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Guest touchtheskies.

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@ laani

thnks for the info.

what health problem? i think his in a very good condition enough to do bbyoing.

*sigh* i really hope that this is a false rumor going around..

and girls you all know that this situation could turn around..

maybe the company asked the media to give us one speculation to make us feel wary and confuse

and then when that day come BAM!! "Park Jaebeom returns to 2PM"

can't wait to lol! and grab a tissue and cry my eyes out but again, this situation could possibly be factual.

it is tiring to read rumors here and there i hope we get the final and accurate truth soon cause provoking my sanity to ease my mind is inefficient.. ( i will literally go crazy soon w/ all these rumors)

i miss 2PM. the old days 2PM.


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@veronicavivian: thank you so much. Your post first brought me to tears, but then it gave me even more strength.

I was already ready to fight for Jay till the end, now I'm like a ball of fire, it seems like nothing can stop me xD

So fellow HOTTEST let's unite and fight for our seven boys!

Now there's no time for arguments, the deadline is near!

Let's do everything we can till the end

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Guest angelic_gal369@hotmail.com

I'm a member at 2oneday, this is my first post here. I was encouraged by another member to post here comments I have done in different discussions. This is my opinion and my 2 cents, regarding different questions and doubts

Do you believe the "rumors"? Why and why not?

I believe JYPE is lying to us.

And if you look back at all the rumors, so far 80% of them bacame true and the other 20% was a play of the media to taste the waters.....if you know what I mean.

Do you think the whole throttle may be the only way to bring Jay back?

I'm a tired of reading comments such as "...but what about the other boys?"

Nothing wrong is going to happen with them, no one is going to fire them because 2PM are the ones feeding the company right now. And that's why we need to do it.

If they have a low income, JYPE won't have other choice but do what the fans want.

Yes, they were popular with 1:59 but that's because we were weak and people still "fears for the boys".

Jesus Christ, they are sending us silent messages.

When they won Artist of the Year, they cried out loud ASKING FOR HELP.

Especially Wooyoung. He lost weight dramatically, he looks down in all the interviews and when a wave of fake rumors about Jaebum surfaced the internet last week; Wooyoung shut down his minihompi.

Khun rarely pays attention to any interview and never talks. He even seemed mad in one of them.

When have you seen an idol showing sadness or anger? Never. They have to smile all the time.

Chansung and Junsu also left messages expressing how much they love Jaebum.

When asked if they called Jay when they won Artist of the Year; Taec said: "And what do you think? We all called him"

As for Junho: "Since this is a hard birthday, your love reaches me even more than the usual ㅠ I love you too"

And why do you think is a hard birthday? I doubt he is refering to the cold weather.

Lastely but not least, Jokwon uploads pictures of OneDay with ELEVEN members.

If they don't say: YES, BRING OUR LEAD-JA BACK!!!

It's because they can't.......but they are sending us messages. Don't ignore them.

Comment from another fan: "Jay has to come back, otherwise JYPE will lose a lot"

What exactly is JYPE losing if Jay doesn't come back?

He is not losing anything.

All the money he lost during 2009, he is recovering it with Khun's movie, Taec's new drama, new Variety Show and with Woo's MC, more all the CF's.

He is over-working the 3 most popular members of 2PM. It is his way to attack us where it hurts.

The only ones losing here are Jaebum (his career and his brothers) and the rest of 2PM. They are forced to over-work and forced to smile. Like animals in a Circus.

It is Jay's decision, maybe he doesn't want to come back.

That's probably true.

If I was in Jay's shoes.....people tells me I should kill myself, my company couldn't care less about me, my brothers can't help me and the only people who can do something(aka. Hottests) are wasting time discussing what to believe or waiting for something that won't happen, or straight giving up. And the new fans don't even know me because I wasn't in the Heartbeat's promotions.

Then of course I would give up as well.

I would feel betrayed by the people who said "take you time, we'll protect you".

He is human and he's losing faith. He's also tired of his company using his name to excuse every bad move they make.

I refuse to believe in any rumors, I'll wait for Jaebum's own words.

Are you waiting for Jay's statement?

He already gave it. He didn't say to have hope and he didn't say to wait for him.

Jaebum said loud and clear, "HOTTESTS, RUN!, FIGHT!"

