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☆ 2 P M ★ Official Thread ☆

Guest touchtheskies.

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my opinions that hopefully some of you will take into consideration

just wanted to share my thoughts on this whole issue which has escalated to an absolutely ridiculous extent!!! i have no idea how the logic of some 2PM fans work, but no matter how i think about it, no matter how much i try to put myself into the passionate mindset of these fans, and no matter accepting of fans' emotions i am, i cannot in my right mind understand why people are reacting the way they are to what has happened in the past few days.

first i'd like to say that i was doubtful of Jaebum ever coming back. i mean, it would've been nice and I would've been happy if one day he did come back, but the chance that he would come back after the september incident was always slim to none. it would've been awkward, it would've been hard for the group to go back to normal, it just was a lot of work that just wasn't worth it. THEREFORE, the news that Jay was definitely never coming back was saddening but really not a big shocker!

second the initial reactions of some of the fans were just psychotic. if those korean fans wanted to prove to the rest of the world that you were obsessive, psychotic people whose lives revolved around idols whom they've never met or talked to, then they were definitely successful. i mean, a petition to burn JYP? come on! did those fans understand that burning someone is considered as murder to normal, civilized people?!

but more importantly, the reactions and actions of some of the fans after today's press conference just filled me with disappointment. how can legitimate fans turn into vicious antifans in a matter of a couple of mere hours?! i honestly think Hottests and crazy fans should be happy that JYPE took the effort to give them a formal press conference and the time to explain the happenings of their company. i mean, fans might create the popularity of an idol group, but they in no way have control on the decisions that the group makes along with their management company. i'm pretty sure that when i became a 2PM fan, i never signed any contract saying that i had control over the group and i'm pretty sure i never brought any shares to 2PM, so i kept my distance and just stayed a fan, listening to their music, watching their variety skills, etc. these fans have to realize that they don't dominate 2PM and if they decide to leave the fandom of 2PM, so be it. 2PM can always gather up new fans who accept them for the 6 members that they are.

and the fact that some of them are actually bitter towards the other 6 members is beyond me. do they think that the members initially wanted Jaebum to leave so they would have to handle with all this drama? don't they understand that the members would only support Jay leaving permanently because it is for the good of the group, Jay, and JYPE. i'm not saying they're totally blameless, but when put in the position that they are in, it's hard to see the good in anyone, but it's also unreasonable to see the bad in the group and treat Jaebum like a freakin' saint. i mean, Jay is probably hurt by all this and if he is a victim in all this, then he can and is moving on with his life and making the most of it and he's happy, so all ends well. so just leave the other members alone, stop bashing them, stop spreading ludicrous rumors, and stop encouraging other fans to "quit" 2PM and let them form their own opinions without force.

my main worry in all this is that 2PM will be disbanded because of the crazies/antifans. i like 2PM a lot with or without Jay, i enjoy some of their music, and i love watching them show their personalities on variety shows. but if crazy fans take over and start asking broadcast companies to fire out the 2PM members, then the broadcast companies will be pressured to do exactly that, which means no more 2PM on variety shows, no more comedy, no more entertainment, no more fun. here's an equation that makes sense: antifans + crazies = no 2PM = no fun for you or me.

an equation that doesn't make sense: no jay + no hope for 2PM = no need for 2PM. what kind of stupid logic is this?

if these fans continue to bash the remaining 2PM members, then they lose any hope of making it big, any hope of fulfilling their ambitions to be singers/entertainers, which means they'll basically lose their jobs and their dreams. with the economic downturn, i never thought a celebrity losing their job would be due to irrational fans.

i'm also mostly worried about the sanity of these 2PM fans/antifans. they are all probably smart, strong-minded individuals, but their logic here make absolutely no sense whatsoever! some have argued that it's not just about Jay coming back but about him getting the rights and treatment that he deserves...that JYPE's treatment of him was cruel and no one should get away with it? uh, seriously...i mean, seriously?! the last time i checked, JYPE is still producing good music, and Jay is happy back in seattle. and i've heard that he might even be collaborating with AOM in their new single. yeah...right...Jaebum is definitely suffering right now...come on now...get it together ya'll! i get the feeling that if they asked Jay to come back, he definitely wouldn't!!! just admit it crazies, you will never be satisfied no matter what JYPE, Jay, or the other 2PM do!

