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Guest touchtheskies.

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Guest Stephy18

100127 JYPE designates a wall and storage room for questions

UMMM...interesting...I guess that's a step in trying to communicate with the fans. But I really don't know how it will be any different from earlier. Hottest will still be asking the same questions? Is Jay coming back? When? Is is returning to 2pm? When? And would Jype really openly and truthfully answer it. If they could answer it, wouldnt they have answered it like for the last 5 months. How is this storage room going to be any different. Also I feel like even if they answer, its probably going to be like this: Hottest ask so is Jay returning to 2pm soon? JYPE answers,"We'll according to the Fair Rights Agreement, it is up to Jay's decision whether he chooses to return, we have no say." So pretty much nothing is answered again. But who knows, maybe jype will surprise us and start answering questions. I guess Khottest better get going with the question wall and I hope this time Jype seriously answers without all the vagueness. I guess its a step in a good direction to make the tension between the company and fandom too be more civilize with each other. Anyways we'll have to wait and see what happens. What I want most answered is if Jay will return to 2pm ever and if so an estimate of when? That's all that matters to me. To me, I dont care anymore about questions regarding why jay resign? Why didnt they take care of jay more? Or why they didnt try to persuade him to stay? or all those conspiracy questions. All these are in the past and there's no use in bringing up anymore. I just want to know the future of 2pm, the remaining 6 and Jay's future.

I really like the blackout project. Definitely agree that we need something that can unite all of us and at the same time stay on the positive note.

I'm still not use to the boys knew hair cut. During heartbeat promotion I kept thinking OMG you guys need a hair cut asap. But now they do cut their hair and it caught me off guard because I been staring at long hair for so long. These hair cut make the boys so ummm clean??? looking I quess. But they still look hot!!!! :D

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Did I miss something?

Jay's health is getting worse? Since when did he become a terminally ill patient?

In the course of the past 5 months, my weight has shot up and gone down, surely that's the same for him too. Not having as much muscle, or having a slimmer face is normal. I've heard rumors that 'they' will spread news of Jay's health being bad and make it so he is unable to return.

I ask people to not buy just this bit of Information. This is getting ridiculous.

EDIT::: If the posters meant mental health, then I am all in for the support messages~

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Guest Fae_Min

Did I miss something?

Jay's health is getting worse?

I've heard rumors that 'they' will spread news of Jay's health being bad and make it so he is unable to return.

I ask people to not buy just this bit of Information. This is getting ridiculous.

EDIT::: If the posters meant mental health, then I am all in for the support messages~

100% agree!! All the fanacc ive read so far stated that he's doing fine..

So where does this ' jay being sick ' comes about??

I'm not buying it coz if i do then i will only help JYPE in succeeding their plan (like the rumors said)

if mental health then DEF YES!! Hottests are like being tormented as well.

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Did I miss something?

Jay's health is getting worse? Since when did he become a terminally ill patient?

In the course of the past 5 months, my weight has shot up and gone down, surely that's the same for him too. Not having as much muscle, or having a slimmer face is normal. I've heard rumors that 'they' will spread news of Jay's health being bad and make it so he is unable to return.

I ask people to not buy just this bit of Information. This is getting ridiculous.

EDIT::: If the posters meant mental health, then I am all in for the support messages~

Yep I think they are referring to his mental health. I read another fanaccount from a different site that stated Jay was slowly losing hope because he has been practicing his singing less and less nowadays.

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Guest luvnhate

the randomest post u ganna read in this chaos...but to make everyone realize we all love 2pm!

so i always wanted to post something like this:P,can call it hottest's confession, guess it's becoz of 7-1=0 that i started thinking about it,some of us detest the expression and some of us agree with it. but we all love the 7 boys no?

I've always seen lots of surveys on who's your bias or who drew you into 2pm,but what about the other members?when did you start to love all 7? or love a member that you never expected?


When/Why/How did the non-bias 2pm member/s grew on You?