Clearly the company won't give him another opportunity to speak. As the rest of 2PM' members, they have no say in this battle.

We are the only ones who can fight for them. But you choose how many you want to save, 6 or 7.

I'll wait for JYPE official statement.

Yes, do that. That's exactly what he wants.

He wants time and you are giving it to him. Five months of waiting, almost half a year.

If you want to shut your eyes, cover your ears and wait with your arms crossed. Have in mind that a 22 years-old guy is waiting for you to grab his hand and save 4 years of hard work.

Comment from another fan: "KHottests chanting 7-1=0, that's unfair for the rest of the members. Jaebum is no the only important member in 2PM, besides, he is not even my favorite"

Who is your favorite? Wooyoung?

If Wooyoung had a scandal and he decides to leave 2PM to save the rest of the members. What are you going to do?

Move on with another member or another group?

7-1=0 is not 7-Jaebum=0

It's 2PM-1=1:59 (a broken clock).

In a Circus, if an animal doesn't make the tricks, the audience won't like the spectacle. If the spectacle is not efficient, they get rid of the animal in question. One less doesn't matter as long as we can use the rest.

In this case is the same, we are the audience and 2PM are the animals (ironicaly beastly idols). The thing is that animals like humans, suffer and have feelings. But there is an upper-hand with a whip on his hand, "make the trick or you're out".

Promotions ended, the throttle won't do anything now!

Promotiones ended but the albums, more new merchandise are still out there.

If we don't collaborate all together, we're not helping the group but the company's greed.

I choose people over objects, because objects can wait till we help the group.

What can we do in the meantime?

Like threehundredtwo said: Twitter and YouTube channels.

Without bashing or insulting the gorilla, you can voice your wish for a 2PM with 7 members.

Unfollow JYP and JYPE.

Even more now that Wonderfuls are also attacking.

If Jaebum doesn't come in the next album, it's all over....

If Jaebum doesn't come in the next album, this is going to be SPARTA!!

You can help the Spartans or let them die in vain (of course this is a metaphor, no one is going to die).

But Jaebum won't have another chance, and our boys will be forced to continue with fake smiles plastered on their faces.



Sorry this is too long but I hope at least something helps those people who are still doubting or don't know what to do.

By the way, I loved the MAP PROJECT :D

Sorry for cutting your post but you are so right.

All we can do us IHOTTEST is unsubscribe and if Wg fans and other part of the day help us it's even better KHOTTEST can take action there in Korea my hopes go to them but as long as we can help I'm in all the way until the end whatever that will bring us.

And SILENCE if we are provoking JYP so what I think we can't get things worse then they already are right now we have got nothing to lose it's all or nothing.

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Guest babiluxx

I am ready to do whatever i can. its time guys. We cannot wait and sit around and do nothing. if in the end it doesnt work at least we know that we came together and tried to do something to stop it.

the important thing that we must do is to have a common goal. we cannot be split. JYPE is smart all their tactics makes sense to me. We cannot let them fool us.

we have to unite together. with the Khottests as well. we need to get our words across loud at clear, if we want to see a miracle happen we gotta work towards.

in the end we must have a little hope.

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Guest onedaymaniac

@veronicavivian:tq so much for your words...it's time for us hottest to fight back...i'll do everything that i can to bring jay back although it might be not really significant...we'll fight till the end...

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Guest achariya

I, slightly, feel more cheerful now, knowing tht everyone is going to do whtever ones can do for Jay and for a complete 2PM tht we used to know. I know tht we could get through this together. until tht day, i'll never lose my hope.

I read one of the articles in 2OD and its said by a person in the article tht we should believe in the final dicision ( abt (sorry) sunmi 's situation) but not to believe in the reason why. you know wht i mean right?? i cant say it clearly in this forum cuz its againts the rules. But obviously this points out tht there must be sth going on in tht company. they're keeping the truth away from us.

let's help Jay. dont think tht ur helps arent significant. we can do this if we all do it together. pleaseeee.

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Guest Labacookie

Please re-read rule No. 8 of this thread on page 1:

8. Since the topic of boycott is a sensitive and controversial topic, to avoid unnecessary arguments between members, no discussions about boycotts in whatever forms are allowed here in this thread.




