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☆ 2 P M ★ Official Thread ☆

Guest touchtheskies.

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Guest dainanda123

Hi everyone.I just want to put in a few words. I was about to eat dinner and then checked soompi. I then lost my appetite by reading the announcement. At the moment I don't know what to think;

saddness,dissapointment,confusion. Its all in my head. If Jay had supposedly done something I want to know what he did. A part of me wants to trust what Jay and believe that there is a conspiracy. Another part of me excepts it.Is it a mind game? Was all of our efforts wasted? No, it wasn't. If I had to go back in time and make the same decisions based on this fiasco, I would. For the moment I have no energy to support the rest of the group. Even if I wanted to, I can't. This does not make me less of a fan, or an untrue fan. If we chose to not care for the other members or not, we are all just fans. In my book we made a difference.None of the hard work the HOTTEST had done was in vain. Though saddness is what seeps through many of us, we will eventually heal, but lets not forget Jay or the rest of the members.

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WOW. That came out of nowhere! Jaebum isn't coming back?! Of course fans are angry and confused. JYPE's statement is making Jay out to be the one at fault which is low. It'll be hard to believe any of this is really real until we hear from Jay.

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Guest exoticprincess

I don't post here at all but I am a fan, I proudly have the time for a change poster of the 7 of them having in my wall and right now its hurting to think that 2pm will never be 7 again. I don't know what to believe anymore. I will wait till saturday for the press conference to decide and jyp better have some good excuse because right now, his statement really annoys the heck out of me! IWhat is so big of an issue that the other members would agree to kick him out of the group? I feel really frustated and sad for Jay that all of his suffering as a trainee is being led to this.

I hope he goes back to Korea and clear things up himself, i will not believe anything unless it came from him.

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I've been doing selective reading all this time. I've been skipping posts that say, "If you are a real fan you will support the 6, blah blah blah"

I think I've read enough of what YOUR (to everyone to has talked about it) idea of a real fan is.

I can't ignore it anymore so I am going to say this...You are in no position to decide that.

You are only instigating fans that have been hurting because of the Jay controversy. Its up to them to decide whether or not they are going to leave the fandom.

You don't see fans pointing fingers at the ones who are sticking with the 6 and calling them fake fans.

Let's not call each other names now please!

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Holy freakin' shiitake mushrooms - it's like war in this thread, I swear. @__@

I'm just a lurker, but I want to offer my opinion on this matter as well.

Depressed. Hurt. Mournful. Sad. We're all probably feeling one of these emotions or something like it. "OMG, Jay's not coming back!" "This is a conspiracy - JYP's lying to us!" "We should boycott!"

... Woah, woah, woah. Slow down you guys. In my honest opinion, I think we should wait things out a bit. Everyone's in a huff and pointing fingers everywhere trying to make a solution and solve everything. Boycotting JYP won't do anything in my opinion but hurt the 6 other 2PM boys. Since when did 2PM become J-PM, huh? As a fan of 2PM, I like them when they're all together, yes, but I still think we should try and be mature and not suddenly bombard JYP with hate comments and the like. I'm sure he kind of knows what he's doing and I'm sure this wasn't an easy decision to make. As for the other 6 boys agreeing to the decision to terminate Jay's contract... I don't know what to say to that, honestly. It makes me a little confused. There's a part of me that's screaming, "No, it's not true!" as I read people saying how it's impossible for them to have made that decision on the 6th, etc. There's another part of me wondering, "Just what on earth did Jay do wrong that even his own 2PM brothers wouldn't accept him back?"

Anyways, I'm just rambling here. Honestly, I'm just as confused and upset about this whole thing as you guys probably are. To sum it all up, I guess what I'm trying to say is that we should wait for more clarification on everything.

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Guest chopper!

i appreciated all the hard work hottests have done to get jay back somehow and try to support 1:59pm. they've done projects and protests for 2pm, but

what i don't get is why the other members have kept so silent? i love them all dearly, tho they leave msgs on cyworld and stuff, but what about their voices? are they trying to protect themselves and their careers?

why didn't they stand up to their boss and say something?? if something was clearly wrong and messed up in JYPE, they could've banded together and fight.

if leader goes down, then we all will go down! why didn't they do that instead? i know that they know jay was in the wrong, but they clearly love their leadja! plus 2pm is a huge money maker too...

i just don't get why the members kept silent too, while fans have worked hard to get jay back. i'm sure they did voice their opinions, but why not physically do something??

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There are 6 other members, who've lost not only their leader, but a close friend. I'm sure they'd like some support too ... seriously.

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Guest mika.16

2pm members stay silent because THEY are still under jype contract.

what kind of employee in their right mind would come out and badmouth their company... they know they risk losing everything.

Newest rumor;

Jay will not have to pay jype penalty for breach of contract, instead he is unable to be a celebrity in Korea for 5 years & is not allowed to say anything.

that is a LONG time.

if this is true, I hope some smart company signs up Jay, pays for the breach of contract with JYPE and let him pay them back through work.

It makes sense, otherwise why would Jay be so silent?

If hes no longer a JYPE entertainer, he can say all the mini cooper he wants about them... or come out and tell his story, but he hasn't...

Hottest official cafe is down to 282 083,

thats 7220 gone within the last 12 hours.

Hwansang (the next biggest fancafe) has also lost many.

Yes, some people are joining Hottest fancafe... but I think its out of curiosity to read the messages posted (Noone can access the fancafe unless they are a member) because the decrease is much faster.

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The members definitely wanted to speak up about Jay but they couldn't. JYPE would never allow it. Anyone who went against JYPE will most likely face consequences. JYPE can drop anyone from the company easily (like they did with Jay).


