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Guest touchtheskies.

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Guest PunchNine

Just like that, out with a bang... albeit a very painful bang.

I've cried so much over this that now my head hurts.

I just don't know what to say anymore.

This is just way too heartbreaking.

Why am i having a feeling that this is a set up? Everything is too rush to be true...like what..4 days?? Can't say bye bye like this...its just not right....

JYP @ USA, JAY going to USA. Somewhat thinking that they are going to meet @ USA.

and maybe they will be back to korea to promote their new album....

anyone having this feeling???

Maybe it's because I'm in denial. I just can't believe Jay just up and left like that

But I do secretly hope, deep down that all this is just a publicity stunt, and that he's going to comeback with 2pm sometimes early next year, bigger and better than ever...


Wishful thinking... can't blame me..

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Guest Koutarou


I never thought 2PM was such a huge part of my life, but this incident has proven otherwise.

Today at school, I couldn't think about anything but Jaebeom.

I lost my sense of control. I've never felt so lost in my life.

He's in Seattle now, right? At least he's with his family.

And Wooyoung, poor thing. He took it quite hard.

2PM will never be the same.


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Guest sofabed412
Would you think it funny and a great marketing ploy if someone pretended to kill/have your loved one trapped in a deadly position, but really they hid a few blocks down the road for a few weeks and came out, "SURPRISE HAHAHAHA WE KID U LOLZ HAVE 5 MILLLION DOLLA" No, I don't think so. I wouldn't atleast, I'd retaliate. I'm not hating on you, that was just my example lol

When strong emotions come rushing, they come down like a heavy flood. Not only is he thinking "What was hot blood for?" "what was all the training for?" "what was building all these new feelings for people I have to leave for?", then he has the media and vampires on his necks too.

You would make the decision to get out too. People handle things different ways and we just have to respect that.

HOWEVER, if you had said "what if they decide to post-pone ht ecomeback, send the rest of 2PM to America to recoup and support Jay whilst he gets over it a large bit and come back together strong and new?" That'd sound a reasonable thing to do. They're sending 2pm there to get a breather, help Jay and then coming back as One

What you're saying was what I was thinking, at least hoping...A LOT of people are hurting for Jay, if this is a joke, then I can rest easy...but if not, I'm really sad...devastated...I really hope this isn't real...But by the extent of things, that petition for Jay to commit suicide, all that news stuff, it just seems so real, even though I don't want it to be...

I don't know, but I find it hard to support 2PM without Jay, because they wouldn't be 2PM if one member was missing...

I feel so bad for Jay and the rest of the guys...it's such a stupid, and trivial matter.

2PM was my first Korean artist to love, and will be my last...if this is real, then I've lost faith or trust or even respect in Korea's music industry.

His comments weren't shameful, they were taken out of context by those netizens, and ALL OF US, at one point or another, when we're far from home, in an unfamiliar place, will say we hate that place or those people, we can't deny that. I do it all the time, even in America, I'll say I hate America, I hate Americans, but it doesn't mean I meant it in a bad way. I'm so pissed at the situation, so I'm venting.

Did they care to post the comments he made where he said he loved Korea? He's not a freakin' political figure, he's a human being who makes mistakes like the rest of us...and that's not even a big deal...Hello, do they not know what goes on in America? Where Jay was raised? There are much worse things that happen here than what he did, but no one cares...

Who would care about something he did 4 years ago? Who was evil, and cruel enough to go find that to post and share and make people sign a petition for him to commit suicide?!!!!! Different countries and different cultures, he apologized, which he shouldn't have had to in the first place, they should understand he's not from there, so he doesn't have their twisted sense of right and wrong, good and bad.

They treated him like he freakin' murdered someone!!! That's how bad it got, and JYP couldn't even defend the man he chose as the leader of his group...couldn't even support him.

I support 2PM, and without Jay, they are not 2PM.

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Guest chikashi
JYP is in america right now so he will meet up with jaebum to discuss his future plans and on Friday, JYP will officially announce what will happen to jay and 2pm including their upcoming album that was set to be released in October this FRIDAY

Hottest hang in there. We will be informed on friday so be patient.

Could you give us a link to where you got this information from? There's just so many news / info / tidbits going around and getting the actual facts mixed up that it's hard which ones to believe ;_;

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Guest splendidlure

Aww.. I was hoping to see some fanpics of him when he arrives to Seattle. I guess the fans don't want to disturb him much longer. Oh well. Seriously, everyone, learn to forgive and foget. Everyone knows what Jaebum wrote was wrong, but he has apologized and already feels bad enough.

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Guest Staracles

You guys need to chill before this thread closes again.

