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☆ 2 P M ★ Official Thread ☆

Guest touchtheskies.

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Guys, just remember it's a small vocal minority that's making Koreans look back. Sure there's are 12,000 people who signed the explusion letter but 106,000 people supported Jay. I just hate Korean media who report "news" based on some netizens comments. And Korean celebrities should stop going on the internet like American celebrities.

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After reading JYP's statement, I started to tear up. Because you start to realize just how much Jay has changed. To be honest, at first when Jay left (since I've been following the news about this from the beginning) I also wanted Jay to come back, so badly.

But as time passed, especially after I read JYP's statement, I understand now. We shouldn't be blaming JYP, saying stuff like, "You can't just accept this and move forward" to JYP's twitter, we shouldn't be saying those things. We can say we know, but we really don't. Most of us here (if not all) don't know JYP or Jay (or 2PM) personally. We have no idea how they're really feeling. We can't blame JYP, because if you've read JYP's statement, you know that he understands Jay the most.

I know there are some people who are saying that, "I can't support 2PM if Jay doesn't return." But... more than anything, doesn't 2PM need our support? Not only Jay, but the rest of the 2PM members as well? The whole JYP family needs our support.

We shouldn't force Jay back. If we really are fans, if we really care about Jay, we should support him, no matter what decision he ultimately makes.

I know a lot of us want closure here. Believe me, I want closure as well. But the only thing for us to do is wait. If we keep signing petitions begging Jay to come back, that will only put more pressure on him. Just let him know that we love him and support him. And let him know that we'll respect him always.

That's the only thing we can do.

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Guest falloutjane

I hope we remember that at the end of the day, only Jay can make a difference to the whole outcome of this situation.

We may cry our hearts out, we may post-it the entire building, we may verbalize our disappointments and show our outpouring of love. Netizens can grovel and beg for apology.

But if Jay doesn't want to return, who are we to force him to?

I personally, for one, do not want to be in a country whose people petitioned for me to commit suicide. In a country, who at this very moment has people petitioning for me to be exiled.

Ergh. All these movements and petitions against Jay disgust me and I would totally understand if he chooses not to ever go back.

As much as JYP's words did not reassure me of Jay's return to 2pm (something that I had hoped very much for), I am glad that he released the letter. It showed the type of person Jay was and the person he is. The changes that happened and the people who had seen these changes. Seeing Jay grow from the start to what he is now.

Because, this letter highlights the fact that the people who were so intent on punishing Jay did not know the real Jay at all. And him being the president of the company, shedding light on Jay's personality through his letter, at least helped to show the world the type of person Jay is now. Someone responsible, who had worked hard, beaten the odds and definitely, someone who clearly deserved the his leader position.

I want Jay to be back with 2pm. OF COURSE I WANT THAT. So that I, as a Hottest, will be happy.

But more than that, I want Jay to be happy. And if this means him not ever being in the Kpop scene again, either as a solo artist or a 2pm member, then I think I will just have to learn to accept that and wish him all the very best.

I cannot abandon the entire fandom just because Jay is no longer there. And I hope you guys won't too.

The rest still need us, Hottests!

And with that being said, I hope all these boycotting against JYP will STOP. This will only bring much difficulty to the boys and guilt to Jay. Come on now, we have to be better than that.

We cannot be like the crazy Netizens that used the power of the masses to get things our way.



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Guest churvaness

What can we do about the Korean netizens?

Is there anyway we can start a petition? Or do something that will allow people to see what's really going on?

Sadly, we do not really matter to them....Most of them are narrow minded...When this people are told what their mistakes are. Instead of doing introspection, they will think that you are ill-minded...Their rusty hearts will be full again of hatred...They will sit in the front of the computers as the Evil spirit calls them

Their government is weak....Their media is worse...

I wish this kind of issue will be out in an International News...

These Korean netizens need somebody who'll be a great match to them....

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Guest runawayu

okay, this is my opinion,

you can disagree or do anything that you want, but this is how I really feel.

(NOTE: I didn't say you should stop supporting Jay or whatever)

We can send in as many petitions to bring Jay back,

but it is still his decision to remain in States or go back to Korea.

If he choose the former, we can't blame or force him.

Because I feel that it is human nature to avoid doing something that leaves us with bad memories.

2 years may pass, people may forget about the incident,

but he probably still remember the incident and thinks twice about going back.

I mean who knows.

After the "poisoning", DBSK Yunho probably check twice before drinking

water to check if there is any crazy stalker anti tried poisoning him again :ph34r: .

