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☆ 2 P M ★ Official Thread ☆

Guest touchtheskies.

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So many variables determine a contract of this sort. The biggest of course being the contract amount. Let"s see its a one year buyout contract which means that the boys cannot endorse any sort of drinks in the same category of Coke for one year. It is also heavily dependent on whether they are signed as 2PM the group or individuals Hwang Chansung, Nichkhun, Ok TeacYeon etc being models for the product which means the buyout will apply to them as individuals and not the group per say. If the contract falls in this category, then Jae is free to endorse pepsi if he returns... :)

2PM the group. One fee, one year buyout, one territory (I suppose only Korea), this would depend on conditions of contract which include no. of activities they must do for Coke, no of photoshoots included in the buyout, images to be used across one year in all mediums of loading - print, broadcast, online, instores, outdoors, product and collateral

If contract amt is not much and what I think it is, it just pretty means the boys will launch the product for coke, do one photoshoot, likely one fan meeting and their images from photoshoot will be used for advertising the product for a year without any further changes. Activities will likely all be completed within first two months of launch. After that, there is no more activities but just image usage. I highly doubt its a multi faceted endorsement deal as in changes every season, one photoshoot required every qtr, and packaging will differ from time to time. Looking that they are being used only to promote a new pacakaging for Coke, and not its main product, this is likely not a multi million dollar endorsement but a basic one product endorsement type.

Whether or not Jae returns, its not dependent at all on this CF as I believe the activities would all wrap before his return. The photoshoot I know is already done, CF completed, lastly is the activity so if the announcement for the activity happens anytime now, it will not affect Jay very much as its just like all the other deals the boys have signed e.g the brownie O and Paris Baguette ones... only promotion in initial stages, rest of buyout period is just image use.

Not sure if you guys understand what I mean ... I think their milestone deal is still the samsung one. Coke doesn't faze me when I found out its just to promote a new packaged coke (fun sized?)

Don't use the Coke deal as a yardstick. I don't feel its a major endorsement just because its a major brand. By the way it is common knowledge that its a PEPSI endorsement that makes all the difference as they have a history of shelling out the big bucks for major stars to be part of the brand. To my knowledge Coke sells on its history more than its spokespersons and have never been known to spent mega bucks on celebrity endorsements.

Sometimes management companies take on the deals at very low cost just to have their stars align their image with a brand. You'll be surprised to know the bigger the brand and the more premiumis its products, the less they pay. Artistes want to take advantage of the above the line advertising dollars to get their faces plastered all over and receive exposure as well, its all a compromise at the end of the day. Nott everything is solely a financial situation. I wouldn't be surprised if the Market O brownies deal is worth more than this deal

Kabler brings up a lot of good points in here.

From an observer's point of view, it's really obvious from the recent years, that Pepsi is definitely the cola company that goes all out for star endorsements. (In the past, they've shelled out money for all the biggest (most expensive) asian stars already: Jay Chou, F4, Lee Junki, Bi, Faye Wong, Jolin Tsai, Aishwariya Rai, most recently, SUJU-M (okay i know you guys may think what? SJ-M? they're new! But in Mandarin-areas, Suju is INCREDIBLY big right now. "Sorry sorry" gets parodied in Taiwan more than their own native Taiwanese acts.) And the thing is that Pepsi hires these people at the boom of their popularity (so in other words, when these people are at their most expensive.)

Coke has gone after some celebrity endorsers, but it's been obvious that their CMs are not as celebrity focused as Pepsi, and that Pepsi definitely has the bigger budget to get spokespersons.

And moreover, I don't see how if the 6 of them signed a contract, Jay couldn't be added to the contract later on. I don't think the problem is if the six of the signed with a product, it'd be a bigger problem if the product specifically BANS the return of member additions, or if the contract specifically only asks for 6 members.

So the FACT that they are doing endorsements may not necessarily be the deal breaker. But what we allow these endorsements to turn into will be. (Once again, i'm not saying don't buy the product. If you like these products, really do whatever you want.) Rather, I mean, we can't be thinking that these contracts are what is stopping Jay's return, because if that's what we make it out to be, that's what it's going to be.

