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Guest touchtheskies.

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Guest haiphuong

A for my favourite member of 2PM. It is also Wooyoung. But he has grown so reticent after Jay's incident that though his popularity is skyrocketing, I missed the him who was in Wild Bunny and Idol Army. Thats the saddest part of the whole ordeal I guess, he saw probably a cruel side to the business and lost his naivete in the process. Despite fans ignoring Khun many a times and just hailing Wooyoung which is something I dislike intensely, I choose not to overcompensate and will still keep a soft spot for Woo. He seems like genuinely the nicest boy, a loyal friend and someone who does care.

Sorry to cut your post but this is the saddest part for me. Woo is 180 degrees different from whom he used to be. And the most scariest thing for me when I think about him is would his funny character be back if Jay come back? Could we see his freely smile again?

I do agree with you that we have to keep the faith no matter what. Although I'm irreligious, I still believe that God is fair. Thanks Kabler for this post. This is worthy for me.

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Hi Skelly,

I felt I needed to personally address your post as I can totally relate to your feelings towards the business world and more importantly your feelings as a mother towards this situation. The boys in 2PM are really blessed to be loved by people of all ages, most of all people who genuinely feel the sadness in their situations and that in itself breaks down the walls of fandom.

Perhaps I have been in entertainment too long and part of me is really jaded as well, just as the haples boys could be protected by a more savvy adult as you pointed out, that particular adult may also have been hurt by proteges in the past to learn to close his heart and let the businessman in him takeover as well. Its such a tough call isn't it but many a times we're products of past experiences and I'm sure JYP has had his share of disappointments.

I find myself vested in 2PM because I saw a side to them I have never witnessed in other idol groups. In that way I thank JYP for his "discipline" cos he brought up very good boys. I think a huge part of their charm also lies in the genuines-ness of their friendship with each other which at this point has surpassed the value of money. Sadly this which should be a norm in the ideal world is a huge abnormality in our business.

I think a big part of the boys manners also came from the fact that the boys all came form relatively good families, what can I say, what a perfect mix that made up 2PM.

I am sure JYP sees the camaderie and I reiterate again that I hope Jay has learnt much from this experience to emerge a stronger person and a better entertainer after this.

Still keeping the faith and doing it with a smile. Let's go through this period united as Hottest with no regard for age, race, culture, beliefs. In this cynical world, there's often times hope. Its starts with faith... :)

Just wanted to share my two cents on my favourite member of 2PM vs the member I think will most likely succeed

Its strange these days that visiting other sites and kpop forums, I've been noting that people are bashing Nichkhun alot of late and praising wooyoung and Teac to the skies. Actually I long predicted this will happen when the love for Nichkhun seemed really overwhelming from the k-ent world and local fans alike. Over time the trend causes many to want to rebel against the commerical standards and overcompensates the others by bashing the person in the limelight. I feel a bit bad for Khun actually... so all that said, I will still give my piece as an industry person...

I have no doubt in my heart that Khun will be the biggest breakout star of 2PM. This is not because of any biases but at the rate Teac is coming up in popularity heavily dependent on his strong imaging, its going to hurt him in the end and his chances on crossing over to acting as the more he plays up the TEAC of 2PM, the harder it is going to be for him to assimilate into his character when he goes into the acting world. Directors look for actors who can carry a show and take viewers into the character of the protagonist but the stronger the Teac persona ensues, the harder will fans find it to seperate his role from the him from real life. Its going to be an uphill task but I guess its unevitable.

Khun on the other hand is very mild and quiet. Strangely he has this ability to adapt very quickly despite his pretty boy looks and even if you just watch the parody they did, his facial expressions were spot on every minute of the lines he had to deliver. It is in his exact so called blandness (according to some fans) that he yields his most powerful tool. A director can write anything on the Khun paper, and when he delivers even a passable performance, people will still sit up and notice him as to many they have already downgraded him to be just a pretty face. When JYP stated that Khun was the member who exceeded his expectations, I second that in a heartbeat as the boy is not only perfect looking, but he is extremely astute and that will aid him to give Kim Hyun Joong a run for his money as the next Hallyu star. I am so anticipating his debut performance in a movie. The script idea is already a winner.

A for my favourite member of 2PM. It is also Wooyoung. But he has grown so reticent after Jay's incident that though his popularity is skyrocketing, I missed the him who was in Wild Bunny and Idol Army. Thats the saddest part of the whole ordeal I guess, he saw probably a cruel side to the business and lost his naivete in the process. Despite fans ignoring Khun many a times and just hailing Wooyoung which is something I dislike intensely, I choose not to overcompensate and will still keep a soft spot for Woo. He seems like genuinely the nicest boy, a loyal friend and someone who does care.