To be honest,when i was a new fan i thought why is everyone so hyped about khun?watching Idol army i was like why is he so popular?.....always get the girl....wink=everyone faint....PD noona's soo biased on him....

coz personally didn't think he was really good looking(the eyebrows was a no for me) and he couldn't communicate well.

...BUT i started to like him more and more when new clips came out on T2S.

I realized he is smart + hard working(he learned Korean so fast!)...... Kind hearthed (he is sooo Nice!! and humble^^nd he doesn't act like "oh i'm so popular") and he takes such! a good care of his members & family(wish he was my older bro TT.TT)

so i got really fond of khun but i still didn't think he was cute( I know right! what was wrong with me!O.O)

THEN this moment changed everything....


me- :o I fell in love lol!! Got lost nd drowned in those big bubbly eyes.<3.<3

so yep! I've been fangirling khun since then :P I think he is the most adorable thing EVER!.+even though he is soOo cute,he is still so manly( :P) nd such a gentleman!! he is the kinda guy that makes you feel he is too perfect or you don't deserve him...

I re watched idol army just for him once<3adorablicious.gif


Dear Khun,

I'm sorry that i didn't come to realize at the beginning that you are such an amazing guy,pretty on the outside as well as the inside.I have so much respect for you as a person :) . Even though we only saw a small taste; Your acting is Outstanding!and i think you are going to make everyone's jaw drop.you deserve everything you have achieved because you have worked so hard for it

and i'm sorry that i watched your mnet scandal after teac's T.T

p.s I love your laugh It makes me sad that I don’t see you laughing like that anymore☹

Khun fighting.2pm fighting

With Love,



I’m not really attracted to tall guys so that could be a reason that teac never got my attention…..and to be honest during idol army I would cringe from head to toe from his “charm time”(remember the singing? Nd the butter prince nickname lol)nd those eyebrows!!! Omg I was like fast forward please!!

..BUT…I discovered he is such a dork! Nd the ultimate goofball of the group:P whenever he did something unexpected(American rat lmao!)me-“what is wrong with this dude?” but I would be laughing my head off!.

Then..when I found out how he randomly decided to join jype just because he didn’t want to live a normal boring life I was like “wow, that’s cool”…+later I was astonished by his interview(always there to save the day with Jay’s<3 korean) nd MC skills.


* I’ve replayed teac’s rap parts in the new songs like a zillian times(he has got such a deep sexy voice)exc all night long intro! Lol déjà vu, me-cringe

* Probably the only hottest that thinks teac looks Hot with long hair!o.o(+bonus of leather jacket)-.-

* Only thought teac looked truly sexy two weeks ago :P here...


teac...if your reading this,I'm glad you are receiving the attention that you worked for.your schedule is getting full to the brim. so do your best in the acting role^^ nd i will definitely support you in FO2.

I'm reaally sorry that i didn't post you a b.day message TT.TT (guilty x836413463063724).I promise to buy you a leather jacket for you next b.day:P....btw u look good in anything(non fasion terrorist item) thats put on you..coz your handsomely tall^^

Teac fighting

p.s thank you for keeping the group's spirit up during the hard times even though you are prob feeling way worse then all of us T.T


The most unexpected of them all!!

during Idol army didn't notice him that much maybe coz his personality didn't stand out that much from the others and the mushroom bowl haircut got my attention alright but not in a good way o.o

during again and again thought his new hair was hot nd boy did this guy knew how to talk! I was so glad he was in 2pm coz of the long..awesome(more series nd professional compared to rest) explanations he gave during interviews lol .me"what would we have done without you"....ROFL at his random deagu accent

This pic came along....

2u8jpnuhd.jpg cr:as tagged

me- WowWow o.o wait a minute Junsu where have u bn lol.

nd I remember i hardly ever posted in this thread but when i saw This, I actually posted about it

Junsu...I have fallen for you <3.<3fell4junsu.gif

I think you've the most unique and amazing voice in kpop,it just flows into your heart(weird describing).

really looking forward to your solo and self composed songs.

Luv u!!


i know it's really long but i missed my lecture to write it lol.

