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☆ 2 P M ★ Official Thread ☆

Guest touchtheskies.

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Guest lady_bug

I actually agree with your comments. I don't think anyone is belittling the group or saying 2PM is nothing without Jay because that's not it. However I've always felt like Jay was always the key link to relationships with the boys. Like Jay and Junsu are both singing partners and also trained the longest together, Jay and Junho are roommates, him and Khun are the "foreigners", Jay and Wooyoung were the two playful, outspoken ones, him and Chansung had that complete opposite thing such as Jay being the leader, oldest, and smallest person with Chansung being the maknae and biggest guy, and of course Jay and Taec were technically a couple lol =P But I guess what's going on is that without Jay it seems like everyone just feels out of place in their own way. I'm pretty sure Junsu had a hard time adjusting to Wooyoung being his new partner, Junho sleeping alone, Khun being the only foreigner, etc. And we REALLY can't deny as much as we want to the effects it has on our boys. I mean seriously look at Wooyoung, I can't even look at him without frowning and feeling sad anymore because he just looks SO depressed all the time. It's not that 2PM is nothing without Jay or Jay is nothing without 2PM but we can all agree they complete each other right? Even if they're doing well financially with all the CF deals, music wins, and topping the charts and stuff you can really tell that they are SERIOUSLY missing Jay and are really hurting inside. Thats why when the boycott was going around the main thing pro-boycotters thought was "2PM would rather have their brother back then album sales" and well honestly by looking at their faces even with them winning this and that, I think we can all see that's true.

So this is my first post in soompi. Anyways, I absolutely agree with you. You're right. I always felt Jay was the key link to how the 2pm members interact with each other too. To me, he kind of lead the direction of the 2pm members' conversation and bring about the members' personality to the camera. So much more is that he is not afraid of being laugh at for his lack of the korean language, a very down to earth kind of guy which i love and admired so much. A goofball, a prankster. Yet he knows how to get the job done and when to stop horsing around and get serious.

It's kind of funny, (if u haven't guess yet) but i do have a bias 2pm member and that is Park Jaebum. 2pm is one idol group where you just can't help but love all of the members because it's true, whatever one lack the others make up for it, plus they are their own person and have their own special charms; however, Jay will always have a special place in my heart. To start off, it was actually Nickhun who first drew me to the group because of his awesomness FACE and he had a vibe like "the boy next door" personality and he is just plain cute when you look at him. After watching him in variety shows, I find him to be a very sweet guy. However, as I got interested in 2pm, the more I got into leader Park Jaebum who have captivated me COMPLETELY. In Idol Army he was very honest, playful, and mischievious with the members and Boom. But on a very different light when he is on stage and performaning his ARTS he oozes with charisma. His athletic abilities wows me everytime and his self discipline to keep in shape, in check, and perfect and improve. His performance and daring flip during the MKMF award show made me admire him even more, especially being that they (2pm) just debuted only a few months. I thought this guy have guts, no wonder JYP made him the leader of 2pm.

I must confess, when I first saw him in Hot Blood I thought he was very arrogant. And I dislike him soooooo much. He was actually the least, the bottom of my favorite. I thought him to be rude and careless; nevertheless as I continue to watch more of 2pm in variety shows and performances, the warmer my heart got to him and how guilty I feel to judge him wrongly. I admit, he quickly won me over...head over heels kind of thing....and that has always been like that... Jay, I like the fact that he is straightforeward and try not to be who he is not. This makes him so different from the rest of the idols. And I think that brute honesty also open the other 2pm members to show their honest sides too.

Gosh I'm so done. Sorry for the long post.

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Guest vindemi

^ I'm thinking the same thing. Jay is the buffer of the group. Keeps the equilibrium ;D haha sorry.

For example, a close friend of yours have their own set of friends right?

You have a close friend, let's call him/her 'A'. So you and 'A' are close friends. One day, 'A' invited you to chill with his/her friends. Then finally, all of you hang out. 'A' closes the gap of awkward-ness between you and his/her group of friends because of obvious reasons.

If you took out 'A', it will be very awkward between you and his/her group of friends because you don't really know them that well and you'll feel left out. Because of this, You'll most likely stick to 'A' because you know or can relate to 'A' better than anyone else.

Did I lose anybody? haha

Maybe this situation happened in the beginning but they've been trainees together and are living together for a long time so now it's different. Everything changed because Jay is the heart of 2PM and the boys seemed to be lost at first but are now coping. Regarding Nichkhun...