so here's my logic...a logic not based on any statements released by JYPE or by any 2PM daum/blogs/etc (i don't know why some of you still believe those statements released by fans, blogs, etc. i mean, there is no evidence that they are true so don't believe them and form your own opinions):

(1) 2PM is a singer/dancer group, so their job is to perform and entertain...that's it. they are not there to hold your hands or fulfill your every little desire or whim, and if you don't like that, then leave and join another fanclub. (2) ALL the members worked their asses off to be in 2PM so you have no right whatsoever to decide whether they should be supported or not, whether they deserve to be treated as human beings, and you definitely have no say on punishing them for any crimes that they've done. that's the job of their own personal consciences, JYPE, and maybe the police (if they've done something illegal...hehe). you're just fans, no more and no less. (3) Park Jaebum is not a SAINT (and is no where near being one)!!! he's a normal guy in his twenties who just had bad luck, who made a mistake in a country where mistakes always come back to bite you in the behind. maybe he really did something wrong, maybe he didn't. whatever the truth is, it don't matter because he's decided to not be part of 2PM any longer, and that's that.

so please to all fans out there, please stop hurting the current members of 2PM and just act like normal reasonable fans, please don't escalate this to the point where 2PM becomes no more. and please allow this 2PM thread to be about supporting the members instead about this whole debacle and about Jay (who is not in 2PM anymore...accept it!). i miss the days when this thread had discussions about how Taecyeon had too many teeth, how Nickhun is so in love with WY, how Junsu has such a beautiful voice, how Junho is a sick dancer, how Wooyoung's santii is gag-concert-worthy, or how Chansung looks like an old grandpa. oh the good ol' days...i miss it. :(

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No one has the right to call anyone as a "TRUE FAN" or not a "TRUE FAN"....We know what it's like to be a fan, what acts should a fan do...BUT. We all have DIFFERENT ways of EXECUTING those acts...

Stop saying things about other fans here....This is a FORUM, in the 1st place....

This situation is a CRISIS for the 2PM and for the fans themselves so it is EXPECTED that opposing ideas and opinions will emerge...

It is expected that most fans will feel "betrayed" and some fans will "understand". But, whatever stand anyone makes, EVERYONE must RESPECT it.

I cannot blame fans who has left the fandom. Their response maybe due to the fact that they expected Junsu, Khun, Taecyeon, Woo, Junho and Chansung to stand up for Jay since from the very start, they seemed like the group that'll go in front to protect ANY of their members. 2PM is a group that had shown such a STRONG image of BROTHERHOOD that statements made by other 6 regarding JAEBEOM SHOCKED the fans to their bones....

So please, STOP accusing each other as ANTI's...ALL of these are just due to hardcore DISAPPOINTMENT....

Please, let us understand each other...

I love those 7 guys who worked so hard to achieve where they are right now...

Those 6 Members are hurting as well as Jaebeom...They are ALL SHARING the PAIN..


AGAIN...I accept JAEBEOM leaving 2PM...Jay does not deserve JYPE and vice versa...BUT...I will not accept JAY leaving with such a TARNISHED REPUTATION....

I'll help him revive his DIGNITY...

i totally agree with u especially the last part.

JYPE just ruined 2PM and ruined jay's image too.

2PM boys aren't the same boys that i knew but good luck to them.

i can't just ignore what just happen and keep support them , who knows maybe i'll forget after a year or two but right now i just can't , i'm so angry they had to ruin jay's image to let him go and the boys helped.

just say u don't need him anymore -___-

btw ppl should stop the boycott cuz it wont bring him back or change the boys to who we used to know and love

if u like their music then buy the album.

and at chacha msg " I wouldn't let my brother down . He needs and wants to make music" i'm glad his brother is with him :) and so happy that what happened did bring jay down and he 'll still sing :) like what junho said he never gives up.

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jay: oh krap..i screwed up in the past by bashing korea...what to do what to do?

jyp: for now, go back to seattle because thats ur best option..get some rest and time for self reflection.

jay: alright, it'll be best for me and the group for now since it is my fault... don't want to be a burden to the rest of the boys.