I can't find the post but the person who suggested we should have projects for when jay is back pm me^^ i'd like to help.

call me disillusion(point out all the reasons you think it's stupid) but I think I rather start projects for when Jay comes back.Coz u know when he does we need something BIG.we don't have that much time for the official announcement.and in my opinion even if things don't work out, showing what we have prepared with gain the public sympathy.

by doing these projects we will focus on the positive future,we would already consider Jay back so these thoughts will turn into reality(influence of having a psychologist mom) lol

like the blackout idea *joined*

gif cr: me^^

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Guest cheezychunnie

100127 TVDaily 2PM @ PONY Event


100127 2PM @ PONY's Event



100127 SSTV 2PM Market O Fansign Event


cr: Symbelmynevii

i lurve this pic :)



Credit: Info by Lisa, Chinup_Jay and Cassina.

♪♪ 2PM will be the guest for the 3rd episode of WooYoung's new show

♪♪♪ Naver put up information of the upcoming KBS2TV drama "Cinderella Sister" with the name of main casts including Moon Gen Young, Seo Woo, Chun Chung Myung and Taecyeon. The drama will air on March 31 and the filming is likely to begin around the beginning of March.

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*so much happens on this forum in between visits, at least its never boring*

@Sukadewa & hanakann-thanx 4 the imgs ♥

@Labacookie & lec8504-if ur silently reading this, don't go. we can just all agree to disagree, respect each others opinions, and move on. so~come on back! ^^

New Haircuts: im partial to short hair on PM boys so my fave is khun's. mmm, chan...sorry. it looks like ahjumma/lego hair to me o_O?

JYPE Storage Room: really?...really jype? unless u've been trapped inside that storage room for the last 5 months i think u kno wat we're going to ask.

Coca Cola CF: im hoping(really hoping) that this contract is like the Spris contract that includes jay for their next campaign. i don't see how CC would intentionally exclude jay if all 7 are promoting together. it would reflect badly on Cola's image i would think. everytime someone sees an ad or commercial, they'll be like "u left jay out, thats f' d up cola!" @Kabler, maybe you can answer this one pls???

Twitter Movement: couple ppl suggested that constructive msgs might go over better w/jyp maybe, i guess catch more bees with honey type of deal so...#ddukinexchangeforjay, #returnjaywooyoungscheeks, #feedtheboys...??? i dunno. j/k on last one, but they've become so skinny.

^ ^ ^EDIT: When/Why/How did the non-bias 2pm member/s grew on You?

junsu for me, but its a 1/2 non-bias because he has one of those voices where u just go WOW!(and then ur heart melts into a puddle~) but i never thought he was hot hot until recently when he got so skinny, which is ironic cuz i don't like the fact that they lost so much weight. i'd rather him be jus normal hot and be healthy. or maybe its cuz he got rid of the mushroom bowl cut?

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Guest onedaymaniac

Hi everyone...

lately there's been lots of rumor and mostly are bad rumors.for once i was really sure that JAY will come back but now i'm started to losing hope.the most sad things is i dont see any unity among ihottest.there's 2 major groups:one group that wanted JAY to come back so badly and eager to do anything (boycott) and the other is a group that wanted JAY to come back too but the other members are important too.i really hope this two groups can understand each other because we all want the same thing that is JAY.please respect the boycotters decision if they want to continually boycott and vise versa.i really hope this february will bring good news to us.but if it is doesnt i think there will be some chaos among hottest esp khottest...and i'm ready to leave 2pm and maybe kpop,although i know losing one fan is not really significant to them.for the time being i'll keep my hope for JAY's return...

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Guest Soulhead

When/Why/How did the non-bias 2pm member/s grew on You?

