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☆ 2 P M ★ Official Thread ☆

Guest touchtheskies.

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why'd you choose to leave...this is such bad news to me..

I'm so sad..he's my fav. member too..T.T

please come back..don't give up on us and 2PM..

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Guest BringTwilight
I don't know if you guys have already seen it,

but a JYPE employee posted this pic up on his tumblr,

and tweeted it as well. this is the JYPE building in NYC.

http://img269.imageshack.us/img269/1394/pi...e1cb.pngcredit: Moonworker @ twitter / http://moonworker.tumblr.com

it's too bad that I am not home in NYC right now,

so I couldn't take part in this but I submitted my message,

whether or not it was received, I'm not sure...

however, to all NYC hottests, you're amazing!!!!

I didn't think there would be so many post-its.

it just shows how well hottests stick together in this time.

don't give up hope. always keep the faith. FIGHTING~

Haha Thanks!! we took like an hour too put all of it up.

We got alot of support from the JYP staff.

I can see all the messages I wrote!!


Ohhh I topped the page!!


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Ever since JYP told the staffs to take down the post-its

in korea..everyone is loosing hope/faith towards JYP..

please don't give up yet he'll probably gives us a good explanation why

Jay left in a instant..if we can just wait a little longer

for JYP to speak up..and clarify of what had happen

this past 4 days...like the cassie's always say:::


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Guest apatheticskittle

sigh. just a thought.....

people make mistakes that often offend people.

vanessa anne hudgens had nude pictures that surfaced the web but after she apologized, people still forgave her and hey, she even came back with a new album. yet she's still tweens' role model today...

jon gosselin (part korean!!) totally bashed kate today on the today show (or some interview that aired today) yet people still support him for leaving kate...

it just shocks me that SUCH A SMALL STATEMENT can cause SUCH BIG DRAMA.

give it a rest, jaebeom was only 18 or 19 when he wrote that comment.

obama didn't make the right decisions when he was young and didn't start caring about school until he finished his undergrad degree from a small college and go on to big time harvard.

i really hope jaebeom can be like kang eun bi....

kang eun bi almost quit the entertainment business altogether and almost committed suicide because netizens told her to get lost and stop singing (and other nasty comments along the lines of that) but she stuck with her dream of becoming a singer (after already debuting as an actress) and look how many people love her music today.

this whole ordeal is largely blown out of proportion.

while netizens can be a good thing, i think they just over-react to every little detail in an idol's life

isn't 2PM's image to be natural?? even to the point of shedding their "idol-image" on variety shows (as other stars like boom say as a joke...

so yes, natural people make mistakes. EVERYBODY DOES.

sure, jaebeom made the mistake of making those comments, but so did those netizens when they decided to backstab jaebeom and ruin his career.

do not point the finger unless you are ABSOLUTELY FLAWLESS yourself.

sigh. i really hope jaebeom coming back to america is really just a "cool down"

if 2PM is JYP's pride... i do not think JYP would let jaebeom go so easily...

jaebeom fighting!!!

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I misss jay alot already.

dont say he's gone for good i know

he will be back :D

of course he'll be back....talent like his should NOT be wasted!!

prolly he wont be back with 2pm but whereever he comes back in he'll do well im sure....especially with so many fans cheering him on....i was away 6 hours and there have been almost 17 pages of replies....lol

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I'm a silent reader and ever since this whole Jaebeom news broke out I have become deeply saddened. It's horrible.

How can these nitzens do this over 4 year old comment(s)? IT WAS THE PAST.

I'm not korean nor have any idea what anti-nitzens are like (sorta..but I know they can lead people into massive depression etc etc...) but do they sit and type behind a computer and post messages without showing their face? or do they do both like come forward and abuse the hell out the person?


I understand how jay will feel being in a country where he is all new to the culture and language I mean seriously put your self in his shoes and think how would you feel if you were in his situation.. You would feel the same right?. It is understandable that his attitude was like that.. but now he has changed as time went by and he doesn't think like that anymore and he has shown us that. seriously. How can nitzen be like this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I love jaebeom (as well as khun and taec) so muchies and he shouldn't say or think that we all hate him. WE LOVE HIM <3.

