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☆ 2 P M ★ Official Thread ☆

Guest touchtheskies.

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Guest koreanNgel

Wait what?? I am not sure what i am reading from your post. Your saying the 2pm boys found out this was going to happen four days ago and they went into JYPE asking to be taken out of the company too?? orr... please clarify...

yeah.. thats what the post said..

can you read korean? i took a pic of the post.. but its in korean

wait.. nvm how do you post a picture on this crap -_-

but the post said.. taec and khun came into jype at 1 in the morning and made a scene..

and asked to have them taken out of the company like jay..

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Guest Aesthetic_Chinese


when i went on 2od earlier; this was the how many people were reading on the news.

it just sucks.

jay we need you come back.

stand up for yourself, quit letting jyp/jype walk all over you.

boys of 2pm do you want to see this? you know the real reason

hint towards the hottest.

we know you guys want him back just as much as we do.

its sept 8 all over again.

except this thread had like 800 users when the news first came out. wheres all our members?

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Guest chikashi

Oh man this reminds me of all the chaos that happened on September 8.

Bajillion people online constanly refreshing their browsers so that they won't miss a single piece of news about Jay :(

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Guest anatoilet

i know everybody are still in shock to hear about the news that jay won't be coming back to 2PM, yet i still couldn't get why would khottest demands the rest of the members to withdraw from the variety show/activities that they are having right now? why would khottest blamed them for not standing up for our leadja?

this is my 2 cent,

our leadja said about the 10-years slave contract on his my space which is said to be the core issue of the problem for why he is being kicked out from the 2PM. if this is the main reason, well i guess the rest of the member also being tied with this 10 years slave contract as well, am i right? there is no way they could sacrifice for being fined because they have to stood up for our leadja.. i bet the fine would be almighty deadly.. i think khottest should be more understanding.. 1:59 already in grief, having their leadja not gonna be back anymore (officially), without having khottest giving pressure to em..

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Guest le_maiii

"Newest" Rumor:

1.) Jaebeom and Sunmi were in a relationship, that's why they were both "kicked out."

2.) OH HO HO HO, you're gonna laugh your butt off at this! JAY GOT A TRAINEE PREGNANT. hahahahahahahahahhahaha. yeah right. wow.

Honestly, the pregnant one and the tape rumor, just really don't add up. I'm sorry.

Maybe it's just me but if I were the one that was either knocked up with JAEBEOM'S CHILD or the one that has a sex video with him, aw hell no, I wouldn't keep quiet. I'm sorry but even if he told me to, I'd be like: GUESS WHAT WORLD! MY BABY'S DADDY IS PARK JAEBEOM!!!!!!!! Liker really? You think we're gonna believe some stupid rumor like that?

Rumor about him using Marijuana... now come one. The boy said himself he ain't gonna touch a cigarette. Oh yeah, then there was that part when he added: I AIN'T GONNA SMOKE, BUT I'LL DO SOME DOPE! yeahhh, not. Come on! GET REAL. Jaebeom doing drugs is like... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. I laugh. And then to add on to the drug topic, shall we add on the drinking topic? There have been fan accounts of people seeing AOM at Bars and drinking and getting drunk, but they never saw Jaebeom drinking. He also said in a magazine interview (I think it was Nylon) he didn't like the taste of alcohol. Okay, I have to admit, AOM does drink a lot. There's videos that several members have posted of them late at night goofing around and they're all hella drunk, but hey, boys will be boys. But not once do you see a mention of Jaebeom doing such a thing. Because he's a good little Christian boy.

In the beginning, I was so hurt... I was so devastated and I wondered how I'd be able to get through this because it was like Sept 8 all over again. But now, in the end, as I sit through and re-read the "information", I can't help but laugh and shake my head. I really can't.

To JYPE: If you're gonna make up some random @$$ rumors, think of some better ones will ya? Ones that make sense.

Tell us he's happy where he is. I think we could've lived with that one.

It's February 26, 2010 right now in Portland, Oregon. The time is 12:00AM. It's now just Friday here for me, it's now just Friday for Jaebeom. I'm sitting on my bed, three hours away from where he is... and I can't help but wonder how's he doing, what's he feeling... Are you going to be okay Jaebeom oppa? If you ever lose courage or faith or hope... just remember, you have thousands of Hottest that will be by your side any second. We love you Jay.