In fact ,at the beginning (before A&A) i was really a newbie in Kpop's world...And the only artist that i know in Kpop was Chae Yeon and DBSK...My first reaction when I saw the pv of 10/10 was : ''Pffff...This is pathetic ! It's just an another group who want to be compared with DBSK by stealing their name...'' => Chansung (changmin),Junsu and Junho (yunho) XD I was very not familiar with korean music so that's why my opinion was really harsh >_< 1 month or more latter ,the teaser of A&A was out and I totally forgot that it was not the first time that I saw these guys !And my opinion was ''Awe-so-me *___*'' .After that I was used to hate Nichkhun because at the time I really didn't like his ''puppy'' eyes ....Junho and Wooyoung = Because I never see them and i was never able to included their name with other 2pm (i was like ''okay ,Junsu,Chan,Jaec,Jay,Nich ! Hey wait O_O 2pm isn't a 7 member group ?''XD) i basically think that they were the 2 untalented guys of 2pm...Now i know how wrong I was (Junho FTW !)...

Even during the IHY promotion i wasn't able to imagine how big will be my love for 2PM when 1:59PM will be out...Tired Of Waiting etc...Now in my last.fm account i've more than 10'000 scobble and I can simply say that I'm a die-hard fan ot 2PM >_<

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i'm so frustrated right now.. if i could grab the person that started all this rumor

i would shove their face dirt down.

and if Jae is mentally sick then we are even worse than him!


When/Why/How did the non-bias 2pm member/s grew on You?

well at first....

let's start w/ my least fave. (before) Jaebeom

yeah americanized, wannabe, too much swag, whatever. yeah right!

least fave. to biased! i love him!! yeep! lol! i got to know him in "idol army" show

and i like how he is.. funny and a gentlemen.. i love the way he acts childish sometimes..

he performs enthusiastically and i love that about him.. makes me wanna dance a long and sing

his part all day long~ the boys need this boy~ he hyped up every performance.. watch all "A&A and IHY" performace

this man enjoys every single moment of it.

i really want to see this man reached higher, higher than JYP.


another least fave to biased, handsome and upfront.

iorno never really liked prince charming kind of guys, but his voice is so reminiscing,

i played his part a thousand times in "A&A" , it's just so comforting.

his the only person rightful to believe his gesture says it all.

when he said "Jae this is for you!" it came from the heart.

i don't know what to do if these two are in the same controversial position.


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Some of my friend live near Jay. He told me that oneday there was someguy yelling in front of his house in Korean language and leave a letter for him. But he didn't came and get it. 2 week later he came out and throw that letter in to the bin. but on that day they've met each other (the guy and jay)

The Guy said to him "Don't bother come back. We didn't want you anymore"

so my friend asked me that Now HOTTEST are OK with 6 members?

I don't know what to say. I don't want to boycott them. if i did 2pm will be less poppular and may be broke. But i don't want to see jay has left behind.

is there any way to get him back?

I missed him.

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Guest Fae_Min

Some of my friend live near Jay. He told me that oneday there was someguy yelling in front of his house in Korean language and leave a letter for him. But he didn't came and get it. 2 week later he came out and throw that letter in to the bin. but on that day they've met each other (the guy and jay)

The Guy said to him "Don't bother come back. We didn't want you anymore"

so my friend asked me that Now HOTTEST are OK with 6 members?

I don't know what to say. I don't want to boycott them. if i did 2pm will be less poppular and may be broke. But i don't want to see jay has left behind.

is there any way to get him back?

I missed him.

GOSH!! Even thou i don't know whether this story is legit or not [sorry no offense but as we're dealing with a lot of rumors nowadays so.. ] but I FEEL SOOO FURIOUS AND ANGRY beyond words when i read this..

If this thing really happen, I SWEAR if i could land a punch on that guy's face I WOULD.. how dare he yell to Jay like that!!

I don't know whether he is Korean-American or purely Korean but still have some respect to Jay's family..

Have it ever crossed his mind that HOTTEST are fighting like mad for Jay's return and what did he say "Don't bother come back. We didn't want you anymore" ?? ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME?!?!

AND GOD!! HOTTEST will NEVER be OKAY with 6 members!! ARGH!!!

anywae, somehow I'm glad that Jay didn't bother to read that letter [ i bet it's hater's letter] coz it'll only ruin Jay's mood & mental health.. GOSH.. give this guy a break already.. Jay's been dealing with all sorts of things and he didn't need someone to shout and creat a ruckus in front of his house. so shameful.

