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☆ 2 P M ★ Official Thread ☆

Guest touchtheskies.

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Guest silence457

yay it's the first time they perform Gimme The Light, one of my favorite songs off their 1:59PM album. I wish they would release a DVD of their fanmeetings. Last fanmeetings, there were some great performances that some international fans could only enjoy through fancams: Jaebeom's Rainism, Junsu's solo song and Junho + Nichkhun duet performance. and not all of KHottests could get an invitation to their fanmeetings.

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Guest dawnded

I've stopped posting here for weeks now, though I've been lurking here everyday. Just some things I want to say....I kinda understand the harsh criticisms towards the 6 others boys sometimes and where they are coming from. I would like to think that some of the anger towards JYPE inevitably got directed and entwined towards the boys. And I won't blame anyone, because love and pain both drift between grey areas..you can't say that these people who are upset with the remaining 6 only loves Jay or is Jay-only (and such accusation I think, is by far, the worst) Perhaps, the more you love something, the easier it is for that one thing to disappoint. That's why I say I won't blame anyone for feeling disappointed with the current performances. For one, let's face it. However well the 6 of them perform now, it will never feel complete. Yet, we can only sit here and try our best to give them whatever is left of our support.

I think this comes harder for some than others -- not because our differing depths of love for the boys, but because we all deal with life and problems differently. So, honestly speaking, if we keep arguing, we are only using the situation and the boys as a sort of outlet to vent or to force someone else to accept the way you see about things. Consciously or sub-consciously. Well, isn't that really unfair to the boys? So please, let's think twice everytime before you are about to shoot someone else's comment down.

As I'm reading all the comments here, almost every other post hurts me to read. In fact...all the posts here hurts in someway: When people are crticizing the heartbeat performances, it hurts; when people are cheering for 6PM, it hurts; when people ask to accept 6PM without Jay, it hurts, when people start talking about Jay b-boying with no relation to the boy, it hurts; most of all, for me, when news and photos without Jay in it are posted, it really really hurts. But I've come to accept it. Even though we are taking about different things, they all show one thing: that we love all seven boys together -- it's hard to see the 6boys without Jay as a whole, it is also hard to see Jay all by himself as whole.

I don't know what it is, and I've been trying to figure out. But perhaps it has something to do with how 2PM has changed so drastically since Jay left that it becomes even more impossible for me to accept them wholeheartedly like I did in the past. But I will try my best. And I wouldn't blame the boys, only at how they were forced to become a whole new group overnight.

Also, I used to have the cynical thought that the boys might get power hungry and sacrifice their leadja. BUT everytime I get that feeling, I'd watch the old videos of 2PM interaction and it almost always chases all these guilty doubts away. I don't know what you believe, but I believe that they have been through so much that it will be impossible for any of them to voluntarily turn their back against their leader. So no matter what I've read, this belief is all that matters.

Right now, I honestly don't know what I'll do if Jay really isn't coming back to 2PM forever. But I want to move away from that thought. Perhaps everyone, all of us, need to refocus our energy. Holding on to Jay comes in many forms, I hope we all move away from 6pm or JYPE-bashing. Instead, they are so many other ways to keep reminding everyone of SEVEN right?

Taec pulling Jay away from traffic

Together or not, I believe they still love one another as before, just as we love them all. I know people want to see new videos/pictures of 2PM. But I also hope there will be a lot more pictures of them as SEVEN, just to remind us what the complete 2PM should look like.

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Guest thu_trang

@vickysaurus : cant help but reply to u , u r right , nobody can truly say that if Jay doesnt come back 4 this album , he wont be coming back forever but i believe it is the end of 2pm with 7 members , u see , it's been 5 months since the incident happen , 5 months is definitely not a long time , but it's long enough to make things happen n make ppl forget , i bet there r tons of new fans who doesnt know who the heck Jay is , even those who claim that they will stick around forever, will they really be ??? after all Jay is just a singer who they have no relationship with , what is it that will make them sticking around forever waiting n waiting ?

n lets be honest , Jay is not some super hollywood star who can make it even after being a few years off the scene , Jay is an awesome person n have great talent but with new n young artists coming out every other day of the week , who can truly say that ppl wont lose interest in Jay ???

