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☆ 2 P M ★ Official Thread ☆

Guest touchtheskies.

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Guest Kiettana

While browsing another thread, I came across this:

After reading 2pmalways account of what happened I fully stick by my belief that both sides loved and cared about each other enough to let the other go. They all still remain friends, they keep in contact with each other, they all still love each other. They are still a family.

Yes the PR department john teshed up in their statement. But what I am basically getting is that the boys love, respect, and care about Jay enough to forgive him for what he did but at the same time understand that it is so impacting that it would further bring a lot of hurt and negativity towards Jay and themselves that neither feels the other deserves.

Jay loves, respects, and cares about the boys enough to be sorry for what he had done, confess to the boys (he could have just kept it to himself and let mini cooper get realer when he came back) and seek their forgiveness.

At the same time he understands that what he did was so impacting that it would bring a lot of hurt, pain, guilt and negativity towards him and the boys that they all don’t deserve. So in the end (I shall quote Gilmore Girls on this one) “I {think I may have} love[d] you…but I just need to let you go.”

so Hottest…let’s bring all this rage and anger to an end. it won’t do anyone any good in the long run. for those who do not want to support the remaining members, you are not entirely at fault too. but for those who still want to embrace the guys, they really need more than your full support now.

I think this is a very calm, logical, and openminded response to the situation. All of us are upset, but that doesnt mean we should jump to conclusions, and especially not spread hate.

I understand those that love Jay truly want to believe that he did nothing wrong, at least nothing bad enough to deserve this reaction. You have faith that he's a better person than this. Well I also have faith that the rest of the members are also better people than this. So please, let's not assume like we know exactly what was going on in their family, like we know what the boys were thinking, what they were told, and what choices they had before they made their decisions. There's always a reason.

Honor Jay by spreading Love and Respect, not hate. Please.

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Guest lane013

Oh man. this is getting too crazy. I was trying to stay really fair throughout and i was even sticking up for the other 6 boys. I'm not trying to say that i don't feel bad for tthe 6 boys anymore as of now bc i still do, and i still feel bad for jaeboem too as well, but i was thinking about it, and i'm starting to feel really bad for khun.

I did notice that after jaeboem left, khun was the only one that seemed to have been affected by it. He got all quiet and depressed and stuff. he was also the one who never used jay for publicity whenever he talked and when he did mention little things, you could tell he meant it, like he wasn't showing off or trying to get love. And it's weird that even now, he seems to be the only one who seems to on better terms with jae. He's also the one who seems to have been the one who said the most likely things ( true things), like jay being on ABDC. I betcha anything that probably is what's going to happen, AOM on abdc.

I'm starting to think that everything is true. i agree that jaebeom probably did do something, i agree that the other members probably do have very private lives, and i agree that khun probably does get treated kind of badly bc really, korean isn't his first language either.

I believe too that jyp is telling some truth because they wouldn't be dumb enough to tell all lies because these fans are passionate and i'm sure they can dig up anything.

I'm just completely done with all this. I'm not going to read up on 2pm, jaeboem, jyp anymore. i wish jay the best of luck to jay bc i really do feel like we haven't seen the last of him and i hope to see more of him, and i wish khun the best of luck because he's a true sweetie. Khun's probably the only one who never dreamed of being an idol, so he's genuine in that he probably truly has no ill intentions towards anyone or even cares to be THAT famous. you can tell that, the rest of the 6 members really really want to be famous or successful or whatever so maybe that's why they can't forgive jay. I also wish the 6 members best of luck too because they're going to need it.

Honestly though, i got to say that i really enjoyed coming to this 2pm forum and i really felt like we all loved 2pm together. AT least we can all agree on that we were probably true fans of 2pm then.

i also hope that 2pm can bounce back up as 6 members.

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Guest froditobolson

I’d just like to say: excuse my language here. (:

How DARE you people call yourself a 2PM fan?

2PM is not just 1 person.

2PM is NOT just Park Jaebeom.

I can’t believe some of you stupid people out there.

How can you call yourself a 2PM fan when you say things like: “Without Jay there is no 2PM.”

You should be ashamed of yourselves.

Don’t call yourself a 2PM fan when you’re saying such demeaning things.

How DARE you call yourself a hottest when you say that you will not support 2PM anymore if Jaebeom isn’t there.

Shut the hell up. You’re not a Hottest. You’re not a 2PM fan.

