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☆ 2 P M ★ Official Thread ☆

Guest touchtheskies.

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Guest kpopholic

this makes me so angry...

i refuse to believe that jae is really not a part of 2pm anymore

let's all view his leave as if he is on a long vacation...

life will be hard for this fellow in the states also..

he'll be recovering and so will his fellow members

hopefully jaebum will be keeping in touch with his fans

even if he says that he is no longer a part of 2pm...

fighting and come back soon!!

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Guest dksldidksldi

it's kind of done for. i mean he is in the states. all we can do is hope that he is somewhat in a rest at home with his family. i'm not a fan of 2pm but i think this week has been really crazy and i feel bad for the other 2pm members since i mean their leader just called it quits. from reading the comments left by korean ppl on the main photo sites, i don't think it has really changed their opinions from when this first issue came out which sort of amazes me. still bashing going on, but it seems like it has died down in a way that nobody cares anymore since he is gone. 2pm fans are going around trying to gain some support through korean photo sites, but its only gaining annoyance from people.

i think the BEST way is to just lay low... honestly. and that's exactly what JYP is trying to do. he isn't stupid. there is a possibiliy that if he returns that he will be forgiven. very high possibility.

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Guest Do0mAid
i have read many fan comments over the last couple of pages about needing to stay strong and continue to support 2PM. to be honest, i also would love to continue supporting the other boys, as i love them just as much. but think of it another way, how will the boys feel, going on stage next time, without jay? how will they feel if they had to accept another person as their leader? even if jyp decides to keep them as 6 and choose another leader among them, which one of them is honestly going to feel comfortable stepping in jay's shoes? based on their tight knit relationship, i can imagine that most of the boys might not even want to carry forward without jay. i'm sure they would still want to pursue their music careers, but they may not want to continue doing so as 2PM. it may be too traumatic and painful for them.

I'm really happy you said this! I mentioned it earlier but it was lost in the tons of posting that was happening because we were all so worried. We need to remember to support all 7 boys, because even if Jaebeom is hurting the most, they're all feeling the effects of this. So 2PM HWAITING!!

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Guest princess_sunshine

I dont know what to say .Life is so unfair , you spend 4 hard years with tears and hardship to reach for your dream but it only takes 4 days to end everything. I am not 2PM crazy fan , I am an ELF instead but I really like their music ,they all have talent especially Jay .If anyone ever watches Idol Show or Wild Bunny , you cant deny his charm.4 years ago , he was 18 years old , left home and being on his own in Korea , 4 years ago , I was also 18 left home being on my own in England.I truly understand how he felt .What he wrote was not right , the word he used was not good but that mistake is not something unacceptable. If Jay were just an ordinary guy , noone cares about that right?

Being an idol is not easy , you have thousand supporters who always stand beside you but also many ANTIS always wait for your little mistake then make it a huge thing to ruin your life.ANTI fans out there , have you ever think that you are too cruel? Are you that happy to take away a person's dream ? Are you that happy to see many tears are dropping from HOTTEST?

I hope that Jay's journey back to America is only a short vacation for him to regain his strength from the hell he has been through.I believe he will understand how much his fans love and support him.I also believe just 2PM TRUE FANS never let him go that easily.

Come back soon , 2PM leader !

I wish you could read all the comments here , Jay ... There are many fans are praying for you.

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Guest detectivejet

jay was just standing there and this lady touched his face. i think its his mom or grams. i have no clue. he looked down.

From one fan account. Shizz this just breaks my heart even more :(

Stay strong Jay!

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Guest DongBangShiDae

no .. its not done for lol

im serious about this hes really still in 2PM

i really think jyp and him made just a deal

like go rest in the states ill release that u "quit"

im sure hes on break

because this is too sudden im pretty sure u have to like

destroy the contract and im also sure that doesnt take like 2 hours lol

edit: oo damm looked down and his mom touched his face

thats a really sad scene that i coudl picture

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Guest kimekwazy

I was wondering if anyone could provide the link to the picture of Jay arriving at the seattle airport? I'm not sure where to go on the 2OD site to see the picture. thank you very much to whoever can help link me.

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Guest sweet_spy

Wow, I just found out about this and I was totally shocked

I am a hardcore VIP and a semi-Hottest so maybe I don't feel like crying as much as most of you guys do, but it certainly pains me that one of my favorite boy band members is going through a hard time like this, especially since it was caused by a bunch of hateful, have-nothing-better-to-do antis. Sure, he did something wrong, and might have offended other people, but still, he shouldnt be pushed to such a point that he had to pack up and leave Korea like this. I mean, come on, he was more or less still a teenager then, with lots of emotions and impulsions. And I myself don't even want to remember what I did/said/wrote when I was at that age.