another album doing perfectly fine w.out Jay , if i were jype , i wouldnt risk everything that they r gaining to bring Jay back n make everything new again either , i dont blame them 4 that , but i can just say that Jype is losing someone that they may never be able to find again , bcuz what i think is wonderful about Jay is not even just merely his talent but Jay as a person is someone who you can truly admire n respect

i just wanted to share my opinion n i hope it didnt offend anyone , i understand that u have different view n different perspective , n i just want to thank u for sharing that little story of Jay , if i were u , trust me , i wouldnt be able to calm myself down either lol , but as u say , Jay is someone who make the best out of anything , n i believe things happen for a reason , if Jay is meant to be with 2pm , he will come back no matter how it takes , n if he is not , i believe that things will turn out fine for him , bcuz if God give Jay the talent n make him an extraordinary person then i believe God must be having something great in store for Jay too n i will definitely be supporting him whatever it is that he chooses to do

but as 4 me , as someone who love 2pm as 7 , i dont know if i will be able to continue loving them as 6 , esp when Jay is my biased , i feel sorry but if i cant be interested then that just how it is

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Guest punahime

just wanted to lead you to an amazing site that was made by underground in support of jay.

you may have seen the “jay world” thing a while back, but they’ve since revamped it, and you can click on the letters at the top (the ones that spell “JAYBUM PARK”) and go to separate pages. they include things like everything you may want to know about jay, stuff about the myspace incident in full detail, a playlist of every song jay’s sang on radio, just about every video with jay in it, and even a virtual post-it wall.


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Im saying what I think so stop with 'oh I'm tired of this', don't read this post then.

^^ isn't that an older "article" written by "Jay's friend?" I swear I've seen it before.

Anyhow, I highly doubt this is actually written by Jaebeom's close friend.

I'm from Seattle, my boyfriend is a break dancer and he knows all of Art of Movement and most of Jay's friends. I have yet to meet Jay (my boyfriend won't let me for jealous reasons... lol jk), though I've seen him around, but I do know a lot of his friends. They way that "friend" wrote that article, just doesn't seem like it could be one of his friends. Their grammar is really bad... "Coz they also has been told..." "He is really depressing right now" "He was doubt everything again..."

Jay's friends, and most break dancers in general, talk... ganster. For example, "Eh n****** (insert bad word), whatcha up to?" Plus, none of his friends are... "fobby" (no offense of course. By this I mean all of them can speak perfect English)

I'm not saying all his friends are break dancers or anything, but a majority of them are. The area he lives in, is the side of town full of break dancers and "tough guys". Plus, only a TRUE and CLOSE friend of Jaebeom (which like 90% of them are bboys) would know what he's feeling. And I'm pretty sure he wouldn't want them to tell the world what he is feeling. So, his true friend, would not tell anyone, moreover, post it on the internet and say "SPREAD THIS."

My personal opinion (though why does it matter? ;] ) is that a fan has written this, trying to act like Jaebeom's friend and trying to keep us Hottest strong and to keep us believing. Which is of course, all in good intentions!

Again, this is all my opinion, and just based on the things I know...

Well remember Hottest, do keep the faith and never stop believing. Even if there's only .0000000000001% of hope left in you, then so be it. Keep that hope!

Good night my fellow hottests:) until tomorrow!

Hmmm... Yoon seems so close to Jay and... He doesn't dance if I remember

Well, I don't think that Jay's close friends are only B-boys

plus, one representative of Underground said me it was real, they were sure it was real, they couldn't tell me how they knew it but... We shouldn't spread it. Believe it or not, I don't mind... Personnally I don't believe every message who says that "Jay left because of JYPE" but the first rumors are interesting.... especially when nobody thought that Jay would have been kicked out and that so many Hottests would hate JYPE etc... right now, a person can make us believe that he/she is an employee of JYPE and he/she knows Jay won't come back because everyone waits for it, in order to blame JYPE, so antis or others can joke with it

And this mess was erased a few minutes later, I remember it was on a myspace about Jay.


I have something to add about Yoon : Look at how he wrote this (lyrics) :


Ydoubleonie is Yoon, you can compare with Jay xDD



It reminds me of "only you"

miss this time!

I LOVED when Jay was singing "Only youuu" :D

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Guest dawnded

^ Triggers big desire forJAY SPAM.

Indeed...Only you......*does Jay's signature ad-lib head-shaking*










Boy deserves to fly with his brothers...

