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Guest touchtheskies.

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Come on guys.

For someone who still wonder and doubt.

Is this boy we've been trying to save? I cant see the brightness in his eyes.


So close but yet so far !!!!

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Guest summer_night

This is only a suggestion. Maybe we can work together on this idea?

First of all i want to apologize for my poor english and will do my best to explain you the idea of the HOTTEST BLACKOUT Project.

This is an project which i participated several years ago and i want to suggest it for the HOTTEST because we where very successful in getting attention with this project back then.

As you know many of the Hottest are divided by reason of the boycott or how agressive we should act. My idea in the first line is very peaceful. Our primary focus must be to reunite. I know that all people are individuals as Hottest and that we are no Borg. But at the end we all want the same thing to happen.

Project suggestion:

Using the following images as your avatar and/or signature by blacking out your Facebook photo, your Myspace, your Twitter account, your me2day etc....



It can also be only black.

We can also use a common slogan with this project which u can use as text in all the boards and internet sites youre registered. Dunno what ... maybe something like "Have a heart" or "Only 7" or "blacked out for Jay" or something else.

Back then we rented a domain. On this matter this can be as example onlyseven.com/net or 2pmunite.com/net. or anything else. On this website we can write what happened back then in September in a objective manner and can also announce the statement of the HOTTEST in this case.

I am willing to rent the domain and to pay for it. But the statement has to be written by someone else who speaks very well english. Not me. :P

I am very confident that this project will bring a positiv feeling to all the Hottest and i think it will be attract attention from everywhere because the people will obviously get curious about all these strange avatars, signatures and slogans which they will see everywhere.

We can write a script for the banners which will direct everyone who clicks on the signatures to that site.

This is a project which everyone can participate because yaou only have to do some changes on your UCPs. It is peacefull and will get a lot of attention. Instead of acting agressive we should start, on a softer note i think.

So this is my basic Idea and my suggestion to you guys. Maybe we can work together on this.

Let's make brainstorming and bring this project to life. What do you say?

i like this idea. for me it makes more sense than the whole "unscribe/unfollow" thing.

this is something that i support.

I get the point that you don't get my point, if you get what I mean.

Of course JYPE already knows. If he cares or not, we don't lose anything by doing it.

And nobody said anything about being antis for not doing b******, we are not even talking about that o_O

The Twitter thing is completely harmless.

this just made me laugh lol.

and yes i know that you don't talk about this here. but other people (i don't want to say who) on twitter are tweeting messages like that, and i think that's not fair. we are all 2PM fans. the boycotter are 2PM fans, and the anti-boycotter. we all have the same goal: to reunite 2PM. but it's just human that we all have different opinions. and i think hottest shouldn't split into 2 groups just because of this thing.

last post for today...

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Guest kay01dee

I really like your idea Sukadewa! It really makes me feel united with fellow Hottests! Props to you, most definitely.

i'm like full-on i-miss-you-jay mode right now. i read all the comments here on soompi and i decided to write a letter to the jype in ny. it may not be much, but i feel good writing down all my thoughts down on paper. hopefully they read it. hopefully i finish writing the letter! i seriously started getting a little teary-eyed, not because it's written well, haha i wish, but because it's all coming out. the feelings that i've bottled up inside i'm finally letting go in the letter. & i hope to do more when i have time (midterms why do hate me so much?!)

i know we've been told to wait. but waiting while being productive doesn't hurt, right?

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Hi everyone ^^

This is my second time posting in this thread, I really love the boys so much and I can't wait for Jay return ,miss how this kid fool around his little brothers, he's a great leadja, :) 2pm boys are so entertaining and talented, and each member has his own charm :)

During hard times, many bad things might happen and many rumors might be spearding around, but as fans what is really important is to unite, keep the faith on the boys, and to work on projects, don't loose hope even when it's hard :)

I'm really glad to see fans realize the importance of uniting, 2pm can't be without leadja cuz simply it's 1:59pm and not 2pm without him, I agree with the fans who said that the boys need the fans support, even if the company do control everything.

The six boys gained alot of love and support during 1:59 promotions, but still Jay played a strong role on this * don't get me wrong, I do love all of the boys equally and this is just my opinion ^^* , the success alone without happiness is not enough right? and as we all know the boys are not happy right now without Jay, it break my heart to see the sadeness in their faces.