*jay leaves...the korea bashing proves to be overexaggeration by the public..jay is forgiven*

jyp: get ready jay.. ur hot right now and ur coming back to the group soon

6pm: kick richard simmons

*time passes...jay realizes that he's done something horrible enough that would stir another public uproar so he decides for himself that he wants to quit for good*

jyp: damn...this is tough ..what should we tell the fans? the truth or lies it wouldn't matter because it will be a LOSE LOSE situation anyways..let's tell them the truth but let's keep jay's incident private because it is infact his personal life.

*Jyp announces jays dismissal*

*fans go nuts and denies the facts and turns into anti's in a matter of days making up their own stories the way they want to believe it as if this was some kind soap opera to feed their drama needs*

fools need to realize that so called "fans" are the ones that are making it harder for jay and 2pm. 2pm and JYP gains nothing and loses so much if they get rid of jay on purpose...but he just couldn't be let back in for a very good reason and you still don't want to believe it because you teenyboppers just cannot think clearly with common sense. the facts are

stop living in your own fantasy land and stop blabbing out "brotherhood" "betrayal" because you fake richard simmons fans are the ones doing the betraying for the sake of YOUR OWN DESIRES AND FANFIC LIKE FANTASIES.

the facts are:

-you do not know any members personally

-you do not work for jyp

-you do not have any relations with jyp, 2pm, jay

-you have no idea what they are truely like off screen

-they do not know that you exist

result: fantasy created by ur own head

face the facts and reality...step out of that lala land.

Just breathe in slowly and let it go....If i was to be in Jay's shoes I wouldn't wanna mess with 6 other peoples lives for my own mistakes.

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oh my gosh! i been a silent reader! and this seem to be out of hand r u kidding me! its like u

all r against one another!! ARENT U ALL THE HOTTESTS i mean now some fans are the COLDEST

n its sad! but its true member r turning their back on jae and r they still coming to KMF cuz if they are

man there will be so much hate or should i say awkward going on! im mean after reading all this it doesnt

seem like its could come to a STOP! i wish nothing but the best foe all of 2pm fans!!!

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Guest gyasi15

the reason why hottests are so angry are not because of how jay is not coming back. but rather because 6PM’s condescending attitudes and outlash at jay. it really is quite shocking. erm, JYPE, not a good idea at all you know.

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Guest loveshatori

wow its surprising how bad its gotten in just one day

honestly im finding it funny and sad at the same time

funny because people are arguing, bashing and literally going crazy over a situation that they dont know the complete truth fans act like they actually know the 2pm members personally who they are and how they think

making all sorts of assumptions, judgements and comments about their character and worth

its sad because so many comments are so hurtful, demeaning and harsh

honestly i cant say im a true fan but i heart really goes out to the members i hope that they survine this crisis and come back stronger

let the fans who want to leave leave if they cant stand not having jay in 2pm.

they shouldnt waste time hurting the other members and making such a big scene honestly it makes them seem like people who just want attention

its understandable to be hurt and feel betrayed but its ridiculous to start turning on the members of 2pm

its immature and just stupid

fans may think that they are the only ones that made 2pm big but 2pm members are what made 2pm as they are today through their own sacrifice and hardwork

and ill be damned if some bunch immature and overemotional fan girls are going to ruin all their hardwork

many fans are pointing fingers every which way at the members essentially calling them evil

but the only malicious ones here are the fans who are trying so hard to destroy them

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Guest SkipBeat!

I wish we could all get along like we used to during Again and Again... I wish I could bake a cake filled with rainbows and smiles and everyone would eat and be happy...

But seriously let's stop the hate. We're all fans here or we used to be, we wouldn't be here if we didn't care. People need to stop attacking other fans over their beliefs, because no one can say who is a fan or who isn't. I think we all want to do the right thing, except the problem is no one knows what the right thing is and what may be right for me might not be right for you.

Also we have to remember that Jay, 2pm, JYPE and the fans are all human and humans make mistakes. In addition, that means that everyone's mistake can be forgiven. Jay isn't an angel and maybe he did something wrong. JYPE might not be lying and 2pm could still be angry. United we stand and divided we fall.

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Guest xxxxxxx

Hey Guys, I found this and I believe that you guys should definitely read this.

Btw, I thought taec and woo weren't mcing today..

