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☆ 2 P M ★ Official Thread ☆

Guest touchtheskies.

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Guest Aesthetic_Chinese

WTFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF is going on here?


i went through like 10 pages but it was like terrible going through all those 10 pages. what are you guys thinkin?

bashing taek? WTF. everyone EVERYONE knows that taek && jay are close. no doubts about it. HECK all the boys are close. doesn't matter.

why are you guys bashing the boys themselves? do you guys want taek to leave? then we'll even have another member less? NO THANK YOU. i want all 7 boys.

yes taek has gotten really popular lately, && yes he is now the face of 2pm. it used to be khun or jay honestly.

in one of the idol amry episodes do you guys remember when they had to do those missions? well someone (i dont remember who) stated that they don't really recognize the boys until they see khun.

anyways my point is wow. are we really going to divide up now? so what are you hottest going to do?

support 2pm or bash them? it not a life or death situation, its about making the RIGHT decision.

i am sickened by those those who bashed taek. yes i was a little dissapointed in allkpop. but i didn't even care to really read what they had to say about taek. i didn't think it was a big deal. i really dont think it is a big deal. once again things were taken out of content. wow. way to bash an innocent person.

taek isn't even my favorite member.

nor is jay.

how did you get interested in 2pm?

that's easy. hmmm. i think i was looking into covers for neyo's because of you. i happened to find 2pm's one that they did in japan. soon a video led to another video. i saw jay's && woo's cooking thing. && i laughed so hard. then i saw the hide && go seek. thats what took me over to the top. i liked their music but was more interested in their shows. it wasn't until again & again is where i really liked their music :D so yeah. i did watch hot blood though, so you can kinda say i've been a fan from the beginning.

heres i question i want to ask the hottest (:

[WHEN JAY comes back :D what will be your first reaction/thoughts

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Guest churvaness

If you could choose one member to go shopping with, who would it be?

I'd pick Junho....I feel like Junho will be the type to give a girl LOTS of time thinking what she will buy...Hehe...I don't take a long time when shopping but I feel that Junho will be the type I will not worry of being bored while I walk thru different stores.

If you could take ONE member to a deserted island, who would it be?

It would be Junho again yet he is not my bias....I observed Junho as a very intelligent, tactful and athletic person...On the shows where they have some sort of games, Junho talks the least but comes up with the best strategies to win the game. He is an athletic person so his stamina, energy and endurance are up to par. On the other hand, even though he wants to win also, he considers the condition of his other members.

If I am with him and we are on a deserted island, I do not think that would worry a lot. There would be someone beside me who's very good with strategies, who has strength to help me gather us foods and who is considerate enough to give to me those materials for comfort even though he needs them himself

If 2PM were teachers, what subjects would they teach?

Jay: Music and Arts

Nich: Foreign Language

Taec: English

Junsu: Music and Arts

Wooyoung: Anthropology

Junho: Science

Chansung: Physical Education

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Guest TOPforever

How we got interested in 2pm in the first place?

Hahha, I remember listening to Again and Again the first time and I was just like, yeah whatever man. And after listening to it a few more times, I was hooked. Then I got over them for like the longest time and then Wild Bunny and BAM! All the spark came back XD And a month or so later Jay left T_______T

Anyone got banned from allkpop yesterday? -_________-;

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lol Yes, people get so caught up in debating & arguing about certain issues that it overshadows what's actually going on with 2PM. I wonder what they will perform or what they have in store. Hopefully its something special. This will be one of the few stages we'll see of them until April. It's airing on Y-Star. I havent found a Stream for it yet. I think the whole show will be uploaded as soon as it airs. They are in the lead for the Seoul Music Awards mobile popularity right now along with SuJu, I hope they will clinch that win. They're on the Top with SuJu for bonsang too.

I Think 'The Taec Controversy' Fire Will Be Out Tonight If They Win & Taec Thanks Hottests Directly in the Speech. Please Leave the "Nut Members" out of your speech, Taec. Most of this wouldn't have happened if they were just discreet about it & didn't flaunt it all over their new album.

