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☆ 2 P M ★ Official Thread ☆

Guest touchtheskies.

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Wow kHottest are dedicated. That was a beautiful way of getting a message across, and showing love and patience. I can just imagine all the time and effort that went into organizing, making posters and actually posting and then taking it down again *applauds* Great work.

I can't wait to see the SH program and all the other things our boys are involved in at the moment. I am really anticipating to watch both Jay's bboy competition vid and 2PM's dance battle. I can't wait to see what the boys do. We all know Jay always brings it and last year's Low performance was off the chains for me.

It's great seeing our 7 boys doing their own things (Jay bboying, Buck in Thai, Woo MCing, etc, etc) I can't wait to see them reunited and tearing it up on the their album and stages again.

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Guest MR. LEE'S

taec oh taec, can you be the nerd guy again? you're getting hotter these days, too hot. -.- seriously, too hot. why are you so hot? but, the performance for soeul awards is kinda disgusting to me, i'm sorry taec- but i was disgusted seeing your body- in oil. maybe it proves, i am not that pervert but- i'm kinda sick seeing your abs. show me jay's, and i will stop complaining seriously. and, i wonder when junho is going to reveal his abs. when junho? when? why are you taking so long? and nichkhun, i know your body is hot and why are you giving the chance to taec? i have seen his upper body for loads of time already. i need to see yours. your fair and hot body- *.* that's epic. and junsu, you're getting hotter. enough said, but that's the truth. wooyoung- my friend thought when you ripped the clothes, she thought you're going to be semi-nude, but yeaah she's wrong. i know you're too innocent to reveal your upper body, but it's okay- i keep on replaying your sexy part in you're beautiful. kekeke, and chansung- you made me nervous. i almost screamed OH HELL NO CHANSUNG IS GOING TO DIE when you're trapped in the box, while the gasses started to fill in. last but not least, jay- you know it right, i love you so much and come back soon. i can't wait to see you, being at the center- and your chocolate abs <3 for sure.

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Guest pinkPABOsings

why yes, you understood perfectly=] JYPE needs to learn that sometimes, LESS IS MORE. its gotten to the point where the ab-flashing has gone from being hopefully anticipated at some point to "oh. AGAIN." for the billionth time. i think they need better, and longer lasting marketing strategies than rippling, sometimes air-brushed/painted-on abdominal muscles, as much as that appeals to a large female fanbase.

This is just a response to you and everyone else that thinks 2PM is ripping their shirts off too much since Jay left.

I hate to break it to you guys but sex sells. Period. There is nothing more to it then that. It doesn't matter where you go in the world, you will always find someone that takes off their shirt. I'm not defending their shirt ripping nor am I saying that it hasn't gone past the point of "a little too much". What I'm saying is, the sexier the product, or more correctly put, the more eye catching, the more it sells. Which would explain why, in their line of work, not only do they have to be some what talented, they also have to be good looking. Look at all idols in general, girl and guy. Sometimes, I feel that they are too exposed. But when watching the performances you can't help but hear the ear piercing screams of the fans. It's called teasing.

There is nothing more attractive to the human mind then having a taste of something you want so bad even when you know you can't have it. And shirt ripping is the male idols' way of saying "hey look at me, you know you want it. But guess what you can't have it." Call it temptation if you will. However, just as you said over exposure gets kind of boring. However it's not going to change. Not until some law comes about saying "Famous Men and Women are not allowed to show skin anymore." Until then we're stuck with seeing half naked idols. However, I for one am not complaining. Call it a bias or call me perverted, but hey I'm not going to lie. Those boys are damned sexy. Point Blank. Every single one of them from Jay to Chansung. Now, I'm not going to go out and by a record because there's a half naked body on the cover, but I can't lie, it would catch my attention. And that's all the music industry reallly wants. To catch someone's attention.

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Guest lec8504

This is just a response to you and everyone else that thinks 2PM is ripping their shirts off too much since Jay left.

I hate to break it to you guys but sex sells. Period. There is nothing more to it then that. It doesn't matter where you go in the world, you will always find someone that takes off their shirt. I'm not defending their shirt ripping nor am I saying that it hasn't gone past the point of "a little too much". What I'm saying is, the sexier the product, or more correctly put, the more eye catching, the more it sells. Which would explain why, in their line of work, not only do they have to be some what talented, they also have to be good looking. Look at all idols in general, girl and guy. Sometimes, I feel that they are too exposed. But when watching the performances you can't help but hear the ear piercing screams of the fans. It's called teasing.

