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Do You Bring Something With You To The Bathroom?

Guest ephemeral.

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Guest dysphorique

I used to bring my cellphone with me and play Tetris on it, haha! My dad used to force me to watch Chinese shows on tv with him, but I ended up pretending I needed to go toilet and just sat there playing Tetris until the show ended /o/

Or text people, but no one texts me now ;-; it's so awkward when they ask "what you doing" when I'm texting on the toilet, loool. I have to make something up.

I stopped bringing my cellphone into the bathroom when I got my latest one, I was scared it'd fall into the bowl, haha. No one texts me these days, either. They also tend to distract me from 'focusing' on my.. pushing, looool.

I'd bring my itouch but I don't want that falling into the toilet either! ><

When I get bored I grab the shampoo bottles and start reading them..

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Usually either a magazine or a book.

Only when I'm doing a #2 though, I don't think bringing anything in to do a #1 is necessary. haha

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Guest MR. LEE'S

no, why would i? i only bring my towel, haha but sometimes i bring along my phone if i'm texting someone at that time. it depends.

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I usually brought my laptop with me to the bathroom, so I can play my itune playlist while showering, but only when my parent are not around (it gets awkward). It makes showering more enjoyable.

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Guest awesooome

Hehe, I used to bring my cell phone or iPod with me, so I could listen to music when I took showers... But my speakers got busted. It was too steamy in the bathroom. That was a stupid move. <_<

I usually bring whatever I'm working on, like homework, or a book, with me to the bathroom. Hehe. :P

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Guest snowolb


When I was younger I used to take my Gameboy color with me to the bathroom to play Pokemon Gold.

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Guest DailyMelody

Most of the time It's only me and my phone hanging out on the toilet.

But when It's an emergency I grab a magazine.

So when I grab a magazine and disappear; you know It's on.

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Guest MangaPanda

I always bring my ipod touch with me to the bathroom. Or a magazine..whichever I can grab first ^^.

I never bring my cellphone with me.. I find it awkward to pick up the phone while I'm busy doing #2 .__.

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Guest Frozy

Unfortunately, I never spend enough time doing my business in the bathroom to bring something in. My business, for some reason (but not a bad thing), is quite expedited. But I would love to bring my labtop if I ever do.

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Guest Nesquickboo

Normally I would just take my mp3 and sometimes my phone but I'm always scared to drop them in water or something...

I've never answered a phone on the toilet but I remember my auntie once telling me that her guy friend called her whilst having a #2, so gross...

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Guest coldfire-x

If I'm going to the public washrooms I bring my iPod because the silence in the public ones scare me. If I'm at home I sometimes bring my phone because I can play music and text.

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