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Worst Rejection/break Up Ever

Guest DarkAngelInLove

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Guest Sasami

I guess the worse rejection I had was actually came from my ex XD. It been over a year since we broke up but we remind good friends like we would talk on the phone almost everyweek for 2 hours or more and hang out once in every two week or so. I thought maybe there is a chance that we can get back. I kept talking to my friends about it that I will talk to him. I was scared of rejection so much....from him...I wrote a letter to him, but I just didn't know how to give it to him. So a few night later when I was on the phone with him, I nervously hinted and I can still remember what he said with his soft kind voice. "I have to be true to my feeling and I only see you as a friend now..." just ouch..wow I'm getting teary thinking about it lol. Afterward that awkward talk, I was getting a bit teary, but I played it off. We changed the subjects to a lighter note, but it was awkward..so awkward. WORSE REJECTION ever...but yet I still care for him XD, I'm so stupid.

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Guest daydreamin9


he broke up with me thru text after being together for an year and a half.

oh the joy of love.... -___-

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Guest suki_*

Me: "Join my guild?"

Female player: "No"


Me: "accept mission"

NPC: "Request denied"


Me: "Dark templar plz"

Executor: "You have not enough minerals"


hahahaha!!! best reply. EVER.

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Guest ChaeRinxx


oh man this is gonna be long.

here i'll put it in simple terms haha.


The guy i liked was going on "BREAK" with his

girl and he was pretty upset so i comforted him

and he started to like me. And i felt the same way.

Well they got back together, but he kept on leading

me on... And so he would dump her and come to me

but then leave me and go back to her. this happened like

3 times. yes i'm dumb i know. After the last time

i gave up and got over it.

and now he is paining because he misses me

Cause his girl is horrid to him.


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Guest bbyxwinnie

he told his friends he wanted to break up with me the day we went out (as in hanging out) but didnt have the nerve to tell me T__T;; and 2 or 3 days later he broke up with me on aim ._______. basically cause he liked this girl that told him his bag was open in the hallways at school. and shes older then him and has a boyfriend so yes. he got rejected. ;)

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Guest angelcadex

Indirect rejection. I couldn't bring myself to admit it to his face.

"What!? She's not a girl she's just <insert my name here>!" -_-

Oh, and not the worst, but definitely the most stupid.

My previous boyfriend broke up with me because he was egged on,

right in front of my face.

He was a mistake anyway :P

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Guest re.loaded

I hate indirect breakups, they're so annoying. -.-"

I found out my bf broke up with me by my friend.

Her cousin liked my bf so she was always trying to hit on him.

Oh well, at least they didn't get together. My ex fell in love w/ one of his childhood friends.

(Previous boyfriend)Shorter version:

I was on Maple Story and was thinking about visiting my bf.

So I logged onto another character and came to the town he was in and I found him talking to his ex.

He typed on 'all' (so everyone in the vicinity could hear) and was all "I love you too" to his ex.

Then I signed back onto my character, grilled him until he told the truth, and then he left me for his ex.

Funny thing is, that day was Thanksgiving.

I was balling like a crazy woman too, my parents thought I was PMSing badly. XDD

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Guest cheerydumdum

i emailed him my confession and he never replied until freakin two or three years later after he finally decided to check his old email account. D: i didnt know wut happened cuz he moved away and stuff.

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Guest kitcat

well my worst one should be that i went out with this guy for about 3 months...he told me he had an ex he went out for 5 years...i told him that we can still try it out but if he ever wants to go back to his ex to tell me streight out...

we had lots of fun for the 3 months we where together...but suddently he stoped talking to me for 2 weeks...i kinda knew he might of went back with his ex...i knew he was trying to tell me but didnt have the guts...but then one day he had the nerves to bring the ex to my work place (we work together) and tell my coworkers that she was just a friend when my coworkers perfectly knew she was his ex...so i went and ask him what he is doing...and he told me to talk another time...then me and my coworkers where gonna go oput and eat...and he decided to tag aglong with his ex...

it turned out that he went back with her at that time...but they broke up not long after....karma..but they r still friends now