OH YEAH! And regarding the little thing about Nichkhun and Taecyeon demanding to be withdrawal-ed... if that's true, it really makes me happy. Especially since Taecyeon was under attack for a while regarding his "leader" position. However, there's some parts about that I didn't like. The person that posted it said they just found of four days ago... well if that's true, they've been lying to us for four days. I'd rather believe it wasn't true... at least, that part.

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I don't think it is a very smart move to do that... I think JYP belittled the Hottests. I have to agree with some people that most of the things said by JYP are bogus. I'm just going to be patient and let the truth come out. =)

- no matter if its 6 or 7 2PM I will always support you. WAITING.

- hottest

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Guest Misleading

The boys would never betray Jay just like that of their own volition.

They may have done it on paper, but there is no way they did a 180 in their hearts.

And that's why I'm going to support 1:59PM, 6PM, whatever you may call it.

For me, it's better to have 6 than none.

Personally, I don't believe JYPE any more than I believe UFO conspiracy theories.

I guess we will have to wait and see what happens at the press conference.

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Guest theblazenazn

i know everybody are still in shock to hear about the news that jay won't be coming back to 2PM, yet i still couldn't get why would khottest demands the rest of the members to withdraw from the variety show/activities that they are having right now? why would khottest blamed them for not standing up for our leadja?

this is my 2 cent,

our leadja said about the 10-years slave contract on his my space which is said to be the core issue of the problem for why he is being kicked out from the 2PM. if this is the main reason, well i guess the rest of the member also being tied with this 10 years slave contract as well, am i right? there is no way they could sacrifice for being fined because they have to stood up for our leadja.. i bet the fine would be almighty deadly.. i think khottest should be more understanding.. 1:59 already in grief, having their leadja not gonna be back anymore (officially), without having khottest giving pressure to em..

I think The Backlash towards the other 6 is just Cause and Effect. JYPE made a clear statement saying the other members agreed for Jay to leave so it's like they turned their backs on him. I DOUBT THIS TRUE BUT That's the Statement JYPE made to not get their hands Dirty. Now all the blames on each of the members.

The uproar now towards the other 6 is what JYPE did not expect since they PLANNED that Hottests would stick together and not let it affect the other 6. They are masterminds have thought about it but they did not think fans would be this angry & actually demand for the rest to leave their shows.

HOWEVER, They've made their bed by making that statement so sleep in it. Suffer the consequence of handling the situation the wrong way. 2PM & WG are just cash cows for them to milk.

BUT do you really think they'll make them leave?? No. Taecyeon has a drama to film, if he does leave Inkigayo temporarily it will just look like JYPE is appeasing Hottests but really it works out for the best in JYPE's term.

All the rumors about him getting a girl pregnant & drug use??? Total WTF! I still wouldn't care if he got a girl pregnant. I like him for talent, it's not like one of us were waiting to have his baby and actually be his wife. If JYPE really started the rumors then it's so low of them.

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I seriously have not gone on soompi for AGES!!!!! But after hearing about the news on Jay, I made a mad dash to this thread. (I believe it's my first time posting in this thread too) I am just completely IN SHOCK, PISSED, UPSET, sooo many emotions.


As our Jaebeom would say.

. . .

I mean I hate to be pointing fingers...but *points at JYP* IT'S ALL HIS FAULT.

He's making it impossible for Jay to return, and now terminating his contract for "somethign that he did thats so bad" well i ROLL MY EYES at that statement !!!

Even if he did commit such an act, they're not even giving him a chance to apologize, own up to his mistakes. WHERE IS THE JUSTICE?!?!!??!?!?!!?!?

My poor Jay. Honestly my heart goes out to him, his friends, his family and of course the remaining 6 members.

I'm extremely angry at the fans who are taking their anger out on the rest of the boys. Especially Taecyeon and Wooyoung who I BELIEVE would never turn their backs on Jay. And it's evident that those two were the closest with Jaebeom... *sigh*


Our Jaebeom doesn't deserve this torture!!!

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omg.. i am so confused and sad. the fans turning against 2pm, jype ruining 2pm and jay's names.. not knowing what is the truth .... :(

the only way to salvage this situation is for the rest of 2PM to leave JYPE and re-contract under another company and reunite with Jay as 7, if that's even possible >< because even if 2PM reunited with jay under JYPE i don't think it'd be the same anymore.. i definitely don't see jype the same way anymore with how they've handled this situation, Rain's situation, g.o.d's situation, it makes me even wonder if sunmi's reason for leaving is even true. @_@ when conflict occurs, jyp/e just dumps their artists out and leaves them to fend for themselves. that is some messed up shhhhhhh.......

the rumors of what jay possibly could have done makes no sense whatsoever. his "mistake" was while he was an artist..during again and again promotions apparently. as an artist they have an image to maintain and a lot of rules to follow in their contracts. his "mistake" can't possibly be that bad.. ( like getting someone pregnant ) -.- because otherwise he would be a complete idiot to do something as big as having an affair/getting someone pregnant/doing illegal things when their popularity is picking up/booming and when they are under crucial radar. come on people , be logical!