That is the most heartbreaking thing I have ever seen O_O They bought all the 6PM merchandise while still having the hope the Jay would return one day. I guess after this announcement, they had enough. I understand that they have a right to be angry but that was kind of extreme. Seeing that picture makes me really, really sad :(

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the full letter's out on allkpop.


i haven't read it yet, but

i think hottests should hold their breath until jay comes out to make a statement with jype TOGETHER.

jype should be smart enough to at least get him to make a tiny statement.

without it, hottests are gonna flip. .___.

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Newest rumor;

Jay will not have to pay jype penalty for breach of contract, instead he is unable to be a celebrity in Korea for 5 years & is not allowed to say anything.

that is a LONG time.

Hottest official cafe is down to 282 083,

thats 7220 gone within the last 12 hours.

Hwansang (the next biggest fancafe) has also lost many.

Wow!!! What about the debt he has for training for 4 years? Even though the penalty is gone not being a celebrity in Korea for 5 years is horrible. What is going to do in the meantime?

sorry I am not asking you but more like stating these questions. Thanks for posting these infos/rumors.

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Guest jelly_pudding


thank you for posting.

i will miss Jaebom forever.

i have been watching all the old shows of 2pm (idol show, wild bunny and etc... and seriously, without jaebum, it will NEVER be the same).

i feel bad for the other members.


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I feel so sorry for the other boys.... I am sad for Jay too but for some reason, there career as 2PM could be over or something. So sad -_- I don't want them to go solo or in a another group.

I can't believe how many fans have left 2PM, it is heartbreaking hearing about it and reading that people are just going to stop supporting them because Jay isn't there and they are never going to look at 2PM again and that they are quitting this fandom.

why can't you support them all, they all need us. Wooyoung, Teac, Khun, Chansung, Junsu, Junho and Jay need us and we have to stay together for them and fight for them, not just quit this. We all used to love these boys and most of us still do. Yes it is sad that Jay left but we shouldn't just leave the other boys behind when they need us more then ever, just imagine what they are going through. I don't think that is right thing to do.

but I can't imagine what Jay did that was so wrong and I think JYPE handled this poorly and it is a bit fishy.

yeah, you can hate on me all you want but this is my opinion.

Totally agree ^^

I'm so sad because Jay is out, I love him, but I love the other members too. What is happening is not their fault, they work so hard, the same as Jay, so they need our support.

Maybe Jay should say something in may opinion.

I'm a fan of 2PM, and I'm a 2PM fan till I die.

And please, don't bashing JYP, he isn't the hole company, the company is JYPE, so many people make the decisions not only JYP.

We don't know nothing at the moment, we don't know if they're lying or not, nothing. Let's wait and see what happens on 27th this month, please, calm down

As someone said here:


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Guest pretty_pink.cups


I left for school, come back and there's rumors of a sex video. . . I had so much hope in his return, so much faith. His own aunt told me it'd be okay that he'd come back. . . she told me herself! What is going on?!?!

I wanted to support the boys so badly, I really did. I wanted to think that if I could stand just seeing a 6PM for a little longer that it'd be okay. But I can't.

Until or if something is announced that none of this is true. . . then I'm so sorry boys. I'm so sorry that I can't love you like I did.

Without Jaebeom, there is no 2PM; and 2PM is the band I love and support.

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Guest &&TiFF;ANY.

I was expecting him not to return. I mean, with all the YouTube videos of him bboying and being with AOM, we could see how happy and carefree he was being back in his world where he is most comfortable.

However, with the news that his comeback being planned for April makes my heart hurt. It shows that he had the chance to come back and for some reason it's gone now.

I mean, what is this horrible thing that he seemed to have done during his A&A days. I feel like netizens would've found out about it right away during the time where he was being treated inhumanely and hunted for his blood pretty much. But no news ever surfaced.

If it is Jay's choice to never come back, I fully respect him and hope he does well and furthers his skills in Seattle.

But, if JYP(E) made the decision without including Jay (or the other members, and is just stating such in his letter) then I am outraged and hope that Jay is doing well and has all the support he can get right now.

I don't really want to believe that it's "over". Call me naive, but I can't imagine 2PM without Jay or Jay without 2PM. It's all too surreal. It's hard to tell what's truly going on rightnow :[

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Guest ephemeral.

I'm crying just looking at that.

Though I'm shedding lesser tears than I thought I would.

I should have known what to expect from all of this already.

That little spark of hope I had left has shattered.

For all that I care now, I hope the best for the future 2PM and Jay.

Ha, I think I'm in disbelief.

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Guest Banana Peel

I can't believe this! I was so expecting good news after all the hard work the hottests have put up with to get Jay back :( I wish I was dreaming.

I feel super bad for Jay. Whether he did something seriously bad during A&A days or not, he worked his butt off to be a 2pm leader, not to go back to Seattle. I REALLY want to hear something from Jay himself, not supervised from JYPE, not a 'translated' letter from jyp, but an actual letter/confirmation/video SOMETHING from Jay. All these letters and articles from JYPE is obviously not going to calm anything down :( *sigh* And I thought everything was going back to normal slow and steadily.

And I wonder how this 'reality' that Jay is absolutely not coming back will affect the rest of the members. Already many hottests left their fanclub/cafe, and I'm sure that there will be a huge amount more that would leave. Gosh, this is just horrible.

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Guest jelly_pudding

:o Its morning now in korea and there fanclub on daum is now at 281,878 gone down 200 members in the last 20 minutes.

oh my gosh.. i understand that hottests are doing this all because they want jaebum back.. everyone does.. but still, what about the other 6 members?

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