You want to know what you are?

Do you?

I can tell you; you’re not a 2PM fan. You’re not a hottest.

You’re a Jaebeom fan.

Also, to those "FANS/HOTTESTS" that are turning into "ANTIs" you were never a fan to begin with, abandoning all SIX of them, for ONE of them. Why can't you support Jay with his AOM crew? And support 2PM at the same time? Jay's happy now, he's going to be possibly joining America's best dance crew.

And also, to those "Khottests/hottests/fans" coming out of the closet and revealing things about the 2PM members NOW.

You guys are HUGE richard simmons HYPOCRITES.

You say that Jaebum was a victim tot the netizens, but now look at what you're doing, you guys are doing the same thing, but to the rest of 2PM.

You guys are bringing the rest of 2PM down just like the netizens brought Jay down. They posted rumors/pics/fanaccounts about Jay. And then because of that he had to leave, at this rate there will be no more 2PM.

How can you say such hurtful things when the other 6 members need encouragement right now the most? Because of Jay they've gone through so much mini cooper, because of Jay they have so much drama, don't you think you guys are making them hate Jay? You're acting out because of Jay! They were brothers, Jay almost cost not just himself, but SIX other men their career, which they've worked so hard for years to finally obtain. Of course they're not happy about Jay. And plus it's they're personal life with Jay why do you guys have to bring them down and say they betrayed Jay? In my eyes, I think Jay might have done something to them first.

You think this makes you sad? You say this breaks your heart?

Shut the hell up, you have no right to say that.

What relation do you have with Jaebeom?

Answer me.

Are you his mother? His friend? His sister? His brother? His cousin?

You have no relation at all with him.

But you act like you’re his best friend.

Reality check: you’re not.

And you say that it makes you cry?

Wow, wake up.

You have no relation with him. You’ve never met him or spoke with him.

How much do you think the other 6 members have cried?

A hell lot more than you have.

They’ve gone through everything together. They are friends, they’ve talked to eachother, lived with eachother, and became famous together. They actually have a relationship with Jaebeom. And what have you gone through with Jaebeom?


And to those certain people telling JYPE to disband 2PM because without Jaebeom there is no 2PM: john tesh YOU.

You’re a horrible fan. Instead of supporting 2PM right now. You demand them to be disbanded?

Why? Because of ONE john teshing person?

Because of one person you’re ruining the hardwork and dreams of SIX other people?

You think that if you try the: “if I dont get what I want I don’t want anything at all.” thing will work?

At this rate, you will literally get nothing at all.

At this rate, the members will never be able to overcome the dark shadow of their past to move forward.

At this rate, Jin Young Park will be tired with all the drama and stress from 2PM he will just give up and possibly disband them.

Will you be john teshing happy then?

Maybe the members can’t take it anymore and quit. What if they all went their seperate ways and joined other groups or went solo?


And for you people STILL blaming JYP/JYPE: without him and his company there would be no 2PM.

There would be no Jaebeom for you to want back.

He gave them an opportunity.

They took it.

Jaebeom’s contract is VOID. Do you know what that means?

He doesn’t have to listen to JYP anymore.

He could easily go on the Internet and post about why he doesn’t want to come back right now.

He could have posted something on his AOM crew's facebook about what happened.

Why doesnt he?

I want to explain this real simply for you “hottests/fans”:

If you didn’t want to come back to a country and people are demanding an explanation. Don’t you think no matter what you say people will be offended?

Hello! The fact you don’t want to come back to work in their country offends them already, your explanation will just richard simmons them off. Even if you don’t mean to be offensive, netizens/people will find something to be offended about.

If I was quitting something important to a whole country, I would not like to explain myself. I would just like to be left alone.

If you were in his shoes I doubt you would want to speak up either.

You would be too embarassed/ashamed to speak up.

How would you feel living and working in a nation where everyone knows that you said you hated them and thought they were gay?

How would you like to get up and explain yourself infront of a whole nation like that?


So please do 2PM a favor and face reality, it was hard for them. But they have already faced reality.

Now it’s your turn.

Please stop dwelling on the past.

Look to the future and be happy and PLEASE support 2PM. If there is even going to be a 2PM left..

Because from now on, it will be just heartaches and headaches for them.

It will be harder then before.

So please help them get through it all with your love and support.

Thank you.