I just want to ask if there has been an official statement that said Jay is really leaving 2PM? Him going back to Seatle and everything, all happened so suddenly that I think this is just a way to help him get away from the media and public's eye for the moment until the chaos dies down a bit. Sure, if he comes back, some worms are gonna start bringing up again the old crap "He did this...He did that...He shouldnt be forgiven" and stuff, but I believe that those are only the minority who actually freakin think themselves are too perfect to have ever made a mistake in their lives; and the majority, i'm sure they'd give people a second chance to fix things right too. His @PM bros are supporting him, Hottest are supporting him, even fans of other groups are supporting him. So hopefully, when Jay calms down, straightens up his mind, he will get up and return to 2PM again. Otherwise, it'd be a waste of his talent, and to me, he's always been the core of 2PM. If he's not there, 2PM would never feel complete.

I was incredibly sad reading about how the other members are feeling about their leader quitting the group. Don't know what else to say beside, STAY STRONG, EVERYTHING HAS ITS WAY AROUND, SO THE SITUATION WILL BE RESOLVED SOONER OR LATER, IT JUST TAKES A LITTLE BIT OF TIME.

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Guest kriza_09

I don't know. The more I think about this, the weirder it seems to me. People kept saying '4 years of hard work ruined in 4 days'. Exactly, how could he make this decision so fast??? The 'scandal' first broke out 4 days ago. The suicide petition only came out yesterday afternoon. In less than half a day, he decided to quit. Then after only a few hours, he left Korea. It's just too weird if he's just gone like this in 4 days.

First of all, this is netizens we're talking about. They're so unpredictable; one second they say something, the next second they say another thing. Some people asked, why can't those people just forgive and forget? Based on what I notice from other scandals, they WILL 'forgive and forget'. You just need to hide from public for a while, give them some time to calm down. There are a lot of other cases, but two cases that I want to point out are Shinhwa's video scandal and Brian Joo's comment on the two Korean girls who were accidentally killed by US army. When Shinhwa's early video was leaked in January 2006, netizens were outraged. After a few days, Eric gave an official apology. Netizens didn't accept it at first, but eventually they calmed down. In May, they released an album and things went back to normal. And the more relevant case to Jaebum's is Brian's case in 2002. Netizens were also cursing him, telling him things like 'we hate you', 'go back to the US', 'IT'S BETTER IF YOU DIE', and he even actually got punched for that. He got cursed right at his face, not just in cyber world. So I just don't understand why Jaebum had to quit so fast like that. Yes, 3000 people signed for that suicide petition, but he also got support from 40,000+ people. Something just doesn't add up there.

Well, unless I underestimated the seriousness of his offensive comment. I heard his comment can be considered a national attack to Korea, in which case then he would have no other choice but to leave the country. But is it really a national-scale scandal? like the anti US beef thing? Because someone also said 'don't blame Korea, just blame the handful netizens with no life', which means the scandal is not so big that everyone in Korea would know, right? It's not like people would throw eggs and bottles at him on the streets, right? So he didn't really become a public enemy, right?

He could've just made a press conference and apologized in person (even beg on his knees if necessary), then tried to stay low for a month or so. I'm sure by then the attention will have shifted to other news (like DBSK's contract that's coming soon for example). IF, by then people are still hating him, to the point where he can't be seen in public or on TV, then he might want to consider quitting. But why quit now? Why did he (or whoever it is behind the decision) have to make this decision so fast? It just doesn't make sense. I don't want to say that netizens ruined his 4 years of hard work in just 4 days. No, he ended his 4 years of hard work in 4 days himself. It wasn't netizens who didn't give him a chance to show he's changed. It is him who didn't give the netizens a chance to calm down. Keep in mind what a lot of people here said about forgiving the girl who started all this: "I will forgive her, I just can't right now". People need time to get over the anger and to forgive and forget. Too bad Jaebum couldn't stay a little longer. It just didn't have to end like this. And I'm sure JYP knows that.

So my conclusion is, either Jaebum is coming back soon, or there's something going on that we don't know. But basically, I think it is SO unnecessary for him to quit and leave Korea.

PS: Everyone has been leaving comments of support here. So I'd also like to say: you got all the supports from Shinhwa Changjo!!! =) Well, I'm 3/4 hottest though, does that count?

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Guest Angelic_illusions

Actually someone stated that Jay has like a seven year contract right? And yes as someone else said you can't just destroy a contract in two hours. A contract is a legally binding promise so unless JYP had exclusive rights to destroy the contract whenever then i doubt that Jay is no longer a JYPE member. So with that said, there IS hope for our leader. He's just taking a break from all this mess. He'll come back ;)

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Guest glfishy24

of course the other members would feel this way :(

i mean imagine how we feel times like 100!

i mean, it's their fellow member, brother!


this is so unbearable

but i have a feeling

that this isn't the end

or maybe its just my wishful thinking


i mean

CMON. JAY?! he's born to be in 2pm :////

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Guest Inevitable

Sad news about Jae. It was devastating looking at the photos of him at the airport and all the fans pleading for him to stay. Hopefully he'll make his return soon!