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i read that he works like 4 jobs , it must be so hard ):

good thing he has time to enjoy with his friends and all

idk maybe u r right and he doesn't have to come back now , it might be a little awkward even thou i miss him a lot lol but JYPE must say something about this soon.

almost 5 months now with only rumors good and bad , made the fans here and everywhere fight.

this thread is full with hate now instead of love & respect

ppl are getting tired and want a closure

the fans wanna know is he coming after all this or not.

i don't really wanna see more rumors good or bad.

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Guest jenaykissx

I'm so curious about that Strong Heart ep. with Junho & Taec

I wonder if there was anything about Jay in taht ep...even if there was, I hope they didn't cut it out..

But really, I think everyone should just like, keep at least, SOME hope until there's an offical statement about

his complete withdrawl, or like something bad..

JYPE should let out an offical statement already, even though it's not even half a year since Jay left,

but I think some people (me included) wants to know what's up.

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i don't think when we all ever here a statement from JYP/E.. unless they want to keep using Jae's

name on every promotion and using 1:59 maybe 6PM perse since a lot of Hottest made those 2 name


just read the article from 2OD, all these rumors are really depressing.. one statement that will never be given

is really tiring.

if i could meet Jae i would ask him if his ever returning maybe a reply of "soon" targets the wait of

thousands and thousands of fans waiting patiently and maybe put a smile on everybody's face... but then

i can't.

if the new album comes out w/o Jae in it.. i don't know what to do..

wait again?? ....

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I think, it can be extremely tiresome for fans going through this, trying to make the right decision when it comes to the group and the way they will show their support.

I say this as a person whom barely knows anything about 2PM and Jay Park, but talking through a friend from Seattle somehow connected to this guy, and how he sort of explained the situation to me, I find it rather frustrating seeing how it seems fans are not aware of the power they have over this issue, even if most fans say they do, seems like they don't actually believe their own words.

I don't know how a 2PM/Jay fan feels in this situation because I myself is just a casual follower who listen to the songs they have promote and watches tv shows where the members come out occasionally, but when I heard about the situation not from the whole 'Jay park: idol star who became the main focus in a major scandal' point of view, but as a 'Jay Park: a talented hardworking guy who made an honest, human mistake'', it really got to me. I felt the same indignation and weariness the person I was talking to felt.

I don't even know if fans are aware of some things about his current situation? But how can a guy like him, talented trained singer and dancer, who has the chance of becoming a top artist, performer, and was even getting a college education in South Korea all of a sudden is back in the states working multiple part time jobs and even in a B****** ***G (fast food restaurant)? I mean seriously, does that makes sense? Is that the way the world is supposed to work? Because damn, if that's how it is for the above average people, what's left for the rest of us mere mortals....? =|

I was told he is a humble, hard working person, so he doesn't mind taking any job I guess, but are fans really OK with that? I would feel really hurt if my favorite singers for the past 5 years ended up facing such struggles to reach their dreams like Jay does, and I would feel even more hurt if my friend, brother, sister, or even myself, had to face being held up from reaching my/their goals and seeing how the future is being decided by others but my/their own person.

I don't think Jay Park deserves more than any of the other members of 2PM, but I do think Jay Park as a person, is worth the cause, and worth the time, not because he is an idol or a famous Korean top star, but because no individual or company has the right to threat a human being like a soulless product or a marketing scheme.

LOL. This turn out very lengthy and probably full of typos and incoherences. I sort of wrote this out of a whim and the WTF-ery moment I had after talking with my friend.

tl;dr : I hope fans don't give up never until your wish come true. The future of a boy is in your hands, and what becomes of that person will be the result of your own decisions.

Peace (=

Agreed. First, I have to say to the people who say five months is not long, it depends on every individual's perspective on length and how they feel about it. It might be short for you, but hella long for others. As a dancer, and breaking a foot, one week seemed like an eternity, one month felt depressing, two months my hope was gone, years later I sit regretting my lost passion. Also, I don't know how I can read of someone who loves to sing, loves to dance, and loves to be on stage want to be working several part time jobs just to support his family and get by. I wouldn't want that, and of course I'm not Jay so I wouldn't know. But it's obvious he didn't want to leave, if this never happened he would still be in Korea dancing his heart out. If that's the case then I want to make dang sure that he can have his dreams again. As for people saying he might not be ready, if he wasn't ready would he be going out in public, where people can and do record him, and wear fan made clothing. I'm just asking, rhetorically.

