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Guest touchtheskies.

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Guest kpopholic

not the whole picture has been told yet...so let's all calm down and wait for the other piece of the puzzle when it is given....

i am glad that for once...

someone had said something about korea or any other countries like that

no offense, but it just showed how ignorant ppl really are!!!

i mean, there are plenty of ppl who travel to the US and

speaks bad of the country, my birth country (and to many others)...

but they didn't get the same reaction

like Jaebum did...

i could careless if Jaebum was an idol or not

he's still human and every human makes mistakes

we all know that

if i was Jyp, i would have done what he did....

allowing jae to return back home

he understands what jae has gone thru and what he needs most during situations like this...

he was a kid when he left home

and who would want to be separated from a place called home

and people who you call FAMILY???

JYP did the best decision and that was to respect jae and let him go home

i am sure that jyp has other plans for jae's return

or even jyp usa...

Jyp probably doesn't want to announce anything yet until things calm down

just my guessing...

and yes...like a few others, i've always wanted to go to korea...

actually to teach english there, but now, i am totally engrossed and disgusted...

i don't want to be in a place where people hate foreigners,

where citizens drive others to suicide, that is just evil...

i don't know how ppl could ever do things like that...

that is right-hand murder there!

i'm not sure if korea would provide a safe, calm, peaceful, and loving environment like i thought it would bring...

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Guest asianekawaii


i cried...

i just..i mean...dont people see...hes human too..hes CHANGED..

if you were forced to move to a new country..i mean..you would be "upset" at times wouldnt you ?

plus..his "lingo"...is just..lingo like any other society now..i mean they cant say they havent atleast said something ""bad""

even me..someone whos stuck in NZ can see hes change SOOO MUCH..

everyones made mistakes..

but hes human also...and we cant force someone to do something..

everything he's going through now..

none of us can imagine..

praying for his happiness always <3 only you

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I, whole heartedly agree with you...

Ever since this scandal on Jaebeom started, I was really disappointed with Korea as a country....The People is the Country...What the people do and how they act is the COUNTRY...

It is not about the beauty of the sceneries, not even about the modernization of structures. It's not about the GNP/GDP, not even about whether you belong to the 1st/2nd/3rd world category, certainly not the difficulty of the language....

It is about the people living in there...Their attitude towards life and towards other people is what matters most...

I used to love Korea a lot too....I'm so engrossed with the thought of going there, that almost every time I call my parents I want to borrow money so that I could visit there...

Korea is so amazing in terms of arts... The dramas they do, the songs that infested other asian countries are terrific...

So, I find it very sad, to find that the gentle smiles from the KOREA SPARKLING commercials can turn to vicious ones once a person comes into the front of their computers and starts to use the internet...It is like they become possessed with an evil spirit with the aim of murdering other people's dreams or the people themselves...

To make things more the media and the government of Korea seems to be puppets used by these netizens...

I don't undertsand their media. Why do the data always come from the netizens and not from the reporters themselves...Aren't they too lazy to get up and come up with a first hand full of info??...

The government itself does not seem to act...They seemed to be scared of the fact that these netizens put them in their position hence if they make these psychopaths displeased they shall be ousted from their positions....In addition, why make this cyber law when you are not serious in imposing it...

This is really out of hand...

Gee, thanks, glad we are on the same boat.

I really like how Koreans made use of their high IQ in variety shows, talent shows and stuff. I love their culture, how they are courteous to everyone and how respectful they are to each other, their formalities and honorifics.

I love Koreans' wit, every Korean celebrity seem to know what to say on shows to make themselves look so clever, I don't find any Korean who looks good without a brain, they are all good-looking and witty. I am so envious of them.

I'm sure you have seen bimbos in Hollywood who just don't know what they are talking about.

But look at it now, it is crazy, where is the respect?

Where is the chance to forgive and forget?

Damn, if a teenager is not considered a KID, then do we consider someone 40-year-old a kid?