Just simply ignore the TROLLS and their bashing in here and they won't bother us.

It's our responses to them that triggers them to agitate us further -.-

Jay has reached Seattle already hasn't he? I hope he's coping well.

Heal up, Leader Jay <3

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Guest uh-ohxev

Where did someone find that JYP will speak Friday? Source?

I can wait til Friday... it'll be hard because I think I'll be losing sleep until I know what's going to happen but I can do it.

And to all of the other fans Cassies, E.L.F, Wonderfuls, etc. I sincerely want to thank you all for being so nice and understanding! It feels like a big k-pop family, and I'm very thankful that you guys are saying such comforting and sweet words. Thank you so much! I think its important when things like this happen in K-POP world that we all stick together and support each other! Thank you again, honestly.

I have cried so much... for 14hrs I've cried... but I think I've kind of stopped now because no more tears are coming out.. I think I wasted all my tears for a while... I could probably fill a pool with all those tears I cried today... :huh:

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Guest mrs_dbsk

words cannot express how i feel right now. :'( ㅠ_ㅠ

one word - why?

jaebum <3 he was just a regular human being who went to Korea to continue his dreams. a foreign country where he couldn't speak their language, their customs, culture and people were all a new experience for him. he went through pain and suffering, longing to come home, yet he pulled through. he became a beloved leader of a popular idol group and now this is what happens? all because of a few inappropriate comments he made 4 years ago on myspace? surely it wasn't right to say that he "hates" korea, it was a mistake. here in America the words "hate" and "gay" are used regularly by many people. most of the times the words don't even mean anything. i thought things would get better as days went by. i thought 2PM would've continued together as 1 until it got better. i have extreme pride in Korea and being a fellow Korean (-American). but sometimes when situations like this happen it disgraces me to be a Korean. the overwhelming comments from k-netizens caused someone to flee the country. i hope all those k-netizens are now full of regret. and i believe in jaebum to really return to Korea and continue with music later on soon. he has so many fans all over the world who truely support and love him & 2PM. he also has many sunbaes and fellow entertainers in Korea who believe in him and hope for his return.

i want to write so much more. but i just can't get the words out anymore. maybe i'll return to edit, as of now i'm gonna go and cry some more.

jaebum, i hope you have plenty of rest and recieve all the love and support you need right now from your family and friends here in the US <333333333333333333333333

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you're the one that i'm embarrassed of.

are YOU really korean?

we are the one of the ONLY countries that kill off our own artists ... instead of being proud and showing them off we criticize and kill them off literally and figuratively.

our own people attack each other on a daily basis on what they think it alright because it's anonymous.

with just a few fingers we kill each other off EVERY SINGLE DAMN DAY.

such a small country like korea has come SO FAR in this big world...

it's because of all the great things we can do as Koreans ...

and yet we still cannot protect one another.

we don't know how to forgive one another ...

we can barely accept anyone that is different...

and we judge based on the least important aspects of human beings.

instead of being proud that jaebum has changed and has become proud of his country...

instead of being proud that this boy born and raised in america that hated his country has become such a nationalist...

instead we look at what he was in the past.

instead of telling him that he was wrong but that he can make it better we ostracize him.

we koreans tell him to kill himself...

we koreans, the same kind of korean jae bum is, have chased him away to america...

do you know how hard it is to survive in korea as an outsider?

i've seen my younger brother endure it and it wasn't easy.

to be ostracized because you're korean american and can't speak korean...

to be ostracized because you follow the american fashion trends instead of the korean fashion trends...

to be ostracized because you think one should be judged on your skills instead of how old you are...

it is so very easy to dislike your fellow koreans when they put you in a cage.

but even my brother matured and even though he has had all those bad memories of korea...

despite how many times he has told me hated korea and thought it was gay...

he has matured and despite all that hurt he had endured in korea he still wants to go back...

he still misses the country...

and now he agrees when our mom tells him to marry a korean girl.

people make mistakes and especially young ones we make all kinds of mistakes...

but if our own people cannot take him in and teach him...who will?

how can we as a country be so cruel ...

how can you as a korean be so narrow minded ...

you should know better than anyone what it's like to be different.

growing up asian in america is not easy you should know that.

you should know what it's like to be different ...

you should know what it feels like to make a mistake and feel so horrible...

you're only human right.

but you know what so is jaebum.

no one is saying what he did is okay ...

but what the korean citizens have done to this young man is disgusting.

instead of criticizing jaebum for what he said why don't we try to figure out why was in a situation where he would say that?

why didn't anyone ever write news articles about how much he loved korea...

and before you reply why don't you think about how shameful YOU are as a korean.

i'm pretty sure there are more koreans on this board that are ashamed of you than jaebum.