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Guest EmpsTreenee

hm.. worst break up EVVVER was my first one. dated the dude for 5 months. and then he started asking for sex i said no. he started crying and threaten to kill himself. and after 4 times of THAT i stopped trying to talk him out of killing himself. so he went right on and start telling people how much of a wh#re i am. to this day he still glares whenever he sees me.

second worst break up. my most recent ex-bf. ----.---- which is basically the second serious one i've had. 2 years. 2 years!!! and i found out he had been cheating on me for 3 months. so i broke up with him nicely despite the anger and rage. and 2 hours later. he called me to get his gifts back ------.-------. i had a fun time imagine how he'd get ran over by a train.

worst rejection i've inflicted on someone else: coz this guy stalked me. like seriously stalking me. i was at a college and he can find me WHEREVER i go. and get my numbers and aim from my friends. so i told my parents about him. and they said that if he asks me out i have to have a phone in my hand to call the police if he did anything. coz he was kicked out of high school for carrying a knife. and he asked me out a few days ago at a bon fire. and i screamed threw sand at him and ran away. i mean ... he didnt do anything. i was just freaked out by wat my parents and friends said about him.

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Guest lovecrumbs

Hm.. let's see.

- He told me he liked me but i started to get really angry with him, yelled at him, then stopped talking to him. I didn't do it just to be mean, he was telling me his problems before hand and then told me that he actually liked me when he told me he liked someone else after I had helped him so much. However, we're friends again so it's no problem and it seems as if it never happened.

- I told him I had a boyfriend already

- "Do you want to go out with me?" "Huh? What do you mean?" *laughs* (like I didn't know what he was talking about)

Yeah, I know I'm mean.

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oh god.

mine was..my friend came up to me saying "....says your dumped" i felt crushed T_T and i just said okay. and i could hear my voice crack, it was like the worst day of my life. and the worst part of it all. was like, 3 days later.? he got with my friend! and they didnt even tell me which totally pissed me off since i still had feelings for him and that he was my first kiss.

and then!!! like 9 days later THEY BROKE UP. and i was soo pissed off. i kept thinking:

he dumped me for her and now they break up!?

but i found out when him and my friend were dating he still liked me xD

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Me and my ex from last year were on the ferris wheel at playland

and we were talking about "us". I wanted to get back

with him (how stupid was i?) and he said this "i really really like

you but right now i dont think i can handle a relationship. i just

want to have fun with my BOYS." then my eyes were all misty

and we just kissed. that was it. that summer he fell for some other girl.

man i swear, we should get our own tv show like laguna beach.

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Guest chalakchalak

Worst Breakup ever: After three years of dating, falling in love, and being happy, gradually and painfully...I fell out of love with him...and he started to love me even more.

Unless you've gone through this, you don't know how low it feels to fall out of love. Worst thing ever.

But...we're still friends...yay...

All the best,


ps- My friend made her boyfriend realize he was gay. I think that's pretty bad too.

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Guest Ukr_Ital_Traceour

Me: "Join my guild?"

Female player: "No"


Me: "accept mission"

NPC: "Request denied"


Me: "Dark templar plz"

Executor: "You have not enough minerals"


omg I laughed so hard haha.

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Guest koneko26

the worst break up ever for me....

i broke up with a guy on friday the 13th.

the worst and memorable was when me and my ex picked up our prom pictures at school.

the same day we picked it up; after school he broke up with me when he was walking me to my car.

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Guest 1oo4*

This one guy was like, "would you go out with me?"

and i'm just like O_O "go out with you? to where???!"

I've responded like that a couple of times, lol.

How is it bad tho?? Doesn't it prevent any ackwardness-after-rejection from happening? :ph34r:

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dis 1 mamii tell ME dat SHE 2 HOTTT 4 MEE..


1st all, NO WAI SHE 2 HOT FOR ME

2nd all, I 2 SEXII 4 HER

stupid grlz..

Umm, what? What does that mean exactly?

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Guest uh0hitzmissr0se

Umm, what? What does that mean exactly?

I think that dann is trying to say is that...

there was this girl that rejected him saying that she was too hot aka good for him && than he said..

1. there is no way she is too hot/good for him

2. he is too sexy/good for her anyways...

im pretty sure thats it..

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