I love to come to 2pm thread, it's understandable how hard it is now, all the worries, sadeness, and tears, I hope it will vanish soon, always praying and hoping for the bright days to come :) and see Jay with the boys soon, really want 2pm back, I will always wait and support them :D

I love this fancam so much ~

Wooyoung and Taecyeon are holding Jay's photo during Paris Baguette charity event


cr. hoishi@ YT.

sorry if it was shared before >_<

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All Hottests should just support Jay the best they each can. Even if you don't see hope or find it useless, at least you can say you tried everything u could and have no regrets watever the outcome. i don't think anyone can try to pressure or convince ppl to their side and thats not the objective. Its to come together and show support to Jay and show jype that iHottests want him back too. Supporting jay doesnt equal to abandoning the 6 boys. Support & love the 6 boys if thats wat you r doing, but pls don't forget to show you love & support our leadja just as much!!! If some hottests find it useless at this point, then PLS show support to ur fellow hottests who are still fighting.

Real sadness, anger, uselessness, frustaration, defeat, fear, disappointment, remorse, helplessness, shock will come after regret when you wish you could have, should have done more but its too late. Have courage Hottests, 7 is the goal. :P:lol::D

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Guest FraLippoLippi

From sookyeong (kbites) tweet:

sookyeong: http://twitpic.com/zvl75 - This photo posted on forums has been gaining much attention from netizens. It was named 'The happy-looking teacher and students.. JYP and 2PM'

I will support on the plans to bring Jay back.

I read all the rumors so far and took it with a grain of salt but I do believe now that the chance for Jay's return is nearly low so fans should work really hard. Even if it's true or not, we should try. I would support the boycott but what other ways can hottest come up with that would guarantee success? I feel like we need to get the truth and a unified reason why we would like Jay to return across (idk websites, media? ) to gain more support. A lot of people do not understand the situation hottests have right now.

^That picture brings back memories right? It used to be so warm and happy.

(Sorry for lack of suggestions)

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I applaud those who thought of the questions. The answers provide insight to fans' perspectives.

There's clearly two mentalities in this debate/discussion, but I just personally think that these opinions, if not channeled to the Korean fan network, would be pretty much useless.

I'm just trying to be realistic... I doubt that international fans have much influence.

Here are my answers/opinions to some of these questions.

Do you think the whole throttle may be the only way to bring Jay back?

I'm personally going to wait, simply because KHottests and Korean public hold more power. I think as a U.S. fan, I can only wait to see how things play out.

I think that the 'whole throttle' would garner some results (negative or positive I don't really know), and I'd applaud a fan courageous enough to take the risks and carry out such an action.

If it gets to an extreme, I think there's a chance it can bring him back.

Comment from another fan: "Jay has to come back, otherwise JYPE will lose a lot"

What exactly is JYPE losing if Jay doesn't come back?

I think JYPE knows how to deal its cards so that it doesn't lose. I don't think any of us know their intentions. They could be waiting, like us, until the time comes for Jay's comeback. Or they could've already made an executive decision, and are holding it off to a distant future, so the fan reactions won't be so explosive.

If anything, the people who lose are the fans/artists. I'm not saying this to bash on JYPE, but JYPE's job is to "win" as much as they can.

Comment from another fan: "KHottests chanting 7-1=0, that's unfair for the rest of the members. Jaebum is no the only important member in 2PM, besides, he is not even my favorite"

1:59 has gained fans, just from six members... It's hard to sacrifice so much for something that you don't even know is true/not.

Promotions ended, the throttle won't do anything now.

I think it all depends. How many fans are willing to go to the lengths?

The throttle will do something, if dramatic enough. Can't guarantee it'd be good/bad though.

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I tried to see where you are coming from but you are too wishy-washy! One minute you say boycott and now you want it to stop?

Anyway for those who want to fight, come over to 2OD. We do not have time to argue with people in denial. Let them think that the other boys will be hurt by the boycott, because we know they will be more hurt that JYPE is lying and Hottest did nothing for their brother!

Just put the message out their and who wants to participate...come on board and those who do not... goodbye!