Just to re-interate.

In any case, FAILED STRATEGIES are not going to work. If such efforts didn't sink previous promotions and sales, I doubt they will work in the future. A complete change of strategy is needed. People keep acting like the only way to approach this situation is to un-follow twitters and leave sticky notes and refuse to buy certain merchandise. JYPE obviously doesn't miss the money, so it's not working.

I think what needed to happen was public outreach. Get the people on Jay's side, make the issue about how he was unnecessarily sent away and how he should be allowed to come back and have a second chance. Everything is JYPE, JYPE, JYPE....what about public opinion? If JYPE felt public pressure in how they dealt with their artists, they would be most likely to act in a way that would protect their public image, and so they'd be more likely to act in a way benefiting fans. Large companies rarely cave to the demands of fans, especially when they aren't feeling anything monetarily.

Unfortunately, I think that ship has sailed, because some people continue to not get it. Kpop's attention span is NOTORIOUSLY short, and with new artists debuting every five minutes, the longer someone is gone (especially after having "resigned"), the less likely they'll be able to come back, and even worse, the less likely the public will care about the situation.

Also, people need to realize one of the main reasons not everyone is "on board" is because of the manner in which this is being conducted: In a state of hyper paranoia and virtual insanity, where people absolutely believe every rumor they hear so long as it puts JYPE and or JYP in a bad light, where people will take something simple and twist it a million ways with crack-pot conspiracy theories, and put pressure on other fans who obviously have doubts as to the methods being used. You aren't going to have a unified front until you dispel with the madness, because it doesn't make you sympathetic; it makes you look nuts. A sane, logical, and systematic approach is needed.

KHottest need to do this and get the public behind them. THAT is their only chance as far as I'm concerned.


^ I was wondering, are KHottests are even aware of this? There's just so little time left that it makes me really worried...

Honestly...and I'm going to be blunt: I doubt anyone in the Korean fandom cares too much what the international fandom thinks. And I think it's something international fans need to realize. Korean fans don't usually consider what an artist does outside of Korea to be as significant was what they do at home, the only difference is maybe Hollywood and successfully exporting the "Hallyu wave". But then, the focus is on the artists, not fans abroad. And honestly, that's just fandom. I'm fairly sure the companies themselves could care less what some fan in Turkey thinks about the state of their business dealings.

The only way to truly branch would be for International fans to actually reach out to KHottest, and do so in a way that makes it clear they want to help, without being condescending or allowing misconceptions about the state of affairs get in the way.

How can we get through to the public? Another demonstration? a silent protest? What to do?

Honestly I don't know at this point because I really feel like the ship has sailed. :( Everything has been so JYPE focused for so long, I can't think of anything Hottest can do on a large enough scale to get the public at large to care about the situation.

But, who knows, they may brain-storm and figure something out. I just hope they opt to go with something else, because what's been tried has not worked.

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Guest summer_night

i'm a silent reader for quiet a long time now, but with all those rumors lately i want to say something

(btw sorry for my english, its not my first language but i really hope you can understand me)

i just want to answer veronicavivian's questions for myself

Do you believe the "rumors"? Why and why not?

no i don't. i believed it at the beginning, but a few weeks ago i just realized that it doesn't make any sense. some rumors says "jay comes back", the next rumor says "jay is not coming back", another rumor says "JYPE doesn't want to bring him back" blabla.. honestly, we don't know if they are true. everbody can post something on the internet and say it's true. i could also say JYP is my neighbor and i've heard that he said he wants to bring jay back. the next day it would be all over the internet and everbody would go crazy about this, eventhough it's not true. (do you know what i mean? :-/ gosh it's so hard to describe my feelings in english ~.~)

i think that most of those rumors are spread by people who want to bash JYP(E). personally, i don't have anything against jyp. he's the one who created 2PM. we should be thankful that he gave us this amazing band. and i'm sure that he isn't the only one who makes all the decisions alone. JYP probably wants jay back, but the other people in JYPE (i guess there are other managers) are against it because they're afraid of the image of the company. so i don't support it when people say "do this and that against JYP bla bla.."