Sorry this is so long... just wanted to air out my own feeling towards 1:59PM

First, Kabler, thank you so much for the information you provided. I can see that many of us in this thread, including me, find some hope in those words you said. Even though that hope is very dim, I will still still hold on to it until everything is revealed to us clearly by JYPE.

Second, I really really agree with the part you said about Khun. And sometimes I'm really angry about it. I mean fans can be so fickle at times. Khun used to be the most popular and he was the one who got most people interested in 2PM at first. At that time people did not spare any words praising Khun. However, these days when I lurk Kpop sites, all I'm seeing is "Khun is overrated" and "Khun is talentless" blah blah blah I am really annoyed at all those comments because the commenters obviously brushed off Khun's 4 years of training and his constant efforts at improving himself. It's like when Khun is mentioned, everyone goes: pretty boy with no talent. I'm not even gonna bother arguing with them because they so blatantly reduced Khun to a person who only lived off his pretty face. If a mere pretty face can earn money, I would like to know why there are like a million ulzzangs in Korea but only a few of them become rich and famous.

Third, about the acting skill, I also agree with you. I suddenly remember the Korean actress Jeon Do Yeon who won Cannes Prize. She didn't have a strong image like other more famous actresses. For example, Lee Young Ae is always depicted by the media as pure and kind, Choi Ji Woo as the middle-aged and melodramatic woman, Go Hyun Jung as the suffering and rebellious woman. All of them have good acting skills but Jeon Do Yeon is often crowned the best, because she can fit in many types of roles. I think if NichKhun really considers taking various roles, he can get very far in the acting world.

On another note: I just found this vid: Full compilation of 2PM's Heartbeat Ending (complete with Gayo shows' performances) This vid reminds me of how much effort the boys put into this round of promotion:


credit: symbelmynevii

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Guest tikamicizia

yeah woo did change,, but I think it also helps him to become a more mature.. this incident must taught him a lot, how the world really is.. and we can't face the world forever with our naive perception.. I hope woo can learn a lot to become a better adult later *always think positive always think positive*. thnks kabler for ur post,, really means a lot for us,, thx for the encourage..

I always see khun as a special boy.. he's intelligent,, u can see it in the way he answers questions, the way he reacts to something. he's so mature and really someone u can rely on, maybe living independent since a kid made him like that. maybe he's not the one who improves the most in terms of musical ability, but he can handle himself really well as a entertainer, it's like he knows what ppl expect for him so he'll make sure we're satisfied with his work,, so true khj should be worried. lol

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Guest karatefeelings

Wow. Thanks Skelly and Kabler for providing your thoughts and information to us and for doing it in a civil and mature manner making it very pleasant to read. I've also enjoyed reading the mature responses from some of the users here about their recent performances and other things related to the boys. I think engaging in a real discussion whether we agree with each other or not is quite a nice change from the normal spazzing over picture posts (which is also fun in its own right). As long as we respect each other and don't go way off topic, I don't see anything wrong in discussing about taboo topics (Jay, conspiracy theories, etc) that may raise a little discomfort.

Anyway, I am not connected to 2OD (I keep forgetting my password and it never ever logs me in even with the new password they gave me, so I gave up) so, I have no clue as to whatever rumours that seem to be going around. It seems to have been the reason for the sudden dicussion about future plans with 2PM and it's kinda making me excited and anxious at the same time. Is it possible for someone to clue me in? Although I understand there's a no re-posting rule so I guess I'll just have to torture myself by not knowing (or maybe that's a good thing?) and try to read between the lines. lol.

As of right now, I am really neutral as to whether Jay will return in the upcoming album/single. Of course, I'd like him back but whether he will be included or not, I really do not know, my gut is not telling me anything or maybe it is and I'm not listening unless it's something that I can accept. Denial much. But I'll have to agree that if Jay is not included in the nxt album, we can pretty much say goodbye to the idea of a return. I'd like to be optimistic but Jay seemed like he is adapting into his old routines and going on with life with his friends and family quite comfortably, I suspect that he might not want to return? And if he did, it's not by his own choice? I don't know. I have tons of speculations in my head but they tend to contradict each other, so I'll just keep them to myself because I can't word them properly. Heh.