Wow, was that shot at Taecyeon and SNSD even necessary? Why say something when you're just going to cross it out? I saw your comment on allkpop and seriously, get real. How is it their fault for REPLYING BACK to Seulong and Taecyeon? They're friends. Deal with it.

Anyways, the boys are guaranteed a bonsang. There is usually more than one winner for mobile popularity so 2PM and Super Junior are probably going to win it since they're leading the votes.

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Guest babiesy

If you could choose one member to go shopping with, who would it be?

either one of the junbros. cus their fashion sense is amazeballs :D

If 2PM were teachers, what subjects would they teach?

Jay: dance!!

Nich: maybe something like.. cultural studies? haha

Taec: math.. or science.. lol

Junsu: definitely music. or fashion. LOL or literature - cus he used to want to be a writer before music, and he like won awards too for his writing haha

Wooyoung: i dont know.. this is really hard LOL ..

Junho: Drama, because it was his dream to be an actor (:

Chansung: gym. omgsh.... can you imagine him teaching the health parts of gym.... food groups LOL he'd like drool over the food group charts or like tell his students to bring in foods from the different food groups.. and he'd just like sit there and feast haha

How we got interested in 2pm in the first place?

honestly, when my best friend first told me about 2pm i laughed. cus she was like "yeah theres 2pm and then theres 2am and together they make one day" and i was just like LOLL THATS SO STUPID. and i just knew that junho was in it and at that time i didn't really like him cus he looked like rain, who i was never a fan of. so i didnt really care about them at all. and then i started seeing individual members making appearances on shows and they were hilarious. and then i started watching idol army which was even more hilarious and at that point i basically fell in lvoe with their personalities. so i gave their music a chance, and basically.. it was all a snowball effect from there on out lol

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Guest cheezychunnie

if u guys interested this is the new mini coke that they promoted...



this is the details for to night seoul music award if u guys are interested

time:7:00PM KST

broadcast from: Y-STAR channel

maybe it will stream here..im not sure try ur luck:



this was posted by JK tiger on his twitter..i guess the boys are sharing room with beast :)


cr:DrunkenTigerJK @twitter

touchthesky>>>its from coke cf but its not out yet but u can watch that part here around 1:15 :)


-edit again-

100202 YYMM 2PM Wooyoung cut


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Guest yoosufan


Would anyone please be able to upload pictures from their Singles photoshoot from a while back? The one where Jaebum's wearing a checkered suit.

Thanks :)

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what is that from? i've never seen it before!!! edit: thanks cheezychunnie =]

did anyone see the fancam of Woo dancing the fan dance in his heartbeat outfit?

i love him!!!

i'm glad he's getting praise on that new talk show. he looks so cute in it even though i had no idea

what he or anyone was saying lol

i'm glad the Taec thing is dying down. it was so crazy yesterday...

i don't really care if people think he's cocky and full of himself

but people need to think twice about accusing him of

switching sides or w/e. it's one rumor (that i think is total BS) and everyone suddenly forgets

who Taec has been this whole time.

i don't believe that rumor that any of the boys switched sides. how would anyone know anyway.

if i was stuck on a desert island i would take Taec because i could trick him into doing everything for me,

like Jay said =]

if i could go shopping with anyone i would take... idk actually lol. i like Woo's wardrobe the most though.

i think it's so boyish and cute.

i didn't like 2PM when they first debuted. thought they were really weird lol.

even their acrobatics couldn't distract me from their horrible outfits & song.

i only paid attention to Junsu cause i thought he was super hot.

i didn't know anyone's names until AAA when i started following them after randomly deciding

to click on Taec's & Jay's picture threads and i was like wtf? this is what i've been missing in my

life all this time? lol yes i am so shallow

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Guest felish-ugly

if 2pm are teachers, they will probably teach:

Jay --> Break dance class... of course...

Junsu --> Fashion class... (what is this school?? hehe...)

Junho --> Personality class

Chan --> Biting class (hehehe.....) no, I guess agriculture... so we can plant a lot of bananaaaas.... haha..