KIDS make mistakes; I have made myself looked like an idiot with my comments before, but doesn't everyone do so when they were teens?

I have tried to rebel and run away from home, because teenagers are kids growing up with raging hormones and wanting to do nothing but rebel.

Korea, please do something about this. Not do something because of Jaebeom, but because of future victims, people who might suicide and get depressions.

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Guest kokorochoco

Korea, please do something about this. Not do something because of Jaebeom, but because of future victims, people who might suicide and get depressions.

true, Korean netizens are really scary...

if we think abt it this way, mayb we should just be grateful that our leadja is safe n sound with his family.. ;)

there have been worse cases for other celebs...so, maybe returning to seattle was a good idea for him after all...

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true, Korean netizens are really scary...

if we think abt it this way, mayb we should just be grateful that our leadja is safe n sound with his family.. ;)

there have been worse cases for other celebs...so, maybe returning to seattle was a good idea for him after all...

Jaebum's case has definitely changed how I view korea as a whole.

I'm not Korean, but I certainly dreamed of going there to experience their culture, good, arts, entertainment....

but now....

I'm really turned off by the netizens (koreans) attitude and how they started this whole mess, after mercilessly adding fuel to the fire, they shamelessly HIDE AWAY once the whole situation snowballed out of control....

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true, Korean netizens are really scary...

if we think abt it this way, mayb we should just be grateful that our leadja is safe n sound with his family.. ;)

there have been worse cases for other celebs...so, maybe returning to seattle was a good idea for him after all...

Yeah, if JYP forces him to stay in Korea, it can be quite scary to even think about it.

People haunting you whenever you go out, people waiting under your apartment, office.

He might even get depression or think of suicide.

The other 6 boys and JYP may also be his family, but what he needs now is his blood-related family members. If he stay in Korea, he might keep thinking that the 6 boys and JYP might blame him and will not open up to them. It is worse. Everyone needs their mothers when they are dying inside, because they can only open up to people whom they know they can truly trust. Not that he can't trust JYP family but you know what I mean.

I don't want to think of Korea in a bad way, but Jaebeom's matter is channeling me to think so that way.

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Guest jessicakth

And here we go again... Do people really never learn? This whole incident started because a group of people were too narrow-minded and couldn't put themselves in Jaebum's shoes. If you're blaming JYP, you need to stop for a moment AND PUT YOURSELF IN HIS SHOES. Yes, I'm sure more than anything he would love to have Jaebum stay. But JYP KNOWS him--knows his thoughts, his dreams, his fears, his strongpoints, his weakpoints. To JYP, Jaebum is a son and a friend, and perhaps that was why I've always liked JYPE. He goes beyond just looking at his artists as mere employees. He looks at them with love and guidance.

So IF YOU WERE JYP RIGHT NOW, WHAT WOULD YOU WANT FOR JAEBUM? Make him stay, when he's unsure of where his heart lies at the moment? Jaebum is going through a lot of confusion and turmoil right now, and yes, while JYP could have forced him to stay and "work out his issues" in Korea and wait for all this hoopla to wind down, he didn't? Why? We don't know, but here would be my thought process if I were in JYP's shoes.

1) HE NEEDS HIS FAMILY. When you are going through your darkest days, when you think the world is ending, who do you turn to? Your employer? A friend and mentor who, granted, gave you so much, but only knew you for the past four or fives years? Or do you go to your family--people who will love you unconditionally no matter what. Who love you for who you were, who you are, who you will be. It's no secret Jaebum was very close to his mother. It's only natural he wants to have some love and comfort from his mother. His mother gave birth to him. His mother raised him. IT'S HIS MOTHER WHO KNOWS HIM BEST. It's his mother who can offer him the proper comfort and guidance at this time. If anything else, I wish some of those fans would think about Jaebum's family as well. They are just as much affected as this, and frankly, is I was Jaebum's mother, I would force him back for the time being, even if it make fighting it out with JYP. Nothing hurts a mother more than to see her own child in pain.