Also, I used to want 2PM to appear on Family Outing and now we get news about Taec maybe becoaming a permanent member and suddenly I'm not so keen anymore. I guess I wanted them to interact with the current members. The new set of entertainers for it is mostly made up of idols which is...bleh. If the proposed cast is what the new FO members will be, I sort of hope JYP reconsider Taec's role in it. :/

Ok I'm done rambling. :P Sorry I can't offer any pictures or gifs to spazz over to make up for this wall of text. Yikes.

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hi,i'm pretty new fan of 2pm,knowing them from hot blood,but not really into them until recently.can you guys answer my question since i don't know many info about them:)

1-how many years that they trained under jyp ent before debut?

2-how many times they win for their song like 10 POINTS,OY,AAA,IHY,HB in music station(inkigayo,music core and music bank)?

3-i found this three fan art from wild bunny time on other site. did other 2pm's member have this same kind of fan art too?

bc i really love this fan art but can't find jay,junsu,junho version.




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Guest luv_uj

I just keep thinking about the reasons why JYP(E) dont bring Jay back and why JYP needs to bring him back. I've even done pros and cons but it's bias to pros. <333

I will start with the positive way is JYP(E) want to torture us more and more. In the meantime, they're also waiting people forget about the issue and watching the reaction of anti-fans and netizens.

The good sign of Korean society is we still see Jay on Korean TV even they show old pictures with his bros as the feeling of family and how good and charismatic he is. Obviously, Korean TVs also support Jay as always because some used to work with Jay before. They know him better than netizens. It's kinda like a psychological tactic by letting people absorb his good thing and forget his bad thing, just like we've been watching his clip and we love him.

The great sign that I found it's very important is from boys' reaction, they seem to be normal nowaday. I dont know that it's just smile outside but pain inside or not. As I know them for almost 2 years, they can't pretend because of their eyes. Another sign from boys is they mentioned about giving the closet to Jay in their new house.

If JYPE concerns about money, they should bring him back as I 've seen the popularity on him is raising very much not only in Korea but you can say it's worldwide now. Jay's clips in YT are watched and linked in Korea, Thailand, USA, Canada or even Mongolia. The topic about him in any website are so hot and most of comments are good side. This means that he still sits in the fan's heart for sure. If the future plan of 2PM is oversea market, this is a great chance to promote 7 of them because some know 2PM from Jay's news and then do the reseach and become new fans. JYP(E) need to realize that 2PM can't conquer the world without a good leader. I mean boys can take care of themselves very well but they're familiar to be led by Jay.

I read someone's comment about press conference is a good idea. I mean real conference, they have mic, cameras, photograhers and writers not just jpg file in website. That's an international way to do. JYP(E) and Jay need to confront with the whole world for apology and accepting his past mistake also explain how he's changed from time to time, just like in the paper they stated but from his own mouth and eye contact is more touching for audiences. I bet that most of Korean will forgive him. Why? because no one is mean enough to a brave man who admits his past mistake. Conversely, they will be blamed if they dont forgive him. However, Jay is now hiding in the corner but I dont blame on him, I blame on JYP(E) to make him like that.

JYP(E) should take a risk to bring him back if they still think that Jay can be money-maker in the future. He can be a stronger man who can do anything for victory because he knows the downfall is. He's gonna be JYP(E)'s weapon to beat others. I know JYP(E) like to take a risk.. that's why they brought W....................G to USA.

If JYP(E) wont bring Jay back for whatever reasons and still ignore all requests from fans, continue acting like an innocent and give us the hope endlessly. They keep disobeying and promoting 2pm as 6 members. What happen if you see 6 on stage but you can't help yourself to miss Jay, it's an unforgettable deeply hurt. I dont mean to read boys' mind but I bet they will feel like this as human being. How could you do the best you can do if you have an unforgettable deeply hurt inside all the time?

I write this because I believe Jay would like to come back. On the other hand, if he would like to stay with family and friends. I'm fine for that as long as I know he's safe, healthy and fun with friends. As long as I can see him occasionally bboying.

About Khun as Kabler mentioned. I believe that he's now proving himself that all he has is not just a pretty boy. Dont worry he has lots of backup fans in Thailand.

Sorry for long post and so straight. You might discuss in some points already but I just wanna share mine.

Thank you for reading and understand my bad english. Now, let's keep a faith like Kabler said.

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Okay . I'm not really up to the news about Taecyeon joining in F.O

But again and again , is this another business thingy?

