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☆ 2 P M ★ Official Thread ☆

Guest touchtheskies.

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Guest Lushful

alright, think of it like this then. can you really support a group that back stabs their own brother? kicks him out of the country for slang that's used in everyday teen culture? 6 months ago it was jaebeom who got kicked out. in another 6 months, another controversy could happen, and YOUR favorite member could be gone with no one to support him. people like you don't understand how much brotherhood means. it's nice to know how idiotic people can be.

Why yes, YES I CAN.

Do you know why?

Because I only care about their MUSIC, is that too hard?

Why do I have to stop being their fan because they don't have a leader anymore?

Why do I have to stop being a fan because whatever they said came off as rude?

Why do I have to stop liking them because one of their members quit?

So what?

I'm here for the MUSIC,

and I'll always be here for the MUSIC,

as long as they're still good at making MUSIC,

I don't even care if there's only 2 people left in 2PM,

as long as they deliver the music, I'll continue being a fan.

And I will continue to support them, THROUGH THICK & THIN.

Why don't you look at some American singers, they do drugs, abuse, go into rehab, rape, steal, and murder. Yet they still have fans, I wonder why?

Because their FANS stay for their MUSIC.

Whatever you say, no matter how much you try to convince me, I will ALWAYS support 2PM, I will ALWAYS support AOM, and I will ALWAYS support Jaebeom.

And by the way, I'm tired of people saying, "6PM" Wake up, they're not 6PM, they're 2PM, always has been, always will be, now wake up and get with the picture, from now on when I say 2PM, I'm talking about whoever is still in it, even if there's only 3 people left in the group, it will always be 2PM.


2PM - Junho, Chansung, Nichkhun, Wooyoung, Taecyeon, Junsu.

AOM - Dial Tone, Kidd Fresh, Jaebeom, HepDaTightest, ChaCha, Chico, Gil, Phé La Roc, Neil, Bowzer, StepRoc, Mango

@2PM: I hope you will work hard like you always do, and that your future album is a success, and that you will no longer have any problems.

@AOM: I hope that you guys will go on America's Best Dance Crew, like you said you wanted to, we will always support you, and your new crew.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- --- --- ---- ----- ----- ------ -------- --------- ----------- --------------- ---------------------

But you know what? Go ahead, if you want to boycott, then boycott! I just won't be joining you, I'll be right here, enjoying what 2PM has to offer in the future, and I'll stick to that. And you can stick to boycotting, not being a fan anymore, or even becoming an anti if you want. It's your life, live it however you want. No one is making you do anything, you're in control of your life.

Oh yeah, don't you guys remember never to take fan accounts to heart? It's the person that is writing+their emotion+bias+event/encounter+stronger emotion=Fan account. They could have been highly upset at the time, since they were already upset with the news, they could have just twisted the words a bit to fit their emotion without even knowing it.

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Guest cutelilbear09

I can't find it in my heart and conscience to support 6PM not because I only love Jay and hate the other members but because I hate what the other six members have become. Where did the loyalty, the brotherhood, the family bond, that they emanated during Hot Blood and Wild Bunny go? I sincerely hope that they haven't compromised their morals for fame and fortune because those types of people won't go far in life. I'm not hating on the other six members; I'm just disappointed by how they've changed in the face of a real obstacle, a real test of conscience. If the statement from insider2pm is true, then I feel embarrassed to have been a 2pm fan for this long. I thought they were more than just idols, more than just the typical artists trying to make it big in Korea, but they're just like every other idol group out there. They've had a taste of popularity, and this is what happens. But then again, the faster you rise, the faster you fall.

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Guest haiphuong

I was shock at what happened in the conference and even shocker after reading insider2PM. I don't want to jump in any conclusion because what we know is the information that spread officially.

The 6 did a really good job to make people hate them and almost forget about what Jay did. I still think this is a way they did to make Jay free. Only them know the reason why they said those words. Even the insider2PM got their sources but the sources are maybe the staff after all. They don't know what the 6 talk about or do when there are just 6 members, no cameras, no staff around. They are not so stupid to not know that now all the fans turn their backs on them. I think they are the persons who know it the most but they still choose to be bad persons. They went karaoke, drinking, had dinner to celebrate because they’re relieved to have Jay gone. That's what written on insider2PM. We think that they are cruel, I used to think like that too. But I don't know why I understand this situation a little different now, they might celebrated because Jay is finally free. You know, JYPE. can destroy Jay, how can we sure that they won't destroy the others? Deep in my heart, I think that this is the way 6 save 1. They don't want to drag him back under JYPE. anymore.