I know this might be "stupid" or weird or something.. but I got motivated to learn korean over my own language (vietnamese) in school... just so maybe one day I can meet Jay and the rest of the boys along with others in fan mettings/signings and stuff..be able to talk abit to them abit.. >_< I'm so losing hope on that one happening.. yet weird imagination.

I'm still not over the fact that he has left 2PM.. I mean.. who's gonna rip their shirt off and show their gorjuz abs? who's gonna do all that b-boy stuff? >___< *sigh* I admired Jay I mean he trained so hard till he was in pain like the rest...and it had to end like this...

I really hope jay will come back! I MISS HIM =(

What caught me the most was when other stars as well as 2PM members showed their support and grief over jay, it's very touching...it had the power to make me tear up.



In my eyes...if 2PM have to perform as 6... they will still be 7 to me.. if they add a new person... he will never be like jaebeom.. heck no. in the end I will still love and support 2PM all the way..for the rest of the members.

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Guest moomooriel

hey you guys. this is Muriel i just wanted to share good news

today's post-its trial was a success!

here are some pictures


this is how it ended up looking ^^


the real thing is happening this Saturday starting from 2PM.

for more information just follow this link -> http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=128815029412

oh and just so you know this is the actual JYP building


you can see JYP all the way up there... lol

some employees from JYP came out and took pictures of what we did.


the two employees are the one in red [which i think it's a photographer for JYP] and the girl that's covered by the same guy.

after they took pictures, they came to us and started asking us questions.

firsts we weren't sure if we'd say we actually did it, but they said we wouldn't get in trouble.

so then they started asking us some questions. like, how be feel about this? what are our opinions? etc etc.

then they filmed us as well. lol. they were really nice and thanked us for supporting Jay.

we asked them how was Jay doing, and the girl employee told us he was well and doing fine.

then they went back in, they didn't try to stop us or anything, so we kept adding more post-its

like i said, this was a trial in NYC, the real thing will happen this Saturday. is a "walk by" event.

for more information follow this link: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=128815029412

if you're not from NYC, you can send msgs to the moderators and we can write them for you guys.

but before you send the message, please read the description. thank you.

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I feel bad for all the fans. :( Honestly, I was never a big fan (or even a little one) of 2PM let alone JB, but...wow, must a real hard blow to a lot of people. But to be honest, I think he made the right choice (though I might get eaten for saying this). If he's happier this way, I think his fans should support his decision and not force him into anymore trouble. He's already having a hard time so all the fans can really do (and should do) is console him.

I'm actually really glad he did this (not in an anti-fan way, but in a I-hope-Korea-learned-its-lesson way). It was a HUGE slap in the face for a lot of Korea--anti fans and fans alike. Many people say this and that about a celebrity but never really expect it to impact the celeb in any way. Jaebeom quitting the group has shown Korea that a little thing really can go too far, far enough for the person to quit what they're doing. I respect his choice because no, he didn't deserve to deal with all that crap from Korea's fans/antis. If he does decide to go back, I hope Korea (or really just any fan in general) learns their lesson.

I hope he's doing well. :/

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i've been really sad the whole day, but really it's Jay's decision. If he wants to take a leave, then let him be, although we will all miss him dearly, but if he feels better, we should all feel good for him also.

Those who bashed on him has probably learned their lesson, and the past cannot be rewind. Let's just cross our fingers and hope he decides to return soon, as an even better artiste!! Life is hard for him now, I'm sure, so let's be the greatest fans out there and support him all the way!

perfect song for Jay, the lyrics are like written for him and Hottest. It really moved me to tears:


Keep smiling & Keep shining

For good times and bad times I'll we'll be on your side for ever more!!

Park Jaebeom & Hottests fighting!!

&& for those who's missing Jay like crazy right now like me, here are something for you guys to keep the faith

cellphone wallpapers:



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hey you guys. this is Muriel [i go by another username which you can tell which it is by my name] but i just wanted to share good news with you guys

today's post-its trial was a success!

here are some pictures


this is how it ended up looking ^^


aww that is awesome..I like how you guys spelled

Jay with the post-its..this shows international hottests

that we actually cared for are leadja..oh gawd I can't

tear a drop right now..thank you for doing this for other

international hottests out their...thank you

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*sigh* I felt like crying yesterday before I went to sleep, I don't know if I can keep supporting 2pm when they're not "whole"

" I think of Jaebeom again and again. It's only you that can be the leader of 2pm. I hate you Korean netizens that bash jay. You will come back to US but hopefully you will return back to Korea. You are 10 points out of 10 Park Jaebeom!"