Really thanks for your comment!

Im from Spain and I know that I will never understand the full situation the hottest are living in Korea.

But you have all reason, Im a big fan of Jay but I also love the other 6!!

We cant do that....

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Guest mallard

Written on Art of Movement Facebook Page... Posted 53 minutes ago :

Art of Movement Crew : There are good things to come. If you guys are angry about certain things, you don't have to stay that way. Just wait a little while for good things to come :] The music will not die!

Only positive thing I heard in the last couple of days...

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Guest Top'sWifey

yikes people need to stop the hate. i can not believe some so called "fans" have turned into antis, that just sad. If your are true a 2pm fan arent't you surpose to support them no matter what????

Also we dont' know all the facts about the situation..... So instead of pointing blame at jay or the rest of the members show them some support which they really need right now....

I really wish the best for 2pm, they've all had a rough time.

I hope they continue making music, which is the most important thing.

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Guest haze1nut

Khun why are you laughing? Is this a laughing matter to you?

I don't think Khun meant anything when he was 'laughing' during this statement

Khun said "He's actually. laugh. going to be on. laugh. america's best dance crew. laugh. and I actually told him to go to school." (2oneday)

I think he was just trying to lighten the mood and i agree jay should try to go to school too but lol he is a pretty awesome dancer

Anyways, like all the 2pm fans I'm also trying to keep a cool head but you know what?

IT IS FREAKING HARD to stay cool headed and not let my emotions run crazy

Honestly, they had a love so strong for each other..what happened? where has the love gone?

Honestly, i feel betrayed and annoyed

I also wish someone had said "if you 7 weren't celebrities but good friends and Jay made that 'personal mistake' will you forgive him?' cause honestly, if you love someone like a brother you don't usually dump them like that as if they were a piece of trash.

All these 'fan accounts' of bad rumors going around...the only one i really believe is Khun being ostracized for wanting Jay back and maybe supporting the boycott.

Okay, things have changed.

2pm has forever changed

They seriously should be called 6pm or 1:59pm or whatever the heck they want to be called

because they are no longer the 2pm I loved

the goofy innocent brotherly love 2pm

yeah, those days are gone. Wave bye bye to them. Watch old youtube videos of 2pm because the new 2pm isn't going to be the same.

I don't know what happened. Who knows what the boys felt during these last few months of 'jayless'.

The boycott hurting their feelings? JYPE brainwashing? More spending money from CF endorsements? Women? Exercising for chocolate abs driving them insane? Fighting for the position of leader? Lack of leadership causing turmoil/disorganization?

Seriously, why are the boys so funless and bitter. Why do I feel "eugh' when I look at them smiling and putting on a show on tv. I seriously loved these boys and suddenly, 'Poof'. Where has the love gone?

JAY left Korea to SAVE his 2pm "FAMILY"

His 2pm "FAMILY" BETRAYS JAY to save themselves

Who is the real victim here?

I also seriously can't wrap my head around this 'wrongdoing' that he supposedly committed. No one knew about it but why did JYPE have to bring it out in the open and defame him. I understand that if they're in it together and one of them does something bad they'll all go down together....but really...I don't even know what to believe. I'm so curious to know what he did but at the same time I feel like he didn't do anything?

Taec. seriously, Taec? I felt you were the closest to Jay and everything you said.........what the f**k? seriously, it pissed me off! I mean, i wish you all the best Taec but dude...I thought you two were like brothers...brothers from a different mothers, haha......but I guess not. I always thought he was the closest to Jay? Am i wrong? don't yall agree? Taec and Jay were like 2 peas in a pod...they had more in common and it was like "nerd meets gangster wannabe and become hot friends", that would've been a great comedy but.....man, the ending sucks. "Nerd turned Hottie betrays best friend for fame and fortune". They were like two really close cousins that watched each other's back.

Wooyoung, I know you're the sensitive baby of the bunch but really? Everything you say, I can't believe it. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and just think you're being forced to say these things but really...honestly, I can't believe you anymore? I want to...aw, sweetie I really want to. I want to just pat those plump (used to be plump actually) dumpling cheeks and tell you the world will be shiny and nice but honestly it won't be. Get ready for a bumpy ride bc there's going to be a ton of antis coming for you. Not all of the Hottest can protect you so start growing a thicker skin.