Time heals wounds, but scars remains.

I think what we can do now, is sit down and calm down ourselves

(yeah, i know this situation is driving us crazy)

And continue supporting the remaining 2PM boys :)

And hopefully, prevent the same thing from happening to other celebrities.

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Guest mineforkeeps.

Hi everyone. Not a major fan of 2pm, but I enjoy watching their Wild Bunny show as well as their Idol Show.

I've been checking on and off about this whole fiasco and I just read JYP's statement. I agree with JYP even though some of you disagree strongly. I think JYP really want to say is, "It's up to you to decide what you want to do Jay." It all comes down to Jay's decision whether he wants to continue with his career and endure all the hardship, or just go back home and be away from all this.

I find that it was a cowardly move for Jay to immediately fly home. Yes it's rough for the guy to be going through all this and being hated by a fraction of the citizens in Korea, but who hasn't been hated? There are tons of anti-fans all over the internet and celebrities get criticized all the time. But him flying home and calling it quit was cowardly just because he couldn't handle all the criticism. In a way I find it selfish because his members, JYPE staffs, and all his fans have supported him all these time, but he decided to quit.

I'm not trying to put him down, but I think that if he didn't leave, everyone wouldn't have been so devastated. It's a fight and he just give up and walked away instead of hanging in there. He stuck through the 4 years of training, why can't he continue to go on?

I saw this and couldn't help replying.

I think being hated on (in the sense of having bad things said about you and such) is different from having a petition against you to commit suicide. They basically said 'I want you died, but I'm not going to do it, I want you to do it to yourself'. And Jay's mistake in this was to have offended them with words, 4 years ago, when he was feeling down, frustrated, and alone. If anyone's a coward, those netizens are, for sitting behind a screen and being irrational, narrow-minded and pig headed. These netizens need to open their eyes to the big picture. Jay is not the same as he was before, nor does he have the same attitude. All the evidence of who he is now seems to flown right over them. It seems they have 'selective hearing', 'selective reading', and 'selective reasoning' <_<.

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Guest lisasa320

Hey everyone :) I hope everyone is feeling better ...

Who am I kidding I myself just keep going back even if I tried to feel better but omg more of this news is just heart attacking me and I was thinking that I really really really wanna actually bring it into international news like I live in SF and I actually wanna get it on our newspaper and let ppl know about this so I mean that something may change and possibly reduce the power of those cray scary netizens, I mean they are obviously psychopaths n they are out to ruiningg more lives if we just let them continue but when I think about it I don't know what to do cuz I think Jay would really want the things just to calm and I really don't want to do anything to hurt him... sigh im so confused ... I want to help but I don't want to hurt the boy hes already been under so much ... what should I do guys? and well even if I don't bring the story up into the ACTUAL local / worldwide newspaper I can actually get it onto some Highschool newspapers where we in our generations can discuss amongst ourselves and bring it into our parents/ adults attentions... what do you guys think I just want some advice but I want to do these things without hurting Jay that is for definite but I really want these psychopaths to stop hurting so many people because it is just so ridiculous I can no longer handle the anger I have towards them cuz first the apology n stuff n they regret then I like was feeling like w.e its been done n sorry is too late so i pay no atention anyways Jay is more important and I can careless about crazy people but OMG they really are something arrent they are they are obviously crazy psychos who has problems and its pissing me off more... cuz I mean I still love the country korea but when they let these people almost run others lives with some of their comments and the things they are doing I mean they are just disgusting and I am actually very disappointed in Korea right now i mean I still will love it but just its so dissapointing ... *sigh* and guys no offense stop blaming JYP on this I'm sure he feels more pain than us Hottest do because no offense they knew each other PERSONALLY and LONGER THAN WE HAVE so its even more heartbreaking for him and to think guys he believed in JAY that is why jay had the chance so what more can hurt than see a FAMILY member get hurt please encourage him and the other 6 boys they need us and they need JYP so give him some support :) JAY ~ I miss him but please do respect his decision like we don't want netizens to run our loved ones lives we shouldn't be able to either cuz it is HIS life we just have to continue and love him for who he is JAY PARK.



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Sadly, we do not really matter to them....Most of them are narrow minded...When this people are told what their mistakes are. Instead of doing introspection, they will think that you are ill-minded...Their rusty hearts will be full again of hatred...They will sit in the front of the computers as the Evil spirit calls them

Their government is weak....Their media is worse...

I wish this kind of issue will be out in an International News...

These Korean netizens need somebody who'll be a great match to them....

