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Worst Rejection/break Up Ever

Guest DarkAngelInLove

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Guest EHNerJI

man, i'd love to trade with most people here =.=;; LOL.

i don't really remember it LOL.

but something like, he asked if i still liked him?

and i didn't really, but i was like ehhh, might as well right? LOL.

so i said yeah .. and then idk..

he said something about how i'm stupid & rude ? O.o

& that's why no one likes me? LOLOL. i was like... oh.. errkay? x.x

yep. worst rejection ever (; well, more like.. worst random insult @.@

at least i didn't go out of my way to confess to him x:

if i liked him a lot that would've HURT SO MUCH.

but i laughed? LOL. he has some.. issues x:

he was bitter over a breakup X: that's why LOL.

so he took it out on me =.=;; when i tried to cheer him up,

he said that i make people feel crappy.. @.@

whoops. i kinda ranted a little LOL. he was a JERK.

ew i topped a page T_________T;; LOL.

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Guest yasmie

Me: "Join my guild?"

Female player: "No"


Me: "accept mission"

NPC: "Request denied"


Me: "Dark templar plz"

Executor: "You have not enough minerals"


LOL <3

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Guest pinkpetals-

oooh, this was my best friend's break up from back in grade seven.

it was so harsh o_o. she was so mad she wouldn't even cry about it.

they were going out for like, the whole school year then during summer vacation her ex got his best bud to tell her in an email saying something along the lines of,

"_______ doesn't wanna go out with you anymore. it's over. HAHAHAHA"

suprisingly, she's now friends with the guy who did the breaking up.

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Guest luppie

On the phone

Me: "So you want a break up?"

Ex: "No"

Me: "Then why'd you stop talking to me so often."

Ex: "I duno."

Me: "So do you want to break up?"

Ex: "YES"

-call ends-

Was a painful break up =\ took about half a year to get over him (like stop crying and stop reminiscing). Up till now it's been about a year, he's already gotten a new girl like since 2 wks after we broke up, though he tells me she's not loving him as much as I did (haha sucker)

Sad to say I'm still waiting for the day he would come back to me. Maybe cos i'm too used to him, iuno.. kinda miss being attached xD

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Guest jhayanne_agassi

during my college years, i used to go out with this hot varsity player of our university,i know there are a lot of girls who likes him and i've heard a couple of rumors that he's a douchebag and a total womanizer but i am so stupid and so inlove with him that i don't believe those rumors,for me the important thing is that im going out with a hottie and im so inlove with him...a few months later my cousin told me that he saw my douchebag ex bf snoozing around with another girl to his friends house who by the way we used to hang out,at first i have doubts if its true since my douchebag ex bf told me that he was on the gym but my woman instinct prevailed so i went to his friends house and right on the spot i saw him kissing the girl...the worse thing was he broke up with me in front of the girl,telling me that he doesn't love me anymore blahblahblah,i was so angry i couldn't even cry,what i did was i slapped him on the face...it takes me a year to recover but when i think about it now i just smile,no hard feelings anymore :)

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Guest junkers

^ dang took you a year to recover. i feel so sorry yall girls have to go through the the breakup. took me 1 month max for me to recover from my worst break-up but then im a guy.

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Guest iExotic

Well not sure if it was the worst rejection, but it was really bad for me. Like it was about 3 weeks before sadies, and i really liked this guy a lot. An year before that me and him were literally like best friends until some girl named Jane pops in and takes him away. Well anyways, I went to church with my friends,looking very nice and I felt confident that he would say yes. I had a very cute cake from paris baguette, and on the cake it said "sadies?" So I was waiting inside a dark room holding the cake with candles on it lit up. And my friends bring him in, and he walks in the door&I was looking at the floor and I look up at him and smile and go "Will you go to sadies with me?" and he looks at me then at the cake. Gives a little laugh, and goes I can't and leaves the room with me hanging holding the cake. (My friends just ate the cake in front of me while I was crying, kind of pathetic but yeah ) I felt really hurt. But later on he gives me a call saying that he went to boarding school and can't come out during the weekends. Luckily one of my guy friends didn't have a sadies date, so we ended up going together. =/

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Guest fast11375

Me: "Join my guild?"

Female player: "No"


Me: "accept mission"

NPC: "Request denied"


Me: "Dark templar plz"

Executor: "You have not enough minerals"


LOLOLOLOLOLOL you made my day.

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Guest eximius

I don't confess because I don't want to be rejected.

Pitiful and cowardice, but it's worked out swell for me.

My worst breakup isn't nearly as bad as some peoples, though.

Him: I think we need to go on a break.