Junsu..eh. I sorta believe the thing about him being the 'left out weirdo'. Remember that one show and he was sleeping in a room all by himself by his cell phone with only a blanket or something on the floor? It was a show with Boom and all the boys were sleeping in rooms with each other and he was just by himself? Yeah he's 4D and has got an awesome voice...yeah that's it for me. love his music, not so much him.

Junho. He always seems to want the spotlight for himself? Am I right? Yeah he's cute but he always seems to try 'too hard'. I always felt like he liked Jay but only bc the spotlight was on Jay and he knew it. Now that Jay is gone, he thinks he can take this time to shine? Well sorry kiddo, the spotlight doesn't want to shine on a guy who won't stand up for his brother. Yes, the boycott must've hurt you...but they weren't just doing it for Jay, they were doing it for all of yall! Hottest only wanted yall to get back together, for you to think they were intentionally trying to target you in a malevolent way...selfish much? Yeah, you got a great butt..and your smile makes your eyes twinkly. But seriously, be nice and play nice. Where is the Junho who wanted to wash Jay's back? I don't see him anymore.

Chansung. You're a pretty boy, yes you are...but really, grow a spine and start thinking for yourself. You're too easily influenced...start realizing what you really want rather than getting other people to tell you what they want you to do. I know you're emotional and you're going through the phase of growing into your manhood....but become a better man.

Khun, yeah. Okay, i'm biased. I love this boy because I really think he loves his fans. He seems rational and he's got a good head on his shoulders. if he's mad, he'll say it. if he's sad, he'll be sad. I really do believe he has forgiven Jay because Jay was a good brother/leader to him and I don't think he'll forget that. Stay strong, Khun. if korea gets too crazy for you, you always have school or being a celeb in Thailand/Asia to go for you.

Where has the love gone?

I really believe that one day....maybe one day...we can look back at this crazy mess and laugh.

Right now...where has the love gone? Why?

I think we're all behind Jay because we felt he was a great leader who didn't deserve what he got. I still stand by that.

I wish him luck and happiness. But seriously, if the world were perfect and JYPE execs weren't idiots....he could've returned to 2pm and this whole crappy scheme by JYPE to keep their CF endorsement money and they're stupid 'wholesome beastly' 2pm image would never have happened.

All this bullcrazycrap about 'oh, yeah Jay was SUPPOSED to come back. It was all in our (evil) plan to have him back but nope, he went all stupid and confessed to something stupid that we can't tell you about and he's never coming back! so suck on that, hottest!'

Gosh, it's like WTF! you basically said that Jay wasn't going to come back, all your actions, fanaccounts, JYPE staff leaking secret information.........asldkfjasdlkfjldfjaf! they all said you were never taking JAY BACK! HENCE! the BOYCOTT!

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW you want to make the boycott at fault? now you want to make the Hottest feel bad? by saying 'oh it was all our intention to bring him back but you know'.........


because if you really think about it

it's all about the money for JYPE

6pm, 1:59pm, 2pm or whatever. You are all pawns. <_<



how dare you say I'm not a 2pm fan!

2pm had a dynamic together that wasn't the same after Jay left

I loved how they loved each other!

I loved 2pm because I loved how they were together, happy/sweet/goofy idiots who were also sexy, hot, talented

When Jay left, something changed in 2pm

We all sensed it and it didn't feel right. :(

Also, how can you say I'm just a Jay fan? I really loved all of 2pm (well with the exception of Junho, haha) but seriously

You shouldn't go out saying "HEY YOU! Yeah I'm looking at yoU! the one that's all sad and angry about this. You're a JAY FUN HUH?!! Screw you! Hottest don't need you!"

2pm changed. If anything, I only wanted Jay back because I thought 2pm wanted Jay and eveyrthing would've been all peaches and cream afterwards.

Now I'm feeling bitter because this whole thing is so screwy and weird and my happy go lucky sexy boys are no longer the same.

2PM has changed. People are disappointed. Please don't point fingers, what gives YOU the right?

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I most definently agree with Lushful best comment posted in this thread, written it with the best details

I have never ever posted something in this thread since i'm not an 2PM fan,

i only like a few songs.