If HOTTESTs can unite and show immense support for Jay's return, sponsors will be willing to accept Jay too, because it's good for their business. I've never seen a contract that cannot be revised, and addendums can always be added. As long as both parties are agreeable and willing, and THAT'S something that HOTTESTs need to work on. We need to make it known to JYPE and the sponsors that Jay should be there too because it will bring them more support and leverage for their product. In the world of business, they can and will do anything if they think it'll increase their profits.

Again, I know you're all sick of seeing this but please send support letters to JYP USA:

110 East 31st St.

New York, NY 10016

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우리 모두가 그 어려운시기에 연합해야합니다!

We must all be united in those hard times!

Be aware of JYP, being a ceo company, he wil try to use our compagn for boycott to his own profit!

remember what he did when we first started our "1:59" jay support compagn, he lured us by keeping the suspense over jay comeback and just used our "1:59" as his own product, this made me sick even if i didn't said nothing hoping that it's for jay, he ignored totally the hottests, because "1:59" was the product of a hottest, the product of our pain and tears the fans!

this time i won't allow it, the new logo for the boycott must be protected as well as all the ideas that will be coming in the next days from all the fans of Jay for this compagn! Please spread the word as this logo and all the others are ours and we won't allow any use of it, i'll take my self legal action if it's necessary against JYP if he try to steal our ideas!

PS: most of the time people think that we are just random teenage kids with no life and we have time to do that, but i can assure we are not, i'm a 28 years old grownup woman, i'm about to graduate as a doctor and i have a busy life, but that doesn't mean we can just ignore a person that entertained us and gave us so much happiness like that! we will fight for Jay till the end, and if JYPE decided that he will not comeback, i will be happy that jay won't be a part of this sick kpop world!

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is anyone tired?

I'm just waiting for the official announcement. If Jay does not come back, I will be sad but I still support 6 members 2PM as a new group that I'm interested in, not as the 2PM that I know. Kpop certainly has lost A LOT of its appeal to me after all these debacles concerning 2PM, Sunmi and DBSK...

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Guest CornPOPSat2PM

Hello Hottests. Let me remind you... DO NOT LOSE HOPE. Never give up until you've crossed the finish line Run!Fight! Until the end!

I'm glad I'm not the only one that thought the recent rumor about the boy's fan account and the yelling at Jay thing is ridiculous. It's so obvious that it's FAKE. SO MADE UP. Who in their right mind would shout SOO loudly those words so that people nearby can hear? The messenger should know how popular Jay is in Seattle lol. Those words would spread! Another reason why I think it's fake is the fact that the person said " 2 weeks later" Jay went and threw the letter in a bin? How does that person know it's the same letter. Jeeze @_@ . Learn to make better lies. I don't know why someone would make up such lies/rumors and bring it here when Hottests are suffering so much. Please have a heart and don't add lemon juice to our wounds anymore.

I am saddened that we are fighting again when we need to UNITE the most. It's a shame that IF Jay's leave is permanent, the questions " What did we do wrong?" or " What did we NOT do enough" will haunt us for life. Let's respect each other's opinions because all of us have the same goal but the process in which we are reaching for it is different. We're all victims. We're the same kind of people so instead of going against each other, we must support one another.

However, I believe that it will take the whole fan club to be ON THE SAME PAGE in order for us to progress and effectively present our demands to JYPE (Some might disagree and say that "aren't we being VERY clear already?However, I think it's NOT enough. They know that the fanclub is divided and "United we stand, divided we fall")

. Right now, it's too unorganized and everyone is panicking.

[if CASSIES saved DBSK (Micky) during their Hugs days, why can't we save our leadja?]

It's really scary that JYP knows what the fans are thinking. Currently, I am not sure whether JYPE is tricking us or it is all the rival companies doing. However, the rumors that did come true are scaring all of us. We need to calm down. We need to be on the same page and combine our minds together to form an effective method [ I think someone already started that already. So it's good!] THEN, the rest of us members can do whatever we can to SUPPORT it.

