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Yoon Eun Hye 윤은혜 ♡ ♡ ✨

Nakiami Kyoko

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She mentioned she havent taken the public transport for almost 10 years....she is all covered up if she didnt lift up the cap we wouldn't know it was her.

The cap and sweater reminds me of LTM?

She can.dress up from very branded to very simple...this shows she is a down to earth person.....Bravo!

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Guest santaiah178

So it's been almost 10 years YEH hasn't used public transportation till now...Wow I don't have any idea it will be that longhuh.gif Her attire here also remind me on some of her scenes on LTM when she's dating HKJ (KJH character) on cinema. It looks like she doesn't want to be recognized by other people. Good disguise YEH, LOLtongue.gif

Anyway, I came across some information about Do.U (The House's first groomed artist). Did anyone know which one of their song has been used as the official soundtrack for Personal Taste ?


In May 2010, The House Company introduced its first groomed artist, Do.U. Yoon (YEH) was also secretly involved in the production of the mini album entitled Do You Know Me? In this album, Yoon’s vocals could be found on the last track, entitled "AM 5:00 Do.U-reul Mandeun Saramdeul (Outro)" (AM 5:00 Do.U Production Crew (Outro)). She is also the backup vocal for the first track of the album. Another song on the EP, "Gomdoli" (Little Bear), was featured in the official soundtrack of Personal Taste, in which Yoon Eun Hye made a cameo appearance.


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Seriously? Netizens are mad because she tweeted about using the bus...¬¬

I like her tweet, i read the translation in the soompi article and it was fun to read about her feelings towards something most of us do every single day. Tens years is quite a long time i'm curious if something has changed in korean buses hehe.

Sometimes this things makes me wonder how things i don't find anything special about it may seem special in other people ones, kind of like "One man's trash is another man's treasure" ^^

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Sometimes this things makes me wonder how things i don't find anything special about it may seem special in other people ones, kind of like "One man's trash is another man's treasure" ^^

nice words!!

those netizens comments cracked me up in this morning~ nothing's wrong with her tweets it's just she really excited to ride bus again after a long time.. i never think it's a big deal..

probably for some people like her will do the same~ share her experience with others, tweet it! ^^

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Guest kevin1320

dont worry about what those netizens said....

there is nothing wrong with her tweet...oh yeah, for us, taking a bus is nothing big deal, but for stars, its a big deal for them...

i dont think any stars would ever take bus if they already had their own car and even driver and stuf...

for the haters, please find something more valuable and meaningful to do instead of finding stars' mistakes and judge it

and this was what she said

December 4, 2011

오늘 값진 경험했어요~거의 10년만에 대중교통을 이용했어요!상x양매니져의 반강요?덕분에 버스타고 대형서점에 다녀왔는데 ㅋㅋ나보다 매니져가 더신난듯 계속 사진을찍어대서 더 창피했어�

오늘 값진 경험했어요~거의 10년만에 대중교통을 이용했어요!상x양매니져의 반강요?덕분에 버스타고 대형서점에 다녀왔는데 ㅋㅋ나보다 매니져가 더신난듯 계속 사진을찍어대서 더 창피했어요!!으이구 못살아~ ㅋ근데 이 이상한 설레임은 뭐지??ʕʘ̅͜ʘ̅ʔ❤참!!! 버스가 마니위험해서 어린이나 노약자 어른분들께 자리를 꼭 양보해야겠어요 저도 잠깐타는데 휘청휘청~ㅠㅠ다리와 팔에 힘이없는 분들은 진짜 위험하겠더라구요!!

“I had a valuable experience today. I took the public transportation for the first time in almost ten years. My manager half-forced me to take the bus to go to the bookstore, and he’s been embarrassing me by snapping away photos. Ahh it was unbelievable. But why do I have butterflies in my stomach? Oh! We should leave the seats for children and the elderly to sit because buses are dangerous. I was only on the bus for a little while but the bus was swaying and I was stumbling everywhere. It must be really dangerous for those without much strength in their arms and legs.”

cr: best of korean@facebook

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Guest MariYEH

YEH tweeted in response to the criticisms. http://twitter.com/#!/1003Grace/status/143561791002259456



The phrase "Experience of a commoner"..such phrase troubles me a lot..The fact that one person's joy and pleasant experience can be twisted and taken in a wrong way..please do not misunderstand..If there's anything I've said to have people misunderstand, I am sorry..You already know that I didn't mean anything else when I said that bus is bit dangerous...I've seen videos of people refusing to give their seat up for the old seniors and I thought if someone young as I am is pushed and shoved around the bus, how bad it would be for older seniors..I left the words to say that young people should consider older seniors more...I've stated that in my words...And I just enjoyed the experience of the public transportation because I can't use it to travel even to the closest places..I really liked it...And that's all it was (nothing more)...It's something that I would just treasure the memory of..and I just wanted to share it...What more can I say?..If you look at things in negative ways..it'll all look bad, including this (explanation)...Am I living in the world that's become too harsh (too negative, criticizing, etc>)?