I'm not being harsh or so what ;O I don't hate the girls and I love these 7 boys.

But it's just that , I'm just confused . =.=

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Credit: Translated by Tik & Chinup_Jay@2pm-online.com, Coordinator: Cassina@2pm-online.com, summarized by Offogato@2pm-online.com

♥♥♥ Wooyoung went back to Busan today and was spot at Synnara Record store. The blogger said wooyoung stood besided 2PM banner for a while. He also gave autograph to the store with Happy New Year message. Please click at the picture below to redirect to the blog ( http://cafe.naver.com/synnararecords.cafe?...Farticleid=3383 )


♥♥♥ Junsu left message to Magnae Chansung saying ...

"송가야 숙소를지켜라 (도롱뇽형아 김준수)"

Songga! Look after a boarding house well! ( Salamander bro Junsu )

So this can be implied that Junsu is still at Daegu while Chansung is left alone? in Seoul

cr: 2pm-online

so I guess the boys are taking a break right now before preparing for the next album. thats good^^

Junho went back to his home too. aw Bear Chansung's all alone at home... when his hyungs are back, the fridge would be left empty lol

and Taec is in Boston right now right? hope he has a great time at home with his family and brings back dried mangoes or Jay for the members hehe

LOL iluvjna omg that's so funny! Wooyoung looks so disappointed that Khun fell asleep xD

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Guest tikamicizia

aww maknae is all alone.. hahahaha,, so good to see they took a break for a while.. I still don't understand salamander junsu. lol, junsu's cyworld posts are always hilarious,, *can't forget dorky taec and junsu in YAB parody.. junsuu,, I wanna see ur funny side more. hoho

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Guest cheezychunnie

2PM taecyeon - 100107 한밤의 TV연예



thank u so much to kabler...we really need a good and positive energy around here

thanx again!

to>>>>iluvjna:nice!l :D

to>>>>widdy thanx for sharing the info..i cant get thru 2pm-online.com,i can only access

to 2pm-online.net n i dunno why the pic is not coming out if i use .net

much appreciated for posting the info :)...

love that the boys are taking a break..poor magnae..alone at home.

i hope he's going back to his home seeing his parents, i heard dat he's coming from a wealthy

family..is it true?hehe...

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Guest CharlotteDarcy

lmao. I must be thinking dirty but doesn't the following picture look like...

Changsung: "check out my junk."

Since our maknae is so naive, he probably doesn't even realize what he's implying. haha. Remember the doll-incident in Idol Army show?

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Guest babiluxx

aw im glad to hear that our boys are taking a break ! they must be so happy to go home and hang out with their family and friends!! I wonder where nichkhun is right now. Back to Thailand? or busy filming? I bet chansung went back home as well!!

I read all the discussions and I just want to say that thanks everyone for having hope! im glad this thread is filled with positive thoughts!

In addition, I want to say that I love all the boys in 2PM. they all possess something and that what completes this group. I think nichkhun is a hard worker...he went into JYP not knowing how to dance or sing. he came a long way. I feel like the more underrated ones are chansung and junho. Junho--maybe not that talkative but he def can dance and sing. I don't understand why his popularity isn't as high as the others. Also chansung, I don't think he came into the company wanting to be in a singing group..i think he wanted to be a model so I think he came a long way too. Anyways what im trying to say is that i think all the boys work really hard to be where they are right now...maybe they aren't perfect and they still have a lot of room to grow...but their dedication is shown through their successes and they should all get credits for being hard workers!

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Thanks for those who told us their point of view, and thanks to Kabler~!

I think that Wooyoung has changed too, but I don't know whether is good for him (as someone said, he will learn from that) or not... I guess only the persons who know him can say it.

I have no hopes or whatever, I'm just neutral & I'm waiting to see what will hapen. In my opinion, JYPE wavers all the time, but that is just what I feel.

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Guest cheezychunnie

Thank you so much kabler for sharing us the info. I believe in Jay :)

and can anyone read Korean? I can read Korean a little and I guess this is the story about Taec and Jay in an elevator at Dangook(their university). If anyone knows Korean, pls translate this ^^

cr: bestiz

sorry to cut ur post :)


translation by 2oneday forum

I entered the Dandook University elevator and there were 2 boys in there speaking English.

I just looked at them without thinking, and it was Ok Taecyeon and Park Jaebum oh my….

I was surprised, but acted like it was nothing as we rode up.