Probably no one is going to read this since the thread moves incredibly fast

but i'm just going to say this as an outsider who often saw Jaebum in an variety show

I'm not going to bash or trying to be disrespectful but i just needed to say this

A few weeks before Jaebum's Myspace scandal started i watched Wild Bunny episode 1 and 2, that was the first time i actually watched 2PM in an variety show or any of that sort.

i did knew the boys by name and i listened AAA, 10 points out of 10 and Only You before but i did not knew their personalities

As i was watching (and really no hate towards him) i felt a strong attitude comming from Jaebum, i'm sorry to say but i did not liked him at all..there are more things i thought of him

but let's just say i was not surprised by the Myspace scandal thing..

Yes we don't know what he did was really that bad...

but appereantly it was...and for the sake of 2PM's image and their safety and Jaebum's

it's better this way that 2PM will continue as an six member group

Jaebum told the 'bad' news himself, so maybe he felt bad about it and didn't want to keep it as a secret anymore...

Yes JYP has been handling this the wrong way, but i don't see any bad in him towards 2PM..

Neither do i believe in the rumors spread about 2PM, as i said i don't know them that well

but i do believe their good kids who have a kind heart and loves their fans, all of you there...

yes you too....quitting them or not support them if it's not 7 is a bit cruel..yes they hurt you with this but it's not 2PM's fault...even if you not support them anymore, don't start bashing on them, stop being childish but just walk away & stop being an fan,

I almost feel like doing an special project for the remaining members, to show me their love as an outsider...i do support 2PM as an 6 member group

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Guest xclueless



LOL and you know this how? Why should we believe you just because you're typing in caps and bold? I'm not surprised if 6pm lived a dirty life. They're young and they have girls chasing after them and temptations are bound to happen. Yet they criticize Jay with the chin so high thinking they are so damn mighty.

Round of applause for 6pm everyone. LOVE AND RESPECT NO LONGER EXISTS. It died the day 2pm died.

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You know, MAJORITY of fans are still in a state of confusion since the conference is a sensitive topic (like myself). After what the members said, JYPE, etc., part of me is a bit disappointed because it's not the words we would like to hear from them, especially from the members. But we can't abandon them now, support is all they need. To the 6 members, and to Jay.

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Guest realization

So it's officially over, guys.

Jaebum is not returning. To be honest, I don't want him to return if it is a big enough social problem to cause a bigger stir then the Myspace comments. I am very upset at how the situation has ended, how messy everything has become, and how JYPE still has not yet tied any loose ends.

I'm not saying 2PM's career is over, God forbid. They, too, had worked hard for their spot. However, judging from the way they spoke on the recording of their conference, they're not who they used to be. Or at least, I think so.

I'm sad that I'll never be able to see Jaebum again. I loved watching him on television, after all, that's the only way I was able to see him. I won't be able to see his muscular sexy body, hear his romantic singing voice, see his unique eagle eyes, or adorable rat-like bright smile. I think that's what makes me upset the most. He didn't even get to say a proper goodbye, and now he's just gone.

All those secrets that have been "preserved" in order to "protect the members" are now being unleashed. They're pretty harsh, and I'm not happy with any of those. Of course they're not with much reasoning, but I still believe some are true. It's upsetting to see my favorite group fall apart like this. Heck, they were my first group that I signed up for all their fan sites, bought their actual album, watched every performance known to man, and actually literally pray and wish that I'd one day meet them.

I feel like bad luck.

As for the rumors and secrets, we can't do anything. They have already spread. But they're big boys. If those rumors are true, they should have known someone was going to see them and that they would have to face the consequences later on.

But in all seriousness, this has spiraled down to complete chaos. I don't know what to believe.

I do still like the six members, although I did passionately love the seven. This conference has changed my opinion of them, but not drastically. I won't be supporting them as actively as I used to. I won't be buying any more albums (Not as a sign of b******) but just not interested anymore. I will be looking out for more of their appearances in dramas and such. I know I won't be able to stay away from their music, though.

Why did it happen to them? Why now?

And the whole "morally bad, but not illegal" still does not make sense to me. But I'm going to stop trying to figure it out. That is my suggestion to all of you. The more you think about it, the more it makes no sense. Drugs, assault/rape are illegal. Sex scandals/impregnation/trash talking is not enough for someone to hate another. It doesn't add up, so let's stop trying to figure it out. Not for their sake, but for your own. Please :) I'm trying to think of you guys! Hahaha

Everyone is a victim, Jaebum, Junsu, Nichkhun, Taecyeon, Wooyoung, Junho, Chansung, JYPE, JYP, Fans worldwide... everyone. Except the media :).