There is nothing more attractive to the human mind then having a taste of something you want so bad even when you know you can't have it. And shirt ripping is the male idols' way of saying "hey look at me, you know you want it. But guess what you can't have it." Call it temptation if you will. However, just as you said over exposure gets kind of boring. However it's not going to change. Not until some law comes about saying "Famous Men and Women are not allowed to show skin anymore." Until then we're stuck with seeing half naked idols. However, I for one am not complaining. Call it a bias or call me perverted, but hey I'm not going to lie. Those boys are damned sexy. Point Blank. Every single one of them from Jay to Chansung. Now, I'm not going to go out and by a record because there's a half naked body on the cover, but I can't lie, it would catch my attention. And that's all the music industry reallly wants. To catch someone's attention.

Agreed. Especially the bolded part hehe.

And imo....Chansung has by far the nicest body out of the 7 boys. Jay is muscular..but Chansung because of his height and how lean he is...just...yeh. Ah I feel like a pedophile now :/

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Guest dawnjelly

i thought their seoul music awards performance was weird because it was kind of awkward in the way it was set up, but it sure wasn't disturbing and i'm sure not complaining about a couple of them being shirtless. there's like 500 pics out there of jay shirtless, and he ripped his shirt off on stage a whole bunch of times, but no one ever complained about that. in fact, now people complain saying things like "i'm so bored of abs. i miss jay's abs." huh? that doesn't make sense. what those people are saying is they're not actually just jay-biased, they're jay-ONLY. even if they liked the other members before, they can't like them the same way when there's no jay. and that's fine, i'm like that about some other groups too, where i only really care about one member. but seriously, please remember that there are other fans in here who are taec-biased or chansung-biased or whatever, and enjoy seeing their abs. people in here complaining about the abs sound bitter to me, and not to mention seriously repetitive. i understand why they're bitter and all, don't get me wrong. i want jay back too. but my biases are other members. if you are only a fan of 2pm for jay, and can't stand anything they do while he's not there, and can only complain and be overly judgmental and overly negative in your criticisms, why are you watching? perhaps consider not watching their new perfs until jay comes back. especially those who keep saying "i'm bored of heartbeat performances" well hello stop watching them then! clearly there are a bunch of people in here who just plain old can't enjoy 2pm without jay there. be honest with yourself if that's the case and don't bother watching until he returns. if my fav member left a band and i didn't particularly care about the other members, i sure wouldn't waste my time watching all their perfs. i would rewatch the old stuff and wait patiently for his return. there's no point in being negative all the time, it's not good for you mentally/emotionally. all the negativity in here brings the thread down and everyone just sits around arguing. why not take the positive route and spam us all with your fav pics & vids of jay? besides that, there are still 6 members of 2pm that have been working really hard to make their fans happy. i am one of their fans and i am happy watching their performances. but i feel upset whenever i read this thread lately. it's already painful enough just seeing how horribly depressed junho looked at the seoul music awards, and then i come in here and everyone's complaining about their performance like it was just so horrible. it wasn't. it wasn't the best but so what. it's not their fault. they tried their hardest to do something cool and different, give them some credit. my poor junho looked so sad on the red carpet and on stage receiving their awards. it sure wouldn't make him feel any better to know that a bunch of fans are complaining endlessly about their performance and about their abs for crying out loud. they've worked hard to make their bodies look the way they do, why shouldn't they show us a few times? for the most part when they show us their abs it's for a special occasion - awards show, end of the year show, etc. it just so happens that those occasions have been taking place close to each other in time. that's not 2pm's fault. they're hot anyway. let them flaunt it.

please have some respect for the other members of 2pm and their fans. 2pm fans come here for news, info, pictures, links to videos, and discussion. not to see all this harsh criticism and negativity.

their spris mv is awesome. it is like a seriously hot exercise video. i am so into it. they look amazing and their dancing is hot.

wooyoungie is doing really good on his show. the show itself seems so far kinda boring in concept but he has witty remarks and he looks adorable!! i hope he will get more camera time on his show as it progresses. and i can't wait for his fan dance :)

i am beyond excited to see junho return to dream team. he did so great on that first episode he was on and his fans have been robbed ever since he hasn't been there. i can't wait to see him and his butt get back to competing again! but it hurt me to read that on strong heart he got asked about jay and he looked sad because of it...he's so sensitive.. i hope jay will come back soon so they can be together again and my babies won't have to be sad anymore. i am eagerly awaiting the day jay returns and they make a comeback with their leadja and they blow everyone away with their awesomeness so hard that no one will negatively criticize them anymore!!

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Guest lunalovexx

i agree with you...

i think ( just my personal oppinion ) becoz Jay wasnt there...