The rumors coming out about the fan meeting are pretty awful and from what I can tell on tumblr and 2OneDay it seems that the rumors of the members being rude or arrogant, or dragging Jay’s name through the mud, are making many fans of 2pm shocked and upset. I want to try to clear these up, just from one fan’s point of view…

I’m Korean-American and have lived and gone to school in both the U.S. and Korea. I live in the U.S. at the moment, but my home is Korea, because that’s where my entire family lives. I downloaded the audio file of the 2pm-JYP-fan conference that’s been going around to hear it for myself, because I was very skeptical of most of the fan accounts that have been floating out. I’m fluent in both languages and so I hope you will trust me when I try to clear up some of the (mis)translations that have been floating about…


The 2pm boys are very respectful throughout the whole fan meeting, as far as I can tell. On the contrary, I think the fans are being unnecessarily rude. The fans spent the first 10 minutes of the meeting arguing that they should have the right to film the meeting, even though the JYP rep told them several times that although he would allow audio recording, he could not allow video footage out of fear that it could later be manipulated by other people to put the 2pm boys in a bad light. On hearing this (perfectly reasonable) request, the fans burst into laughter and made many snide and condescending comments (caught on tape) about how unbelievable the JYP rep’s requests were. I could hardly believe how rude some of their words were. The 2pm boys stayed silent during this exchange, but the JYP rep did not raise his voice, and merely repeated his requests until the fans agreed. As the file went on, some rude fans interrupted the boys several times as they were replying to the fans’ questions.

Junho never said “I honestly hated Jaebeom hyung,” as has been alleged. His words should not be taken out of context. What he did say was, “We were so excited for him to come back, and we worked hard, here in Korea, and so did Jaebeom hyung in the States. We tried to give hints to our fans that he would come back, and we worked hard to make a path so he could return. But when we heard what happened… we, too… for just one moment… we hated Jaebeom-hyung.” He said “we,” not “I” (“저희들” is plural). The way he worded it was to explain that his momentary hatred of Jaebeom was because he was so deeply disappointed that after all of their (mutual) work, Jaebeom wouldn’t be able to return… he did not hate Jaebeom for what he had done (whatever it is), but because what he had done would prevent him from returning. All 6 boys had been waiting for so long until he could return and at the moment their hopes came crashing down they couldn’t help but hate him a little bit.

When Junho said, “We worked so hard to make a path so Jaebeom hyung could return” the fans laughed sarcastically and said, “Who made that path? Who?” And he corrected himself to say, “We all worked, both our precious fans who loved Jaebeom and us members, too, we all worked together to bring him back, didn’t we?” (Just as a personal note… I felt really sorry for Junho here. Ultimately the 2pm boys worked their incredible butts off in order to build up goodwill in the public eye after Jaebeom left, and as he said later, they never stopped thinking about Jaebeom throughout all of their performances, variety shows, etc. And for him to be attacked by the fans for saying that was so disrespectful, I think.)

When Chansung said that they still love Jaebeom hyung, and that in the future if they miss him they think it will be okay to honestly say that they miss him, the fans laughed at him.

One of the loudest fans was a mother (she said multiple times that she had a son around the age of the 2pm boys)—[what?!!! aren’t ajummas a bit too old to be showing up to these kinds of things?]—and she attacked the boys for throwing Jaebeom away “like human trash.” She said that no matter what your family members do, you have to hold them close and not throw them away. And she said for betraying Jaebeom (she said it’s as if they “killed him,” and left him to be the “trash of the nation”), the fans would throw away 2pm. [i’m sorry, but this kind of fan attack is just ridiculous, un-john teshing-believable.] The 2pm boys were extremely respectful in response, and asked her politely when she was finished if she would like to add a question for them to reply to. She said a few more words but again, there was no actual question. But anyway, they responded and said, “We are so sorry to have hurt you. We understand your feelings because we are hurting, too. We honestly think that silence is only way we can protect Jaebeom, and we are telling this to you from our hearts.” They went on to say that it was some issue that, out of their love for Jaebeom, they could not speak of to the fans, and that they want to protect Jaebeom forever. They said that even after they are married and have families, they will always think of themselves—all seven of them—as a part of 2pm, and this is why they must protect him until they die (the “until we die” part sounds less dramatic in Korean, trust me—it’s a more common expression in Korean than English). They repeated that they had to do this because they loved him, and they apologized several times.