Nichkhun is a foreigner and so is Jay. But then Jay's Korean by blood and let's face it...Foreigners are still kind of not accepted in Korea because of the difference in culture, social taboos, status quos, different language, sense of humour and etc. I mean if you dumped me in Korea right now, I'd totally be lost. I don't think they're gonna adapt to you if you're a foreigner either. I'm not bashing Korea or anything and I shouldn't be saying this because I've never stepped foot in Korea. BUT judging from living in an area where there's a lot of Korean fobs, whenever I pass by them, I feel like they're shunning me LOL Even going to Korean restaurants, noraebang or a heavily Korean-populated area, they look down on me and make me feel like I shouldn't be there =/ I have Korean friends by the way, so just note that I'm not generalizing that all Koreans are like this. I'm sure Jay and Khun felt left out when they first came to Korea but they were willing to learn and grow from it.

Nichkhun is trying hard you guys =) I'm jealous of Nichkhun because of admiration lol

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Guest true_ddalgi

my bias is taecyeon, no doubt. (jay gives him a run for his money though...) wayyy before 2pm even existed as a group, i had realized what my ideal man would look like, sound like, and be like. i had a huuge list of different characteristics that i imagined my ideal man to have, but i couldn't imagine my ideal man as a whole person. so i thought of my ideal man as someone who has manly eyebrows, tall straight nose, chiseled jawline, manly image, deep voice, etc. i didn't think of my ideal man as a real person...just a list of different traits. one day, i was bored and came across hot blood. when i first saw taec, i was like "man...that guy is really cute/hot....he reminds me of someone...." then as i saw more of him, i realized who it was. taecyeon happened to be the living, breathing epitome of my ideal man!! like........EVERYTHING. even down to his height, voice, hair texture, skin tone, teeth, EVERYTHING--no joke!!! more than excited, i was reallyyyy freaked out by the fact that my ideal man actually existed somewhere and i had no clue until then. if you ever realize something like that...it's really freaky. it's like you suddenly discover that santa clause exists!!! ANYWAY, as i began to follow 2pm, i saw that taecyeon fit everything i want even beyond the looks and voice and physical stuff. he used to look like a nerd....and i used to look like a nerd too. he is 3 days younger than me. we both want to get married around the same age. we both speak korean and english fluently and interpet for people often. and on and on. it's just............crazy.

plus, he just attracts me like crazy..........it's like a chemical reaction. haha omg excuse this disgusting display of corn !! hahaha ^^;;

but like you guys have said...............i love ALL of 2pm. i love every single member. it's just that taecyeon is the one who is fit to be my husband haha. all of them have captured my heart with their different personalities, talents, etc.

ahh love 2pm. <3

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Guest fattie8701


Nichkhun is a foreigner and so is Jay. But then Jay's Korean by blood and let's face it...Foreigners are still kind of not accepted in Korea because of the difference in culture, social taboos, status quos, different language, sense of humour and etc. I mean if you dumped me in Korea right now, I'd totally be lost. I don't think they're gonna adapt to you if you're a foreigner either. I'm not bashing Korea or anything and I shouldn't be saying this because I've never stepped foot in Korea. BUT judging from living in an area where there's a lot of Korean fobs, whenever I pass by them, I feel like they're shunning me LOL Even going to Korean restaurants, noraebang or a heavily Korean-populated area, they look down on me and make me feel like I shouldn't be there =/ I have Korean friends by the way, so just note that I'm not generalizing that all Koreans are like this. I'm sure Jay and Khun felt left out when they first came to Korea but they were willing to learn and grow from it.

Nichkhun is trying hard you guys =) I'm jealous of Nichkhun because of admiration lol

I totally agree with you!!! and i really find it sad when ppl always say nichkhun has the spoltlight and bash him and stuff (i havent seen it here but i have seen it in other places). BTW i realised ur from canada!! yayy canada lol...question where is this korean populated area u speak of...cuz i am yet to see it lol...

My Bias

It was Khun at first but then i really liked wooyoung ssanti dances, then i liked chansungs swagger, junsu's sense of style, junho's ability to take care of things, taec's bluntness and Jay's 'americanness' which u could tell added some type of dynamic to the group, he made you feel like regardless of age or race you would be comfortable around him :)...all in all i realised i cant choose!! i love them all, some days my bias for one member outweighs the rest but i love them all equally...

