just read the news and i really dont know what to think... i mean they waited 2 months to let this news out basically using jays situation to advertise 2pm...i love them all and i was so sure he was gonna return after this win win episode...in the korean article it said the MEMBERS AGREED THAT THEY COULD NO LONGER WORK WITH JAY AFTER THEY HEARD WHAT HE HAD DONE... i mean they talked about jay on the show.. about how 2pm and one day INCLUDES JAY...i feel like either this is a hoax or the company honestly cares nothing about their artist contrary to what they claim, and are blaming everything on Jay and 2pm in order to get support from fans of other members...

As much as i love 2pm...i dont think i can be a fan either... JYPE is being so shady right now its not even funny... they wrote something this important something thousands of fans have been waiting to hear... they dont even have the courtesy to make an official statement with DETAILS!!! ahhh im soo angry im sorry...i truly hope this is all a lie(if not.. JAY YOU CAN DO BETTER W/O THE COMPANY AND 1:59 I PRAY FOR THE BEST FOR YOU ALL )

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Guest xcutemushroomiex

I feel absolutely crushed. I hope Jay's happy though at least he's with his family and friends in Seattle. I don't think I can ever forget him or any of what's happened and I just hope nothing like this happens again. One Day must be devastated, if this is how fans feel they must feel a million times worst, they trained with him, lived with him, he was their brother.

What to believe huh? JYPE's messed up, big time.

Jay was the member I noticed first and he's always been my favourite, however I still support the other members, but it'll never be the same without Leadja there. I don't really know what else I can say, but to me he'll always be the Leader of 2PM and I'll always support him.

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Guest holdfast

i'm so furious right now i can't even form a proper statement.

i honestly hope he doesn't go back to 2pm at this point - why would we want to send him back in to the lion's den, into the hands of the people that have done this to him? my only concern now is for him to get his clean name back, and for the other boys' safety. if jype would do this to jay, they would do it to anyone, and have before, obviously.

but, if he's no longer under contract, i wonder what that means for him.. if he'll have to pay a lot of money, or if he's in some way required to stay out of media attention. obviously, he knows the truth, so there must still be some kind of contract in place otherwise he could come forth and ruin everything for jype... honestly, i hope that happens.

i'll come back when i calm down and hopefully i'll be able to articulate myself better.

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Guest shinhwaloverfan

jay could go Community college and transfer after a year to a good college my brother did that cause when my family immigrated he was in his senior year and wanted to finish with his friends

i still cant believe whats happening

how can jyp do this to jay

i love jay but i dont know if i can leave 1.59 cause they didnt do anything my heart goes out to them

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Guest abcdana

regarding the video from khottest about "what has JYP done for park jaebeom" or something... i was wondering if it has already been posted here (i dont think it has) so i wanted to share here.


i didnt understand everything and hopefully it'll be translated at some point, but i can say that it doesn't even encompass all of our hurt, betrayed feelings on this subject and i know jype will reap what they sow (for this and for other artists under jype who left).

i can't even begin to address the 1:59 issue right now... i know that there is no 2pm without jaebeom for me.

no more jype. no more...

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Guest Ella_Kwan














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Ok, here's my thought about this whole issue. Sorry, I couldn't stop myself from doing this. I know JYP isn't the only one at fault, but this macro I made shows my opinion about this whole conspiracy xD


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okay so i knew jay wasnt coming back in my head. I knew the fanmeeting was NOT gonna happen. I hate JYP for lying to us. Why now? & For all those people saying Jay did something bad Get your head out of the gutters. Bc typically the person that talks shiet about someone is the one actually doing the crime itself.

-But i had the littlest hope EVER that Jay would come back-

What i thought & kept in for the longest time was that

Jay should not come back and deserve being hate on. Now im for sure.

He's apparently happy in Seattle. I wish he would take his GED & go to college and keep on doing what he likes best.

I hate this dearly bc Jay was my favorite member but now its NOT 2PM. you can NOT call

this group 2PM anymore. This is my opinion so .. don't try and change it.

I srsly dont know. I'm like mad/sad bc I don't get to see Jay in HD (:

I have to watch crappy fancams of Jay bboying in AOM. <33

I'm at school right now breaking the rules for Jay. ahha (x

I'm shocked. idk im just blabbering but in December when those 5 guys and that one dude who takes of his shirt

entirely too much did again and again and left a spot for Jay, that gave me hope. I really wish they didn't do that & made

my lifee easierr. O: D: D:

Anyways. my 1:59 CD was a WASTE of my moneyy. Selling it ; who's buying? Its in good condition. PM ME.

& for those who know how to buy a AOM shirt i wanntt onee. like really bad. i've been looking everywhere since months.

okay ima stop. [:

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Guest summer_night

i really hope that this is just a hoax; someone hacked JYPE's site and posted this stupid letter.

i never thought that this would happen. i always thought that jay would come back; i ignored all the rumors and the whole b**cotting thing. i believed in JYPE.

i never thought that there is a record label who is stupider than starwatch (german record label, they dont even deserve the name record label because they almost killed my 2. favorite band next to 2PM)

but today, everythings changed.

i still dont know what to think. i wrote a few days (or weeks, idk) ago that i thought its better for jay to stay in the US because he's happy there.

now i guess he's even sad at home. it would really bother me if i would knew that the whole nation of korea talks about me.

honestly, i hope that netziens wont find out about the thing that apparently killed jays career. (if this thing exists at all)

this would make it all much worser.

but anyways, i will still support the other 6 boys, no matter what they will do in the future.

as for the press conference on saturday... hopefully they have paramedics there. hottest will be very angry.

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Guest swisschoco

I just don't understand the JYPE PR strategy :-( Why mention a personal bad behavior when most people knew NOTHING about. And why release this statement one day before the fan meeting. Is that still happening??? I just feel bad for Jay. It's so unprofessional to tarnish someone's reputation like this. Imagine being in his shoes right now...it must be horrible. I hope he has many loved ones around him to help him through this.

OMG i just realized that if what they say is true in the statement I would have seen 2PM, not 6PM at the KMF HB....ok now i'm pissed :angry:

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I don't even understand what is the coming Conference with Fan Communities for if JYPE is releasing such devastating news now??

Seriously, what is the point???

I bet there will be LOADS OF VULGARITIES spewed at them on that day, if they still have the guts to carry on with it, WITH THE 6 BOYS IN TOW. Gosh, will the 6 be able to even handle this at all, in the presence of all the hottests??? I doubt so.


Edit: 2OD updated a fan account of Wooyoung crying after the Win Win recording ended today..

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Guest Aesthetic_Chinese

wow wow wow.

its sept 8 all over again, but worse.

sorry guys im turning my back on 2pm.

jay isn't even my bias, but he was the reason i got into 2pm. he was the first person i noticed && now without him, its different.

i was a supporter from the idol army. when it came up thats when i started liking 2pm. im sorry guys but im done, without jay there is no 2pm. why? because 2pm isn't the same without him. look at their dancing. look at their singing. its not the same, i love wooyoung, but without jay things aren't the same.

good luck to the boys. jype/jyp i hope you're happy. it would of been easier if you just brought jay back from the beginning. if you would of defended him none of this would of happened.

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Guest fattie8701

I don't even understand what is the coming Conference with Fan Communities for if JYPE is releasing such devastating news now??

really?? i do... WINTER OLYMPICS, who do you think will care about a boy who 'disrespected' them, when other people are out there being patriotic and representing the country. The news of Jaebeom then gets lost amidst the winter olympics hype... and think about it... KIM YU-NA is skating today...come on guys...girl brings in serious ratings.. who do you think is going to be given more attention?

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