Wooyoung said, “Please understand this truly, we have not thrown away Jaebeom hyung in our hearts. Please, let’s make a promise between us. Not between us 6, but between our 7 members and all of you who are here today. No matter what anyone says, we promise that we are protecting him until the end.” In response, some fans laughed and ssunshineed, saying “쳇” on the audio file [in Korean, ”쳇” a common way to say that you don’t believe the other person’s words. It’s very condescending and rude, unless said in a joking way among friends.. which this is clearly not].

There was a question about whether the 2pm boys had heard the news from Jaebeom’s mouth directly, or only through the company. Junsu responded and said that they had first heard the news from their CEO, but afterwards they spoke on the phone with Jaebeom and the seven of them talked it over together, directly.

When the JYP rep was explaining why they wrote that Jaebeom could not return because of a big personal problem (instead of covering it up with a less harmful answer), and he said that he needed to protect the 6 remaining members so that they would not be seen as betrayers/traitors to Jaebeom, many fans interrupted him to say, “But we already think that they are traitors.” [As a personal note, it breaks my heart to think that the boys had to sit there and hear that from their fans without even being able to defend themselves.] The rep went on to finish his answer and did not respond to those accusations.

There are rumors going around that the 2pm boys said they could never forgive Jaebeom. This is patently false. Junho explicitly says, “We have forgiven Jaebeom. But


Please note: this is not a complete translation. These are parts that I personally picked out because I think they help refute some of the awful rumors going around. Also, the file gets grainy and difficult to understand at some points.

And even more than that, I have a huge assignment due next week so I don’t have time to listen to the whole thing right now. This comprises about the FIRST NINETY MINUTES of the audio file… I will listen to more and add more when I get the chance, but I wanted to do this because I think this is really important, on behalf of 2pm fans who don’t understand Korean and can’t read Korean. I hope some of you find it useful. Feel free to re-blog.


P.S. As a quick update, and just to clarify: some of the fan accounts that are going around *are* true. From the first 90 minutes I listened to, the following is true:

All 6 members acknowledged that they agreed to the fact that Jaebeom should not return as a part of 2pm.

One of them (sorry, I can’t identify the voice) did say that what Jaebeom had done “is bad enough that we can’t let it come from our lips and go to our fans” and asked for understanding and forgiveness that they cannot say any more than that.

I’ve been following the rumors on 2OD and I believe these are the only ones I can say I heard on the file, for sure. Please keep i mind that 1) It’s only the first 90 minutes of the 4-hour file; 2) I can’t see their body language, obviously, so there’s nothing I can say about that; and 3) some parts of the file are staticky and difficult to understand, but I’ve done my best.

Credits to fortyninepointfivebananas.tumblr.com

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Guest Babiluvmuffin

my opinions that hopefully some of you will take into consideration

just wanted to share my thoughts on this whole issue which has escalated to an absolutely ridiculous extent!!! i have no idea how the logic of some 2PM fans work, but no matter how i think about it, no matter how much i try to put myself into the passionate mindset of these fans, and no matter accepting of fans' emotions i am, i cannot in my right mind understand why people are reacting the way they are to what has happened in the past few days.

first i'd like to say that i was doubtful of Jaebum ever coming back. i mean, it would've been nice and I would've been happy if one day he did come back, but the chance that he would come back after the september incident was always slim to none. it would've been awkward, it would've been hard for the group to go back to normal, it just was a lot of work that just wasn't worth it. THEREFORE, the news that Jay was definitely never coming back was saddening but really not a big shocker!

second the initial reactions of some of the fans were just psychotic. if those korean fans wanted to prove to the rest of the world that you were obsessive, psychotic people whose lives revolved around idols whom they've never met or talked to, then they were definitely successful. i mean, a petition to burn JYP? come on! did those fans understand that burning someone is considered as murder to normal, civilized people?!

but more importantly, the reactions and actions of some of the fans after today's press conference just filled me with disappointment. how can legitimate fans turn into vicious antifans in a matter of a couple of mere hours?! i honestly think Hottests and crazy fans should be happy that JYPE took the effort to give them a formal press conference and the time to explain the happenings of their company. i mean, fans might create the popularity of an idol group, but they in no way have control on the decisions that the group makes along with their management company. i'm pretty sure that when i became a 2PM fan, i never signed any contract saying that i had control over the group and i'm pretty sure i never brought any shares to 2PM, so i kept my distance and just stayed a fan, listening to their music, watching their variety skills, etc. these fans have to realize that they don't dominate 2PM and if they decide to leave the fandom of 2PM, so be it. 2PM can always gather up new fans who accept them for the 6 members that they are.