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Wow, I knew that things were going to get heated but I didn't realize that it was going to be this bad.

Trashing JYPE building and now angry comments for Taecyeon and WooYoung demanding they leave their variety shows?

This is just crazy and it is so sad that some Hottest are doing some of these things.

I'm sad for the rest of the 2PM boys because I really don't think they deserve any of what is being thrown at them.

I don't know if any of these bc things are going to bring Jaebum back. The only thing that I hope will continue to happen is to always include Park Jaebum's name in the 2PM chants. It's the least the fans can do to remind JYPE that he will never be forgotten and also be a thorn to them as well.

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My first ever post in Soompi, always been a silent lurker but today I needed to speak out. As a noona fan and probably lot older and hopefully a little bit wiser than some/most of you I felt I needed to say my piece.

First I have 2 things to confess:

One, I don't consider myself a Hottest because I don't like 2pm exclusively. However I have laughed myself silly watching wild bunny, idol, and other 2pm activities.

Two, I started following 2pm much after Jay had already left.

At first, I did not care one way or the other about Jay. As an immigrant myself, I just empathized with what he was going through and felt that he was being unfairly treated considering that he was a kid alone in a strange country when he made those remarks. Yet the more I saw of 2pm the more I felt that Jay needed to be back. He is not my bias, nor I am a fanatic fan but purely because 2pm needs him and it is the right thing to do. I honestly thought that JYP was just biding his time and would do this grand show with Jay back with 6pm. The show would be funny and emotional at the sametime and Jay and the boys would go crazy.

And now this S*** happens.

To People who are saying that Jay must have done something really bad or else why would JYP not get him back?

The only unacceptable thing would be a criminal act by Jay everything else could have been handled quietly. Do you really think idols don't get into trouble or do something that affects their image? If handled properly even a serious issue could be fixed. Considering that Jay is in Seattle and NOT in Jail, it is pretty safe to assume he did not break the law. If JYP really supported Jay why would he completely ruin his reputation and throw him under the bus? He never intended Jay to be back and has used the poor boy and the group members mercilessly for a bigger profit margin. To us the boys maybe idols we love and adore for better or for worse, to JYP, they are a product, something to advertise, market and sell but ultimately discard if not useful.

To People who are saying how can you not support the remaining members what have they done, so what if 1 member is gone?

Umm, ok so even though today Jay is kicked out lets all just support the remaining 6. 1 year later: OMG guess what, it turns out Nichkun really I mean REALLY likes guys! Hey we cannot have that can we whoever heard of a Gay Idol? Let's kick out the thai prince, he is not even a korean anyway, don't you have any national pride? After all 1 gone, 2 gone what difference does it make? Oh JYP got an idea, you know what lets hold open auditions (which I will tape and it will become a highly popular TV show) and get someone new blood. Enough of the HOT BLOOD already. What fun....this time around we will get a Japanese Ninja and an Aussie Leadja. How cool, people will LOVE the new boys they are Sooooo good looking and talented. After all JYPE image is what is most important, singers & idols come and go ultimately It is the company that is forever.

Sarcasm aside, does it not matter to you that a core member of the group can be dropped so easily even when the fans want him back? Who i safe? Today it is Jay, tomorrow it maybe Chansung, 2 years down the line it could be Junho. Is your affection so fickle and seasonal? Can 6pm and hottest forsake Jay and live happily ever after knowing what they did to the poor boy? Please for the love of Jay do not treat the boys like a commodity.


To People who are saying Jay is happy bboying in USA with friends and family why can't you leave him alone and move on?

You must be really young and you probably have not had to face the grown up world yet as your parents are supporting you. Do you know how hard it is to build a career for yourself? Can you imagine how one would feel if somebody who moved halfway across the world and worked mercilessly, passionately, crazily for 4 years and finally started seeing some fruits of his labor, forced out? If he was a millionaire and living a lavish life with bright opportunities in the states, I would understand. But penniless and in debt? Are you really this naive that you think Jay is happy to give up his success that has been achieved with much blood and sweat? If that is what he wanted, he would have quit the group long long time ago. When the going was really tough and without any assurance of success. Not when he was finally shining so brightly in the kpop scene.