I would like to add that AGGRESSIVENESS does not always end up how we want it to be... It might backfire on us.

Instead, take Martin Luther King Jr and Ghandi as an example... use peace (positiveness) to reach your goal. If we want it ... and if enough people want it... we will get it.

Haha, right now, instead of being tired... all these rumors got me pumped up. Now, I am willing to do whatever to get Jay back. We waited for too long. Was the wait worth it? Not really because right now we're not even sure about 2PM's future... it's always "IF" "MIGHT" "MAYBE" ... we need a direct answer.

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Let me quote the announcement on page 1 again:


We are re-opening this thread now. The following additional rules has been added to this thread to strengthen its control:

1. Each member is only allowed to post 3 times a day (in 24 hours). Don't waste your posts and edit your previous one.

2. No spamming (that includes no one line spam and no double posting).

3. No bashing towards other members or artists.

4. No discussions of artists other than 2PM in this thread.

5. No image quoting.

6. No swearing.

7. No advertising of any kind.

8. Since the topic of boycott is a sensitive and controversial topic, to avoid unnecessary arguments between members, no discussions about boycotts in whatever forms are allowed here in this thread.

First time violators will be warned and suspended for 1 week. Repeated offenders will be warned again and suspended for 2 weeks.

I am seeing many people ignoring rule No. 8 and discuss boycotting. If I see anymore violators after this post, you will be warned and suspended.

If this thread is out of control again, it will be closed.

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Guest koukie09

DUUUDE! I don't know about you guys.

But I miss our Jaebummie ALOT.

And I mean ALOT ALOT.

I'm pretty sure everyone misses him super duper much.

But now it's to the point where if he doesn't come back then our hearts are going to BURST!!

Okay, that sounds crazy. But I'm serious. I miss him. We all miss him.

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I beg everyone: please do not let this thread be closed.

To those who discuss the movement, I think 2od is a better venue for dicussion because at some point, people will bring up the banned topic in their discussion of the movement.

and can we not point fingers at each other and use harsh words towards each other? can we discuss everything peacefully without being spiteful towards each other? I think if we can do that, this thread will not be out of control.

And I also think that people should ignore the spiteful comments because it obviously comes from bitter people. Responding to those comments only causes the atmostphere of the thread to be even more aggressive.

bottom line is only respond to people who you think you can discuss peacefully with.

I don't want this thread to be closed. everything is already depressing enough and the closing of this thread would not help.

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Guest Eltoshen

Okay, so I miss Jay and all, but please don't ruin this thread for people who support the other boys just as much as they support Jay. Really, you guys are inconsiderate if you truly think that people won't be pissed off if this thread gets closed due to an incident which occurred quite awhile ago.

Face the facts, Jay withdrew from the group. It was his own choice. Blaming JYP for all of it is really screwed up.

In the meantime, please stop bashing JYP. IIRC, there's a rule about not bashing on people in another artists' thread? Let's respect that.

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OK, here is my attempt at being positive. I have followed mika's suggestion, and I have written a letter to JYP. I have kept this letter as positive as I possibly could, I have tried to use the arguments most familiar to me. The letter has a very American slant, but that is who I am and that is the market JYP wants to break in to, so I am sticking with it. Some of you may find this letter too mild and appeasing, but as I said I am trying to be positive and reasonable and explain my position as a fan carefully.

If you do like what I have to say, please feel free to steal parts of it, change it to suit you, use whatever you can to write your own letters. I realize that writing a letter, especially starting from that blank page, can be really hard. I think it would be a great idea if others shared their letters, too, and it might help us to all feel better.

^And eltoshen, I hope you read this letter, even though it is long and tedious, because it explains why people should care about something that happened "quite a while ago" and why this is not about Jay vs. "the other boys" - the issues are much larger, so please have a little patience with us while we struggle.

So here goes:

Dear Mr. Park:

I am writing to express my support for the re-unification, if possible, of the seven members of 2PM.