Woo --> Ssanti class... hehe...

Khun --> Foreign language.... i agree... or wink classs... hoho...

Taec --> Sports... since he's the strongest among all... hoho...

i dont know what kind of school that have that kind of lesson.. hehe...

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Guest cheezychunnie

Seoul Music award rehearsal



LoL...taec wearing his (and Jay) Uni Jacket :) i thought idols only wearing something fancy :)



cr:as tagged

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Guest theblazenazn

Wow, was that shot at Taecyeon and SNSD even necessary? Why say something when you're just going to cross it out? I saw your comment on allkpop and seriously, get real. How is it their fault for REPLYING BACK to Seulong and Taecyeon? They're friends. Deal with it.

Anyways, the boys are guaranteed a bonsang. There is usually more than one winner for mobile popularity so 2PM and Super Junior are probably going to win it since they're leading the votes.

Nothing is a shot. It's all opinions which are what people are here to give. And lol, someone quoted what I said about that situation like I did here & it got more than 25 thumbs up so I think a fair amount people agree with me and it's not a "shot."

Anyways, Good Luck to 2PM Tonight!!! I hope they win the Daesang or more than one award.

I want them to perform one of the other song from the album like Back 2 U or I Was Crazy About You since this is special event but I doubt it will happen. I think it just be a Heartbeat/Again & Again combo again.

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Guest kiwiflavouring

Wow some fun for a change.

Shopping Buddy

Ummmm definately either Junho or Khun for long trips, I think they're the most paitent and would wait well without getting angry about multiple changes of clothes. Also Junho would give good advice, and who wouldn't want to try on pretty clothes for Khun? If I really wanted something 'fresh' though I'd ask Junsu to come and help me, with his taste he'd push me to try something really new for me.

Desert Island Castaway

Who to choose? Chansung would eat everything in two days, Taec would spend his time wandering around looking for internet wireless signal, Wooyoung would be fun and I think he'd work hard too. Ah for a change I'll go with Wooyoung, there's just something appealing about him. :P


What would you call this school? Hottie High? (goes off to laugh in her own corner)

Hmm by order of age then

Jay Gym (heck I'd turn up just to oggle the teacher)

Junsu Music Appreciation (Or just Junsu appreciation)

Khun Homeroom (I'd never be late to homeroom again! Imagine going to HOMEroom with Khun)

Taec Technology Class (Or how to be in 24h contact with your crush)

Wooyoung Math (Only because then I might actually like the class for once)

Junho English Language (We should all speak like Junho!)

Chansung Home Ec (The best students get to handfeed the teacher!)

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If you could choose one member to go shopping with, who would it be?

> Okay, Junsu :'D But I wanted to be with Taecyeon's HAHAHAHAHA.

If you could take ONE member to a deserted island, who would it be?

> I take Junho with me <3

If 2PM were teachers, what subjects would they teach?


Nickhun ; Math

Taecyeon ; Fashion Bomb alert. (LOL)

Junsu: Music

Junho: History ? HAHAHAHA

Wooyoung: Comedian class:'D

Chansung: On how to go clubs :'D

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Guest mika.16

Junho English Language (We should all speak like Junho!)

HAHAHAHHAHA i totally LOL'd at this one.

We can all be English pros!

"Im go to bad!"

"my name is 2pm!"

"very well man!!" (<--- that ones pretty normal actually! whyd jay make fun of this? haha)

and ohh yeah i agree with the person who said chansung= agriculture.

he would memorize all the species of banana so well lol

ooo wooyoung in a box!!! i hope they perform 'tired of waiting' i love those sofas haha

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WAAAA Thank you for the pictures.

They all are very cute.

Taec seems like he has a lot on his mind. Cheer up Taec I (we) love you very much.

2pm be healthy and strong, Hottests too. Looking forward a better future for all uf us.

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Guest Stephy18

BJY with Taec - My Ear's Candy

HOT! HOT! HOT! Maybe this is why Taec has such greesy elvis hair...lol..cuz this was the concept for this song.







LOL. AWWWW...They are so cute together.



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