Those who have an account on 2OD, the member CherryPop has posted some ideas in the account profile on ways we can help Jay.

Let's Go Hottest!

NONE.LIKEYOU- I agree... I do not know Korean but for anyone who does... PLEASE let KHottest in on some ideas. They can do alot more than we can.

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this really had gotten to the point where rumor to another provoke each and everyone's judgement.

i think it's great that we are at that level again for thinking this will save Jae's career, but sometimes

movement has it caused.

what if the rumor is plainly just a rumor?

you save one but loose the other..

expect the unexpected

to all those waiting patiently for Feb. let's all hope for the best whatever the outcome

may be, i still think 2PM is the best kpop group out there.

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I find it extremely uncalled for when people criticize others that are trying to make a difference in this Jay controversy.

Fact of the matter is we don't know a thing, so no one here is in the position to judge a 'fan' or a supporter for whatever action they may be doing, unless its blatantly causing harm, for example sending JYP a drink filled with super glue, you know... extreme stuff like this.

If we don't know the real fact and truth behind JYPE's decision no matter how many 'associates' and 'friend' post on the internet, we won't know for sure if our action are right or wrong, and unfortunately many have reasons to also not believe JYPE's released information.

We can only hope that our action will result in a positive outcome. So rather than people rattling off at other fans and supporters, do your part and support. Whether it be the Underground KHottest's stand on the matter (the banned topic) or be supportive and send letters to JYPE.

If you don't think it's worth you time or it won't make a difference, then I ask you to stop criticizing fans that are actually doing something because they are trying their hardest to persuade JYPE.

It doesn't make you any less of a fan if you opt to sit back from this controversy, but it doesn't give you the right to judge the fans that are scrambling around trying their best. This is solely my opinion and if anyone thinks differently, so be it.

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Guest theblazenazn

I'll support you guys and your efforts.

However, JYPE and 2PM are in a Harvesting period. They were Farming with the Album and Promotions and it was a success.

Now they're reaping their crops with CF, Endorsements, Event Appearances, Movies, and Variety shows.

You can't boycott that since they already paid either way. I support all the stuff you guys are doing generating buzz though.

Unsubcribing JYP and their channels on YouTube wont help to me. It's not like they lose $1 for each person unsubscribing, they probably wont even notice. Plus, if they post or say something stupid and I don't wanna be late & fire back ASAP. Keep your friends close but your enemies closer.

Here's a 'funny' OMGKPop's Demotivator posted at their Fan Page on Facebook. The ironic thing is... The mini album is actually on sale for 15% off in South Korea right now.... Oh JYPE...




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Guest rockierockpen

Don't know if this was posted yet...

But, After School chooses their favorite 2pm boys...

Guess who was the most popular??? heheheh!

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Guest cheezychunnie

if u feel like joining in the rest of the movement,join in

but if u feel like not gonna joining them-then dont..

no one forcing you...just be nice to each other

coz at the end of the day every single person in this thread love the boys

and what everyone done is based on their way of showing their affection..

do what u gotta do or dont do what u dont wanna do..

as simple as that..i see no harm in supporting and no harm in not supporting..

dont fight and respect each others opinion..

that's all..

fighting is tiring..dont u guys think?

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Thanks to Hazyfiasco (the epic translator) over at 2OneDay, we have a new endorsement deal announced:

Male group 2PM has been chosen to endorse Coca Cola, adding to their growing popularity.

On the 27th, an associate of Coca Cola has stated that 2PM has signed on for 1 year to endorse their newest product, Mini Coke.

2PM will also be singing their new commercial song, 'Open Happiness.'

Coca Cola has stated, "2PM has a very bright and positive image, along with passion and energy. They've given a lot of happiness to the public and so we believe that they will be able to deliver that same positive message as the representatives of Coca Cola. That is how 2PM has been chosen to endorse our bright and exciting new product, Mini Coke.'


On the surface, this appears to be good news. But this is a 1-year contract for 6 people. Unless they change the contract at some point (HIGHLY unlikely) or just leave Jay out of any endorsement events (HIGHLY embarrassing) this either means that Jay is not coming back for a year or is not coming back at all. Sponsors are gods in this business, and I think the flood of CFs lately, and this one is the capper, may have just signed Jay's death warrant.

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