As much as I love Kpop scene, I am kind of regretting why I got so into it, I loved it and now I'm feeling so upset because of it. It feels like someone cheated on you. I have not seen someone treated so unfairly and still unheard.

I got into Kpop because of its fabness and now I'm seeing an ugly side of it. It feels weird.

I really hope we can do something, Hottests. Not just Hottests, all other fanclubs and protect their idols.

Hey everyone :) I hope everyone is feeling better ...

Who am I kidding I myself just keep going back even if I tried to feel better but omg more of this news is just heart attacking me and I was thinking that I really really really wanna actually bring it into international news like I live in SF and I actually wanna get it on our newspaper and let ppl know about this so I mean that something may change and possibly reduce the power of those cray scary netizens, I mean they are obviously psychopaths n they are out to ruiningg more lives if we just let them continue but when I think about it I don't know what to do cuz I think Jay would really want the things just to calm and I really don't want to do anything to hurt him... sigh im so confused ... I want to help but I don't want to hurt the boy hes already been under so much ... what should I do guys? and well even if I don't bring the story up into the ACTUAL local / worldwide newspaper I can actually get it onto some Highschool newspapers where we in our generations can discuss amongst ourselves and bring it into our parents/ adults attentions... what do you guys think I just want some advice but I want to do these things without hurting Jay that is for definite but I really want these psychopaths to stop hurting so many people because it is just so ridiculous I can no longer handle the anger I have towards them cuz first the apology n stuff n they regret then I like was feeling like w.e its been done n sorry is too late so i pay no atention anyways Jay is more important and I can careless about crazy people but OMG they really are something arrent they are they are obviously crazy psychos who has problems and its pissing me off more... cuz I mean I still love the country korea but when they let these people almost run others lives with some of their comments and the things they are doing I mean they are just disgusting and I am actually very disappointed in Korea right now i mean I still will love it but just its so dissapointing ... *sigh* and guys no offense stop blaming JYP on this I'm sure he feels more pain than us Hottest do because no offense they knew each other PERSONALLY and LONGER THAN WE HAVE so its even more heartbreaking for him and to think guys he believed in JAY that is why jay had the chance so what more can hurt than see a FAMILY member get hurt please encourage him and the other 6 boys they need us and they need JYP so give him some support :) JAY ~ I miss him but please do respect his decision like we don't want netizens to run our loved ones lives we shouldn't be able to either cuz it is HIS life we just have to continue and love him for who he is JAY PARK.



Yeah, I have the exact same thoughts.

I want to announce it to the whole wide world, but will Jaebeom like it? Even if it is not solely dedicated to him, this matter is caused using his name.

I don't know if he will like it or not. I want him to calm down, I want netizens to calm down. But I can't get the best of both worlds. This sucks.

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Guest churvaness

Guys, just remember it's a small vocal minority that's making Koreans look back. Sure there's are 12,000 people who signed the explusion letter but 106,000 people supported Jay. I just hate Korean media who report "news" based on some netizens comments. And Korean celebrities should stop going on the internet like American celebrities.

The difference is surely great....But the message is still there....Jaebeom's image was ruined already...This issue has already left a scar on his heart....

Even if there're thousands of supporters, there will still be this 12000 haters who is scattered in the streets of Korea...How many of these 12,000 haters signed the 3,000 petition for Jaebeom to commit suicide....Maybe the 3,000 plus who signed for Jay's suicide has already signed this petition...

What I am saying is that whether the number is small or great, there is DANGER...

Hiw can Jay walk the streets of Korea calmly, knowing that the person who is behind him/ who is walking before him could possible one of those HATERS that wanted him ousted of this country or wanted him plainly dead

Unless Koreans find it their hearts that they understood and forgave Jay, will maybe be the time safest for jay to comeback

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Honestly, I am not blaming JYP for Jaebum leaving. I agree that he cannot force Jay to stay and if Jay doesn't have the spirit in him how can JYP be blamed for Jay's decision?

But what I'm upset at is the fact that JYP didn't even give the ol' encouraging talk or even TRY to show Jay he doesn't have to be bogged down by stupid netizens. It almost makes me want to conclude that JYP could care less of Jay leaving or staying except that he'd lose a profitable guy. It's almost like he could just find someone else who would be willing and who would be accepted by the Korean public.