I first learned of 2PM this past summer, when I began paying attention to Korean pop groups as my teenage daughters became interested in them. I found 2PM to be refreshing, different from the other groups: less packaged, less groomed, more “real.” My daughters and I liked their music, and waited for their shows to be captured and subbed by loyal fans. I especially liked Jay because he was such a good dancer, and had a personality that filled the screen. I could see that he was the most “American” of the group, his attitude cocky and in-your-face one moment and abstracted, on-some-other- planet the next.

So I was not surprised when his Myspace comments came to light – typical teenage boy grousing, compete with swear words and gangsta talk, to cover up any hurt and insecurity. Like many people, I had learned about how difficult it was for Jay when he first moved to Korea. I have many friends who have come here from different countries, and they all go through hard times where they dislike their new neighbors and detest all of the newness. Especially in California, where almost everyone is from someplace else, we have a lot of sympathy for someone struggling to adjust to a new culture.

What did surprise me was the virulence of the Korean response. I had not realized the depth of their nationalistic fervor, the amazing interconnectedness of the society via the Internet portals, the petition culture. I think that most Americans could understand the Korean standpoint until it got to the petition asking Jay to commit suicide. Anger, hurt, flame-filled e-mails: these Americans understand, but suicide is anathema.

So like many fans I was hurt and upset when it was felt necessary for Jay to leave Korea; I felt that more could have been done, the timing was off, perspective was needed. And I was right that time did give perspective, and most Koreans now have a better understanding of exactly what Jay meant, and why he wrote what he did. But Jay is still separated from the rest of the group, and with other fans I find this puzzling and worrisome.

I prefer a seven-member 2PM; I miss Jay’s performance energy and joy, I miss the more tightly woven group dynamic, and it has been hard to watch the remaining six boys even though they have persevered very well. Like many fans I am convinced that at least on some level Jay wants to return. He may be worried about his reception in Korea, and how he will carry on with his career, but he struggled through so much to get to where he was, it is hard to believe that drive could all dissipate.

But more than just for the sake of one boy band, I think Jay’s return to the group is necessary for cultural healing. I am not Korean-American, but being a mom I have followed the statements and efforts of the “Hottest Moms” closely, and I have read and heard other statements from Korean-Americans that they now worry about whether their children will want to return to Korea or embrace the culture; they are worried that their children will see what happened to Jay and take it as a rejection of all Korean-Americans.

Closure and healing is also necessary because of the role the Internet played in Jay’s removal from the group. Many American fans already knew of Jay’s Myspace comments; they were easy to find in any Internet search, and fans here read them, perhaps worried about their suitability, but then moved on. The fact that these comments blew up into such a huge issue in Korea is seen as an example of mob rule, of cyber-bullying on a massive scale. Right now, as far as the fans are concerned, the “antis” have won. They screamed loud enough on the net, and they got their way, and this is a terrible precedent to set.

We are still discovering the massive power of an interconnected world, and I see Jay as a victim of cultural misunderstanding and mob mentality. This whole story is bigger than Jay, bigger than 2PM, bigger than Kpop. It's really all about how we are going to use the Internet, for the rest of our lives. Are we going to let it be a communication tool to bring the world together, to create better understanding, more friends and fewer strangers?

I hope so. And that is why I am writing this letter, in support of Jay and to request that you use your considerable skills in marketing and promotion to find a way to return Jay to 2PM, to turn this into a defeat of the antis and a win for the fans and for cultural tolerance and amity. Thank you for your time and consideration.

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Guest avchuck


Wow... That was beautiful skelly! It was very uplifting and inspiring! You put into words the issue that I've been struggling to explain to others all this time. Aside from the fact that Jay's situation does feel like a grave injustice to me, I was also aware that his scandal was an issue that was bigger than an angry and homesick teenager's myspace comments.

To some degree I also feel as if Jay not returning would be like evil winning over good, lol. Ridiculous and extreme, I know... But it does feel like it would be the final verdict that past sins can never be forgiven and that this world (not just some music company) is truly cruel.