Anyways, what's done is done. We can't turn back the time.

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Guest chickpeas

D: what was he "severe mistake"? was it that severe that it could prevent him to be a celebrity? many artists have had DUI's, fights, sex scandals and they're still in the industry.. his "severe mistake" sounds like JYP's bullsht to me = =

I agree, unless he committed a serious felony, sounds to me his contract was terminated because JYPE chose to not stand by him over this "severe mistake; which is fair, because your agency isn't obligated to do that.

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Guest chibivi3tkitsun3

Been a silent fan as well, and...Ranted it all out earlier with friends, haha. I've come to understand the views of...most of the sides I think, and I just want to put in that I'm also going to stay a fan of the all of the boys, including Jaebeom because they're the ones getting the brunt of everything that's been going on. They're just people, and they're so stressed out, especially when they already know that everything is going to be blown up...I wouldn't blame them for acting different or having their idol personas crack, I just hope that those who are angry will maybe calm down and...just not be so negative anymore.

There are a lot of meaning behind words, and under so much pressure I think it's likely that they wouldn't come out as right as they would have liked to. I know I wouldn't have and normally my words don't even come out right anyways. I really wish there was some way that we could all say or do something and have it be understood completely without having different interpretations when we tend to focus only on certain words and actions and react immediately.

Also, please don't say that they're fake when they're doing their jobs as they're bound by their contracts...They're doing their best to do what they signed up to do and salvage the situation in the way all those involved think is best.

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Guest Dorkiilove

Ahhh Chacha is gonna have Jay Featured on his ALBUM



Hahah (x

good things to come forr Jay. <33

Now hes free from Hell. & from his "friends"

Overr it . Start a Jay thread bc I'm not liking "2PM" or w/e they are called anymore.

They've changed O:

:x I don't mean to rain on your parade or anything, but it's a rumor.

^^;; Hopefully it's true.

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Guest purpurkisses

i guess i was just too naive to believe that 7 = 1

it was always 2pm = 7

7 individuals...

2pm = 7 <> 1

never was, never will...

on the side note, jaebum is moving on!!!

u deserves better than this...

u r a freeman to do whatever you want...


as for the remaining 2pm, do continue your work and show us how good you are...

i believe there will be fans appreciating your hardworking and support you guys...

perhaps i will be one of them in the future :)

but now, i m one who was deceived and damn upset for being the stupid one who believe in 2pm...

so is a "NO" for me to continue as hottests for now...

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Guest teamints

Not sure about you guys, but I will be really sad if 2PM disbands. With our without Jay, I love the boys and will continue to support them and their careers. They need all the support they can get right now and I for one will not turn my back on the band just because one member is gone.

I love them and I love their music. That's what is important to me. All of you who have stuck with 2PM despite all of this, thank you for being true fans. <3.

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Guest diya074

plsss.. u guys..

lets just continue support our boys kay?/

after reading the Q&A on allkpop..

and knowing that junho said how much he hated jaebeom from doing the mistake and how much the other boys were clearing up saying in the public they can not appear sad..

all of it is tru.. it makes sense..

now is just 6 of them and it still is 2PM...

JaeBeom will continue on being their brothers just not by their sides, but i'm sure he'll always be in their minds..

pls.. do not question the boys loyalty to JaeBeom..

it's 1 against 6..

ofcourse 6 will wil..

i wish the best for jaebeom & i will always be a hottest!


stay strong! aja aja finghting..

we'll always be here for u,

Malaysian Hottest MyHottest.

agree with u..only jay, jyp n other members know the truth..

hottest is 2pm fan not jay's fan only...

as much i want jay to comeback, i want him to be happy more than anything..

please stop spread hate n stop talking about this issue b4 it bcome worst..

lets continue support JAY n 2PM...


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I feel lost, confused, lied to,completely hurt questioning everything about 2pm but I am only definite on 2 things.

1. Jay's not coming back, no matter how much we try, he's not coming back to 2pm

2. 2pm was like my entertainment life, they made great music, my entertainment, my enjoyment to watch and listen to everyday.

Just reading that interview I thought these aren't the members I love. Where is the loyalty?! This just makes me question were there no truth in their words... What really went on behind those cameras when Jay was there? Seriously did they not mean what they said being one, being close?! I just don't think I'll see them the same, this just goes to show everyone is just an actor.

But whatever I loved 2pm for their music and I will always continue to support 2pm ONLY for their music now....

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Guest un.reachable09

I think everyone is overreacting way too quickly. We still don't even know the whole story of what happened. Those fan accounts could have been exaggerated and the members behavior could have been analyzed too critically because emotions were flying high in there.