2) WOULD JAEBUM BE HAPPY IF I FORCED HIM TO STAY? No, he would not. There's still a lot of hostility over there. Imagine the fear he would have to live in every time he stepped out of the dorm. The guilt. The remorse. Jaebum realizes the mistake that he's made. And while we as fans have forgiven him, and even some netizens have forgiven him after he left (**rolling eyes**), I don't think he's completely forgiven himself yet, for thinking he's a burden to his fellow members, to JYP and to JYPE. There's a lot that's going on in the poor kid's head and heart at the moment, and from the accounts we've gotten now from JYP, he's a complicated kid. There was already a lot going on in his head prior to 2PM. A lot of insecurities and uncertainties about the path he would choose, and in light of this situation, I'm sure a lot of those insecurities and uncertainties have resurfaced. I think Jaebum just doesn't have it in his heart right now to face his members, JYPE and the fans with his head held high. While he certainly could have regrouped in Korea, it would have taken a lot longer. To return home to Seattle, he's away from everything. Away from the fans, the media, the netizens...everything that'll immediately remind him of his grave mistake. He needs peace and tranquility, something I don't think he would have gotten if he was locked up in his dorm in Korea. Sometimes you just need to let the little bird fly from the nest. It's all part of growing up. It's all a part of maturing. Jaebum needs to fly away from the nest for a moment to self-reflect on his future and what HE wants out of it, not what the fans want out of it. And I really respect JYP for not keeping Jaebum caged in if he didn't want to.

3) THE WELL-BEING OF JAEBUM. And thus comes to this. Above all else, I think JYP is considering Jaebum's well-being at the moment. I'm not talking about the well-being of Jaebum's artist status. I'm talking about the well-being of Jaebum as a person. Jaebum is carrying a lot of scars and wounds from this. It's easy for us to say "Hey, suck it up. We still love you. Come back and fight." But try it youself. I sure wouldn't. I'd want to run to my mom and dad, have them comfort me, and then wallow in ice cream for a while until the pain eases a bit. To have Jaebum stay could potentially ruin him physically, mentally and emotionally, and since JYP cares very deeply for him, would he wish that on him. WOULD YOU BE HAPPY, HOLDING ON TO SOMEONE, KNOWING THAT THEY'RE HURTING, THAT THEY'RE SICK?

I can understand that some are saying that JYP should have at least defended him. Yes, perhaps he should have released some kind of statement early on to support his artist. I myself was a little surprised that no statement was immediately released. But did any of us imagine that it would escalate to such heights? To say that JYP wanted Jaebum to leave is so, so unfair. THIS IS KILLING HIM. You can sense it in his letter, and you know that a little part of him has died when Jaebum left, because it's like watching a family member go. But JYP is all about R-E-S-P-E-C-T. He realizes that Jaebum isn't a punk anymore. He's not a kid anymore. He's matured into an adult, and he'll treat him like an adult--with respect. If Jaebum says he needs some time AWAY FROM KOREA TO THINK THINGS THROUGH, what right does JYP have to hold him back? Yes, he could have played the CEO card and held him back in some legal way through his contract or something, but he played the HUMANE card. He didn't want to shackle Jaebum down; that would only add to Jay's burdens. Plus, from his description of Jaebum, I would think Jaebum's a pretty stubborn guy. If he's set on doing something, he won't budge--that's the kind of Jaebum I picture. The only thing JYP could do was respect his decision, give him time, and hopefully be able to greet him with open arms again some day.

I'm sure when the dust settles a little, and Jaebum has had a bit of quality time with his family, then JYP will have some form of long heart-to-heart with Jaebum. Jaebum is still his student, and he'll be there to guide him towards the path that will be best for Jaebum.