Do you think the whole throttle may be the only way to bring Jay back?

no. like silence said, it can have a very bad consequence.

you're right when you say 2PM are the only one who feed the company at the moment (does this make sense? o.O), but what if JYPE decides to disbanded 2PM? imagine: nobody would buy their cd's anymore, nobody would watch their tv-programs, ...

2PM wouldn't earn any money. 2PM would be a useless band for JYPE. so why should they support a useless band? they would disbanded 2PM and create a new one. this may sound harsh, but sorry, thats showbiz. it's all about the money.

about those "silent messages".. some people just have a vivid fantasy.

Comment from another fan: "Jay has to come back, otherwise JYPE will lose a lot"

What exactly is JYPE losing if Jay doesn't come back?

nothing. 2PM are still 6 people. 6 people earn enough money.

of course they have to work hard, but thats reality in this business. most of the popstars are working 20 hours a day. that's just their life. and they choose this life. nobody forced them to sign the contract.

It is Jay's decision, maybe he doesn't want to come back.

honestly, if i were jay, i would rather live a happy life in seattle, with my friends around me and nobody who gives a damn about what i do or what i say.

of course he miss his 2PM brothers, but we live in a world with internet and mobile phones. he can easily stay in touch with them.

I refuse to believe in any rumors, I'll wait for Jaebum's own words.

no i don't wait for jaebum's own words. because JYPE won't let him speak.

I'll wait for JYPE official statement.

yes, i do that. sooner or later, they have to release a statement about this.

Comment from another fan: "KHottests chanting 7-1=0, that's unfair for the rest of the members. Jaebum is no the only important member in 2PM, besides, he is not even my favorite"

imagine: you're a member of 2PM. of course you miss jay, but you're also a singer in this band, you also want some love. wouldn't you feel sad?

Promotions ended, the throttle won't do anything now!

in my opinion, the throttle won't do anything at all (like i said before)

What can we do in the meantime?

just wait. and ignore all those rumors.

about this twitter and facebook unfollow thing: do you think JYPE cares about this? do you think they sit in a corner now, crying "OMG! we don't have followers at twitter now, everbody hates us!"

... lol. wake up.

If Jaebum doesn't come in the next album, it's all over....

2PM won't last forever. sooner or later, it will be over.

thats all. i hope you can understand everything.

i want to write more things, but i can't because of my bad english.

please note that this is just my opinion. of course you have another opinion. thats just human.

i'm not a 2PM anti. i really love these boys, but i don't believe everything what i read or what i hear.

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Guest Fae_Min

How can we get through to the public? Another demonstration? a silent protest? What to do? I hate being in this limbo...

I've been thinking the same question too.

I know that the full throttle won't do anything coz it's all too late [okay, might do something] in my opinion..

and all the plan that HOTTEST have made to protest against JYPE has failed.. i mean not to be mean or anything, but from the way i see things, and as much as i hate to see this, I personally feel like we have fail to get our message across..

i'm not trying to bash or anything this is juz my opinion..

anywae, to reach the public, the only thing i can think of, [okay this might sounds ridiculous] is HOTTEST try to make a some-kind of documentary regarding this situation.. from the first myspace situation to our protest and then interview the public.. of coz, take only the positive ones [e.g wants Jay back] and ask them what do they think of JYPE treating Jay like this and so on and so forth,

this so-called documentary is xcelly to threaten JYPE that the public is against their actions and might possibly them too.

Then make this 'documentary' BIG, release it to youtube get it to ALKP , OMGKP, naver, daum or anything juz to let JYPE threatened..

i don't know whether this is xcelly a sensible thing or not.. coz it sounds to me as if i want JYPE to get a bad name. but still..

i've been thinking of something to contribute.. and this 'so-called' documentary video crap is all i can think about..

this is my thoughts.. you don't have to agree or anything :)


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Also, people need to realize one of the main reasons not everyone is "on board" is because of the manner in which this is being conducted: In a state of hyper paranoia and virtual insanity, where people absolutely believe every rumor they hear so long as it puts JYPE and or JYP in a bad light, where people will take something simple and twist it a million ways with crack-pot conspiracy theories...