Honestly, why is everyone so quick to say that the 6 members backstabbed Jay but no one thinks its possible that Jay could have actually done something wrong. Why is that so hard to believe? Jay isn't a God, he's not incapable of making a mistake. I don't think the members would have acted like that if Jay hadn't done something and it was all a lie. Whatever Jay did must have really hurt them. Imagine how you would feel if someone you cared about betrayed your trust!? We don't know what he did but they do& they are obviously angry about it. In the audio, at around 2:00:00, a fan asks in english to Taec& Khun why they didn't try to stop him from leaving when the myspace comments came out & Taec angrily says that at that time no one cared about him & everyone was like just go kill yourself- this might anger Hottest because they were doing their best but at that time anti's and netizens were flooding with comments for Jay's suicide. You can definitely hear the emotion in Taec's voice that he was angry about that. Some of you act like you personally know them, and know what their feeling but don't be so quick to judge them. You didn't like it when Koreans were judging Jay about his comments so don't do the same to 2PM.

I'm so sad that Jay isn't coming back but if he willingly confessed to a mistake he did knowing that he probably wouldn't have been able to come back than maybe Jay didn't want to return. I mean Korea practically shunned him when the myspace comments were revealed. Do you think he would have wanted to go through that a second time if whatever he did became exposed? Why would Junho say that he "hated" Jay when he first found out? That is such a strong word. 2PM has never been about being fake& I'm sure they were showing their true feelings. Is it wrong for them to feel angry at Jay if he did something wrong? Yes it's sad to hear them say those words but Hottest wanted them to be honest and they were.

I would hate to see Jay's "mistake" revealed and then everyone turn their backs on him & then pretend like they never doubted the other 6 members. I hate this situation but I would hate to see 2PM disbanded. Insider2PM doesn't even have a credible source. I mean the stuff they said is only things anyone would know if they actually lived with 2PM so that's just a bunch of BS to me. Remember that lots of fans are angry at the 6 members so rumors about them are coming out. Even if Jay came out with a video saying that he's ok with leaving many of you would just say that he was lying and forced by JYP to say that. Let's just hope that Jay is happy.

I seriously just blame JYPE for doing such a bad job handling this. For not having any communication with fans& just bombing fans with this news. It's your personal choice if you leave the fandom. But I just felt like some things needed to be stated. I'm just so heartbroken about everything.

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Guest joyableme

I can't find it in my heart and conscience to support 6PM not because I only love Jay and hate the other members but because I hate what the other six members have become. Where did the loyalty, the brotherhood, the family bond, that they emanated during Hot Blood and Wild Bunny go? I sincerely hope that they haven't compromised their morals for fame and fortune because those types of people won't go far in life. I'm not hating on the other six members; I'm just disappointed by how they've changed in the face of a real obstacle, a real test of conscience. If the statement from insider2pm is true, then I feel embarrassed to have been a 2pm fan for this long. I thought they were more than just idols, more than just the typical artists trying to make it big in Korea, but they're just like every other idol group out there. They've had a taste of popularity, and this is what happens. But then again, the faster you rise, the faster you fall.

First of all. What do you mean by not standing up for Jay?

Wasn't it obvious that from the moment he left, they had been

supporting him all along? And even though they stood by him, hoping he

would come back, didn't he make his own decision to leave? So

you expect the members to stand up for someone who had already chosen what

he wanted? That doesn't make sense. I would understand what you're saying

if Jay was forced to leave, but he wasn't. He chose to...so that's a different story.

They've tried, and Jay still made the same choice. What more do you expect them to do?

So because they let Jay do whatever he wanted to do, that means their brotherhood relationship

is gone? Because they respected their leader's decision? That doesn't make sense.

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I believe that things do happen for a reason and I am sure that there is a reason for its causes. I know that everyone is hurting and so am I, our boys 2PM, and JAY of especially...except for JYPE, until Jay comes out to public. I can sense the burnining $$$$ from JYPE's piggy bank... and the collapse of their partners to their investor, and most of all the HEAT that JAY WILL ONE DAY OPEN HIS MOUTH and SPEAKS for for himself and all of the past and present VICTIMS.

We all know that KARMA is a B*****, It will get you right back even if ur the highest of all!

From the beginning,

If JYPE really considered Jay's return that much as much as making everyones believing it...they would have extended 2PM 1st album at the first place.

To Conclude,

no matter how much script they play each day with the members, I don't think it'll last them any longer. Come on...now the members are frustrating, confusing, lost, hurt, live with all the lies beneath them...i know they can't keep it all...it can explode anyday.. sooner or later.