In the meantime, remember, we're merely fans. Yes, we love him. Yes, we miss him. Yes, we all wish he would come back, be on stage with the rest of 2PM again and make great music again. BUT WE DON'T HAVE THE RIGHT TO TELL JAEBUM HOW TO LIVE HIS LIFE. AND WE SHOULDN'T. We can definitely encourage him, and show him our support and love. But we shouldn't pressure him or rush him to come back when he's not ready and still unsure of what he wants out of his future. Let him leave in peace for now. Let him live like a normal person, something I'm sure he's missed for the last little while.

I respect JYP for respecting Jaebum's decision. And I hope those who are angry at JYP take some time to try to understand it from his POV. He's only human too, and is doing what he thinks is right and best for Jaebum at the moment. The finger-pointing game is pointless, and will only add more pain and distress to more people. Honestly, in a world where there's enough hate going around, why can't we just be a little more understanding.



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Guest mineforkeeps.

First time poster, long time fan and lurker of this thread. These are just some of my personal thoughts on the situation now. It took some time to clarify in my head because I understand it from many people's views.

I think all we can really do right now is wait for a definite answer. As said many times, Jay needs time and nothing we say or do is going to make time go faster. It's obviously been very hard on him, on JYP, and on the other members...it's not helpful to place blame or pressure him for an answer as to what will happen in the future because at this point in time, I believe he really doesn't know. From JYP's message, he's not only thinking about his company and he's taking into consideration what Jay needs at the moment and that's what's most important. He's telling us his thoughts and feelings. I personally think he's smart and understanding in that he knows that forcing a decision upon Jay isn't right. I'm sure Jay and JYP are taking a lot of things into consideration and that the decision made will be made by not just one person. Many have already shown their eagerness to know what's going on and what the future holds for 2PM so I'm sure JYP is eager to give an answer as well. It's unknown how long it may take...it could be days, weeks, even months. We should just wait patiently.

The 'underground' group boycott -- I think it's unnecessary. People need to stop blaming other people. What has happened has happened and blaming does not help matters. Support, understanding, and patience is what is needed for Jay, 2PM, JYP, and JYPE right now.

As for that new 'expulsion and prohibition' petition going around...if, god forbid, that does happen, I'm sure the other 2PM members are going to furious. I'm generalizing here, but all this is showing to the world is that [some] Koreans are bullies and that they are unempathetic and unforgiving. It's not enough that Jay, broken and spirit crushed, left Korea, but he shouldn't ever be allowed into the country either? It's ridiculous. I don't know if the people involved in attacking Jay realize that they are not protecting their country; they are not representing their country well. They are not listening, nor are they paying attention to who he is now.

One last note -- I think it's wrong that netizens have so much influence and I'm a bit disappointed that only after Jay left did people start voicing their opinions. By 'people', I mainly mean other celebrities. When there were petitions for him to leave 2PM, to leave Korea, to commit suicide --- these are the times when he really needed support from them. I understand that some of them may have feared for their reputation/careers because, as stated, netizens have a lot of influence, but so do the celebrities, especially if a whole group of them come together (like when a whole bunch of kids stand up for another kid against a bully -- perhaps this is a naive concept considering netizen influence and numbers)...I understand, but it's still disappointing. All in all, netizens and their influence is scary. It just boggles my mind what those netizens were/are thinking. How can they be so closed-minded and unempathetic and to go to such extreme measures? It's scary, almost to the point of terrifying, to image their thoughts when doing such things.

I hope Jay, 2PM members, and JYP are doing well.

I hope all fans will be understanding when everything is said and done, whenever that may be, no matter what the decision. If Jay goes back to Korea or if he doesn't, I hope everyone will support the members individually. And I know, I know, 'they're not 7, they're 1', but if things don't work out for 2PM as a group, I hope everyone respects and supports them not only as 1 2PM, but also as 7 individual people.