A little melodramatic, eh? Kekeke

Anyhow, I wasn't able to help or partake in anything before (I was a late fan--2 months after Jay's leave) so whatever the outcome of this 6-month-long ordeal I want to be sure to do everything that I can, while I can. I think I can start my letter (or letters?) now.

Thank you for sharing such a beautiful letter!

(Side note: In regards to the Black Out project, perhaps on the website we can have a little section with all the fans' letters to JYPE up to share with everyone? If we have time, that is? I'll go share this on 2od right after this.)

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avchuck, feel free to add my letter, if you would like. I am also working on a couple of other projects for you - a timeline, and a "brief" history, based on information I have been able to glean from web sources. I am attempting to make it as factual as possible. I am hoping to finish those up tomorrow; I wanted to finish it up last night or today, but a) it is larger than I thought, and B) I had to do some actual writing that I get paid for, LOL.

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Guest fattie8701

Okay, so I miss Jay and all, but please don't ruin this thread for people who support the other boys just as much as they support Jay. Really, you guys are inconsiderate if you truly think that people won't be pissed off if this thread gets closed due to an incident which occurred quite awhile ago.

Face the facts, Jay withdrew from the group. It was his own choice. Blaming JYP for all of it is really screwed up.

In the meantime, please stop bashing JYP. IIRC, there's a rule about not bashing on people in another artists' thread? Let's respect that.

There is also a rule about bashing other members, this is exactly one of the things that gets people worked. I get your point and your opinion and i respect it, but you could have been more polite about it.

To those working on the project, i believe yall have moved to 2oneday now right...I hope you guys have all the strength to see this through and i sincerely hope you succeed!!

Pony Event Fancam

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@ Skelly I really like your letter and it made me cry again. That's what I feel. I'll try write one eventhough I'm afraid that he wont read it. T-T.

I also feel helpless anytime I see him there. If he cant come back, I might step back from 2PM and watch them without eagerness because I always ask myself at the end of the clip that "If only Jay's in there"

For Coke endorsement, there is anyting to worry about. It's just 1 year contract. Coke's nowaday selling the packaging for collection more than consumption. As I can remember, my country used to sell mini coke can last year and I think it's gone from the market. It's a trend of mini size with low price which's easy to buy for consumers.

All I hope that Jay can bboy like he wants to for coming competition. I dont want this causes him a trouble.

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Guest wyjhiphop

Here is my opinion and take on this whole thing: (Please, read this)

I have been reading and thinking for the past few weeks and months. This whole issue about hating on JYP or JYPE is just simply futile but that by no means we, as IHottest, are to sit here and do nothing. No, we should do something. Now some people are saying that doing the unsubscribing on Twitter and Youtube will only provoke the man or the company but I disagree. The only reason as to why fans are acting this way is because of all the things that have had happened. This is the final point, as fans, we have nothing left to lose.

There will be extremists who will gain media attention, are we to sit down passively? Are we, as fans, as human beings, going to sit down passively and do nothing? Too often people do. Yes, fans can and most likely will be viewed as crazy. However, sit back and look at the whole picture. Who is in the wrong here and who is in the right?

The answer of no one is correct.

If JYP/E had not let Jay go (whether he was forced out or not is another issue) would fans have done so many things? Is our goal wrong? How can anyone judge, especially if they are not us.

Would the public have forgiven so fast if Jay had stayed? I have no idea; some say yes but others feel he should have stayed. The question is not when Jay comes back or when Sunmi finishes school, rather the question is why are public (the people are the public, fans, general and antis, we all are the public) pleads constantly being ignored. This is key, as JYP/E wants to break into the American music industry. As International fans, we can generate more venues for 2PM. Maybe not as advertisements, but I believe that fans will be willing to buy items endorsed by them.

The way I see it is that is both side, company and fans, are toughening up. Now, fighting fire with fire will not work; however what do we have left to lose? One more member? Money? Time? It does not matter at the point. We all want an answer but are fans going to accept an official statement? Will it hurt just to try once more? (Just solve it like Ghandi or Martin Luther King Jr. did)

At least if we fight (by fight please do not mistaken this as physical fight) for this then we tried. The last, desperate move before we hear the so-called "bad news". Is it so bad to give a last attempt?