Word. what you say is completely right.

To those who say that fans forgive Jaebum too easily, we're not "Korean" so we don't understand, or perhaps we're not "korean enough," so we don't have that patriotism and we don't understand.. all your claims about patriotism as a defense to your mob lynching of a young man trying to achieve his dreams is just a facade, you're just trying to find some sort of justification for your own peace of mind. Nationalism should be something that is naturally developed through time, not something that is shoved into that person's face, and forced down his throat, because when it's the latter, it's called fascism. You so called "patriotic South Koreans" might as well embrace Kim Jong Il and the North Korean government then.

You think all Korean babies come born out of their mother's wombs waving a Korean flag and singing the natural anthem? No! Just like no American, no English, no French, no Canadian comes out of the womb as a "yankee," a "Brit" a "Parisienne," etc. either. They're taught about their nation and they learn to love their country as they grow up. When Jae arrived in Korea 4 Years ago, he was a baby, but now he's a man. Yet you so-called "patriots," insist that he be judged based only on the things he did when he was young, immature, and insufficiently educated about Korea. And you did so w/o even giving a 2nd thought to all the experiences and growing up he went through. If that's what patriotism is, then I'm glad I'm not a patriot.

And for those who still insist that this problem is a proble w/ Jaebum's "patriotism,' then please, go live in Korea, and immerse yourselves amongst your fellow "patriot" netizens, you guys deserve each other. One day when you're through tearing down all the artists and public figures, you'll have no one else to turn on except yourselves. I'd like to see how well you guys do then.

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Wtf? Koreans would def. feel more hurt towards the comments than non-Koreans cuz JaeBum who posted those sick comments is Korean himself and he INSULTED Korea and called Koreans gay. If JaeBum was let's say not Korean, he was chinese, and said he hated china and called chinese people gay, I wouldn't really care and feel hurt. But as a Korean, I'm hurt and feel so difficult to forgive him. and i'm sure most koreans who are patriotic feel that way. a lot of korean-americans today are so unpatriotic of being korean. saying stuff like "koreans are gay, i hate korea" .... and more examples (non-jae bum) include "korea sucks i wanna get out of here, america is so better like oh mah gawshh" .... lmao .... get out of here ....

Warned for troll. This is your 4th warning and you have no intention to follow our rules. All your posts here will be deleted. Suspended 2 weeks.

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Guest xlilhammx

after feeling sad and depressed, i moved onto an angry phase...angry at whoever pulled those comments, angry at whoever helped take Jay down, angry at JYP for letting him go, angry at Jay for leaving. but now, after shutting off my computer and thinking this over i realized that Jay left not only because he wanted to let everything cool down (which is not cowardly at all), but because he was worried about his brothers. it was for the good of them and him, and so I stopped being angry at Jay, and JYP.

then i realized why this all happened. because people couldn't forgive Jay when he was sorry. and so i was thinking, what if we never forgave the antis & the person that got the comments that are now regretting and repenting. some have said they're sorry. most of them are probably young, angry, confused like Jay. although i can't understand how they got so out of control, if we can't forgive those who are sorrowful, how should we expect them to forgive Jay?

on both our sides and theirs, it's going to take time, a lot of patience and forgiveness. together we can make things right.

somehow, i still don't think of this as final. somehow i believe Jay is going to come back one way or another. so for now, i hope this calms down on both sides. i know we're all sad for Jay and 2PM, and I'm happy we're here to condole each other. but i don't think forceful and aggressive petitions or actions are going to help. we need to give Jay some privacy, which is killing me cause I want to know how he's feeling every second of the day, as well as 2PM. but what he needs is to be out of the public eye and relax with his friends and family and think of how to come back as our leadja, the almighty Pa Jaebeom. so please, for the sake of 2PM&Jay, don't do anything irrational. (i haven't been backtracking so i'm just saying this in general, not at any actions previously mentioned) i know we still have a grudge against JYPE, but things will be settled in time. until then, let's pray for Jay and 2PM. and occasionally (meaning not bombard) JYP with encouraging and peaceful messages. we can do this.

and to antis, whether in here or somewhere else. we must try to stay strong and ignore them. arguing them will only make them feel better and argue back. although they haven't apologized yet...they will regret it someday. and we should be ready to forgive & forget.

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this is ridiculous ...

i should start a "shame on you korea" website until all this dies down.

this is SO ridiculous ...

how can fellow koreans NOT say "i hate koera" when they do this to each other...