Some morons have been complaining saying that YEH is showing off by revealing her "Commoner's Experience" due to her statements about catching a bus..and saying it was bit dangerous (her explanation was for senior citizens). So this tweet is in response to that.

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Guest santaiah178

YEH tweeted in response to the criticisms. http://twitter.com/#...561791002259456

*quoted image*


The phrase "Experience of a commoner"..such phrase troubles me a lot..The fact that one person's joy and pleasant experience can be twisted and taken in a wrong way..please do not misunderstand..If there's anything I've said to have people misunderstand, I am sorry..You already know that I didn't mean anything else when I said that bus is bit dangerous...I've seen videos of people refusing to give their seat up for the old seniors and I thought if someone young as I am is pushed and shoved around the bus, how bad it would be for older seniors..I left the words to say that young people should consider older seniors more...I've stated that in my words...And I just enjoyed the experience of the public transportation because I can't use it to travel even to the closest places..I really liked it...And that's all it was (nothing more)...It's something that I would just treasure the memory of..and I just wanted to share it...What more can I say?..If you look at things in negative ways..it'll all look bad, including this (explanation)...Am I living in the world that's become too harsh (too negative, criticizing, etc>)?

The sad thing is YEH's right, especially on the part when she mentioning about how some people ALWAYS LOOK AT THINGS IN NEGATIVE WAYS. She's just expressing her own experience (nothing wrong with that) & concern for the passangers (child & elderly) of the bus and netizen criticized her for this ??? What become of the world if every good intention or concern is being considered as a threat/negative thing blink.gif So sad...

Thanks for the info MariYEH & sorry have to cut your post smile.gif

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Here is the soompi article about the criticisms:

Yoon Eun Hye Criticized for Tweet about Riding the Bus for the First Time in Ten Years  

Actress Yoon Eun Hye is receiving much criticism from netizens following her tweet about riding the bus for the first time in ten years.

On December 4, Yoon Eun Hye tweeted, “I had a valuable experience today. I took the public transportation for the first time in almost ten years. My manager half-forced me to take the bus to go to the bookstore, and he’s been embarrassing me by snapping away photos. Ahh it was unbelievable. But why do I have butterflies in my stomach? Oh! We should leave the seats for children and the elderly to sit because buses are dangerous. I was only on the bus for a little while but the bus was swaying and I was stumbling everywhere. It must be really dangerous for those without much strength in their arms and legs.” She also uploaded a photo of herself waiting for the bus at a bus stop.

Unfortunately, many netizens have expressed their discomfort and discontent at Yoon Eun Hye’s post, commenting “How is riding the bus to go to a bookstore a valuable experience?” “I feel like we live in different worlds. She definitely did not think this through before posting,” “is that something to boast about?”

On the other hand, she also received support from her fans. Some posted, “Yoon Eun Hye has been a celebrity since she was a little girl, so she hasn’t been able to use the public transportation like the rest of us. So for her, it makes sense to call something that’s quite insignificant to us valuable,” “Celebrities obviously can’t ride buses, so it’s new for her. It’s not like she wrote anything derogatory,” and “I would be scared too if I had to ride the bus for the first time in ten years.”

Credit: hotshotlover30

Link: http://www.soompi.com/news/yoon-eun-hye-criticized-for-tweet-about-riding-the-bus-for-the-first-time-in-ten-years


And here is her response article:

Yoon Eun Hye Replies to Netizen Outrage Over “Public Transportation Tweet"

Recently on December 4, Yoon Eun Hye wrote on her twitter about getting to ride the bus.

She stated that it had been 10 years since she got to use public transportation and was very happy/excited about it. 

Yoon Eun Hye also wrote a response to Netizens that criticized her, “The word ‘Commoner Experience’ really bothers me… I can’t believe somebody’s happiness can be stomped on over like mine was… It is so easy for that to happen… Please don’t misunderstand… if there was any misunderstanding… I am deeply sorry…I just said that buses are dangerous… I didn’t mean that in any other way, you know that right? I was just thinking about all the different video clips of odd bus situations… I was just happy that I got to use public transportation and that is all… I just wanted to share my happiness… well what use it trying to explain myself anyways… to people with crooked minds, anything I say will look bad... This is such a hard world to live in.” 

Credit: jbarky

Link: http://www.soompi.com/news/yoon-eun-hye-replies-to-netizen-outrage-over-public-transportation-tweet

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Thanks everyone for sharing~~

All the articles today really make me proud again and again being in this fandom ^^ and give me more acknowledgement that those people/antis just swallow their own saliva hahahaha~ i enjoy it much though tongue2.gif

i think those who commented didn't finish read YEH's full tweet, they just read the 1-2 sentences missed the point of her tweet and than flooded her with their stupid comments~ /totally fail :lol:

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Guest kevin1320

wow, she became the HOTTEST word search and hot topic all over places huh??

really? haters

anyway, YEH, get ready for Hong Kong...i think she would fly tonight for the MCM event tomorrow huh??