After reading his official statement, the final conclusion made JYP and JYP entertainment look really good while it made Jay look like some punk kid who has now called it quits. It didn't bother to use strong catch phrases like, "It looks like Jay has grown to love Korea and is proud," or anything. It just says "oh he's not a punk anymore.... the end." JYP also only commented that he wasn't surprised Jaebum said such a thing. He didn't mention at all to the fact that it's the NETIZENS who need to learn to UNDERSTAND the situation and FORGIVE AND FORGET. I think he personally thinks Jaebum screwed up big as if it's his fault some stupid high school girl wanted to see him let go of his career.

I'm not blaming JYP and understand that Jaebum left on his own accord. I'm just criticizing how at such a crucial moment it feels like he could have cared more. Oh well.

However, it's a shame he didn't think it much to bother telling Jay that time can heal things. 4 days to make a decision to leave is incredibly disappointing (no offense to Jay) because he left EVERYTHING. There were other alternatives like laying low after a few months to a year. He could've come back to America in that time. But instead, he decided to quit everything here and now. Incredibly abrupt, but I forgive him because he has apologized and knows that quitting now does a lot to hurt his members, supporting fans. He's apologized, he's done what he could do, and now he's in Seattle where he can get some love for once.

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Guest babyshakes

We cannot be like the crazy Netizens that used the power of the masses to get things our way.



girlie is right! we can't be like the crazy neitizens! and just by us doing all these crazy things, we could be seen just like them! we just need to wait and be super supportive of his choice. in my heart, i know he'll do the right thing. soo we just need to support him!

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first, thanks to thehazyfiasco for transalting JYP's statement

i know my thoughts are more or less the same with some people here, but i just have to release. i have been numb ever since the news of Jay leaving 2pm broke out but i just want to say that JYP's statement made me tear. honestly, before i got hooked with 2pm, i thought that JYP was weird, and I didn't really give him a second glance. Then I started watching more of 2pm and somehow, JYP kept popping up, and I began to respect him as 2pm's "boss".

Although a lot of poeple are not satisfied with his statement, I'm thankful that he released something, and that what he released is heartfelt. I think that he's only trying to tell us that WE SHOULD ACCEPT JAY'S DECISION, and that WE SHOULD SUPPORT HIM. Yes, maybe they did make hasty decisions about allowing Jay to leave, but we must remember that JYP is only there to guide the artists. The artists are still the ones who make their own decisions regarding personal matters. JYP knows Jay more than we do, and I trust his decision of letting him go... for now.

Also, someone mentioned about Andy from Shinhwa. I know we must not talk about other artists here but when I read the post, it gave me more hope. Andy left the group and was not even part of their 4th album but he came back as a Shinhwa member. I don't really know the reason why but still, it makes me believe that Jae will someday be back with the other 2pm members. He just needs time away from everything right now.

As with kHOTTESTs boycotting 2pm activities and such.... WHY? Jay doesn't make up the whole of 2pm. I know everyone is hurt and confused right now, but we all have to keep on supporting the rest of the boys. Just think of what they are feeling right now. They not only lost a member, they lost a leader and a brother. And then they'll learn that they are losing fans too? What would be the whole point of Jae leaving if this will be the outcome :(

Random... but I wonder how Jay's celebrity noona fans are feeling.... and the kids in the Uncle show.... and everyone close to him.... expecially how the 6 2pm boys are coping with this... Maybe we need to do something to encourage them too, and to tell them that we do not only have Jay's back, but we got their backs too.

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as much as i want jay back in 2PM, i dont want him to be forced into something that he doesnt want to do. its his life and so its him who should decide what to do with his life. if its gonna take time for him to recover then everyone should give that to him.

what JYP did was the right thing. he respected jay's decision even if he knew that jay's departure was going hurt a lot of people. JYP's statement was kind disappointing but i still liked it. he really cared for jay and he could see jay behind his bad richard simmons image that jay was truly a good guy and a guy with lots of talents. not only that he brought everyone the jay that we know as today. thnx JYP.

its so sad that jay had to leave like that coz it left so many people hurt and lost. i feel for the 2PM boys right now. i wonder how they are coping with it right now. its like in an blink of an eye, they are left hanging there with their leader gone.

but you know what i really respect what jay did. sad as it is that he left like that jay did what a true leader would do. protect his team, his 2PM brothers. you can really tell that he cared for the boys. he did what he thought would help the boys so it wouldnt hurt their future. he made the sacrifice so he would help the boys survive and he took the suffering.

i was really angry at first for what the netizens and antis did but now i dont feel anything anymore. i swear i could of gone and ripped their heads off but when news went out that jay was leaving i was just sad and for the first time i cried... i cried for some idol which is so unusual for me. ive gotten over the whole kpop thing during high school but 2PM and jay just brought everything back.

these guys.. i could really see that they had real talent from the beginning. they all worked so hard and now that jay is gone everything just feels so empty. its just such a waste loosing a talent like jay.

no matter what happens i will support 2PM and jay. and i just WISH that jay will come back one day and hopefully reunite with 2PM.. someday. it'll be great if i could here more news from JYP. i really want to get a hold on 2PM's new album.. with or without jay. =-=

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Guest unknown.