Jay is one of the main acrobatic man among those 7 members, and also Junho, but bassically Jay doing many acrobatic moves, just like on 10 out of 10 and only you, and again and again with taec...

Junho also good in acrobatic, but recently he got some injury ( i guess one from backflip on heartbeat ) so he cant do a lot of acrobatic moves...

i think thats why there is no acrobatic move on tired of waiting (but i love the concept... very manly and cool...)

i wish Jay was there, if he there, he can share some moves with Junho...

yeah,like many ppl said, things arent the same without Jay...

poor junho, if they still continue this way, he must be worn out.. all of them...

oh really i didt know that junho got hurt thats

why when they did heartbeat it didt seem the same

I think if you watch the video of Spris CF, you will see they do a lot of acrobatic moves. Plus I don't think it's right to demand 2PM to stick to acrobatics all the time because the audience will get bored. Seriously, if they keep doing acrobatic moves for every song they promote, people will get sick of it, and 2PM themselves will become very tired practicing those moves all the time. As long as they still bring energetic performances, I think 2PM should not be restricted to doing acrobatic.

and max23 i didt mean anything by it

i was just saying that they didt dance like b4 that all

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Guest felish-ugly


i think this thread now only available for 17+... kekeke...

kidding guys... but what you've said just true...

those guys are hot and sexy, even they call jay park as sexy leader... so sexy is defenitely belong to 2pm..

about their performance, i think we cannot blame them for this...

remember, there are someone named concept maker and the doer.. 2pm is just doing what they've told them to do..

it's imposible for them to say something like,

maybe taec "hey guys, i want to show my abs tonight" or "i want to cover my abs with oil and surrounded by chain and standing half naked"

or maybe maknae said "i also want to look trapped at the box and fill it with gasses"

noooo... they just the doer, they are just doing what concept maker ask them to do.

plus, remember that they are tired, i know i'm not them, but after all the busy and tiring schedule , maybe it's not easy for them to preparing it... so well yeah, we have to appreciate it...

may be some people think showing abs is sooooo yesterday...

but yeah, i agreee... abs is just not gonna be everlasting charm that can attact audience..

there will be time when we all gonna say "oh please, again and again and again and agaaiiinnn"

i think they should try Jay park methode to attract the audience, like pretending sweaping his sweat using his shirt, and showing his abs a little... that's automatically make the audience scream and histeris.. that's really something... and i can say that's hotter than tied with chain or trapped on box...

but yeah, i'm so glad there are many people that not satisfy with new 2pm, it means, new 2pm is not bring satisfaction to all hottest and that means Leader should taking control...

you want to make these ladies shut up? bring jay park back quickly and show his choco abs to them...

i guarantee you no one gonna make a noise (including me)...


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Guest XxSwt Lilo LuverxX

wow, im just going to say this to those jay-biased fans.

JAY isn't the only one who has abs in 2pm.

stop making lame assumptions & reason's just for the sake of it.

don't like the other boys taking of their shirts? deal with it, cos im pretty sure there's no written contract saying jay is the only one who can do it.

why complain? all the boys have nice abs anyway :D

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Guest vickysaurus

Jaebeom at NW Sweet 16 Bboy Battle


credit: as marked || posted at wooyoung @ tumblr..

gah, he's so sexy. His muscles are like... popping out. ;)

SECOND picture... his little lip licking... yummmm~ LOLOLOL

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Guest uh-ohxev

About the whole shirtless thing, I don't think anyone here is blaming 2PM for their performance. We're talking about JYPE asking them to continue doing this. It's kind of a no-brainer, that the boys don't really have much of an option when it comes to this stuff.

Do I enjoy seeing them shirtless? Of course! They have great bodies, so I'm ok with them showing it off. However, I'd rather be surprised to see them shirtless, but it's kind of expected now… you know? That isn't bashing the boys. I don't know why anyone would interpret it as "bashing". Every now and again as a surprise, is good! But, every performance? It loses that "surprising" factor. And who doesn't like surprises? Why it bothers me, is because 2PM is slowly going to turn into "that group that takes their shirt off"… I definitely don't want that label for the boys, when there is 7 talented members. Sure, sex sells… but, I want them to be able to show the world how talented they are, and that they aren't just guys with a pretty face/good body.