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Guest XxSwt Lilo LuverxX

this Khun thing is making me sad ..

but again guys .. we duno what happens behind the scenes soo you know they could all get along fine & stuff .....


need i say more about this man? :D

at first i was attracted to junsu cos his really hot lols but after seeing chansung on variety shows i changed my mind. he seems really cool & laidback and seems to get along with everyone well so yehhhhh

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Guest uh-ohxev

I actually agree with your comments. I don't think anyone is belittling the group or saying 2PM is nothing without Jay because that's not it. However I've always felt like Jay was always the key link to relationships with the boys. Like Jay and Junsu are both singing partners and also trained the longest together, Jay and Junho are roommates, him and Khun are the "foreigners", Jay and Wooyoung were the two playful, outspoken ones, him and Chansung had that complete opposite thing such as Jay being the leader, oldest, and smallest person with Chansung being the maknae and biggest guy, and of course Jay and Taec were technically a couple lol =P But I guess what's going on is that without Jay it seems like everyone just feels out of place in their own way. I'm pretty sure Junsu had a hard time adjusting to Wooyoung being his new partner, Junho sleeping alone, Khun being the only foreigner, etc. And we REALLY can't deny as much as we want to the effects it has on our boys. I mean seriously look at Wooyoung, I can't even look at him without frowning and feeling sad anymore because he just looks SO depressed all the time. It's not that 2PM is nothing without Jay or Jay is nothing without 2PM but we can all agree they complete each other right? Even if they're doing well financially with all the CF deals, music wins, and topping the charts and stuff you can really tell that they are SERIOUSLY missing Jay and are really hurting inside. Thats why when the boycott was going around the main thing pro-boycotters thought was "2PM would rather have their brother back then album sales" and well honestly by looking at their faces even with them winning this and that, I think we can all see that's true.

Thank you so much! You seriously read my mind... I didn't know how to explain it, but you did a perfect job at explaining what I felt. Jay, definately was the one who brought all the boys "together" during shows and whatnot. Now it's a bit messy, because they don't have the person that would normally lead them present. And do NOT misunderstand me... I'm not saying anything bad about the boys because I say that it's "messy" now in interviews. I'm trying to say that without Jay, it's incomplete and less organized. Which is completely expected when you lose the leader of the group.

FOR THE QUESTION - My bias is Khun. Why? Well, for 1 - when 2PM was about to debut, I saw their photo and I saw Khun and thought "Whoah! Who is he?!" :lol: And, he's basically what peaked my interest in 2PM... if it weren't for Khun, God knows how long it would've tooken me to become a 2PM fan! (I say how long it would've tooken me, because the boys are too lovable for anyone not to become a fan of eventually! xD) Then, watching him in shows, interviews, etc. I was shocked at how much he and I are alike. In "making the artist" he was taking photos for his "break" and I got so excited because of that! I love photography and I want to pursue it in the near future, so it made me so happy that he and I both like photography. Their is alot we have in common but nobody here is interested in hearing me list them all, so I won't. We are the same Zodiac sign - so maybe thats why we also have alot in common? :) I of course, also find him incredibly good looking, and sweet too! Khun is my bias because him and I share alot in common! ^^

But, after Khun I don't have a ranking... I couldn't make 1, even if I tried. Not even if you told me I'd get shot if I didn't pick a ranking! :lol: Because when I say I can't, I honestly mean it! The boys all have their own charms. They all have good personalities... and all have very good looks! They are the only kpop group I feel this way about. I usually have a ranking for kpop groups - but with 2PM, they are all equal! Oh man.. this sounded like a parrot..

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Annyong... :rolleyes:

Huah...My Bias is Jay..Because the first time I see him is from Idol world with SNSD and because the "Seduction" things and He had a very cute reaction on it..and that the first time I become intresting with 2PM, I search all their perform,news,Of course Jay Picture a lot.. :wub:

Ah~~~Taec Oppa cut his Hair I think.hehhehehe

See Pic of new lives to childern

hehehe Adroble...

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I also noticed the reticence in Nichkhun lately and also the fact he is seemingly talking less at interviews and the interactions he's been having with the group seemed alot less.

I prev made the remark that the ordeal seems to have made the boys grow up overnight and probably gave them an insight to the cruel business world. What I hope is that the management at JYPE does not cause further divide in the boys. Nichkhun has been the main contributor financially to the company, and all along I have always felt that JYP seems to particularly favor him. Might be because Khun is an 'obedient' protege or like I said cos he has contributed alot to the company in the financial sense with his overwhelming product endorsements in Thailand and also the rumours of him being signed on a more expensive end in all 2PM's endorsement deal in Korea compared to the rest of the boys. Khun was seemingly also the quietest in the open support of Jay during the whole period when the fiasco erupted.