...wow that's long. And now I think I'll go back to lurking...thank you for reading if you did! (please excuse any grammar or spelling mistakes) :)

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Guest ninka-chan

I understand some of you are angry or disappointed in JYP's words,

but he couldn't make it better.

Instead of blaming him please understand how difficult it must be to JYP who put trust in Jay and somehow is his 'father' in the JYPE

I feel like JYP is just like us, he doesn't want/can't say goodbye to this 'kid' he love for sure.

He loves Jay - he respect his decision, just like the rest of 2PM.

Please, let's not stop encouraging 7 boys of 2PM... they're all warm hearted kids who made our life brighter...

Please, let's not lose our faith in JYP,

Keep the faith in Jay, no matter when we're going to see him again

Sorry for my mistakes in my poor English ^^'


And I do have to agree, I'm scared of netizens, scared to go to Korea in the future, just because I'm not Korean... it's sad, but I'm scared.. and that was my dream I lived for a few years...

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Guest tiffanydawn

Hi everyone. Not a major fan of 2pm, but I enjoy watching their Wild Bunny show as well as their Idol Show.

I've been checking on and off about this whole fiasco and I just read JYP's statement. I agree with JYP even though some of you disagree strongly. I think JYP really want to say is, "It's up to you to decide what you want to do Jay." It all comes down to Jay's decision whether he wants to continue with his career and endure all the hardship, or just go back home and be away from all this.

I find that it was a cowardly move for Jay to immediately fly home. Yes it's rough for the guy to be going through all this and being hated by a fraction of the citizens in Korea, but who hasn't been hated? There are tons of anti-fans all over the internet and celebrities get criticized all the time. But him flying home and calling it quit was cowardly just because he couldn't handle all the criticism. In a way I find it selfish because his members, JYPE staffs, and all his fans have supported him all these time, but he decided to quit.

I'm not trying to put him down, but I think that if he didn't leave, everyone wouldn't have been so devastated. It's a fight and he just give up and walked away instead of hanging in there. He stuck through the 4 years of training, why can't he continue to go on?

if you think it's cowardly for him to do that, for me it's bravery.

i think he left 2PM because he was afraid that antis would also attack the other members of the group.

he trained so hard and sacrificed for his dream and for his family. and yeah. he succeeded. he became so popular.

and now, because of what happened, he chose to leave his stardom.

remember, it takes lots of courage to let go of something that you have worked hard. Jaebum is already a star but he courageously gave up his popularity.

that just shows how important his members are for him.

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i echo the sentiments of wanting to go to Korea but now just being totally put off by the people/netizens!

As for Jay I think it's a wise thing he did going back home, whenever I get stressed I want to be with my family and I think he knows how much he is hurting his fans and 2pm with his absence and will come back when he is good an ready.

As for not supporting a 6 member 2pm, if you consider yourself a fan why one earth do you want to further sadden and humiliate the boys? They need all the love from fans!

&& I think someone should make a petition concerning crazy Korean netizens because I do not think any other country has that big of a problem. Maybe them seeing what the rest of the world thinks about their stupid actions will give them a wake- up call.

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i am in no way blaming jyp for any of what happened, and i thought his letter was really touching... but i can't help but think: where was all of this when it was really needed? jyp's letter is really insightful; it's a shame that he didn't write it way earlier BEFORE jay left, when all of this was blowing up.

i feel like he chose to shirk the responsibility of standing behind and supporting one of his own artists when the heat was on jay. and now that the heat is on him, NOW he says all of this?

all things considered, i wasn't expecting jyp to make any definite statement about jay's future because in the end, it was jay's choice to leave. not jyp's. and i respect the fact that jyp finally spoke up and said something... even if it feels like it's too little, too late.

anyways, to me, there will never be anyone in the kpop industry with as much swag as jay.

he was the sickest dancer, sang with such emotion, and whenever you watched him in anything, you could tell he was just being himself. and i really admired that.

and on the real.. i really don't consider myself to be a fangirl/obsessive about kpop in the least (not that there's anything wrong with that) but i really loved jay. damn.. so sad that all of this had to happen, and so quickly.

i'll miss him.