Just to defend the actions of some fans. A while back, people made comments bashing fans (I thought bashing wasn't allowed here, but it happened, weird). Even flash mobs where bashed, and sky project as well, people said use your money wisely. But here is the thing, if fans really sat back and waited quietly, supporting the now 2pm financially by buying the albums, whatever they promote, would Jay feel as if people wanted him to come back. If nothing was done, would he have thought, "Oh, they don't seem to mind my leave, maybe I should just not come back?" He left with people hating him, and if fans stayed quiet he would have mostly likely thought that he lost all moral support (because yes, there is a difference between financial and moral support). But why is it when I do something morally supportive, as well as others, I get "fans need to clam down," "I'm getting tired of fans" "they need to relax" when all I did was send money to fly a banner, dance on the street to show support, write a post-it and put it on the wall? I mean, if Jay never left and fans danced on the streets people would be "oh wow showing their support everywhere they go" but no since the situation is different it's "go study"

Now, on the subject of if, and IF, Jay is not in the April album, if there is one, I do believe it does not mean we don't have a chance of him not coming back. But, I only believe that, if fans make it possible for him to come back. If it is a success and people waited patiently, quiet, then it would seem like people don't mind is lack of presence. Then the cycle would just repeat itself with the next album, jay not there, fans wait patiently. However, I do not think waiting quietly and patiently is a bad thing, if that's the way you like it then good for you, you have the right to your own actions, beliefs, thoughts, just as I do myself, and I do not mind if you tell me your opinions, even if it clashes with mine, because I am aware that others have their own opinions and I am aware there are people who cannot take others opinions with an opened-mind.

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Guest wyjhiphop

Most people are getting tired of all of this. The whole rumor mill, all the information always given at once. It is hard to compute all of them. Fans all just want the same thing.

I don't know will we ever get it.

JYPE is milking all of this, using Jay's name because they know that it is still relevant.

All I have to say is that we need to support all of the boys. Think from Jay's view. Think from Junsu's view. Think from Khun's view. Think from Taec's view. Think from Woo's view. Think from Junho's view. Think from Chan's view. Think from JYPE's view.

There will be different views but injustice was already now, are we going to make more injustice?

The whole thing about this new album... they just had a full album in Nov, this will likely be an EP or Single. There are still a huge chance for Jay to be back.

Maybe we should rethink about all that has happened.

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oh I see Jae was and still is a hot topic here *lol*

well I guess we can only wait and see but I definitely don't believe he will come back. ;___;

anyway.. CRAZY4S MV is awesome. STUNNING BODIES like EVERYWHERE XD especially wooyoung and chansung looked great <3 Really cool commercial MV ^.^

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Guest onedaymaniac

Hi everyone...this is my first fan art...

i'm so tense with my homework and i decide to do this...

not so much but i hope everyone will like it...


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Guest felish-ugly

is it true that 6PM had performing 10 out of 10????

is there anyone who has the video???

i really want to see it...

what about the rap part??


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Is it me or does Junsu's new image remind you of Taiwanese Boy Band Fahrenheit's Aaron Yan?-Shona-z

LOLMAOO.I AGREE TOO YOUUUU <3 Junsu looks like a lot of Aaron yan, aaron yan is one of my favorite in fahrenheit <3 HAHA.

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Guest everybodyshout

everything was done from scratch (the background vocals and beats are perfect as well)

she's so damn talented as a singer-songwriter

other songs covered by janetna (also done from scratch! piano, etc.)

she should write songs for 2pm (:

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Guest fattie8701

wahh head over to 2od..under the 'afternoon mall for night timers' section to see pictures of junho and Taec on strong heart..guess they really did appear on it... sigh

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Guest theblazenazn

wahh head over to 2od..under the 'afternoon mall for night timers' section to see pictures of junho and Taec on strong heart..guess they really did appear on it... sigh

LOL, Taec is wearing the ugliest sweater I've ever seen him wear in those pics. It looks like Taec got to sit in the front, that's like VIP on Strong Heart. It really shows his popularity status right now :mellow: Junho is starting to look more and more like Rain as he matures. I seriously think they're related.

I haven't been in this thread in long time. I just wanted to wait.

The first week of February is over Today. 3 more weeks and it will be half a year 2PM is without Jaebeom. If their album is really suppose to out in April then Jay should be back by now or mid-February for preparations & recording but no words....... Just CFs, after CFs, with more CF songs, +more CF events, and CF promotions................ <_< I'm getting so Tired....

If Jay was back, the new album would definitely outsell SNSD's album yet they don't wanna even put in a little effort...

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