and the fact that some of them are actually bitter towards the other 6 members is beyond me. do they think that the members initially wanted Jaebum to leave so they would have to handle with all this drama? don't they understand that the members would only support Jay leaving permanently because it is for the good of the group, Jay, and JYPE. i'm not saying they're totally blameless, but when put in the position that they are in, it's hard to see the good in anyone, but it's also unreasonable to see the bad in the group and treat Jaebum like a freakin' saint. i mean, Jay is probably hurt by all this and if he is a victim in all this, then he can and is moving on with his life and making the most of it and he's happy, so all ends well. so just leave the other members alone, stop bashing them, stop spreading ludicrous rumors, and stop encouraging other fans to "quit" 2PM and let them form their own opinions without force.

my main worry in all this is that 2PM will be disbanded because of the crazies/antifans. i like 2PM a lot with or without Jay, i enjoy some of their music, and i love watching them show their personalities on variety shows. but if crazy fans take over and start asking broadcast companies to fire out the 2PM members, then the broadcast companies will be pressured to do exactly that, which means no more 2PM on variety shows, no more comedy, no more entertainment, no more fun. here's an equation that makes sense: antifans + crazies = no 2PM = no fun for you or me.

an equation that doesn't make sense: no jay + no hope for 2PM = no need for 2PM. what kind of stupid logic is this?

if these fans continue to bash the remaining 2PM members, then they lose any hope of making it big, any hope of fulfilling their ambitions to be singers/entertainers, which means they'll basically lose their jobs and their dreams. with the economic downturn, i never thought a celebrity losing their job would be due to irrational fans.

i'm also mostly worried about the sanity of these 2PM fans/antifans. they are all probably smart, strong-minded individuals, but their logic here make absolutely no sense whatsoever! some have argued that it's not just about Jay coming back but about him getting the rights and treatment that he deserves...that JYPE's treatment of him was cruel and no one should get away with it? uh, seriously...i mean, seriously?! the last time i checked, JYPE is still producing good music, and Jay is happy back in seattle. and i've heard that he might even be collaborating with AOM in their new single. yeah...right...Jaebum is definitely suffering right now...come on now...get it together ya'll! i get the feeling that if they asked Jay to come back, he definitely wouldn't!!! just admit it crazies, you will never be satisfied no matter what JYPE, Jay, or the other 2PM do!

so here's my logic...a logic not based on any statements released by JYPE or by any 2PM daum/blogs/etc (i don't know why some of you still believe those statements released by fans, blogs, etc. i mean, there is no evidence that they are true so don't believe them and form your own opinions):

(1) 2PM is a singer/dancer group, so their job is to perform and entertain...that's it. they are not there to hold your hands or fulfill your every little desire or whim, and if you don't like that, then leave and join another fanclub. (2) ALL the members worked their asses off to be in 2PM so you have no right whatsoever to decide whether they should be supported or not, whether they deserve to be treated as human beings, and you definitely have no say on punishing them for any crimes that they've done. that's the job of their own personal consciences, JYPE, and maybe the police (if they've done something illegal...hehe). you're just fans, no more and no less. (3) Park Jaebum is not a SAINT (and is no where near being one)!!! he's a normal guy in his twenties who just had bad luck, who made a mistake in a country where mistakes always come back to bite you in the behind. maybe he really did something wrong, maybe he didn't. whatever the truth is, it don't matter because he's decided to not be part of 2PM any longer, and that's that.

so please to all fans out there, please stop hurting the current members of 2PM and just act like normal reasonable fans, please don't escalate this to the point where 2PM becomes no more. and please allow this 2PM thread to be about supporting the members instead about this whole debacle and about Jay (who is not in 2PM anymore...accept it!). i miss the days when this thread had discussions about how Taecyeon had too many teeth, how Nickhun is so in love with WY, how Junsu has such a beautiful voice, how Junho is a sick dancer, how Wooyoung's santii is gag-concert-worthy, or how Chansung looks like an old grandpa. oh the good ol' days...i miss it. :(

OMG THANK U! I freakin luv u for sayin this. Im gonna luv 2PM with or without Jay, and I luv him too but some people need to stop actin so crazy. I too don't understand how people can hate the other boys in a drop of hat, it's probably in 2PM's & Jay's best interest that it's this way which I understand is messed up and sad. Just cuz it was decided that he's not in the group anymore doesn't mean Jay nor the boys love each other any less cuz we know they still talk to each other and mention him a lot prior when they weren't supposed to. Jay DOES NOT make up 2PM but he IS APART of 2PM, and I think will always be.