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Guest churvaness

Jaebum's case has definitely changed how I view korea as a whole.

I'm not Korean, but I certainly dreamed of going there to experience their culture, good, arts, entertainment....

but now....

I'm really turned off by the netizens (koreans) attitude and how they started this whole mess, after mercilessly adding fuel to the fire, they shamelessly HIDE AWAY once the whole situation snowballed out of control....

Yes, we are thinking alike....

What made it scarier is the case of CHOI JIN SIL...She hanged herself using bandages because of what these psychopaths have been doing...

I think that Korean Netizens have mental and psychological issues seriously....

Maybe a lot of them are very frustrated in how their lives are turning....Maybe a lot of them are inferior and insecure with themselves...

These frustrations and insecurities, they lash out on other people...

In addition, I read a lot of articles that mostly are racists and they're not hiding it....

According to a British english teacher, there were korean dictionaries that defined Black people as "N" word/Negro and that is extremely offending

Seung Ri of Big Bang, as I remember, commented "Thank God, it's not a Black person" when a fan dashed towards him which surprised him (something like that)

The netizens allowed that....It is Okay for them to say Offending comments to other Race/Country

but when others comment about their so beloved Korea THEY'D KILL YOU WITH JUST ONE CLICK...


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Guest jessicakth

if you think it's cowardly for him to do that, for me it's bravery.

i think he left 2PM because he was afraid that antis would also attack the other members of the group.

he trained so hard and sacrificed for his dream and for his family. and yeah. he succeeded. he became so popular.

and now, because of what happened, he chose to leave his stardom.

remember, it takes lots of courage to let go of something that you have worked hard. Jaebum is already a star but he courageously gave up his popularity.

that just shows how important his members are for him.



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Yes, we are thinking alike....

What made it scarier is the case of CHOI JIN SIL...She hanged herself using bandages because of what these psychopaths have been doing...

I think that Korean Netizens have mental and psychological issues seriously....

Maybe a lot of them are very frustrated in how their lives are turning....Maybe a lot of them are inferior and insecure with themselves...

These frustrations and insecurities, they lash out on other people...

In addition, I read a lot of articles that mostly are racists and they're not hiding it....

According to a British english teacher, there were dictionaries that defined Black people as sunshine/Negro

Seung Ri of Big Bang, as I remember, commented "Thank God, it's not a Black person" when a fan dashed towards him which surprised him (something like that)

The netizens allowed that....It is Okay for them to say Offending comments to other Race/Country

but when others comment about their so beloved Korea THEY'D KILL YOU WITH JUST ONE CLICK...


What can we do about the Korean netizens?

Is there anyway we can start a petition? Or do something that will allow people to see what's really going on?

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Guest kokorochoco

if you think it's cowardly for him to do that, for me it's bravery.

i think he left 2PM because he was afraid that antis would also attack the other members of the group.

he trained so hard and sacrificed for his dream and for his family. and yeah. he succeeded. he became so popular.

and now, because of what happened, he chose to leave his stardom.

remember, it takes lots of courage to let go of something that you have worked hard. Jaebum is already a star but he courageously gave up his popularity.

that just shows how important his members are for him.

oh noooo...u're making me feel down again...i really have to go away from the computer for awhile...


n people, please please dun blame Jay for leaving...he's got a lot on his mind..he's making a big decision as a leader.

Can you all imagine how painful can it be when people start making a petition for you to commit suicide?

i dun even dare to think...

Please try putting yourself in his shoes...even then, i'm sure it's a lot worse in the real situation...