My assessment is that his unique position within the company and possible favor given by management placed him in an opposition end when the scandal occurred. It could be that he was made to sit on the fence that that would not bode well with the rest of the members. Looking at their Corby campaign, brownie O campaign, it is obvious he led every single one. I'm not sure what the other memebers would thnk or how the outside world would perceive it but it does seem like he inherited most of the advantages when Jay left whether or not he was a willing recipient of everything.

All that said, I've always felt Khun has most potential to make it on his own outside the group. His manga looks, height, smile, adaptivity to situations quickly makes him a very promising candidate to cross over to films and TV. I'm sure the people in the company knows this too. Whereas for the rest of 2PM, all they have got is 2PM.

I am hoping for the best that all of this is just undue worry abut the state of the group and the divide that is seemingly coming out. Miss seeing them being the naive innocent boys who terrorized my PC during their wild bunny days. Business is business at the end of the day and boys will grow up to become men and understand that the process is not always a happy one.

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Guest chimeraspunk


i don't know whether its becos im too fickle or that the boys are all seriously charming, ive had a few changes in my biasness!

to start it all, i was drawn to taec. at that time i was still very unfamiliar with 2pm. i was interested in taec as an individual instead of the group. he was just tall, tanned and hunky. the stereotype of guys most girls like right? haha that model stature and chiseled looks - who can hate!!

then as time moved on, i caught on the 2pm virus during idol army and wild bunny! as they revealed their true personalities, i found myself constantly attracted to JAY! i dno how to describe the guy except that he's wonderful. i feel he really embodies that difficult mix of sexy and cute and he delivers both images naturally! i like his dorky personality, how he bullies the boys, how he struggles with korean. i like his modesty, how he doesnt think he's good looking or a skilled dancer for that matter. he's really down to earth and honest. and i started to view him as the most 'human' member to me. how he can be imperfect yet so charming. :D

so jay became my main bias since then. but occasionally, my affections are tested! somedays i find dorky giant maknae uber adorable. i especially love how he can be SO SERIOUS at times. like how he started reading what seems like a very mature book during wild bunny. and how affectionate he is with all the other members (:

then somedays, junho steals my heart with his earnest gentlemanliness. i love how he supports all the members.. i think his big heart really shines. like how he never fails to offer his hand when a member falls or throws something. he's a really considerate and hardworking boy. and he deserves respect for tt! (:

junsu-junsu-junsu - is soooooo funny. i dno whether he intends to be but he is so hilarious! on stage he is all smooth vocals and charisma, and off stage the boy really loses his mind! esply his satoori. haha i think junsu is a very honest person. he is who he portrays himself to be. no pretenses. and i love his laugh. he laughs really easily! and i like people who laugh alot. they make me feel happy and support the mood.

wooyoungieeeee. i think wooyoung is crazy charming. i can understand how he is so wildly popular. the kid is so brutally honest all the time. he is like this boy who is pure and untainted and uncorrupted. haha from his lack of relationship experience to his frankness, wooyoung is just.. love. hahaha. i never used to see him as a man. i actually thought ahh it would be fun to have him as a little brother. cos he's so funny and noisy and adorably annoying. but these days during heartbeat promotion, hahaah i must say im starting to see him differently...

last but not least, our resident prince charming khun.. i dno how khun does it, but he remains so modest despite people praising him at least a few times every single day! and i like that about him, how grounded he is. honestly a guy so goodlooking, usually wouldn't be liked by other guys out of envy. but khun is just so earnestly NICE and heartwarming, u really can't hate him. but it was intensely hilarious to see the petty khun in wild bunny episode 2. i usually see him as mature, but that day it was like seeing the small boy khun being mad for being left out by his friends.. hahaha i enjoyed seeing that side of him.

basically ALL SEVEN ARE AMAZING. i wouldn't like them as individuals if i hadn't seen their dynamics. as seven they really shine, and its in their brotherhood, that we start to appreciate each and everyone's presence.

and id like to say something about the responses in this forum.. if someone (provided he or she is not a troll) was being honest about how she feels and said something not so pleasant about the boys, i hope people can try to open their minds and try to see it from their perspective. im not asking you to force urself to agree of course, but to respect their opinion. do not bash or treat them hostilely. this is forum page for all 2pm fans.. we can discuss, but don't argue please..