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Guest stephlove_
Wtf? Koreans would def. feel more hurt towards the comments than non-Koreans cuz JaeBum who posted those sick comments is Korean himself and he INSULTED Korea and called Koreans gay. If JaeBum was let's say not Korean, he was chinese, and said he hated china and called chinese people gay, I wouldn't really care and feel hurt. But as a Korean, I'm hurt and feel so difficult to forgive him. and i'm sure most koreans who are patriotic feel that way. a lot of korean-americans today are so unpatriotic of being korean. saying stuff like "koreans are gay, i hate korea" .... and more examples (non-jae bum) include "korea sucks i wanna get out of here, america is so better like oh mah gawshh" .... lmao .... get out of here ....

actually he said "koreas gay i hate korea" in english GET YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT TROLL!!!

and im ACTUALLY korean

and NO i am not offended cause sometimes im ashamed of korea cause they eat dogs, and the first thing people ask me when i say im korean is "do you eat dogs?"

and as a canadian korean i think YOU'RE unpatriotic!



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Guest ♥Love♥

It's such a pity ): 2PM music rocks. It's scary what netizens can do. Look what they did to famous actress, Choi Jin-shil. She commited suicide because of loan shark rumors or something like th at =/ It's really inhumane. Antis should really learn how to shut up. It's getting kind of ridiculous.

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Guest starlight tears

Yeah, i toltally agree to people that he really made a HUGE mistake writing about Koreans...true that's a big sin on his part.

No question about it but to ask the kid to commit suicide...that's insane! Are you GOD? Who are these people to judge the kid. He is lonely, homesick and miss his friend so much but at the same time he wants to help his parents, he wants what he is going to do. He's torn at that time..He admit his mistake, ask for forgiveness and take responsibility by leaving the group. BUT if people want to have him back and will continue to support him- I know sooner or later he will come back.

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Alright ppl let's not get this thread closed again.

First please don't go over the swear fliter..yes we all wanna cuss up a storm but don't do it here go write a blog cussing up a storm there but not here.

Second stop with the one-liners...

Third stop spamming..stop repeating/posting the same thing.


Anyways I cried myself to sleep last night over the news.

I'm still in shocked that Jay really left. He should be home now since it is pass 2 pm here in the westcoast time. So I'm hoping for those that were at Sea-Tac airport will give us a brief they seen him or not.

but yeah after crying myself to sleep & waking up with puffy eyes I quickly jumped back online to see if there was anymore updates.

After going through the 30 + pages from the last time I was online..I can't help but start to cry again reading all the supporting messages from his fellow entertainment friends.

I teared up reading Boom's message.

Everyone knows how close Jay & Boom are so reading that just made my eyes water up again.

Then reading the messages from the manager, Wild Bunny staff, Hot Blood writer & Begka (sp?) from Kyoto was even more touching. I hope more entertainers will speak out in support of Jay.

I'm sure all of our hearts are hurting over this devasting news but the only thing we HOTTEST gotta do

is continue to support & work hard in bringing him back. Call me selfish I don't care but I want Jay back. I literally can't see 2PM w/o him.

2PM isn't whole if they lose a brother. I want Jay back in 2PM, that's why I'm gonna work hard with the many other Hottest to bring him back.

I hope that JYP does not let him go.

Yes give Jay a break & let him go relax back home with his family til things die down but letting him leave 2PM i can't agree on that.

About the girl that release Jay's past comments...

I'm just disgusted by her actions. Asking for forgiveness is too early for me.

I will eventually forgive her but not right now.

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Guest detectivejet

I'm even tearing as I write this down.

Everything just happened to suddenly. Before I knew it, you were gone.

This is for you, 2pm.

2PM, 7-1=0. It's never gonna be the same without you, Jay Park. For a whole year, I've watched as all 7 of you matured and showed different sides of you. Whether being serious, goofy, impulsive, angry, I loved every minute of it. You never ever fail to brighten up my day no matter how low I feel and you never fail make me smile like an idiot.

Watching 7 of you together was and still is magical and right now I'm afraid I'll never be able to see that again. I love each and everyone of you, all with different personalities but it amazes me how everything fits into place and together you guys create something magical on stage that no other band can replicate. It's only been a year, I know I may be selfish but I want more time.

Jay Park, you'll always be number 1 in my heart, forever and ever. I don't want anyone else and no one can ever replace the empty void that you've left in 2PM. Please don't give up on your dreams, stay strong and always keep the faith. Hottests are behind you all the way, no matter where you are/what you do, we've got your back.

Let's walk together. We'll always be 7.

(Woodong ah, stay strong ♥)

I can't take this :(

To the girl that released the comments:

I can't forgive you. Not now. Maybe not ever.

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