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Guest touchtheskies.

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Guest eyereejay

I'm so confused, if only four members were present ... are those answers all a lie? :/ its heartbreaking hearing their answers, and watching them on a show saying us SEVEN members.

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Guest pinkPABOsings

last post...but I just wanted to ask this question???

Anybody find it ironic that the two that were always goofing WITH Jay, Taec and Chan, and are now always goofing together, were the ones that were the coldest during this whole ordeal...edit: Especially Taec...Jay even said Taec was who he leaned on when they first started working together...he was the only one he could really talk to outside of Khun...so why all of a sudden this change of heart. Something doesn't FEEL right.

I love Chan and I love Taec. But I find it really WEIRD that the Emotional Baby boy and the Goofy Nerd were the two that said all of the harsh and cold things.

Something wasn't sitting right in my chest this whole time about this Press Conference and now I know what

I think that they pretty much feel it's over too.

Like I said I love Chansung...I'm Chan biased and proud of it...but it seems to me like he was either really pissed off or he really just doesn't care anymore and if that's the case I wonder why the guy I thought I knew to be Hwang Chansung has suddenly changed.


This is what I see

Khun:The Good Member...his role...agreeing with the fans...I was against it. I contacted Jay yesterday. I missed Jay.

Woo/Junsu: The logical even tempered ones....their roles only talk business...answer the questions the right way so fans can stay calm

Junho: playing the part he always plays...random not really "significant" to the convo. Just answer when the right time comes up

Chansung/Taec: the bad ones...say things that get the fans riled up. Either be sarcastic or out right cruel...stay mean, stay aggrivated...show REAL emotions...Annoyance...Anger...Frustration...

That's what I see....

Nothing about the translations are feeling right to me and if this is how they really feel then I don't 2PM staying together past April...if they make it that long...

If this is scripted I STILL don't see them staying together past April....

This was meant as a good-bye plain and simple

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Doesn't it seem like the conference only wants to emphasize more on the fact that this all boils down to that "personal-grave-mistake-that's-not-a-crime-but-morally-wrong-and-socially-unethical-but-we-cannot-reveal-it-cos-we-want-to-respect-jay's-privacy-but-we'll-keep-highlighting-that-it's-the-root-of-all-these-problems"?

After reading those fan reports and accounts (which i'm taking with a pinch of salt but they all seem to say the same thing though), i'm now even MORE curious about that mistake made during A&A promotions which Jay confessed on Dec 22nd'; which made Junho "hate" him but forgive him later; which suddenly changed Jay's status from being a "precious member of 2pm but only until Dec 22nd when he confessed"; which eventually caused JYPE to terminate his contracts as the last resort in order to solve the problem.

The only thing that comes to mind is that Jay requested to SM Entertainment that he wants to be the sixth member of Big Bang cos he's sick of being a member of 2PM and having to endure and live with the other six dorks . Other than that, i'm blank on this one.

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Guest -V-aNiLLa

If it’s true that Khun was against Jay’s withdrawal from the start and tried to delay his answers till the very last minute then i have mad respect for that guy. I guess he was trying to buy some time and see if any of the others members were against it as much as him and back him up. I remember around MAMA time people were flaming him for not mentioning Jay in his speak, yet now they’re saying he’s the member that wanted Jay to stay the most.

I don't know what to think of Teac and Chansung after the fan accounts. From reading the fan acounts they seem to be really frustrated and angry being quizzed/accused by fan. I guess they've had enough of the whole situation and i can't really blame them, however i'm really dissapointed. IF ITS TRUE THAT IS :unsure:

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after reading the account of 2PM fan union and other accounts, only one word flashed in my mind:


For those who thought of all the worst things in the world that Jay could have done: Stop it, it's ridiculous! Jay is a regular church goer and he will not do anything that would seriously damage his dignity.