And dawnjelly - I'll have to disagree. The fans feeling that way is expected, and honestly I don't see it ever stopping if Jaebum doesn't return. Most of us are use to 7 members, and it'll always be that way. I don't even have a bias for Jaebum (Khun bias here!), but I still think of him when the boys are shirtless, etc. Why shouldn't I? It's only expected that fans are going to talk about him and be reminded of him. Why? Because we miss him. And while, we're lucky to see the 6 boys on footage almost everyday, we hardly ever see Jaebum. That is of course, unless we see him in a video on YT, which might have crappy quality LOL. And I have yet to see ANYBODY blaming the boys for what is happening. I think most of us are fully aware that this is NOT their fault… at all. I love ALL 7 of them. Jaebum, Junsu, Nichkhun, Taecyeon, Wooyoung, Junho, and Chansung. Not 1 is less important than the other… they all have the same amount of importance to me. You're forever going to hear about Jaebum, whether or not he returns, because fans miss him. Undeniably, the group dynamic has changed, and it would've been the same way if another member had left instead of Jay. So, it's no surprise people are going to be nitpicky.. sure, it's sad… but, really, are you surprised? Anyone will nitpick things they aren't use to. The rainbow isn't the same without all 7 colors. But, that doesn't make it the other colors fault, right? Nobody is blaming the rest of the boys! And if I see someone blaming them, then I will surely defend them. I do agree though, that I've seen some people being a little harsh on some things.. which I don't agree with, because the boys aren't responsible for what performances they're given, so nobody should point fingers at them D:

All I know is speaking for MYSELF - I love all 7 boys, and care about all of them equally and it would upset me, if people questioned what kind of fan I am… I am a fan of all 7 boys as 1! And when they aren't together as 1, then I support them individually! :) Nothing but love for them! ^^

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sorry, but what is 'hottest', i've seen it referred to a lot when it comes to 2PM...is that a name for 2PM's fans? hottest? sorry if this questions sounds out of place.

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Guest COyoung

Jaebeom at NW Sweet 16 Bboy Battle





credit: as marked || posted at wooyoung @ tumblr..

gah, he's so sexy. His muscles are like... popping out. ;)

SECOND picture... his little lip licking... yummmm~ LOLOLOL

Thanks for sharing the pictures! I miss him sooo much! glad that he's having fun time b boying. He's so pale!!! I never knew he was that pale! lol. and his muscles...ohmyy. drooling over here. How can he be so hot and cute at the same time!

I love his belt buckle.. that bling 'AOM'.

Guys lets stop everything. we're going to get this thread closed. Let's all wait till April and see what will happen. Believe in Jay! =)

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I've been silent from this thread for a couple of days, and I have to point something out.

There are many posts from both sides regarding the SMA perf. I personally did not even bother watching it after seeing the pics, because that kind of dominatrix style of art is just not really for me. But it's true that some people find it to be sexy and that's totally fine.

I mostly have... not exactly a "problem," but a confusion about the direction that JYPE is trying to take 2PM in right now, especially with the emo HB concept and the increasing skin exposure. Whether it's 6 people or 7, I'm not sure what kind of group 2PM is trying to be right now. Sure, we know that 2PM attracted a lot of nunas before, but I feel that, including the AAA concept, 2PM appealed to a wide range of age groups, from the little kids (remember on " i have an uncle" how even the little girl was like "oh I say you on TV! You're so cool!") to the halmonis on IA who ended up being charmed by 2PM. Personally, that was the group I fell in love with, they had a wholesome and healthy image, yet they were manly because of their masculine charisma that showed thru their mannerisms, personalities and performance.

I feel like the group now has taken on a different direction, and this direction definitely alienates some of the audience that they appealed to before. I personally don't think older generations will find that SMA performance in a good light. And it sure doesn't set any good examples for kids either.

For those who loved the SMA perf, I think that it's great that the concept is one that you like, because it means the JYPE has succeeded in grasping a certain audience demographic and fan base. But I don't think that it's fair to criticize those who didn't appreciate the SMA performance either... because it's really judgmental to ask everyone to have the same tastes.

And I personally for one would have to also enter the camp of preferring them to keep their clothes on for a while... I think at first, it was maybe appropriate and necessary, but now it's a little excessive. It's one thing to be a sexy idol and it's another to be a sex idol. I think there's a difference, and I hope that before 2PM becomes considered as an un-classy act, the JYPE performance coordinators/trainers will be able to grasp the thin line.

And to people who complain that there is too much criticizing... I think that a group can only get to the top if they can withstand and appreciate the criticism that they receive. The best world leaders surrounded themselves with people who would be willing to disagree with them. Supporting someone isn't always just about saying yes to everything. If there's something fans don't think will be to the benefit of the group, isn't it our prerogative to express that (in a constructive manner of course)? It's never going to be a perfect world, the people who didn't love the SMA perf has as much right to express their opinions as the ones who did love it.