Let's respect Jaebeom's decision. Let him decide for himself. He wants to stay in the US, then no one can't really change that. No one can force him to go back. The petitions show him the support and love from the fans, but those will not really do anything. If he doesn't want to come back, then he won't. Just like JYP said, Jay's the one who decided. Let's accept that he left 2PM. He did it not just for himself but for the members also. Because he's the leader and he loves his brothers. Accepting the fact that he already left 2PM doesn't mean that we don't care about him at all. It's just that we respect his decision. Everything's all up to him. We can't feel what he feels right now but pressuring him to come back will not do good at all. No one, other than him, can decide what he should do with his life.

We should be happy that's he's in the US. With his family. With people that understands him especially in this situation. He's back home.

Let's just support Jaebeom in whatever he would like to do, whatever path he chooses. If he wants to come back to Korea someday, he will. I wish him happiness :) Even if he left, we all know that 2PM members + Jay is 1 :)

Let's support 2PM.

I can't believe the anti's. He already left. When will they stop? Don't they have something else to do?

As for the boycotting of 2PM activities, I know they are hurting, but 2PM members are hurting too. They're hurting much more than them. Boycotting definitely will not do anything good. That's too immature. This is the time they need support and love from the fans. They need support to keep going.

And JYP can't be blamed for this. Again, he respected Jay's decision. He's hurting too. He treated Jay like his own child. Of course, it would hurt. He's been looking out for Jay for 4 years.

Let's support Jay, 2PM, and JYP.

Let's pray that everything will be well soon.

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Guest scherzando

I agree that the final say doesn't rest in our hands and that eventually the one that could make a change is Jay himself. However, that being said, I still think as fans it's not wrong to voice our love and support. Not by boycotting or no Jay no 2PM stuff, but just send messages of love and encouragement. Tell Jay how much we love him. I think that's the least that we could do as fans.

I personally am not saying stuff like "Jay Park should come back NOW!" or "JYP you are wrong!" or anything like that, I just want to shout out my love and support and wait for him to come back, no matter how long it takes.

And I believe, in the end of the day, all of us Hottests want the best for Jay and the rest of the boys.

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Guest nessesatee

We're all hurting right now...but please, do stop pointing fingers. No one is to blame and everyone deserves to be forgiven. I'd like to propose a new twitter project thanking JYP. No matter what your view is of him and the statement he made, it is not up to us to judge him or Jay. It is evident in his statement that he truly cared for Jay as a person, not simple a celebrity. Although what he said is still ambiguous, let us still thank him for giving us a statement (albeit an unclear one) rather than not giving one at all. Let's not more hate. I hope everyone still decides to stay a fan, if not of kpop, but of 2PM. Though I cannot speak for him, we will not let Jay's sacrifice go to waste. Let's keep supporting the rest of the members, JYP, 2AM, and staff, for their pain must be more than we can ever imagine.

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Guest kokorochoco


anyone knows when is dis vid from?? i found it on 2oneday...

i feel soo stupid i rewrite my post :P

sorry i freaked out a bit

##EDIT: thanks lucky seven...

ahahahas...embarrassing...i mean abt myself :P

kk this whole thing is getting too much to my head..i cant even think properly anymore...must take a rest...sigh

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Guest annie yunho

i think that now all hottest and 2pm fans are hurt and the only one hope is Jay's comeback...i know cauz i feel it too....i refuse to accept the fact that Jay left 2pm and i keep the faith that Jay will come back one day....But we cant just think about ourselves...Jay needs time and we have to wait for his next decision,if we love him we must respect his decision and keep hoping him come back....on the other hand,i keep supporting our 6 guys cauz now they r in hard situation and they need our supports and love...don't say that 7-1=0 it's not fair to other members,what about them...how they will feel if they know about that???

No matter what happen i hope hottest can show our love to Jay and also to our 6 guys....don't make our lovely guys more hurt~~~

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that video is from august 5th. the date is written backwards as 09/08/05.

it was posted to youtube on august 6th.

but about that vid, did someone just randomly ask him to do a video message for their youth group? that's sweet that he took the time to do it.

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