But lets say that 1 in a million chance that this is truly what Jay wants. JYP could have easily arranged a press conference and let Jay reveal his true feelings so that the Hottest would be finally able to let go for his sake. But no, instead he has attempted to ruin Jay's character by insinuating some "horrible" crime in Jay's part. How low can you go JYP?

To all 6pm supporters

Next time you accuse fans for caring just for 1 person remember, today it is 6, tomorrow it could be 5, next day 4 and one day 2pm really just be 2pm.

To all the 7pm supporters:




I love your comment.

SRSLY stop bashing KHottests to say that they should bash JYPE.

Will you wake up??

You're TRAPPPED by JYPE! They want Hottests to bash the other members and YOU to bash the other Hottests but NOT them.

That's how the statement has been made! you don't need to to listen to insider news, but just to use your brain and to read this statement once again .

JYPE said that Jaebum has made a huge mistake. Consequence : rumors which justify that He cant come back, SO in poeple eyes he cant come back, so he won't come back.

JYPE said the other members agreed : consequence : Hottests and netizens blame the boys. Like that the batrayers are the BOYS NOT JYPE. So the fanclub is divided and to weak too make something.

JYPE clearly stated that the boys betrayed Jaebum ;: consequence : Hottests over react and poeple will bash Hottests. So once Hottests will try to spread the thruth on JYPE, poeple wont listen to them because "Hottests are crazy".

All that to not talk about JYPE. Poeple will forget that basically JYPE used Jaebum as an object to 1) promote 2PM by bring their fans' hopes up 2) Create a new scandal about this "huge mistake" to save their asses.

And lol, they are winning.

I woke up this morning, and as expected everyone gets tricked.

As expected.

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I'm FRUSTRATED at JYPE and HURT by some fans words and actions.

it feels like history is repeating itself all over again...

it feels like we are going back to September of 09 when Jaebum left...

I'm just so flabbergasted by how some fans can to go up and blame the rest of the 2PM members for these bulllcrap that JYPE came up with...

WHY blame the remaining 6? WHY? it's already enough that Jaebum is not coming back why do you want to go and destroy the remaining 6? for all we know they might be suffering too...NO I know for a fact that they are suffering...

think back to Hot Blood days when Jokwon almost got kicked out!

Who was crying?

Who was voicing out their opinions?

Who was against kicking out Jokwon?









if they didn't want Jokwon (and the other two hot blood members) to be kicked out why would they want Jaebum, an establish leader in 2ppm, to be kicked out too???

why are some HOTTEST turning into the exact people that force Jae out of Korea???

now it feels like they are forcing 6PM to disband...

I feel like this is what JYPE wanted to happen...I feel like sooner or later there will be no more 2PM...no more 6PM...and most importantly no more 2OD...

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Guest swisschoco

ok last post before bed. I wonder if JYPE considers Jay's slave contract post to be his big mistake? I know it's kind of a stupid theory, but it seems to keep coming up. It would be really stupid for JYPE to get rid of him just because of that...i mean we ALL know that most if not all idols are under ridiculous slave contracts. I'm so confused by all the rumors...i seriously don't know what to believe anymore. I'm really curious to see how the fan meeting goes. I hope all 7 boys are ok...i'm kind of worried 6PM won't be able to handle the fan meeting...or they might breakdown during it or something. I feel so bad for all 7 members...it shouldn't have turned out this way. Why couldn't JYPE have handle this better in the beginning and prevented this mess. I'm going to try to sleep now...i have a feeling it won't be very restful. 2PM fighting!

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Guest avchuck

Posted the below in Jay's thread, but it's a more clarified version of what I initially wanted to say (so excuse the repeats):

Please bear in mind that JYP/E is more than likely (like 99.99%) the culprits for spreading the rumors. They started spreading right after the statement and this is a typical action that JYP/E uses when trashing an artiste that they no longer want. Check out the link:


Also, the general public agrees that the rumors are just that, rumors. It just doesn't fit with who Jay is. A bad/mischievous boy, yeh, sure, but promiscuous and a drug-user? Not likely. There's a timeline that kHottests drew up (refer to below link), which 2od posted that pretty much contradicts everything in JYP/E's statement. This goes for that "big mistake" too. JYP/E says it was supposed to have occurred during the AAA promotions, but if you look at 2PM's schedule for that time, Jay had NO TIME to squeeze in a scandal during that killer schedule. Or as one fan had so eloquently commented "'He doesn't even have time to take a [mini cooper]. What could he possibly do wrong during this time?'" (cr. http://bumvirus.livejournal.com/5895.html)


I know I've been pretty active in here for the past few weeks, but I just don't really know what to say about the recent news. I'm still trying to wrap my mind around everything...so I guess that means I haven't completely given up yet/still. My feelings are mixed. I'm glad Jay doesn't have to go back to that God forsaken company, but I'm sad that the chances of a reunited 7-member 2PM just got slimmer. I am angry at what JYP/E has done to defame Jay's name--it's just plain dirty... However, the majority won't give in to being fooled again (I hope). We know Jay didn't do anything wrong. There are multiple fan accounts that have never seen Jay pick up a cigarette or booze. And Jay steers clear of girls, we know that for sure. There are barely any pictures of him with chicks.

If G.O.D. fans can save Park Joonhyun, why can't we save Park Jaebum still? If we're successful in returning Jay, I know the coordi-nunas and 2PM's usual staff will welcome him with open arms, so he'd be in good company. (It's just the Gorilla that makes me want to hurt someone. It's hard not to see the reason behind all this as something personal. Simply because resolving this whole nightmare is simple and yet, Gorilla chooses to put everyone through hell.) So, we just have to ride JYP/E even harder into the ground so that they can see that this statement is not gonna fly.

I've also been trying to find things that I (or international hottests in general) could do at a time like this. I honestly wish I could've relieved my anger at JYP/E by defacing their building as well... But I don't live in NYC and I don't have that much guts, LOL.

Anywho, insider2pm and Underground suggested international hottests could bombard JYP/E's inbox with e-mails on how we feel (they advise refraining from cussin' and all that, but I think if you wanna cuss at them go right on ahead. Whatever makes you feel better. JYP/E has played us all in these past few months, so they really deserve the haterade.) SPARTA! anyone? Personally, I'm sending in more than one e-mail and they're all short so that I can spam them like mad... Is that a bad approach? (I'll prolly feel like it is after my anger wears off, kekekeke)

EMAIL JYPE by itsaconspiracy7

Miss S suggested that International fans directly show them how we're feeling right now. They set up a storage room for us to email in questions, but let's voice our thoughts. (Refrain from cursing and name calling though. Everyone's upset, but let's be civil with our words.)


cr. insider2pm's formspring at http://www.formspring.me/itsaconspiracy7

Miss S is apart of Underground

P.S. Some people have said that they wanted to hear all this stuff from Jay's mouth etc. No disrespect but JYP/E prolly has a gag-order on him so he won't be able to say anything (may not EVER be able to say anything like Park JoonHyun). And if Jay does say something right now, it would probably be something JYP/E is MAKING him do. So I'd rather not hear any pre-recorded statement from Jay right now, because I know it would more than likely (99.99%) be a scripted lie with the assistance of JYP/E.

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Why do I have a bad feeling that the fan meeting will get cancelled last minute? I hope I’m wrong.

The rumors are getting ridiculous. Why the heck should JYP mention that he did something more horrible than the MS controversy? And during the Again and Again promotions, the time when Jay earned much love and support.

I feel bad about the other six, because they are the ones who’s receiving hate. But as someone mentioned, this is the consequence of JYPE’s statement.

What is currently happening clearly shows how JYPE cannot protect our boys- Jay, Junsu, Khun, Taec, Woo, Junho, and Chansung.

Everyone’s a victim of JYPE here, intentional or not.

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I finally realized something(maybe someones mentioned it) about the strange timing of this announcement. it could have been because it was a couple days before the conference...not sure.

They announced it the day before Kim Yu-Na skates for the gold at the Olympics. When there would be the least number of reporters to draw public attention and the nation is riveted to their TV's to care about anything else and kHottests cannot do anything to create a commotion. I was watching her skate too!!! Fan cafes and 2PM galleries realize the timing and wrote posts telling kHottests to keep calm until the olympics were over.

At least JYPE got the timing right *sarcasm*

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i hope when i wake up tomorrow there will some good news...

AND YOU GUYS LETS TRY TO SUPPORT ALL 7 MEMBERS.... i know for 500% that our boys aren't the backstabbing money hungry monsters JYPE wants to make them out to be!!

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