6PM you don't want Jay to be in your group but you will encourage him to go solo? Oh because obviously Jay's morally inferior to the 6 of you. I see. I really admire you 6 for your morality and I hope you will live the rest of your life with that moral you have.

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Guest eyereejay

I wonder if JYP told them how to answer the questions,

i do believe 2pm doesn't act like that, they can't just go off talking trash about jay,

and stuff, when last week they said they missed jay... :/ whats going on with the world...

I can't believe this is all happening, it's so heartbreaking. A demon just like entered in

2PM's body and took over . Everyone makes mistakes, its not fair.

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My opinion about all this thing is:

1) Everything was scripted. I believe that boys were with attitude not because they wanted to oppose Jay. I simply think they told what they have been told to say only that anger which was directed to JYP actually was turned into this mess in order to look convincible that Jay is the bad guy.

2) As a lot of people speculate, I am more than sure that JYP have blackmailed 1:59 guys. Like, "stand against me and Jay will suffer" or smth.

3) There was no "unforgivable mistake". Another dirty lie, an excuse for JYP to kick out Jay permanently out of 2PM.

4) Even if Jaebeom would release personal statement, I doubt he would tell the truth in order to save his "brothers" and their careers. Again, "thanks" to greedy and calculating JYP.

All in all, I think that 1:59 boys are doomed. Seriously, JYP's lack of ability to handle the problems well and simply kicking out members or putting blame on them just because he is afraid to stand up for them, will never improve his company's image. Yes, he is good at finding talents and promoting them but inability to protect them is a huge minus for him. About his lies and forcing withdrawals of other artists, I won't talk it is clear as day that these are his other minuses.

The only thing I don't understand is, how JYP can so coldly destroy the dreams, careers, reputations and break lives of these young boys so easily? How cold-hearted a person must be to stir up so much trouble to 2PM guys..?

I forever will love all seven members of 2PM. As I said long time ago, I will support Jaebeom forever even if everyone will turn their backs on him. Wish I could bring them all back together...

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My opinion about all this thing is:

1) Everything was scripted. I believe that boys were with attitude not because they wanted to oppose Jay. I simply think they told what they have been told to say only that anger which was directed to JYP actually was turned into this mess in order to look convincible that Jay is the bad guy.

2) As a lot of people speculate, I am more than sure that JYP have blackmailed 1:59 guys. Like, "stand against me and Jay will suffer" or smth.

3) There was no "unforgivable mistake". Another dirty lie, an excuse for JYP to kick out Jay permanently out of 2PM.

4) Even if Jaebeom would release personal statement, I doubt he would tell the truth in order to save his "brothers" and their careers. Again, "thanks" to greedy and calculating JYP.

All in all, I think that 1:59 boys are doomed. Seriously, JYP's lack of ability to handle the problems well and simply kicking out members or putting blame on them just because he is afraid to stand up for them, will never improve his company's image. Yes, he is good at finding talents and promoting them but inability to protect them is a huge minus for him. About his lies and forcing withdrawals of other artists, I won't talk it is clear as day that these are his other minuses.

The only thing I don't understand is, how JYP can so coldly destroy the dreams, careers, reputations and break lives of these young boys so easily? How cold-hearted a person must be to stir up so much trouble to 2PM guys..?

I forever will love all seven members of 2PM. As I said long time ago, I will support Jaebeom forever even if everyone will turn their backs on him. Wish I could bring them all back together...

I thought that at least, I was the only one to think this.

And as expected

the fandom is trapped.


Don't you see that they are avoiding you to blame JYPE?

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Guest pretty_pink.cups

Taecyeon: 'Jaebum hyung's personal life is very bad.'

I am so disgusted.

At first I felt like maybe I should give the boys a chance. Because in truth, it was Jaebeom who started everything for them (in SOME ways)...

But I wasted my sleep last night because I wanted to hear that their was still so much love between the boys... that they weren't mad at Jaebeom. . . they just had to do what they had to do.