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Just read about a group of fans boycotting the rest of the boys, and I'm really shocked and disgusted. People seem to not understand that Jay feels this is the best for him and the members. He just can't do it right now. Mentally, he is exhausted, saddened and he just wants to take some time off. If these people are truly fans they will give him that time. They will give him space to be able to heal. But people keep pushing and pushing, making it even harder on him. Like JYP said, please take this seriously, this is his decision, think about Jae the human being right now. He needs his family, his friends, he just can't do it. Saying you will boycott the rest of the boys to me makes me feel sick to the stomach. They are also victims of this whole ordeal, why should they be punished? We have to support them just as much as we are supporting Jae. They are also hurting, they lost a leader, a friend a brother and some fans are talking about boycotting them? how does that make sense? they need our love right now. Please let's not forget about the other 6. This is why I refuse to write 7-1 =0...because to me 7-1= 6. I'm hurting just as much as all the fans, I have been there since day 1. Followed their training through "hot Blood", supported them from when people were ignoring them during "10/10" to their success with "A&A". It feels empty now, but I refuse to say that 2PM doesn't exist now. They do, those 6 members left behind, what about them? their wounds? their loss? I support Jaebum to the fullest, I also want him back, but only when he feels strong enough. Only when he thinks he can do it. I don't want to force his hand by menacing him of not supporting the others.. What kind of fan will that make me? He will suffer even further, because he will feel yet another burden. Is getting him back through guilt how some fans want it?

Please support Jae, but don't forget the 6 others either. Junsu, Khun, Taec, Wooyoung, Junho & Changsung are also 2PM. The group is not the same without Jae, and I also want him back, but don't forget about those 6 other individuals who are seeing their world crumble in front of them. Please keep supporting all 7.

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Guest jeehyun.kim

hehe.. im glad that so many people are on the same boat as i am.. about korea and just whats going on.. it still hasn't sunk in.. im still so sad...

what it think is.... JYP should hook Jay up and put him in a art school on NY... hehe..

a boy with that talent does not belong at a city college/non art college.. i don't mean anything bad to those colleges.. but.. he worked so hard.. and.. its all gone? sigh...

i don't know how to feel about 2pm.. jyp,, the world... im somewhat ashamed to be a korean now...

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I'm happy JYP finally said something about this situation.

We all were in desperate need of it.

His letter was beautifully written. I was touched.

It gave me closure yet hope at the same time.

Closure that finally we hear something from the boss

yet hope because he sorta left the door open.

From his letter I got the impression that he is open

for Jay to return. Also I got the impression that

he is seeing this as a moment of reflection for Jay.

Time for him to heal & reflect on what to do.

Giving him space to breath til his ready to return.

So I'm happy that JYP reassured my hope & faith

that Jay will return someday just not right now

because more than anything Jay needs his family

& close friends by his side.

Now I'm taking this situation similar to Andy's situation

with Shinhwa. When Andy left Shinhwa to return home

because of his family. Shinhwa continued on as a 5 member

group til Andy returned he came back to Shinhwa.

So I'm hoping same thing will happen with 2PM.

I'm hoping that after Jay is done & ready he'll

return & JYP will want him to return to 2PM.

because let's all be honest...can you all really see 2PM as a 6 member group w/o Jay?

or can you see someone replacing Jay?

because I can't. I honestly can not see 2PM going anywhere

without Jay in the group & I can't see Jay solo or in another group

beside 2PM. I most definitely can not see someone replacing

Jay in the group.

So I hope for 2PM's future..I hope JYP does not add a replacement.

or does he give leadership to anyone else.

I hope he'll let 2PM continue til Jay returns.

and i'll continue my support on Jay & 2PM.

Also I'm taking Jay's "quitting" as more as

Jay is on a long break or hiatus.

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Guest sodahead

I see a few people agree to what ive said earlier about this situation. I think in Jay's best interest its better for him to leave the country because knetizens are very vengeful and spiteful. They dont take forgiveness very easily. They dont want to forgive. They are life ruiners. But maybe with some luck Jay will come back in the future And I hope no one blames JYP because he treated Jay so well and im sure he's doing all he can to do the best for Jay.

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