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Guest innerbeautyy

I've been lurking around this thread for a few days. Actually when I found out that Jaebum was not coming back, I was sad. I was sad that they gave me hope that Jaebum was going to come back and be 2PM again. Then I became furious when I read everything regarding this matter. I was so angry that I hated 2PM and the company. I would have liked it if they disbanded because it seemed better that way. Call me crazy or whatever, but that's how I felt today. But now that I think about it, it is better off for Jaebum to stay in Seattle. His reputation has been ruined by JYPe and 2PM. I think I was angry at the fact that 2PM gave attitude like that, but showed us something else on television. Yes, we all have attitude, but their words stung bad. Today's 2PM is not the same 2PM I used to loved. They've changed. They're different. They've become my favorite group to a group that I will just listen to and not love anymore. I will watch them, but not love them. I just can't. I think I need time. It's saddening that they had to say goodbye to Jaebum like that. It's funny how a mistake one changes someone's opinion of him. Everyone makes mistakes, big or small. We are all not perfect. I'm sure they have done mistakes too, but we just don't know it. I'm no longer angry, but I'm not going to like 2PM and JYPe as much. I wish them well to succeed. =)

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Guest tohru19

I can't believe people still think that Jay have done something morally wrong to the point the company refused to save him. Jung Wook even said in the conference "Why didn't fans save him?" when the fans were asking why the company didn't take any responsibility. Thus, this is all BS to me about him done something wrong.

The fact that all 6 members except Nick Khun turned their back against their so called "brother" is FACT. I can't help but feel disappointed, especially at Wooyoung and Junsu because they along with Jay are my fav. The brotherhood image has vanished. There's nothing left ...No one has even tried to save Jay's image. They trampled on it. They glared and sneered at the fans. I don't know how I am supposed to take this.

Jay was forced to leave by JYPE. He was betrayed by everyone. I am not saying he is the victim but people take this matter too far. It is all JYPE's fault. I hate JYPE but not the 6 members. I am just disappointed in them saying they hated Jay after they found out whatever mistakes he committed.

Now all I am waiting is for Jay to speak up about this matter. I only believe in what he says on it. In my heart, I always hope he would return to Korea and stand on Korean stage, clear up his image and become successful.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion and I was into this fandom because of their brotherhood ...since it's gone now, I guess I will have to take my leave. Peace~~~

EDIT: Anyone who listened to the convo between the 2OD rep and Taec, Khun...can please tell me why Khun held back laugh when he was saying Jay wanted to go on America's Best Dance Crew??? Did he take it as some kind of a joke?

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Guest cicadark

u know what.. i'm really tired of this.. why u guys have to boycott them..

we never know what the rest of 2pm members's feeling about this situation

but it become worse and also i've no doubt that 2pm members totally sad seeing their CD's being damaged by you guys..

no matter what happen please.. i beg to you.. keep support 2pm..

they need us.. they need their fans to keep alive

sure.. you will kill them, kill their dreams if you keep doing this stupid action..

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:x I don't mean to rain on your parade or anything, but it's a rumor.

^^;; Hopefully it's true.

Actually Cha Cha did post that message in his comment box on Youtube, because I saw it a couple hours ago before he deleted it.

So fingers crossed, we'll be able to hear Jay sing soon!

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I can't believe people still think that Jay have done something morally wrong to the point the company refused to save him. Jung Wook even said in the conference "Why didn't fans save him?" when the fans were asking why the company didn't take any responsibility. Thus, this is all BS to me about him done something wrong.

Soooo TRUE that!!!! it is so unprofessional how Jung Wook respond to that question. "Why didn't the fans save him?" OMG! how in the world did he not see that Fans are protesting and boycotting for almost 6 months in hoping for Jay's return, isn't this is too much already and enough reasons for JYPE to save Jay once. How pathetic is that! Man...he must be out of words...or who knows...it could be he forgotten the answers to that question cause he might have lost the script in his brain or something. hahaha!

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Guest sballet06

I can't believe people still think that Jay have done something morally wrong to the point the company refused to save him. Jung Wook even said in the conference "Why didn't fans save him?" when the fans were asking why the company didn't take any responsibility. Thus, this is all BS to me about him done something wrong.

Not trying to change your mind or anything

But when Jay's Myspace scandal broke out, the fans didn't say anything till after he left.

K-Hottests were trying to be quiet so as not to add fuel to the hatred he was getting. They definitely have fought to bring him back since then, but the first reaction was a bit delayed

Disclaimer: not hating on the Hottests just saying what actually happened

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