I hope a miracle will happen, soon.

*On a brighter note, I just read a twitter update from 2OD saying that "ChaCha will release his solo album in June 2010. with a Jay featuring? keke. Thanks AOM for taking care of him. =)" Hopefully? <3

And GAH I have at least two current fanfics out about 2PM. Idk if it's a good idea to continue them...... :[

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Guest evilishus

Lushful, YOU ARE MY HERO.I agree with everything you wrote 110%.

Those "fans" that are demanding the end of 2PM are selfish and cruel.There I said/wrote it!Through out this whole scandal I have kept this opinion to myself because I knew people were hurting but enough is enough!There are six other people involved in this.2PM was never just one person.

Love & Respect?HA!Only if it's for Jay,right?

Where's the love and respect for Taec?Wooyoung?Khun?Junsu?Junho?Chansung?

And,one last thing:


Last time I checked Taec,Wooyoung,Khun,Junsu,Junho,and Chansung were very much alive.

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I hope this thread doesn't get closed. :o

You can bet on it that it will happen.

Just waiting for Edward to work the axe. The hostility in this thread is insane. Y'all are just asking for it.

If you guys don't want it to happen, leave your comments outside of Soompi. Rules are rules.

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Guest jaejoongiefied


I'd like to ask you "Hottests". Who are YOU?

What are you guys doing? Bashing 2PM and bringing them down?

You're basically ANTI! I can't believe this.

If all this doesn't stop, you're going to watch 2PM fall just like Jay did.

I'm so disappointed and ashamed to call myself a Hottest, right now.

We don't know what Jay did, and if we did, opinions WILL or WILL NOT change.

Taec. He loves his hyung so much, right? For him to act like that, I'm sure what Jay did isn't minor.

I'm not saying Jay should be bashed. It's just that we don't know enough to judge the situation.

So PLEASE, HOTTESTS. Aren't you a 2PM fan? I know because jay left, 2pm isn't 2pm, anymore.

But as Hottests, we promise to protect 2pm. Jay left.

2pm is six, now. ONE of our babies left, but we have six more to protect.

Are you going to ditch the other six just because one of your babies left?

What a horrible fan.

Even if our Pah Jae Beom has left, we can still protect him and be his fan.

Just because he has left 2PM, doesn't mean there's no more Jay on stage.

Whoever posted up nasty rumors about the 2pm boys, let's see how long you'll last.

Just know-- be ashamed of yourself.

I start my day with Jay.

2PM fighting. (=

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LOL and you know this how? Why should we believe you just because you're typing in caps and bold? I'm not surprised if 6pm lived a dirty life. They're young and they have girls chasing after them and temptations are bound to happen. Yet they criticize Jay with the chin so high thinking they are so damn mighty.

Round of applause for 6pm everyone. LOVE AND RESPECT NO LONGER EXISTS. It died the day 2pm died.

someone posted that as a reply to the photo thread on bestiz (the original source) it seems kinda believable since they are all saseng fans there.

but anyway the mods are coming y'all....

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Guest papiroflexia

I want to share a comment posted by someone on Seoulbeats which I thought was logical and i agree with her sentiments and arguments.

I honestly don't think there will be any more future for 2pm, the way this whole drama has blown up into. I'm seriously sad that it has all come to this.

Risen to the top within one year, only to hit rock bottom by the next.

All seven boys DO NOT deserve this.

I agree, all the boys do not deserve this.

You have to remember, these boys joined JYPE pursuing their dreams to be an artist, they did not join for brotherhood. JYPE promised them their dream and hopes, and are probably using this against them. So why all the hate? Realistically thinking, they can't risk their dreams for another person. Please try to put yourself in their shoes. I'm hurt for all the boys, not just Jay. All this crap they have to go through just because fate brought them to a company that has no capability of protecting them.

Yes, I am angered by the way the questions were answer, but how can you blame them? Do you really think there's no knife pointing at them behind their backs? They're artists trying to make a living, and are obviously humans.

I just really hope the best for them because their company has hurt and tainted their reputation. And I'm saying all seven. Jay as the "bad attacker," he's the mistake. And now the remaining 6 as "betrayers" of their brother.