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Guest cheezychunnie

the situation is like this,

u have 6 bestfrens,u get along well wif each other

but suddenly,one of ur fren had to be departed from u guys due to the sudden reason..

u didnt prepare for this,u feel shock and sad and mad all mixed feeling

of coz it will affect u....sometimes u hepi,sometimes u sad,sumtimes

u don even know how to feel due to the confusion...

there are seven bestfrens altogether,one gone it will affect the group,not that

this one particular person connected u guys but he was one of you,u feel empty and

losing something..

but u dont feel awkward wif the rest of ur bestfrens,it is juz sometimes u think of the one

that left and u feel sad,but u still feel thankful that the rest of ur bestfrens are still wif u and

the one departed from u are taking a rest and he's healthy and being take care by his family...

there is no awkwardness but juz feel emptiness and missing one of ur bestfrens










more comin' up


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^^ haha I really like that pic. Dongwoon and Junsu(?) hugged Jay <3 He looked so young and kinda not familiar with boy-boy skinship(brotherly way) at that time lol Wooyoung drawing Junsu lmao so cute

Chansung pics are out!! our magnae is so cute <3









cr: 2pm-online.com

Edit: I don't see anyone post these pics yet..I think xD The boys at the airport


LOL at Taec's t-shirt screen





Wooyoung's so cool in his outfit and shoes




Our expensive man :) Jun.K looks really nice with shades


Magnae looks so hot *_*





Our Emperor <3 looking hot too


sexy back







cr: as tagged, 2pm-online.com

vvv LOL @ laani - Thank you so much for sharing the story! xDD I was thinking exactly the same thing when I browsed through the airport pictures. I was like daaayuum Taec! Taec?? the fashion-terrorist Taec?!? LMAO he looked sooo sexy omg with the shades and all ... I guess Junsu's part of this change too lol but actually, I always think that the way Taec dresses is not that bad like most ppl say, but also not that great xD he just loves wearing clothes that are BRIGHT colors thats all.. xD

and badtzmarujung yep, don't be sad! the boys love each other so we should love each other as well :D don't think about it too much

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love his bboy stance (second to the last) he did that i-bit-smirk-my-lips-smile-at-the-same-time. (or something like it)

and i'm still JAE bias. no matter what.

i like them all... from on and off cam personality.

Jaeboo<3 (omg! my radio (fm station) is playing the song that jae sang @ idol army w/ a.s.)

"but w/o you boy my life is incomplete~~~"

hehe! thinking of Jae way to much.. when are you coming back boo? TT^TT

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Guest badtzmarujung

NOW It's time for blaming someone :lol:

First JYP

Second Nichkhun

Who is the next ?

Teacyon , Junsu , Junho , Chansong , Wooyong or Jay

If you receive a luck and the other one don't ....

I understand NOW why Khun just keep to stand back and never to speak when they won.

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Guest badtzmarujung


091201 2PM Arrives @ China Airport Cam 3


091201 2PM Arrives @ China Airport Cam 2


091201 2PM Arrives @ China Airport Cam 1


091130 2PM Heartbeat Dance Intro Cam


2PM Chansun @ End of Music Show Cam


and this news already air on TV .

:mellow: I don't like it . I hope she does not commit suicide and go to see the doctor.

091201 YTN News 2PM Taecyeon's Pycho Fan



cheezychunnie : Thank you ;)




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Guest mika.16

Not sure if this was brought up,

But over the past few days/week... 2pm fans have been panicking because...

Taec is starting to dress well!! LMAO!!

After those airport photos were revealed online (the one with the leather jacket&sunnies and the newest one with the cardigan)

They're asking "where is taec?? what happened to the human traffic light?? he is dressing un-badly!!!"

Yes, they refuse to say "he dressed well" but instead say it as "he dresses un-bad" LOL

they cant believe it, and are hoping and praying that it was either a mistake or junsu/junho dressed him

They want the old Taec back, and are suggesting they buy him new orange pants hahahah!

LMAO Hottest crack me up!

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Guest happylove00

Not sure if this was brought up,

But over the past few days/week... 2pm fans have been panicking because...

Taec is starting to dress well!! LMAO!!

After those airport photos were revealed online (the one with the leather jacket&sunnies and the newest one with the cardigan)

They're asking "where is taec?? what happened to the human traffic light?? he is dressing un-badly!!!"

Yes, they refuse to say "he dressed well" but instead say it as "he dresses un-bad" LOL

they cant believe it, and are hoping and praying that it was either a mistake or junsu/junho dressed him

They want the old Taec back, and are suggesting they buy him new orange pants hahahah!

LMAO Hottest crack me up!


actually i noticed it too...

he was wearing safe colors (black, grey, white) and even leather jacket (can u believe it?!)

wonder what happens to him too... ^^

maybe he is in love?!


who is it?

who is it?

will it be






u guys are getting way too close!!!

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