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wow, she became the HOTTEST word search and hot topic all over places huh??

really? haters

anyway, YEH, get ready for Hong Kong...i think she would fly tonight for the MCM event tomorrow huh??

she gotta go to Hongkong tonight?

i wish to see her airport fashion, but it's YEH probably she will be on ninja mode in airport ^^

LOL, haters just make YEH more noticed as the carring person towards elderly and children..

we should thanks to their comment anyway LMFAO

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Guest MariYEH

How was she looking down on others that have to ride the bus? When she was concerned ofolder people?

In her tweet she was reacting to a tv news cause recently, a really old grandma was riding the bus and she had to stand. Some kids and no one offered the old lady a seat and she was like 80 years old and i think she fell down so the video spread like wildfire and that's why she said buses are dangerous on twitter cause of the tv report she saw, cause some young people would not offer their seats to elderly and etc.

the word 'commoner experience' on the title was made up by the reporter. YEH never used the word on her tweet go to her twitter for evidence. The reporter twisted her words just for some extra cash. and the reason why many people were pissed at YEH at first was because the reporter of the 1st article just used "bus is dangerious" and took out the senior citizen part and later edited to add it.. that's why older comments were 50-50% but all the later comments after the reported edited it to what YEH really wrote on her twitter are all supporting YEH.

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the word 'commoner experience' on the title was made up by the reporter.  YEH never used the word on her tweet go to her twitter for evidence.  The reporter twisted her words just for some extra cash. and the reason why many people were pissed at YEH at first was because  the reporter of the 1st article just used "bus is dangerious" and took out the senior citizen part  and later edited to add it.. that's why older comments were 50-50% but all the later comments after the reported edited it to what YEH really wrote on her twitter are all supporting YEH.

eeeiish reporter~ really bad yo~! :wacko:

can i make a conclusion that reporter is the real hater of YEH~ he/she is not supposed to just edit that tweet in order for digging money~ huuh, so cheap.. <_<

too bad just bcus of that reporters she need to clarify her tweet which in fact it's clear enough that she just has no any intention besides carrying others..

Thank you MariYEH for informing us non Korean abt that.. :)

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This is exactly why shes so private and always takes her time deciding which words to choose. If she doesn't so many people misunderstand what she says and turn on her (granted they are not her real fans) and it becomes this bug ordeal that she has to deal with. She took a risk and posted her experience with her fans and because she doesn't have any scandals reporters try their best to ruin her name, which irritates me because YEH has the most amazing heart any person could have. Also, this means she'll be more cautious and quite(like she wasn't already) and she'll think twice before posting what she really feels and that's what makes me angry. She can't say what she feels without being shown in the negative light when all she had was pure intentions. now she has to restrict her comments as well. And honestly she is different from a "commoner"(which is what i am, not that she would ever think that) and the netizens proved that today. And the first time i rode the bus i got molested, so yeah she is right the bus is a dangerous place. Sorry for the rant i just had to get my feelings out.

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I was reading through some soompi news today, and I clicked on the article about Wild Romance that Yoon Eun Hye was once rumored to star in with Lee Dong Wook.  I found it hilarious that Lee Si Young's character (the one Yoon Eun Hye was rumored to be) is named Yoon Eun Jae......  Nothing important.  Just thought that I'll share....

And about the articles about her tweets.  She was unfairly judged because of some reporter who twisted her words.  And I hope that she doesn't become distant from now on and I hope that this doesn't discourage her.  I feel bad for her because out of all the good that she's done, some people find other ways to think negatively about her, which is scary....  I hope she enjoyed the bus ride though.......  And I'm glad that she's such a kind person that she even thought about the senior citizens.  Many celebrities, when they tweet or post pictures of themselves taking the bus or train, only tweet about taking it.  They don't seem to even think about the elderly or the children, but Yoon Eun Hye did.  She didn't post anything irrelevant, like some celebrities who says, "Oh...  I took the train today and some people recognized me" But she said, "Oh....I took the bus today and was concerned for the elderly.  And that the young ones should watch out for them."  That's the difference between her and others; she's caring.

Anywayzzzzzz, I can't wait to see her on the MCM opening!!!

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 i am sure that YEH will not allow  petty useless garbage affect her sincerity in trying to comunicate with fans and friends.she knows that there will always be people who will have nothing good to say about the world not just her.that just the way their brain and heart works.there is nothing to do but to live her life the best she can .and us who loves her always include her in our prayers and continue to support her.

its always amazing how people when first met YEH always ended up liking and respecting her. and i think its her natural kindness and acceptance of all people.


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