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Guest Michi Jjang~!

I truly hope Jay comes back someday. I can't imagine 2PM without him. Or without anyone of the boys. I just became a fan of 2PM not too long ago, so this was painful to me. But Hottest needs to stay strong and continue to support our 2PM boys! All we can do is wait, and hope that Jay will come back to us. In my heart, 2PM will always be 7~!

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Actually someone stated that Jay has like a seven year contract right? And yes as someone else said you can't just destroy a contract in two hours. A contract is a legally binding promise so unless JYP had exclusive rights to destroy the contract whenever then i doubt that Jay is no longer a JYPE member. So with that said, there IS hope for our leader. He's just taking a break from all this mess. He'll come back ;)

yes! i dont think jyp would drop jaebum anyway....jyp is very close to his artist so i understand....

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Guest kpopholic

we have to remember that the boys recently celebrated their 1 yr anniversary..

they aren't too experienced with scandals.

it was a sudden for jae to face..

he's still young..

no matter how much we want him to return,

he has already left

the only thing we can do is pray for his health

physically, mentally, and emotionally...

until he gets well and recovers, let's hope he

returns like he said

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Guest smithers

no .. its not done for lol

im serious about this hes really still in 2PM

i really think jyp and him made just a deal

like go rest in the states ill release that u "quit"

im sure hes on break

because this is too sudden im pretty sure u have to like

destroy the contract and im also sure that doesnt take like 2 hours lol

edit: oo damm looked down and his mom touched his face

thats a really sad scene that i coudl picture

yea i kinda agree with you...maybe its just my denial

if he does comeback, its definitely not for the next promotions...and it could be a really long time before the one after

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Actually someone stated that Jay has like a seven year contract right? And yes as someone else said you can't just destroy a contract in two hours. A contract is a legally binding promise so unless JYP had exclusive rights to destroy the contract whenever then i doubt that Jay is no longer a JYPE member. So with that said, there IS hope for our leader. He's just taking a break from all this mess. He'll come back ;)

If both parties agree then a contract can be broken. If JYP really feels that it's better for Jay to leave the group, he will. I think he loves Jay like a son and his main priority is for Jay to be happy.

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Guest uh-ohxev

Actually someone stated that Jay has like a seven year contract right? And yes as someone else said you can't just destroy a contract in two hours. A contract is a legally binding promise so unless JYP had exclusive rights to destroy the contract whenever then i doubt that Jay is no longer a JYPE member. So with that said, there IS hope for our leader. He's just taking a break from all this mess. He'll come back ;)

Yeah, this is what made me stop crying a couple of hours ago. I realized that alot of this doesn't make all that much sense, and theres still more hope that he will be back... but, since it's happening so fast all you can focus is on the negative. Thats why I'm just focusing on the fact that leader will be back. I know it in my heart! Hes worked too hard to give all this up like nothing... Disappointed doesn't even cover how I feel about the netizens. I'm just really disgusted at what they did. The fact that Jay is hurting so much is hurting me... I wish I can take his pain and put it on me. I hate to see him looking the way he did... I hope these netizens realize what they did and learns to stop bullying people. I'm actually surprised that Korea hasn't done something about this. This should be tooken more seriously. Cyber-bullying and bullying in general is horrible! And their needs to be a law set. The U.S has one. They should too, especially after this...

Jay will come back. I have alot of hope.

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gahh~ woke up hoping there's a good news..

but i guess we still have to wait..

although i'm still mad about my accnt being suspended

i woke up great because i had a dream of jaebeom wearing the pink tights or undergarment

he wore @ idol army ep. 11 i think.. dancing "i don't care" w/ his fellow member.. but he was the spotlight..

haha! crazyy.. but that felt good.. i miss him fooling around and dancing silly.

on the other note.. i had this feeling that JAE will be back

i bet we have a BIG SURPRISE on OCT.

i'm hoping JAE will be inside a box and pops up and say "i'm back" LOL!

and for the other members... i bet they shed tears like crazy.. especially chansung, since he looks up to him.

wooyoung must be in despair.. taec and nichkun must be so angry .. junho joining w/ chansung and junsu

comforting his members.

but i'm hoping i'm so wrong.. i'm hoping they just simply smiled and just worried for him ....because they'll see him again.. it's just for time being... when everything BECOMES CLEARER (the person that started it all apologizes and tell everyone that it was her mistake and every single hotttest deserve an apology from her and how WRONG THE NETIZENS ARE!) i'm hoping!!

and i just wanna say thank you to all the other fc whose been giving lots and lots of courage and support for

HOTTEST. thnk you!

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Guest mon*blanc

Does anyone have the link to the photo of Jay in the seattle airport with his mom and brother?

I cant seem to find it in the 2oneday forums.

i really want to know if he's okay.

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