On the 2nd floor, the elevator stopped with a *ding*

On the 2nd floor, as Pa Jaebum tried to exit, Taecyeon said in English, “2nd floor %$&%$ something something…” (the 2nd floor is not where we need to exit, come back inside) as he held on to him kekeke

A little later on the 5th floor the elevator stopped again with a *ding*

Once again, Pa Jaebum tried to exit quickly kekekeke

Taecyeon caught him again as he said, “5th floor %$&$&$ (this is not where our classroom is)”

And eventually yelled at him, “HEY! STUPID!!!!”

CREDITS: bestiz (SOURCE) ; kdrama_queen@2ONEDAY (TRANS)


On Seulong’s cy:

- 사진이 왤케 볼게 엄냐미~~한잔해!!! (이쁜누나^^ 백지영)

- 나이제곧 대구가ㅋㅋ 근데노트북고장났다ㅠㅠ (노래쟁이 김준수)

- Why is there such a lack of pictures~~~ let’s have a drink!!! (Pretty Nuna^^ Baek Ji Young)

- I’m going to Daegu soon keke but my laptop is broken TT TT (Singer Kim Junsu)

On Chan’s cy:

송가야 숙소를지켜라 (도롱뇽형아 김준수)\

Hey Hymn* take care of the dorms (Salamander Hyung Kim Junsu)

*Hymn- in Korean “song ga”--> a play on Chansung’s name, by shortening it to Sung --> Song (like calling him Chansong) confusing, I know…

On Junsu’s cy:

오옹... ㅠㅠ (도롱뇽동생 황찬성)

Okay… TT TT (Salamander Dongsaeng Hwang Chansung)

On Baek Ji Young’s cy:

- 사진은 결국 돌고도는군요ㅋㅋㅋㅋ (훌라동생 옥택연)

- 누나 ㅋㅋ 안녕하세요 !!새해복많이받으세용! (뱅뱅~ 조권)

- 저사진은 곧 떠돌겠죠... ㅠㅠ (돌+아이 임슬옹)

- So I guess the photos are eventually circulating kekeke (Hula Dongsaeng Ok Taecyeon)

- Nuna keke Hello!! Have a Happy New Years! (Bang Bang~ Jo Kwon)

- That picture will probably soon circulate… TT TT (Im Seulong)

-BJY's Photo Section- all upped on 100103


넌 뭐가 그리 좋니???ㅋㅋㅋ


What's making you so happy??? kekeke

You're saying you're satisfied, right??? kekeke


ㅋㅋ누군지 진짜 모르겠다~~~~

앞으로 누나한테 장난치면 호온나!!!ㅋㅋㅋ

keke I really can't tell who you are~~~~

If you joke around with me again you're going to get in trouble!!! kekeke



Traitor!!! keke


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Guest sarang-f

thank you kabler for the info.i'll be waiting for good new.

please come back Jay so wooyoung can be happy again. i miss the old udong so much

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Guest avchuck

thank you kabler! iamthisclosetogivingup on 1:59!

reminding everyone that we are going to send jaebum to number one twitter topic tomorrow at 6PM KST.

We haven't forgotten leadja!


I'm interested. I don't really get to participate in these things, but I want to today. So will it be #jaebum? and what's 6PM KST equate to for U.S. time?

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Guest Hakuri

Helloo~ this is my first post here kk~

I was wondering if some of you know the boys' shoe and cap sizes?

Your answer would be a great help!

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Thanks for the reply, Kabler, I really appreciate it! And, as usual, I enjoyed your refreshing and insightful information. Even your sense of frustration with the capricious entertainment industry shines through, LOL.

I especially liked this point:

I find myself vested in 2PM because I saw a side to them I have never witnessed in other idol groups. In that way I thank JYP for his "discipline" cos he brought up very good boys. I think a huge part of their charm also lies in the genuines-ness of their friendship with each other which at this point has surpassed the value of money.

I wondered why I could not really get interested in any of the other idol groups (one of my daughters really likes SuJu and MBLAQ, so I end up watching their videos a lot) and I realized that it is because of this connection I think I see between the boys. They seem like 'real boys,' from their messy rooms and their off-color jokes to their teasing cameraderie. They came together from literally all over the world, and with very different strengths, weaknesses, and personalities, and yet they made a wonderful family.

Again, thanks so much for sharing with us.

P.S. luv_uj, your comment was a great first post. I look forward to reading more from you in the future, and don't worry about your English, your interest and sincerity is more important and that shines through loud and clear.

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