Just had to underline that in case you guys think I'm hating all Korean netizens

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Guest vivientww

^^^^^^ That's really gorgeous.

Make a rainbow tomorrow! If they had an office in Malaysia, I'd run down there and post soooooo many post its they'd have to send me to jail or something lol. Hottest, we can do this! <3

Hmmm if the reporters are asking.. then maybe we'd get US's opinions etc and Jay will come back.

Oh, please come back Jay. This is breaking my heart.

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Guest Banana Peel
hey you guys. this is Muriel [i go by another username which you can tell which it is by my name] but i just wanted to share good news with you guys

today's post-its trial was a success!

here are some pictures


this is how it ended up looking ^^


the real thing is happening this Saturday starting from 2PM.

for more information just follow this link -> http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=128815029412

some employees from JYP came out and took pictures of what we did.


the two employees are the one in red [which i think it's a photographer for JYP] and the girl that's covered by the same guy.

after they took pictures, they came to us and started asking us questions.

firsts we weren't sure if we'd say we actually did it, but they said we wouldn't get in trouble.

so then they started asking us some questions. like, how be feel about this? what are our opinions? etc etc.


Awww, this made me smile for the first time today :D

Whoa, those sticky notes look like it's floating in air instead of stuck on the wall ,

or is it just my eyes? ahaha. Thanks for doing this!

I really hope Jay sees the support from fans and how much we want him back.

And I really hope JYP will release some kind of news.

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I swear, I’ve never cried so many times in two days….

I’ve realize, that this happen in a lapse of 4 days, begin the 4th of december, about something that happen 4 YEARS ago….

Jae be happy, and relax and calm, enjoy with u family…

This is just a vacation, we can wait, one month, two months, three months, half a year, a YEAR, we’ll still wait for you to comeback..

I really hope you can come back, WE HOTTEST would gladly fangirl for you any time…


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Aww, I'm not even a huge fan and I'm deeply heartbroken.

Why must Jay leave?

Those where comments he did 4 years ago.

Living in america, I have to say

We are very much spoil.

We can easily access so many things.

We take alot of things for granted.

and that's the environment Jay grew up it.

He's accustom to it.

Look at how we wrote his myspace message.

there were alot of slang.

after experience the living conditions of korea,

not only does he notices it's very different but he adapted to it.

That's the important thing, not how he was when he went in there.

Those fans are just to cruel to be able to make him leave.

Jay Fighting!

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Guest XTINE__

omgoodness, this thread just grows so quickly doesn't it?

and omg! that's so thoughtful of the fans to put up post-its like that....

and about khun threatening to leave to thailand and whatnot, i just find it touching that even after he's left, the boys are still loyal to their leader. it's true that khun must be really mad to say such things cause it doesn't seem like he gets mad easily. i hope the 6 are keeping it together and doing okay.. and when i read that wooyoung is comforting the others.. omg, i can so imagine that!! he's always been the calm peacekeeper.

anyway, now that the news has sunk in and finally settled, and after reading some comments from other users, i agree, jay is still tied down by a contract.. (at jyp it's 5 years after debut.. i think?).. and jyp himself hasn't made any official statements regarding the situation... and jay's hiatus might be to just clear his head and sort things out and NOT a permanent leave from the group. at this point in time, anything is possible. so i guess all we can do now is wait and only time will tell right?

and totally random, but earlier i was listening to 2pm's "you might come back" and my itunes was on shuffle and then leona lewis' "better in time" played right after it. maybe that's a sign!!!!! :o LOL. stay strong 2pm+hottests!!

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Guest kassuma

i just hope to see all 7 perform together again & i will wait for that day.

here are new fancams of their recent performances

FANCAM 090829 Last Summer Pool Festival Again & Again Jay Focused


Fancam 090905 Incheon Concert 2PM 10 out of 10 Close Up 1


FANCAM 090829 Last Summer Pool Festival Again & Again Chansung Part


Fancam 090905 Incheon Concert 2PM 10 out of 10 Close Up 2


Fancam 090905 Incheon Concert 2PM I Hate You Close Up


credits: cyworld

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