Fans feel helpless. They tried many methods which did not work, at this point, it has all been done, nothing can be changed. "What is done has already been done, it cannot be unchanged." Yes, Jay already left, he is living in Seattle, 2PM promoted their 1:59 Album, they are done with promotions. KHottests, and IHottests have done flash mobs, post-its, silent protests. These are all unchanged and gain media attention. I think that we have done as much as we can. It will not hurt to try something once more, something that is civil and peaceful.

The question I have is "Will all this going to waste?"

What is your answer? Yes? No?

If it is a yes, then go fight with the rest of the movement.

If it is a no, then let everything be. Let go and don't dwell.

To both sides, do not hate or bash. We all make our own choices; if I choose A, let me choose A, don't tell me to choose B. We, as fans, as people, should hold account to our choices and as well, I am sure we are all intelligent enough to make choices.

We can all lead a horse to the water but we can't make it drink the water. I am telling people to do what they believe is right.

If this is a movement, I plead people to be really careful. There are major responsibility and consequences, even with the anonymity with the net. Studying social movements around the world is my interest of study. I really plead everyone to think critically. An act of emotion, what ever it may be, has it price. Are you willing to pay it, whatever it may be. Please, critique everything that is coming to us. Don't let emotions get the best of you.

We have seen enough of our emotions being jerked around. Let's stay strong.

Read every thing with the critical eye. Should we believe everything we read? Do we even know what is truth? Are we as rational, as we think we are? Let's take a step back, slowly look at everything that has happened.

***JYP/E could be doing this, we should too. Watch everything slowly. Do what we believe is right. If this is a movement, like I think it is, then remember this "Everything comes with a price. Be very careful, it is a crucial time."***

Think about this, will you challenge my words?

Last note: If and only if fans fight till the end, will we be able to complain about any outcome. And if we do fight, we have to be ready for the journey. Whatever the outcome may be, good or bad, at least we know we have try to have our voices heard.

I believed Jay will come back, I was shaken. I'm still shaken and now I am going to do what I think is right. I am in an attempt to make my voice heard.

- Peace

PS: I want to make a note, that disregard my user ID and joined date. It is the Internet, I like my anonymity. (Yes, I do like Woo as a bias)

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Guest entermuriel

To both sides, do not hate or bash. We all make our own choices; if I choose A, let me choose A, don't tell me to choose B. We, as fans, as people, should hold account to our choices and as well, I am sure we are all intelligent enough to make choices.

We can all lead a horse to the water but we can't make it drink the water. I am telling people to do what they believe is right.

If this is a movement, I plead people to be really careful. There are major responsibility and consequences, even with the anonymity with the net. Studying social movements around the world is my interest of study. I really plead everyone to think critically. An act of emotion, what ever it may be, has it price. Are you willing to pay it, whatever it may be. Please, critique everything that is coming to us. Don't let emotions get the best of you.

We have seen enough of our emotions being jerked around. Let's stay strong.

Read every thing with the critical eye. Should we believe everything we read? Do we even know what is truth? Are we as rational, as we think we are? Let's take a step back, slowly look at everything that has happened.

***JYP/E could be doing this, we should too. Watch everything slowly. Do what we believe is right. If this is a movement, like I think it is, then remember this "Everything comes with a price. Be very careful, it is a crucial time."***

Think about this, will you challenge my words?

che... i just want to say: thank you. you pretty much took out the words out of my mouth--errr... fingers i guess? lol everything you said is what i had in my head. i hope people understands this and reads carefully what you wrote ^_^ what i just quoted is what i agree with the most... 100% what i think.

omg... hehe wooyoung and junho look REALLY good with their new haircuts.

i can't seem to take my eyes off of them haha

i actually like all of their new haircuts/styles except nichkhun and chansung's T-T

i hope khun's hair grows a little... and i want chansung's hair to be straight lol but i love them anyways ^_^


for more pictures, click here

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