But hearing those words out of Taecyeon's mouth and even WOOYOUNG, Wooyoung of all people...... I can't even say I'm sorry for this: but you boys who I loved so much, have now disgusted me and torn me apart.

I have a plan.

I will see Jaebeom in March hopefully at the next break dance battle... if there's ANY way, I will try to write him a letter and let him know that HOTTEST still support him.

Jung Wook: Then why didn't fans shield him?

If you only knew how hard we tried!!!


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Guest Dorkiilove

All 6 members turned up

Ok Taecyeon said that Jaebums personal life has been dirty anyway.

Junsu said that he can't say what it is.

So why Jaebum go out to those BBOY events?

Chansung 'Exactly. Why's he showing his face so much. Anyway, I don't know the reason.'

Taecyeon: 'Jaebum hyung's personal life is very bad.'

Who are these people?

Is Jaebum not allowed to live and enjoy his life? He threw away so much for these "brothers", and now they say things like that about him.

I'm amazed.

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Guest crazy51

Wow. People are quick to judge. Here's what I see.

I think it's pretty obvious before the whole fiasco broke we can clearly tell that the boys genuinely look up to Jaebum. He's like this cool older brother that they're proud to show off to their friends. We can tell in the shows they've been on (even Hotblood when Jay was the last to join the team) and the interviews they were in. They seriously adore him. And when his myspace scandal broke, they were there for him. Some members publicly stood up for him. They express their love for him when they won their end of year awards.

So the question is, WHERE DID THAT AFFECTION GO?!? And how fast it left their hearts. I seriously think 2pm is made up of 7 really nice boys. They may be rowdy and reckless but take that away and they're just nice honest boys. IT DOESN'T MAKE SENSE for them to turn their backs on Jaebum in this short amount of time. Hence, it's not wrong to assume that Jay MUST HAVE DONE SOMETHING.

- this is pure speculation -

MAYBE, it was Jay who betrayed THEM. Maybe he made a deal with a rival company who offered better services during A&A promos while they're in love with him. Maybe it was Jay who turned his back on them secretly during that time. It could be the other way round. Idk, he does seem like the kind of guy who tends to make some bad decisions.

Because it is illogical for not one, but all 6 boys to find his actions unforgivable. And I'm ruling out drug abuse or impregnating a girl as Jay's "offence" because those are forgivable in my eyes and those actions would only tarnish Jay's image but I don't see it tarnishing the rest of the boys' image. I mean, I'm trying to make sense of their actions here because I don't think they're ALL irrational.

And fan reports seem to be saying that Taec and Chan were quite cold and unforgiving towards Jay. They basically put on an attitude. Why would they do that and have fans bash them and label them as ungrateful dongsaengs who betrayed their leader if it was all a set up. I would think they would rather play the sympathy card if they're trying to get fans on their side but they're not. WHY?

I refuse to believe all 6 of them are cold-hearted, it doesn't make sense. There has to be something!

again - this is all pure speculation -

I'm not trying to take sides. I just thought instead of 'Jaebum the victim' we could take a different perspective. Unless of course this was all scripted and nothing actually happened but that JYPE's president is plain evil and hold grudges against Jay. I like all of them and I truly want things go back the way it was. But s*it happens.

I guess ultimately, what's done is done and fans need to move on. It IS POSSIBLE to support Jay and his endeavors AND the rest of 2pm with theirs. They're taking different paths but they still somewhat share a common bond and what they have together and that one year of activity together as 7 was truly an amazing year. They achieved so much and it's sad that it had to come to an end before their true potentials have been met. Let's move on and not judge them as if we're superior. We do not know what we would have done if we were in their shoes. There's no "evil" person here. I guess we could say things just...happened and we gotta accept it.

/my more-than-2-cents :/

peas out

carrots in

my thoughts exactly. just.. what if, what if Jay actually did a grave mistake that made the 6 boys hated him? we don't even know what really happen, what's Jay's grave mistake they have been talking about.