*deep breath*

sorry if i go a bit out of line.. but this post seriously made me furious.. as for the poster, thanks for sharing..juz want you to know that I'm not pointing my finger at you or anything..

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Guest achariya

2PM fanclub disturbed at Jaebum's possible withdrawal

With rumors surfacing on 2PM Jaebum's complete withdrawal, Hottests and other 2PM fanclubs have gone on the offense against their agency, JYP Entertainment.

Fans were especially disturbed after Wonder Girls' Sunmi's sudden leave on the 23rd and have made conclusions that the next target will be Jaebum. Wonder Girls fans have made the official statement against JYPE stating that they are against Sunmi's withdrawal and the joining of a new member.

2PM's fans are now beginning to come together out of anger and rage after finding out about the rumors. 2PM fans believe that JYP will make an announcement stating that Jaebum's health issues will not allow for his return evidenced by the groundwork effort of JYP forcing Jaebum to put a halt on all of his bboy activities last year.

They have also reached conclusions on Jaebum's possible complete withdrawal with the newest CF contract that the 6 members of 2PM are now endorsing. Since the contract's terms state 1 year, 2PM fans are believing this to be evidence that they are now excluding Jaebum from all of the group's future activities. Taecyeon's cast into SBS's Family Outing 2 and KBS 2TV's Cinderella Sister is also being interpreted as the process in which the leader of 2PM is changing from Jaebum to Taecyeon.

A Hottest that has requested to remain anonymous stated, "There are rumors circulating that JYPE will be announcing Jaebum's complete withdrawal in the beginning of February. We are now discussing a group movement against his withdrawal and for his return."

On this matter, JYP Entertainment has stated, "These are groundless stories. We ask the fans to wait for us."

Another associate stated, "The fact that Jaebum will return through 2PM has never changed. It's just that the time for his return and how he will return is not yet decided. There has also been reports that Jaebum has filmed for a music video. It was a false report. Fans do not have to be shaken by this news."


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Guest Soulhead

Rah please if you don't have any proof stop to write messages like that.

It will just make the over-reacted people even more over-react.

We need peace and I don't want to see this thread like a people magazine where all is fake or not sure . That's tiring .

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Guest voxtae13

I hope all of you use this image in your Avatar, your signature,...


Because we only have 2 weeks left untill JYPE make an official statement regarding Jae Bum (maybe, a lot of rumors like that)

This is project of International Hottest . Source from 2oneday.com.

Come on, guys. We have to try our best to bring Leadja comeback to 2PM. Maybe, this is our last chance.

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Guest PunchNine



I agree, I think much of this "un-following movement" is based on anger. Don't get me wrong, Fans have every right to be angry and I don't want to dismiss their efforts, but like Silence said, it's a very negative campaign, and the general public may be more inclined to dismiss this as, well, an anti-JYPE movement done out of spite. I think it we should calm down a little and think of a more organized, positive campaign that will get our message across to the public (or to whoever we're targeting) more clearly and more efficiently.

3) If you want to hit, do not hit at JYPE. Hit at every sponsor's product that carries the 6 member exposure. Scare advertisers away and let them know that fans want 7 and not 6 and they will have to deal with cumbersome press and fans violent reactions if they choose to continue using the 6 membered 2PM. This will hurt the 6 boys definitely but its only way to force the hand of JYPE to re-evaluate their stance.

Great idea, this is something korean front should be doing, (and in full force) however, the international fans probably can't help much here.

(sopya @ Jan 27 2010, 10:23 AM)

I hope it's only me but I'm quite disturbed that JYPE mentioned the Fair Trade Commission commission contract to point out why they allowed Sunmi to take a break. I know it's a different situation, but they can also use this to support the situation if Jay doesn't come back.

That was exactly my thought.


Looks like Taec and Chansung got the short end of the stick this time with hairstyles.

But MANG, I'm digging Junho's hair.

And Woo's hair totally suits him, too cute!