I don't know how I'm still going to keep up as a Hottest. When I think of 2PM as a group, I can't. Because things aren't going to be the same, for 2PM or the fandom. What has brought me here as a fan is no longer here to keep me as one. And I'm not saying Jay, but the way things used to be; fun and carefree. They were the first group that really stood out to me because they were naturally care free and...just being boys. This aura is gone now.

I'll always cheer for the boys because they work hard, they only want to become artists. But the company has really dragged the boys down. But can I call myself as a Hottest that enjoys watching them on shows and performances? Probably not. I want to, but I can't. I'm really hoping for one day, maybe I can again, but now is not the time. And the chances of this happening in the future is slim, I have this feeling more things are going to come up.

I can't help but feel so bad for 2PM. They did not deserve this, I hope all and each one of them can cross this obstacle and reach what they initially wanted, including Jay. Maybe as something else, but I can't see much for them all together as 2PM, it's never going to be the same.

I'll still watch them and all, but I just won't enjoy it like I used to. It'll just be a bit more awkward. I can't turn anti on anyone, because they don't deserve to be hated, IMO. I'll just be an admirer, guess that's how you can call it. Admire them as artists, try not to let the flaws cover them because that's not what I'm looking for. It's for their music and performances, just want they want to be known for.

And I guess we can be happy about one thing. At least Jay is probably more comfortable as a normal person with his family and friends. Um luckily for him, he's got AOM, brotherhood remember? He's capable of doing other, maybe even better things.

Another thing to remember is, we are all human. So why are you guys so surprised by the fact that these flaws about the boys are coming out? I'm unhappy about them, but am I surprised? No.

how realistic would it actually be to get jay and 2pm reunited and moved from jype to j.tune? i mean is rain more likely to hear 2pm fans cry and help? ive seen a few people sugest this , this would take one EPIC fan movement and even maybe involve alotta legal crap, globally all fans would need to be on the same page to get that kinda idea off the ground and im not familiar with rain so how reliable or willing to help would he actually be?

This is a very dangerous move for J Tune. Plus, I heard J Tune have debts that they are still paying off, taking these boys + Jay would be way too much to handle. Rain would probably understand, he used to be in JYPE so he knows how the company works, he was on the same boat as the boys...maybe even worst since he debuted way before them. But taking in 2PM and going against JYPE, a bigger company, is not something a producer would want to do. It'll bring bad things for his own boy group, MBLAQ who just debuted not so long ago. This is an almost impossible scenario.

@ Lushful, oh man calm down O_O remember you're talking to angry and confused Hottests right now. Actually I agree on the point that people shouldn't hate the boys. I never saw it as their fault because they're humans right? But I am disappointed with JYPE because, well yeah look what happened. The boys are good, but another company could've been better don't you think? Maybe better management. Even if the formation of 2PM wasn't possible...I'm going to get bricked for saying this, maybe it was better if it was never formed, we might have been able to appreciate the boys as individuals elsewhere, and maybe they wouldn't have gotten into this mess as a whole.

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Guest dorellana

I've been a silent reader of this thread for awhile and i've read most of the comments posted in the past two days. Right now, I will not be taking sides.Although some words said in the meeting were hurtful. Jay is human. We all make mistakes but what makes a mistake unforgivable? We are all looking to have the same 2pm we had when they first debuted. A united group. If only we could turn back time to when the myspace comments were shown. We wouldn’t be fighting over if we are still 2pm fans or if we will be on jay’s side. Sadly, I feel that we are caught between two walls and trying to find a way out, but all its being done is being covered with lies that no one is sure of what is true. Except for jay, jyp and the 6 other members.. Eventually the truth will be found out but til then are we going to sit here and bash the members or should we be bashing the company. I feel we are wasting our time bashing the members. I feel this is a real test to see, if we are willing to love a group with or without a leader. The boys stated that jay will forever be their leaders and they said in the meeting if i read correctly that they will not add or put a leader in the group. As fans of 2pm, we should be supporting both jay and the members instead of saying jay's right or the members are right. Surely enough, what jyp's representative said truely added fuel to the fire. The “serious personal wrong doing” shouldn't even have been brought up to begin with.

(Chansung): If Jaebeom was to return despite all that has happened, I’m all for him. However, I’m not positive about return to 2PM.

If jay was to return, I'm sure the members will be there supporting him even though he won't be in 2pm.