Some good things that came out of this are: we get to see Jay b-boy a lot more sometimes wit the videos poppin up recently, Jay is gonna be wit his other brothers (AOM) back in his hometown and is gonna be featured in Cha Cha's music later in English (yay! lol).

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When I came to finalize my thinking, I think it is best for JAY and the remaining members to just part. Why? I do want Jay back...but somewhat maybe his final decision is reasonable enough to come to an end with JYPE. I support his decision Remember Jay is not the only one there are 6 other members who shares the same dreams and career just like him too...so therefore i won't STOP my love for them. It doesn't mean that if Jay is out 2PM will die dramatically...they are humans too! Jay is enough we don't want Taec to leave next, or Nickhun, or wooyong, junsu & junho, or Changsun. They are still the real 2PM at first!

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OMG THANK U! I freakin luv u for sayin this. Im gonna luv 2PM with or without Jay, and I luv him too but some people need to stop actin so crazy. I too don't understand how people can hate the other boys in a drop of hat, it's probably in 2PM's & Jay's best interest that it's this way which I understand is messed up and sad. Just cuz it was decided that he's not in the group anymore doesn't mean Jay nor the boys love each other any less cuz we know they still talk to each other and mention him a lot prior when they weren't supposed to. Jay DOES NOT make up 2PM but he IS APART of 2PM, and I think will always be.

Some good things that came out of this are: we get to see Jay b-boy a lot more sometimes wit the videos poppin up recently, Jay is gonna be wit his other brothers (AOM) back in his hometown and is gonna be featured in Cha Cha's music later in English (yay! lol). There's more but I can't think rite now,

Thank You, Thankl You, Thank You !!!!!!!!!

I also will support 2pm !!!!!!!!

I miss them so much!!!!!!!!!

Can't wait till their next album comes out !!!!!!!!!!!!

2PM FIGHTING !!!!!!!!!!!!!! :):):):):):)

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Guest june1ov3

after reading stuff on insider2pm... and reading allkpop, reading this thread's comments, AND listening to all 4 hours of the conference provided by the megaupload link before..

i don't know what to think anymore. except to support jay separately.

at this point, i think it's better that jay park leaves everything behind i.e.

2pm and jype, because honestly with all of their negativity and bullcrap and lack of handling certain situations,

jay doesn't deserve to go through anymore heartache because of this ongoing issue.

he needs to throw them away and start fresh. it may hurt jay park, it may hurt the 2pm members,

but i think with time, everything will pass. regardless of the whole conspiracy theory that jype is out to get jaebum, or that jaebum made a mistake so horrible he had to leave 2pm, blahblahblah...

all in all, i think as a jaebum fan, in the end we should support jay in AOM, and

for the 2pm fans now, without jay, in the end should continue to support 2pm as a 6 member group.

whether it's 2pm/jype's fault or jay's fault, in the end i say we move on with our lives and support those we wanna support instead of continuously bashing others and whatnot.

this was my 2cents. i will not be coming back to this thread after this post until the whole 2pm ordeal is over,

so if you're going to respond to my post and bash me, i think it really will be a waste of your time. just a heads up :)

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Guest everybodyshout

stop living in your own fantasy land and stop blabbing out "brotherhood" "betrayal" because you fake richard simmons fans are the ones doing the betraying for the sake of YOUR OWN DESIRES AND FANFIC LIKE FANTASIES.

the facts are:

-you do not know any members personally

-you do not work for jyp

-you do not have any relations with jyp, 2pm, jay

-you have no idea what they are truely like off screen

-they do not know that you exist

result: fantasy created by ur own head

face the facts and reality...step out of that lala land.

Just breathe in slowly and let it go....If i was to be in Jay's shoes I wouldn't wanna mess with 6 other peoples lives for my own mistakes.

