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[drama 2008] General Hospital 2 종합병원 2

Guest huangsy

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I was a bit disappointed in JeungEun's character. She was over reacting. She judged first before analyzing the situation carefully.

They are all now abusing TaeHyun's character now that he is not allowed to give ordes and practice medicine as a punishment. But I hope they won't remove him from the hospital. I wonder what will be done to make TaeHyun stay in the hospital. What help would he have done then.

Yeah i do think she tend to overeact sometimes. But i think it's a part of the character. But i really cannot stand doctors being emotional. The writers need to overview this coz you cannot put on the script every single emotional scene you need to cry. Like Ha Yoon she tend to cry constantly when something emotional happens. Seriously doctors are not that weak. I'm sure doctors have encountered a lot of emotional scenes when their being an intern so less crying. There are a lot of scenes doesn't required tears. Only the facial impression a person can tell that you're really sorry and emotional...But this is my view in this^haha^

no offence to anyone, i love this drama no matter what.

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from my viewpoint, they tend to be emotional because they're just 1st year resident doctors. that's unlike those who stayed longer. as you see Hyesoo easily told Jinsang to give up and declare time of death, but Jinsang kept doing CPR. i also think the lawyer part of Hayoon is also working that's why she gets too emotional at times.

i thinks it's not good to see doctors aloft when a person dies as well.. they must at least look sad.. :(

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i am analyzing KJE's character...i think her character is rather difficult to play as i find her sometimes annoying and sometimes, "yeah she is right."

being a lawyer and a doctor at the same time would be very difficult for her. when she became a lawyer, she has the prejudice on doctors, because of what happened to her father. who knows her father was just like one of the patients in the hospital she is in. it could her father's fate was similar to that Pancreatic Cancer patient, or could be like that one with brain dead patient. she tends to become a lawyer (or a judge) giving conclusion right away and verdict for that matter when a colleague did malpractice. and she is being a doctor when she is siding a doctor's decision which she finds appropriate.

i know KJE should not be crying on too emotional part, but i think she sympathizes a lot on every patient as she had had her own experience of losing a loved one. that part, she is being a HUMAN...she is neither a doctor nor a lawyer.

in time she will get numbed of all the emotions in the hospital.

some of us here may cry easily and some may not. consider Jung Ha Yoon as one of those people watching this drama who easily cry...like me...

i literally sobbed in epi 5 and 6.

comparing this to SURGEON BONG DAL HEE...i think that series focused a lot really on the character of Lee Bum Soo...and not on the interns...and eventually his love affair with one of them...

while here in GH 2...they focused more on the 1st year residents...it is more like seeing what their learning process is in becoming a doctor in their specialization..

and just like anyone new in the field, they are being TOO IDEALISTIC...THEY THINK THEY CAN CHANGE THE WORLD.

i do not expect Dr. Kim Do Hoon and Dr. Han Ki Tae to be dominating the series as Dr. Kim already had his moments when they aired GH 1.

MBC must re-release GH 1 so that those who are clamoring more to know about Dr. Kim and Dr. Han's story can understand better why they are only on the supporting cast and not on the lead-role cast. Dr. Kim was once a resident...and that was in GH 1.

GH 2 is presenting a different group of 1st year residents, thus the story focused more on them.

and some of us are reacting how these doctors are dealing with their experiences in their first year as though we have been residents ourselves.

i believe the writers of this series interviewed real doctors and how was their 1st year as residents...

the PD must direct and interpret well the writer's script so that these actors can realistically play their parts. that is why PD's are DIRECTORS...THEY DIRECT the flow of the STORY and ACTING of the ACTORS.

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is Han Gi Tae also part of GH1?? :P

NOPE...hehe...but Dr.Kim was. :sweatingbullets:

anyway, i finished epi 6 and i think KJE's character is unveiling now.

i am really looking forward the point she will have to choose between being a doctor or a lawyer.

her conversation with Dr. Kim at the final scene of epi 6 was really full of wisdom which somehow she has to contemplate.

and i can already tell some scenes in episode 5 and 6 KJE was already nursing her broken heart, and guess the drama part of GH 2 helped her cry over the pain she was experiencing.

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I agree with some of you that Jung Ha Yoon is quite a complicated character. She has her own qualms about doctors being over-passionate in the profession, and somehow she herself is gradually falling into that category. The conflict of her having to choose whether to maintain a doctor's position or to stand on the patients' side is actually a very fresh aspect, one that I haven't seen in many medical dramas. Altho I'm still a bit iffy on KJE's take on some of her scenes (somewhat too emotional whether she's angry or sad), I'm more apt to think that it's KJE's one of a kind portrayal on such a character (or probably because the actor herself has been going thru a tough period after her break-up with LSJ?). Trying to cut her some slack... ^^

On the other hand, I really like the development of Jin Sang's character. He always gets the troublesome patients, but at the same time, they're the ones who leave the biggest impact and impression. I hope this time Jin Sang will have a chance to prove himself... it's fun seeing him trip and topple, but yet, seeing him maintain the passion and enthusiasm he has for the profession despite all the setbacks is definitely one to watch out for...

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Guest bbarb27

cant wait to see what happens to ha yoon's father then we can judge whether KJE is really being overly emotional or it will justify the way she is portaying ha yoon. i think also that ep 5 and 6 is well written very emotional i hope we can see a happy ending for a patient soon since the last episodes the pt's have been dying although there are lessons learned by our doctors or residents it would be nice to see then smiling this time because they are able to send a patient home.

i hope they let us meet jin sang's mother...