This part of your post, I will agree. I find it funny (yes, I do) that fans would put everything to blame on JYPE and or JYP. Unless you're JYP or part of the management of JYPE, you do not know what they have done or what they are going to do with this so saying things like JYPE did this and that to blah blah blah is just nothing but pure speculation on your part and not a fact even if you say that you have clues or evidences, hearsays or whathaveyou. It's irritating when some fans continuously say that JYPE/JYP did this for money and that he doesn't care about him and he did this blah, blah, blah. What do you know? Nothing. Strong as you maybe as a fan, you're still outside of those who control this and what you know is only a part of a big picture.

It's hard to wait but that's the way it has to be. Hottest have already voiced out their opinions and feelings before, and for sure the management have seen it. It may have an effect on things but in the end, it's still a company and final decisions are made by the management.

I believe and I so want Jay to come back, but I don't know if that will happen.

First time posting here.

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Guest haiphuong

Just like summer_night, I wanna answer veronicavivian's question for myself and this is just my opinion.

Do you believe the "rumors"? Why and why not?

I don't believe in rumors nowadays although they seemed true. What upsets me is not Jay won't comeback or JYPE. won't bring him back but the rumors exploded like bomb recently and JYPE. did nothing to clean up and they acted as if the rumors are true (keep silent and watch us fight). This hurts the fans.

Do you think the whole throttle may be the only way to bring Jay back?

I have the same mind with summer_night

no. like silence said, it can have a very bad consequence.

you're right when you say 2PM are the only one who feed the company at the moment (does this make sense? o.O), but what if JYPE decides to disbanded 2PM? imagine: nobody would buy their cd's anymore, nobody would watch their tv-programs, ...

2PM wouldn't earn any money. 2PM would be a useless band for JYPE. so why should they support a useless band? they would disbanded 2PM and create a new one. this may sound harsh, but sorry, thats showbiz. it's all about the money.

Comment from another fan: "Jay has to come back, otherwise JYPE will lose a lot"

What exactly is JYPE losing if Jay doesn't come back?

They lose nothing cause Jay is not the only "money machine" in JYPE. In fact, I think they still "earn" something from Jay when he's in US.

It is Jay's decision, maybe he doesn't want to come back.

It's scary but it might be true. He deserves a much better life in the States with his family, his friends and bboy. Of course this is just my theory. I'm not Jay so I don't know what he's thinking now and I don't have the right to decide which is good for him.

I refuse to believe in any rumors, I'll wait for Jaebum's own words.

If Jay speaks, then what he will say is "feeded" by the company. We'll never know the truth.

I'll wait for JYPE official statement.

I'm waiting for that too.

Comment from another fan: "KHottests chanting 7-1=0, that's unfair for the rest of the members. Jaebum is no the only important member in 2PM, besides, he is not even my favorite"

Should we give some support project for the 6 too?

Promotions ended, the throttle won't do anything now!

In my opinion, it didn't do much since the promotion began.

What can we do in the meantime?

Like I said in my previous post, I still wanna try till the end. Not exactly do it but just try to do anything to support Jay and the 6 boys.

If Jaebum doesn't come in the next album, it's all over....

We don't know for sure about that. Things may change :)


Yeah. I also want to know how the Korean public opinion about that at the moment. We are fans so of course we fight for 2PM, but how's the non-fans think about that? I don't mind if they consider us as the crazy fans, I just wanna know if they could understand Jay's situation. How could we have the support from the public? We are not going to vote for the president and our Jay is not going to be a president too :( We are against JYPE. now but if most of the public opinion about Jay is negative, then I doubt that they will bring him back. I think they'd rather lose old fans like us than against the public. They are on the way to get more new fans from 2PM (more new fans = more benefits), would they take a risk to bring him back?

Sorry. I don't mean to pour cold water to the atmosphere. Just some random thoughts

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I know that entertainment industry has its rules and its thought - which we never know and out of countrol.

But at least, Hottests do something to show that we support 2PM with 7 members, not only 6, I'm sure you know and understand that we're the most hurtful people in this case, beside Jay and his brothers.

So we can't do nothing, doing something, let Jay know that he still has Hottests supporting him, and if the worst case that he won't back to Korea, I hope he'll have more strong to continue his incomplete dream.

Do you believe the "rumors"? Why and why not?

Only some of them, but however they're, I keep believing.