I don't know... I still can't believe they, especially Taec and Chansung, said those harsh words. It just so unbelievable. Reading the fanaccounts, I'm torn between very disappointed with those traitors OR feel sorry for them being the victims... the thing is I don't know what actually happen between them. Sigh. this is just so frustrating ;__;

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My opinion about all this thing is:

1) Everything was scripted. I believe that boys were with attitude not because they wanted to oppose Jay. I simply think they told what they have been told to say only that anger which was directed to JYP actually was turned into this mess in order to look convincible that Jay is the bad guy.

2) As a lot of people speculate, I am more than sure that JYP have blackmailed 1:59 guys. Like, "stand against me and Jay will suffer" or smth.

3) There was no "unforgivable mistake". Another dirty lie, an excuse for JYP to kick out Jay permanently out of 2PM.

4) Even if Jaebeom would release personal statement, I doubt he would tell the truth in order to save his "brothers" and their careers. Again, "thanks" to greedy and calculating JYP.

All in all, I think that 1:59 boys are doomed. Seriously, JYP's lack of ability to handle the problems well and simply kicking out members or putting blame on them just because he is afraid to stand up for them, will never improve his company's image. Yes, he is good at finding talents and promoting them but inability to protect them is a huge minus for him. About his lies and forcing withdrawals of other artists, I won't talk it is clear as day that these are his other minuses.

The only thing I don't understand is, how JYP can so coldly destroy the dreams, careers, reputations and break lives of these young boys so easily? How cold-hearted a person must be to stir up so much trouble to 2PM guys..?

I forever will love all seven members of 2PM. As I said long time ago, I will support Jaebeom forever even if everyone will turn their backs on him. Wish I could bring them all back together...

WORD. That's what I think too. Basically Chan and Taec goofed around so much with Jay and now their attitude changed so much? That's so fishy. I mean, it might be some sick strategy of JYP to divert our attention from how bad is JYPE and to blame everything either on Jay or boys.

And the other thing, they might have been rude because they feel very stressed, when they have to lie about Jay and what they "really" think. 2PM experienced so much crap these days and now they have to act according to JYP/E's script? That would stress the hell out of me if I were in their shoes. I don't believe what they said was truth, that's impossible to break a bond 2PM shared with Jay like that. This is a conspiracy and a pretty good one. JYP is a devil genius.

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Guest chopper!

i've read the fanaccounts on 2od, and man....who are these guys?

who are you?!

why can't you just tell us jype? the mistake huh? and WE will be the judge of how severe it is.

because we are fans who will love them no matter what they do!! we are family! we'll embrace and protect them!

jype can't trust us fans it seems. they don't think we can protect jay? they don't think we'll do whatever it can to make sure they won't go down?

why can't they trust us? we'll judge them on how bad it is, because no matter what it is, i don't give a crap. i'll still love jay and 2pm! so why jype? why the secrecy? so the public won't know?? and if they do, what will happen? fans are greater than antis!

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I won't believe it 'til there's fancams and proof but if turns out to be true ... then I must say that I'm so disappointed. Of course the rest of the boys are also victims in this situation and if Jay chose to leave by himself then they just have to move on, it's understandable, but what's with the attitude? And how can anyone agree that it was right of the boys to speak so rudely during the meeting (if it's true)? Some people vandalized the JYPE building, broke the CDs and acted crazily yes, but 90% or more of all Hottest has shown nothing but strong love for all of the 7 boys (regardless if they are anti/pro to protesting). Showering them with gifts, voting for them like maniacs so they can win awards and receive praise, turn up with big banners to support them on shows/concerts, buying merchandise, telling them to be strong or complimenting their solo/group activities on cyworld - just constantly supporting them non-stop. These boys have gotten SO much love despite Jay's absence, there's no denying that. They've even gained a lot of new fans with "Heartbeat".