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I agree with some of you that Jung Ha Yoon is quite a complicated character. She has her own qualms about doctors being over-passionate in the profession, and somehow she herself is gradually falling into that category. The conflict of her having to choose whether to maintain a doctor's position or to stand on the patients' side is actually a very fresh aspect, one that I haven't seen in many medical dramas. Altho I'm still a bit iffy on KJE's take on some of her scenes (somewhat too emotional whether she's angry or sad), I'm more apt to think that it's KJE's one of a kind portrayal on such a character (or probably because the actor herself has been going thru a tough period after her break-up with LSJ?). Trying to cut her some slack... ^^

On the other hand, I really like the development of Jin Sang's character. He always gets the troublesome patients, but at the same time, they're the ones who leave the biggest impact and impression. I hope this time Jin Sang will have a chance to prove himself... it's fun seeing him trip and topple, but yet, seeing him maintain the passion and enthusiasm he has for the profession despite all the setbacks is definitely one to watch out for...

Agreeing that KJE is too emotional in some of Dr Jung scenes especially when she got angry or got into an argument with Dr Kim... .she got sooooo.. teary, to me it is so unneccesary.

KJE is capable of doing better than that.

Maybe her pte life is affecting her..if so, certainly she had alot to learn from others like jnr Han Ji Hye who did so well professionally in her drama & gone on to win an award after her breakup from LDG.

I will prefer KJE played out Dr Jung role more gusty & less weepy.. it is irking me abit now.

There are also criteria in selection of trainee Drs .. it is not comforting to patients to have Drs getting too emotional at all.

Indeed, Dr Choi's blurred character can be a disaster in hospital, but we noticed he does have a way with relating with patients and indeed he is quite a delight to watch handling his ups & downs.

I do enjoys Dr Baek interaction & caring scene with Dr Jung and hope it will develop further.

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I will prefer KJE played out Dr Jung role more gusty & less weepy.. it is irking me abit now.

There are also criteria in selection of trainee Drs .. it is not comforting to patients to have Drs getting too emotional at all.

Indeed, Dr Choi's blurred character can be a disaster in hospital, but we noticed he does have a way with relating with patients and indeed he is quite a delight to watch handling his ups & downs.

I do enjoys Dr Baek interaction & caring scene with Dr Jung and hope it will develop further.

Yeah, Ha Yoon tends to tear up most of the time, and it somehow shows how susceptible she is in front of failure, or patients dying in front of her. But I think it has something to do with the history of her father succumbing to a erroneous diagnosis and treatment in the past, hence making her somewhat more vulnerable. As I have said before, her character is very complicated. She has to weigh priorities most of the time, and altho more oftenly she thinks on behalf of the patients and wants to stand on their sides, I sometimes find her leaning more towards the profession. Perhaps she is still struggling on where to stand, and that internal conflict, of having to choose sides is tearing her apart. (of course the tears can be omitted, but even I teared up watching the scenes on TV. We will never know how difficult it is when faced with the real situation. Doctors are humans after all.) Hopefully she will learn how to be tougher and stronger in the upcoming episodes... and perhaps she can learn a lesson or two from Dr. Kim and even Jin Sang, who exhibits more heart when dealing with patients in spite of his "jin sang" style...

I also liked Baek's interactions with Jung.. and also the nurse and Eun Ji fighting over Jin Sang! :lol: Can't believe that 2 pretty girls are actually in love with him... hahaha..

My most fav scene in Ep 6 was the scene of Kang Myung Hwan's father thanking Jin Sang for having not given up on his daughter. It's probably not very realistic (as if I were the father, I'd totally blame the doctors for not taking good care of the patient)... but watching that scene was really heartwrenching for me. :tears: I was afraid everybody would point fingers at Jin Sang...but I felt glad that he thanked Jin Sang for at least trying his best. That's what I like about Jin Sang.. he is mischievous, sometimes lazy, and more often, full of complaints.. but at least he treats his patients with heart and compassion. That's what makes him kinda similar to Dr. Kim I guess... one who tries his best to understand a patient's pain... and lastly, tries everything possible to save one's life.

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I guess the characters, well lead characters that is, they are just starters in this field. So through the drama, we can or able to see how they grow from that. What are the process they have to go through and the like. And it also makes it harder with sunbaes watching your every move and looking for every mistake that one will make.

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i wonder if in real life i would choose a doctor like Dr. Kim and JS because of their good rapport with patient, or with Dr. Han and HY or HW because of their skills and ability?

we have seen Dr. Kim being a sort of liability in the hospital. good thing the last patient who died didn't file a lawsuit. in reality that family will file a lawsuit to get money from the hospital as a compensation for the loss. JS to my opinion is gradually leaning towards Dr. Kim's footsteps. he too will become a liability if he will not be cautious with his action and will keep that JS Style.

if i were a patient i would choose Dr. Han for his ability because my life is at stake when i am on the operating table.

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hey does anyone know the song when Kim surgeon takes out the liver, kidney and all that out of the woman in episode 6 and that also comes out before that scene too when Cha Tae Hyun and the other dude was talking to the Grandfather of that woman that dies? There's like a instrumental version and a version where the singer (guy) sings it.. So if anyone knows at least the singer or song title that would be great.. It has a piano in it.. haha thats all I know

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Guest marvie_carl

i already finished the epi 5 & 6...

and the episode 7 now is really exciting..

i think jung ha yoon will reveal her true character in the series...

i can't wait to see it.. lol...







i like this nurse and doctor staff...



especially this doctor.. he's cute... lol


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Gosh. I can't get well updated in this drama anymore because I watch all the wed-thu line up of the 3 networks and they are all equally good to me so I can't choose which one to watch first or the like. Unlike for the mon-tue lineup that I have my most fave,fave and least fave... so I know which one to prioritize. ugh...

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