I think we all need to appreciate each others' voices more. Just because someone voices an opinion that isn't like yours doesn't make it automatically negative.

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I've been reading a lot in this thread lately. It got better the last 2 days, but again got worse today. As I reminded everyone, if you want this thread to remain open, please stop all the arguments. Re-read the rules on page 1 if you have forgotten.

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Guest vickysaurus

sorry, but what is 'hottest', i've seen it referred to a lot when it comes to 2PM...is that a name for 2PM's fans? hottest? sorry if this questions sounds out of place.

Lol, Hottest are all the 2PM fans... That's our official name. For instance, DBSK fans are called Cassies and Super Junior fans are called ELFs; we're called Hottest. I'm thinking it's from the term "2PM- the Hottest time of the day"


Okay, I know I just posted a bunch of pictures a second ago but I have a new thought and I don't know... I don't want it attached to the pictures, because the pictures make me happy; it's pictures of a happy Jaebeom.

And this is kinda... sad and worrying.

I rewatched their thanks speech after winning the awards... Did you guys notice what they said?

They were taking about honesty and moving forward...

"We will move forward as honest singers..." So they're moving forward from Jae?

And when they thanked Jaebeom, they said "A hyung who worked hard along with us."

Worked... past tense.

I don't mean to bring any negativity to this thread, at any means... but I don't know. With everything going on... these words just stick out like a sore thumb to me. Like, they've moved on... like they've accepted to being a 6 member 2PM.

I'm not saying they don't want Jae back.. but I feel like they've just come to realize maybe he's not coming back (or they already know he's not...)

I mean even though they want him back, if JYP decides he doesn't want Jaebeom back or Jaebeom doesn't want to come back... there's really nothing they can do.

I hope I'm just making a "big deal" out of nothing....


Let's end on a happy note...

Wooyoung <3



Taec... sexy sexy Taec...


©: wooyoung @ tumblr

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@Collection of photos from HOTTEST ACROSS KOREA were used

> Oh gah >_> the hottests fan are still there <3 ohmygod.

i'm so impressed day by day :'D

@One Day Leader's Good & Bad Examples

> Lol its hilarious :D

@Jaebeom at NW Sweet 16 Bboy Battle

> Seriously, i miss this boy.

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Guest happyberry2007

vickisaurusthanks for the pictures.

Jay is looking good.

I was staring at the picures for almost five minutes...now i am feeling like pervert.

I am glad that jay is doing fine hope we can see 2pm as 7 again.

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Guest uh-ohxev

Thanks for posting the photos of Jay! I see that habit of licking his lips, hasn't stopped! :lol: That's good! I'm happy to see him smiling... I'm happy to see any of the boys smiling! ^^

I still have a little hope in his return, because I like to think that JYPE is smart, despite some of the things they've pulled. I don't think they'd lose someone so talented... so, don't lose hope, guys! :)

And, everyone, let's try to relax. please? I know it's very hard not to be discouraged with rumors.. but, continue to keep positive, and don't make the boys your target. I'm friends with some K-Hottests, and I hear that some are starting to blame the boys... it's upsetting to hear. Always remember that none of the boys are responsible for any of the things happening! And, have more trust in our boys, than the rumors you hear. I hope it won't be too long before we get closure! (and hopefully, it's good closure! If not, then that means chaos >,<)


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Guest starlight5

Lol, Hottest are all the 2PM fans... That's our official name. For instance, DBSK fans are called Cassies and Super Junior fans are called ELFs; we're called Hottest. I'm thinking it's from the term "2PM- the Hottest time of the day"


Okay, I know I just posted a bunch of pictures a second ago but I have a new thought and I don't know... I don't want it attached to the pictures, because the pictures make me happy; it's pictures of a happy Jaebeom.

And this is kinda... sad and worrying.

I rewatched their thanks speech after winning the awards... Did you guys notice what they said?

They were taking about honesty and moving forward...

"We will move forward as honest singers..." So they're moving forward from Jae?

And when they thanked Jaebeom, they said "A hyung who worked hard along with us."

Worked... past tense.

I don't mean to bring any negativity to this thread, at any means... but I don't know. With everything going on... these words just stick out like a sore thumb to me. Like, they've moved on... like they've accepted to being a 6 member 2PM.

I'm not saying they don't want Jae back.. but I feel like they've just come to realize maybe he's not coming back (or they already know he's not...)

I mean even though they want him back, if JYP decides he doesn't want Jaebeom back or Jaebeom doesn't want to come back... there's really nothing they can do.

I hope I'm just making a "big deal" out of nothing....

You're making a big deal, all they're saying is that they hope to become better singers in the future and thanking Jay.

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