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I agree, I think much of this "un-following movement" is based on anger. Don't get me wrong, Fans have every right to be angry and I don't want to dismiss their efforts, but like Silence said, it's a very negative campaign, and the general public may be more inclined to dismiss this as, well, anti-JYPE movement done out of spite. I think it we should calm down a little and think of a more organized, positive campaign that will get our message across to the public (or to whoever we're targeting) more clearly and more efficiently.

Currently some Hottests working together on the Blackout campaign. We will for sure announce it when this project will start. Stay positive Hottest! We are there for each other. Let's think positive and bring the family together.

In another case: I can only speak from my personal experiences. I think agressive behavior will show no or less effect. I think the other way will put more pressure on him (JYP).

Example: When soemone is angry at me and is not cooling down i would have the feeling that i'm never be able to please him and after a while i would not care anymore.

But if someone shows me understanding and tell me: I believe in you. I know that was not your fault but i believe you can change it. You are my hope bla bla bla it would put more emotional pressure on me. It's just a psychological trick which called emotional extortion among experts. I don't want to be a wise richard simmons ... this is just a stimulus.

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Coca Cola CF: im hoping(really hoping) that this contract is like the Spris contract that includes jay for their next campaign. i don't see how CC would intentionally exclude jay if all 7 are promoting together. it would reflect badly on Cola's image i would think. everytime someone sees an ad or commercial, they'll be like "u left jay out, thats f' d up cola!" @Kabler, maybe you can answer this one pls???

So many variables determine a contract of this sort. The biggest of course being the contract amount. Let"s see its a one year buyout contract which means that the boys cannot endorse any sort of drinks in the same category of Coke for one year. It is also heavily dependent on whether they are signed as 2PM the group or individuals Hwang Chansung, Nichkhun, Ok TeacYeon etc being models for the product which means the buyout will apply to them as individuals and not the group per say. If the contract falls in this category, then Jae is free to endorse pepsi if he returns... :)

2PM the group. One fee, one year buyout, one territory (I suppose only Korea), this would depend on conditions of contract which include no. of activities they must do for Coke, no of photoshoots included in the buyout, images to be used across one year in all mediums of loading - print, broadcast, online, instores, outdoors, product and collateral

If contract amt is not much and what I think it is, it just pretty means the boys will launch the product for coke, do one photoshoot, likely one fan meeting and their images from photoshoot will be used for advertising the product for a year without any further changes. Activities will likely all be completed within first two months of launch. After that, there is no more activities but just image usage. I highly doubt its a multi faceted endorsement deal as in changes every season, one photoshoot required every qtr, and packaging will differ from time to time. Looking that they are being used only to promote a new pacakaging for Coke, and not its main product, this is likely not a multi million dollar endorsement but a basic one product endorsement type.

Whether or not Jae returns, its not dependent at all on this CF as I believe the activities would all wrap before his return. The photoshoot I know is already done, CF completed, lastly is the activity so if the announcement for the activity happens anytime now, it will not affect Jay very much as its just like all the other deals the boys have signed e.g the brownie O and Paris Baguette ones... only promotion in initial stages, rest of buyout period is just image use.

Not sure if you guys understand what I mean ... I think their milestone deal is still the samsung one. Coke doesn't faze me when I found out its just to promote a new packaged coke (fun sized?)

Don't use the Coke deal as a yardstick. I don't feel its a major endorsement just because its a major brand. By the way it is common knowledge that its a PEPSI endorsement that makes all the difference as they have a history of shelling out the big bucks for major stars to be part of the brand. To my knowledge Coke sells on its history more than its spokespersons and have never been known to spent mega bucks on celebrity endorsements.

Sometimes management companies take on the deals at very low cost just to have their stars align their image with a brand. You'll be surprised to know the bigger the brand and the more premiumis its products, the less they pay. Artistes want to take advantage of the above the line advertising dollars to get their faces plastered all over and receive exposure as well, its all a compromise at the end of the day. Nott everything is solely a financial situation. I wouldn't be surprised if the Market O brownies deal is worth more than this deal

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