And the next day? I see him holding hands with my best friend. >>;

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Guest iamneena

hurts too much to type out my worst breakup =[

maybe ill come back later and type it out<33

this probably isnt the worst rejection ever but its pretty funny to me >.<

im a big drinker and most of my friends know i have pretty high tolerance.. so one night i was meeting up with some friends at a bar.. and i went to a random gas station to buy cigarettes and i saw this guy i used to know in hs.. and since i havent seen him in awhile i gave him a hug and said hi and he asked for my number and wanted to hang out before he went off to the army the next week so i said ok gave him my number went my way.. at the bar i drank alot of alcohol.. shots of crown royal chased by soju haha woo anyways i was pretty drunk.. not that drunk but pretty drunk.. he calls me and asks me if im ok to drive blah blah which im not so we park my car at the gas station i saw him at because our friend was working there and said he'd watch my car.. he goes home and tells me to CALL HIM as soon as i get dropped off so he knows i can make it home safely.. go to some random persons house.. smoke some hookah get dropped off at gas station and i call him.. and since my friend works there he starts popping open 40's and feeding them to me.. so i get pretty frikkn drunk and the dude comes and takes me to a park.. and we had a bet i dont even remember what and he said winner gets a kiss and im like wtfrick and i lose and he insists i kiss him.. and i straight out went NO MEANS NO and put my hand on his mouth and pushed his head away.. it was pretty funny cuz i was drunk and he though i was being cute.. I WAS SO NOT BEING CUTE.. even though i was drunk HELL NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO i aint kissing no guy.. and i think after his 4th or 5th attempt to kiss me i was like HOLD UP FOOO I NEED TO YACK.. and went behind a tree and PRETENDED to yack.. spit a couple times came back and was like uhh im going home.. on the drive back to the gas station he goes on and on about how he can show me what a nice guy he is and he'll treat me well yadayadayada.. whatever get to my car he tells me to call him when i get home.. get home and KNOCKKK DAAAA john teshKKK OUTTTT havent returned his ims/calls/texts he went back to the army texts me alot saying he misses me.. whatever BOWLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLSHIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEETTTTTTTTTTTTTT

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Guest underneathHERskin

I fell for my close guy friend who I've known for years. I told him I had feelings for him and he said that's cool, but we should wait a bit first to make sure this is what we both want, don't want to want our friendship just for this. So I stupidly agreed and the couple of months after, all he did was tell me how I was his future, and how we have to patient and we'll build up our foundation first. I followed along and in the end, he didn't want to be with me.

Now, I think THAT is the worst rejection ever, a guy telling you he likes you too, but decides he doesn't in the end. Funny thing is, I'm going out with another guy at the moment and I think he likes me now... bleh

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Guest MizzprEEETy

It was 8 grade, when I really liked this guy. We always flirt and play around, and I thought that he probably like me too (I learned to never assume anything). Then one day, he pop out and has a gf=[ I was like WT, cause I never really see them talking that much, matter of fact, I didn't know that he knows her.

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Guest sujudbskmike

Now that I think back, I rejected a couple of guys... makes me feel bad haha~~

guy1: I like you.

me: Really?

guy1: Yeah... * smiles *

me: * smiles back *

guy1: So... are we going out now?

me: I didn't say I liked you back. * continues smiling *

guy2: I love you. Go out with me! * pleading voice *

me: Oh God no * runs away *

( on Valnetine's day )

guy3: Here * gives chocolate *

me: Here * gives chocolate back *

guy4: Would you go out with me?

me: * shakes head *

guy4: Oh. I see.

I got rejected once pretty badly. Of course, being all shy I decided to tell him online.

me: I like you...

him: Are you serious?

me: Yes, pretty much...

him: I'm sorry. * signs off *

I never talked to him again. xD

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Guest michilatte

I don't really think I know how to properly reject guys . . .

Him: Well, I like you.



Him: I think I've begun to like you

Me: No you haven't.

Him: I'm serious.

Me: Stop lying.


Him: Will you go out with me?

Me: Let me think about it

Him: Okay.

*after 5 minutes*

Me: I'm a lesbian.


In the third grade

Him: Let's go out

Me: Go away, you don't like yu-gi-oh.

And frankly, being rejected sucks too. karma, maybe?

With ex

Me: I still miss you.



Over AIM, because I'm just horribly shy like that.

Friend: She likes you


*two weeks later*

Me: So uhm, I think you already know that I like you.

Him: Yup.

Me: Any reaction?

Him: Nope.

me: T___T

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Guest AngelsWhisper

2 years relationship (although LD) and still going and I have never gotten a rejection or a break up and I hope it'll stay that way >___< The one I am with is really sweet and honest and I have a lot of memories with him.^^ It would really hurt if I see him hurt or if he tells me that he was pretending to love me, since he's the only one to love me this far.I'd shank my heart before I hear that. He's the only one for me...

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im always the one to suggest the break up .... but there was one time where i confessed to a guy back in middle school .... it went like this:

me: hey .... i know we dont know each other like that, but i have a crush on you. it's ok if you dont like me, i'd understand.


*few years later*

him: hey, did i see you on the bus today?

me: uh ... i think so? ... so that was you? O__o ..

him: ... hehe. you look pretty now. ^^

me: ...... *silence*


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Guest RawrRawr

I was only dumped once.

How did it go ?

Him: "Get out of the room. I never want to see you again."

Couple weeks later we hook up for sex.

Then before he leaves for the summer for China..

Him: "Well baby I like you, but just not enough to have a girlfriend yet... so maybe when I get back we'll see."

aka: Let me use you for sex.

Haha, I think being told they only want to use you to fck you is the worst. I'd rather take a flat-out rejection.

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Guest 小甜密

No guy has ever broken up with me before.

So guess who ends the relationship first??

However, I have one rejection.

T'was my first love. :/

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Me: "Join my guild?"

Female player: "No"


Me: "accept mission"

NPC: "Request denied"


Me: "Dark templar plz"

Executor: "You have not enough minerals"


You win man. You W.I.N.

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