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Guest diya074

fellow hottest please stop all the boycott thing..cuz the thruth might hurt not just hottest, jay n also other members..as much i want jay comeback, i hope he doesn't suffer anymore..so, please stop digging on the 'mistake'.. i don care, whether he really did the mistake or not, i just want him to be happy...n fellow hottest stop being selfish, u want jay back for urself not because for jay's own sake..if jay really wnt to comeback, nothing cn stop him..for now, we should just respect the decision..but honestly, i want to see jay comeback..but i'll not hate any other members n keep support them..for me 2pm always 7..with or without jay, i'll support 2pm..

true HOTTEST support 1+6!!

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Guest entermuriel

i'm not going to say much about the situation.

all i'm going to say is that others should not judge Hottest right now.

we're going through a really hard time, something that we do not wish to happen to any other fandom.

right now, some are acting and writing thing without thinking first, they're just acting from emotion.

you can't really blame them, during these past 6 months we've been through a lot, and this is how it ends? i find it unbelievable.

what happened in the conference has broken many people's hearts.

the answers given by the guys have torn Hottest hearts. they made fans see the rest of 2PM in a whole different light.

most Hottest have become a Hottest because of what 2PM represented, the brotherhood they showed.

to must of us they weren't just an idol group that we look at just for eye candy, it was more than that.

so this is why i'm asking people to stop telling people to not come here and give their opinions.

some of them might now have somewhere to vent their frustrations and feeling at right now, soompi is their only place.

don't judge them because of the way they're acting now, they're just deeply hurt.

and to those saying that must of them are just Jaebeom fans.

believe me, i've seen some of this people here at soompi for a while, and not all of them had Jay as their bias.

this is not about who has done wrong and who hasn't.

we all know none of 2PM are saints and angels that can't do nothing wrong.

but like i mentioned before, to some of us 2PM wasn't just a idol group,

we didn't see them as a group of guys working together cause they had to

we saw them as brothers working hard together because they enjoyed it and loved each other.

but the conference made many see them in a different light.

i'm not trying to defend the actions of some of them, but we can't judge them either.

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Guest uh-ohxev

Oh my goodness. What has happened? This fandom is so crazy!

When I heard about the "6PM" news, my heart broke. I can't believe the words they would say about their leader... I just can't believe they can say those kinds of things. I have never once bashed them, and I will not bash them... however, I am incredibly saddened to know that this brotherly love thing was all a lie. You don't throw rocks at your brother when he is down. Then again, we also have to consider that this may be scripted. But, regardless of the script or not - it was too much. It wasn't minor insults, it was full out bashing. I was shocked. And I'm really happy that my bias (Khun) was so sweet, even through the chaos. You can tell he's really trying his best to defend Jaebum, without being obvious (gets in trouble, I'm sure.)

The rumor about another member leaving, I think it may be Khun... and honestly, good for Khun. Really babe, you need to leave. All the boys need to leave that horrible company. 2PM is already done,anyways. Too much has happened for them to rise again. The public is very anti-2PM now. This is horrible. I can't believe it escalated this far. These 7 boys have worked very hard for this, but it just came crashing. I hate to watch. And I hate to watch how their friendship is practically being broken with Jay (except Khun, who seems to be in contact with him still! I love you Khun!). I feel sick thinking about it. And I have one person to blame - JYPE.

However, I am DISGUSTED at the past info people are unveiling about the members! THIS IS WHAT ANTIS DID TO JAEBUM! How dare anyone do the same to 2PM. You're stooping just as low, and it doesn't make you look good. You're just as bad as those antis! I am not anti-2PM, but I'm sorry - the boys, I wish you luck. I know you worked hard for this, so I hope you do something with the years you trained - but I'm pretty sure, 2PM is going to last only a couple more months, maybe a year or 2 at most. It's just really bad right now. This whole thing could've been avoided, but you keep punching Jay with the statements... horrible idea, JYPE. You're losing 2PM. Thanks a lot. I can't believe this is happening. I will no longer join anymore fandoms. I can't go through this again. Hearing the members cruel words to Jay, made me cry (though, they may be scripted! I want to believe this because I trust the boys... so, I'm trying to give them the benefit of the doubt. Still hard hearing those really harsh words though...) and this has been so upsetting. I'm very stressed with personal problems, and I don't need a fandom to add more. I'm beyond stressed. This isn't pretty, and I don't see it getting better. Really 2PM IS 1:59 now. I feel a change D:

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