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Guest Idemandacookie

I think what needed to happen was public outreach. Get the people on Jay's side, make the issue about how he was unnecessarily sent away and how he should be allowed to come back and have a second chance. Everything is JYPE, JYPE, JYPE....what about public opinion? If JYPE felt public pressure in how they dealt with their artists, they would be most likely to act in a way that would protect their public image, and so they'd be more likely to act in a way benefiting fans. Large companies rarely cave to the demands of fans, especially when they aren't feeling anything monetarily.

Define public opinion please.

The definition I found:

Public Opinion - a belief or sentiment shared by most people; the voice of the people.

Sorry, I didn't know this was a farm and we were discussing about cows.

As far as I'm concerned, WE ARE the public opinion since we are not part of a Government and we are not from any private organization.

And we are trying to help with the things we can touch.

If in 21st century such act of intolerance happened in the first place, how can you expect to change the minds of a whole nation?

Tell me, because I really want to know.

Celebrities, teachers and even politicians have supported him. What other public opinions do you need?

I'm calling Obama and People+Arts as I type....

How can we get through to the public? Another demonstration? a silent protest? What to do?

Honestly I don't know at this point because I really feel like the ship has sailed.

If you don't know what to do then don't put down the efforts of people DOING SOMETHING. Thank you.

Imagine: you're a member of 2PM. of course you miss jay, but you're also a singer in this band, you also want some love. wouldn't you feel sad?

I love them, the difference is that I love the group as a whole, 7. Big difference there.

Now imagine you are a singer in a group. One day you have to go and give up your dream, the rest of the group are still working toward that dream and they're doing what they love everyday. They miss you and you miss them.

Wouldn't you feel sad?

At the end both sides are having a hard time.

about this twitter and facebook unfollow thing: do you think JYPE cares about this? do you think they sit in a corner now, crying "OMG! we don't have followers at twitter now, everbody hates us!"

... lol. wake up.

I think you don't get the point of it. Is not about making them cry.

It's just a way to voice an opinion, that's all.


I would like to ask to all the people saying the efforts of iHottest are useless and nuts, but not giving any useful ideas.

Are you fans or anti?

Because I don't grasp your concept.

If you don't want to do anything, that's fine. Nobody is pointing you with a gun.

But don't insult the fans doing activities, even if they are small.

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Define public opinion please.

The definition I found:

Public Opinion - a belief or sentiment shared by most people; the voice of the people.

Sorry, I didn't know this was a farm and we were discussing about cows.

As far as I'm concerned, WE ARE the public opinion since we are not part of a Government and we are not from any private organization.

And we are trying to help with the things we can touch.

If in 21st century such act of intolerance happened in the first place, how can you expect to change the minds of a whole nation?

Tell me, because I really want to know.

Celebrities, teachers and even politicians have supported him. What other public opinions do you need?

I'm calling Obama and People+Arts as I type....

Honestly I don't know at this point because I really feel like the ship has sailed.

If you don't know what to do then don't put down the efforts of people DOING SOMETHING. Thank you.

I love them, the difference is that I love the group as a whole, 7. Big difference there.

Now imagine you are a singer in a group. One day you have to go and give up your dream, the rest of the group are still working toward that dream and they're doing what they love everyday. They miss you and you miss them.

Wouldn't you feel sad?

At the end both sides are having a hard time.

I think you don't get the point of it. Is not about making them cry.

It's just a way to voice an opinion, that's all.


I would like to ask to all the people saying the efforts of iHottest are useless and nuts, but not giving any useful ideas.

Are you fans or anti?

Because I don't grasp your concept.

If you don't want to do anything, that's fine. Nobody is pointing you with a gun.

But don't insult the fans doing activities, even if they are small.


what we are trying to do is probably little but for at least we try to do something instead of criticizing what others do..

well just my opinion tho.. B)

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Guest kissme123

love reading all the posts above, give me a new insight...

although some choose to remain unchanged...i do respect that.

anyway, hottests, u know what to do....its better late than never...at least we tried instead of doing nothing.

and someone said before...rumours come out with positive and negative rumours back and forth...

but seeing all negative rumours keep pouring out with no intention of stopping them..might tell u something...

what happens in korean fansites at the moment...trust me, u really dont wanna know...

waiting for the mid february, its either the BEST or the WORST...

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