That's why I find it really messed up that they would respond with such a nasty attitude. I hope it's not true, it would shock the hell out of me if especially Taec and Chansung said such remarks. And who is "Jung Wook"? Their manager? Dude, for him to say, "Why didn't the fans shield Jay?". That's like asking to be punched, lol! Hottest have been working their asses off to protect and support Jay (and the rest of 2PM). They must be just as exhausted as the boys.

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assuming above quotes are what really happens:

they refuse to state the 'actual' reason why not supporting jay back--

--> hmm, even if they told us the reason, we still won't believe it until jay himself speaks up right?

--> even if jay speaks up, we'll also doubt whether he's honest or not coz only God knows and most people 'filter' on what they want to hear/agree only.

what benefit of not letting jay back to 2pm? come on ... jype knows every members are income generator--there must be a STRONG reason not letting him back.

may be: (just my thoughts....sorry if it brings disagreement)

1. jay himself doesnt really want it (he want something else?)

2. jay did (said) something really STUPID, like: "JYP, i hate you so much" ^^;

3. jype is stupiddd ... *but i don't know the reason behind his stupid thinking*

the presscon must be managed by a stupid pr.

they must take some medicines first or meditating class so won't be angry/fire up by some issues/questions--> my, they are still young ... hot blood.

because i don't know what jay's thinking right now, so i can't write anything for him except i wish him the best. awww, thou wanting so badly that words will come from jay's mouth, but i think sometimes silence is golden. so, jay~ whatever, i hope you will always learning new things and improve yourself, hope your dreams will come true.

other members ... gosh ... well, even if you all have to start all over again, you have my full support.

life is a drama ... thank god i hate drama.

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Guest bigbangxsaranghae

I understand where the other members are coming from but I still think there are better ways in handling what happened. they are still idols who need to protect their image. I think the fans felt that they're ganging up on Jay and maybe the fans felt that the other members doesn't appreciate them. The way taec talked was arrogance at its best. Is is because he is Mr-Ideal-Guy now? I'm not bashing. Personally, my favorite 2PM member was Taec but I'm not too sure now.


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my thoughts exactly. just.. what if, what if Jay actually did a grave mistake that made the 6 boys hated him? we don't even know what really happen, what's Jay's grave mistake they have been talking about.

Guys, think about it.

That personal "grave mistake" was done during Again and Again promotions. (Assuming there actually is a mistake made.)

That's during the early months of Feb to May.

He confessed in Dec 22nd.

Jay was with 2pm till September 2009.

From May to September, that's like five months.

They did Wild Bunny together. They promoted together. They LIVED together. Wouldn't they have learned to know each other well enough by now?

This entire thing still seems shady to me.

I think i'll not believe anything for now. I'm gonna pretend that 2PM is still those seven dorks that I love.

Please let me keep my memories of a happy 7 membered 2pm intact, cos' i still want to enjoy watching Idol Army and Wild Bunny whenever I'm bored or lonely.

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Guest lazy_breeze

i dont see how their answers can be scripted.

because if it was, JYPE could get into a load crapp of trouble if they are found out.

and eventually the truth does come out.

its not worth it to lie outright likem that.

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Guest sissy_style

to people who keep saying " don't think only about Jay's feelings, think about the other 6'feelilings" i will say:

what the f**k, do they think about their hyung that "they love and miss" but also hate because of a (irrealistic) "big mistake" ...

Why do they keep talking about that, does the mistake is as bad as having a car accident while being drunk ?

why someother compagny, someother group idol, someother fans can protect their idol when we can only fight between us ?

Why ?


Kim Junsu and Ok Taecyeon were the core people there. They said they were uncomfortable with Jaebum returning from the beginning. It's true that Khun was against the withdrawal from the the start, and that he tried to delay the withdrawal agreement as much as possible. source: 2OD

the person i'm the most disappointed of is Taecyon ...

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