This needs to be bumped and reminded over and over again. Fans are always forming their opinions based on what usually isn't legit. AKA fan accounts which are very obviously biased and filled with unnecessary spite.

Thank you 49.5bananas@tumblr for the confirmation that these fan accounts cannot always be trusted.

And this will send many people spiralling into guilt for trusting mistranslations.

It's the same thing happening all over again like Sept. '09 - things being taken out into context and the worst part is that people actually choose to believe it because they're blinded and overwhelmed by their own unhealthy emotions.

Then we can say that we are no different than the netizens who mistranslated Jay's words.

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Guest fatalblue

I'm pretty much done w/ the whole issue. Honestly my interest in 2PM has always been for the most part has a relatively casual one and after today...It will probably continue to be so. I won't go out my way (not that I ever have) but If a show has any of the 6 remaining members in it and it interest me I will probably watch it and If they do a song I like I will probably d/l and listen to it (and if I feel it's worth it, even buy it)

As far as things went down and eventually ended...I'm disappointed, very much so nevertheless Igood luck to all party...Jay, "6PM", Hottest, Ex-hottest, ect.

The end.

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Guest itszmaeee

Just read from 2OD that the staffs from the official fan cafe resigned. Wow. This is,....speechless. I'm sorry to say this [though I've been too naive denying it before], this is the end of 2PM. Even the admins admit so. How can all this happen in just one day?? Why?! This is tooo shocking for me. I seriously did not expect EVEN the staffs from their official fancafe, the one that followed them from debut up until now, are all leaving. Good job JYP/E. I applause you for ruining other people's lives and hurting not only the members, but also the fans. You've made the biggest mistake. You definitely did.

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For those people who keep saying that fans who are not supporting 6PM, are not "true fans." Don't say that because you can't narrow down a definition for a "true fan." 2PM started out with 7 members. I was a true fan of a 7 membered 2PM, not a 6 membered 2PM. That's MY definition of a true fan. I'm not saying that I won't support 6PM, but I'm not going to be as fanatic as much as before. I would just be that girl watching on the sidelines.

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i always supported 2pm because they were so real and i loved how they openly showed their love n care for the other boys. jay was not my bias. for me they were taecyeon and junho. but now for me 2pm are not the same boys. their brotherhood is no longer visible to me. im sorry but i can no longer support them.

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Guest tohru19

If the remaining 6 boys were so "honest" and "truthful" and "respectful" on yesterday's conference then the STAFF of their official fan cafe would not resign and spill out their thoughts on JYPE and 6PM (2OD Forums for details)

For people who doubt their behaviors at the fan conference please, all the people who went there already expressed their disappointment. What other facts do you want them to prove?

This whole thing is like the biggest scandal in Kpop history. I have never seen any case like this before. Not ever. The case where the members go bashing their brothers and still go on drinking afterward. My head and my heart hurt.

JYPE will have to pay a HUGE PRICE for this.

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I also don't feel good about the way Chansung refers to Jaebeom as casual: Park Jaebeom, instead of Jaebeom hyung. It's disrespect in Korea. And he also kept repeating Park Jaebeom for a while. Seriously disrespectful.

I think it must have been the tense atmosphere at the conference because Chansung sound pretty intimidated.


wow, agree with you 100% on the casual way chansung refers to jay. in transcripts, junho just outright called him by "jaebum" at one point. and they're the two youngest of the group! junsu was the only one i ever heard call jay's name casually but thats because they're close in age i assume. i wanted to mention this too but i don't know if it'll even translate and frankly i don't feel any desire to explain. all i kno is if i spoke to my older cousins in korea like that i would get slapped upside the head. i was shocked at first but not so much anymore.


for those who have read the 2OD article where they mention Sasaeng fans(fans who are aggressive fans that follow the boys around 24/7. They are notorious for having garnered a lot of personal information about the boys.) they are aggresive and spend alot of their personal time only on the member/group they are obssesed with. kHottests consider them a group all on their own because they're so extreme. they stand outside and watch them, keep accounts in their diaries. ever wonder why you don't see pictures or hear accounts of PM boys at clubs, with girls, underage drinking pics at noraebangs? well, you can thank your fellow sasaengs for that. wonder why pictures/accounts never seen/heard before popped up today? even im curious at what was really said at the conference to make these obssesively devoted sasaengs turn their backs...talk about someones dirty personal life, why even go there.

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